Nutrition for the heart or how pomegranate affects blood pressure


The beneficial properties of pomegranate are determined by its composition. The main components of the juice are presented below:

  • B vitamins – needed for normal innervation and functioning of the central nervous system as a whole;
  • ascorbic acid – increases the body’s resistance against pathogenic microorganisms, strengthens vascular walls;
  • rutin – increases the strength and elasticity of veins and arteries;
  • vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, neutralizes the activity of free radicals, and has an oncoprotective effect;
  • mineral components (K, Mg, Na, Fe, Ca, Se, I, F and others) - iron is important for the hematopoietic organs, and potassium and magnesium strengthen the heart.

The note. Separately, it should be noted the content of polyphenolic substances: anthocyanins (give the red tint to the seed pulp) and ellagotinin (in the inner peel), which reduce the harmful effects of harmful radicals and the likelihood of cancer development. Therefore, it is not correct to consume only the juice and pulp, since all parts of the berry are useful.

What is the difference between hibiscus and pomegranate tea?

Hibiscus and pomegranate tea have similar taste qualities; similarities can be found even among their beneficial properties. However, these are different drinks, although they are both popular in Turkey. Hibiscus is a herbal tea that is produced from the peri-floral parts of the Sudanese rose, a plant belonging to the Hibiscus genus.

Thus, the main difference between these drinks is that they are made from completely different raw materials.

We also recommend reading a more detailed article about the difference between hibiscus and pomegranate tea.



Benefits of pomegranate

Eating pomegranate is beneficial for all people. Due to the high content of vitamins and microelements, there is an overall positive effect on the body.

Juice or fresh berries are especially valuable for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • hypertension;
  • anemia (due to low iron concentration);
  • atherosclerosis.

Regular consumption of pomegranate for therapeutic purposes is indicated for low immunity, diarrhea, fatigue, poor sleep and general exhaustion of the body.

Beneficial features

How does pomegranate affect the human body? As mentioned above, pomegranate lowers high blood pressure by removing excess fluid from the body.

Therefore, hypertensive patients should not be afraid of using this product. Eating pomegranate helps:

  • get rid of swelling;
  • improve the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system as a whole;
  • normalize blood viscosity;
  • get rid of the symptom of high blood pressure - headache;
  • strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • prevent the risk of developing thrombosis and atherosclerosis.

Regular use of pomegranate restores water-salt metabolism in the body. This is an essential factor for the full functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Chemical components

Speaking about the benefits of pomegranate, one cannot fail to mention the chemical elements and active compounds, the content of which makes the pomegranate fruit a real storehouse of health . For hypertensive patients, pomegranate is indispensable, as it contains:

  • B vitamins;
  • natural antioxidants;
  • a large amount of vitamin A;
  • iron and iodine;
  • calcium and potassium;
  • polyphenols.

And also read on our website: How honey affects a person’s blood pressure: increases or decreases, as well as its effect on blood vessels and the heart

Let's consider their effect on the body of a person suffering from hypertension

Substances Effect on the body
Microelements heals the cardiovascular system: improves the permeability of vascular walls, gives elasticity, blocks an increase in cholesterol levels
B vitamins help cope with nervous tension and stress,
Vitamin C improves immunity
Polyphenols support the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels
Potassium and calcium ensure stable heart function by regulating the functioning of the valves
Vitamin P increases elasticity and reduces the permeability of blood vessels

Pomegranate and pressure

Store-bought juices do not affect blood pressure

The juice of the berry contains many biologically active components that exhibit:

  • hypotensive;
  • antispasmodic;
  • immunostimulating;
  • diuretic;
  • hematopoietic enhancing effect.

Scientists have experimentally proven that with regular consumption of berries or juice up to 200 ml per day, blood pressure levels in hypertension decrease by an average of 13–15%. With normal or low blood pressure, a hypotensive effect is observed if pomegranate is eaten in very large quantities.

Fact. Only freshly squeezed juice can lower blood pressure. Long-term stored or pasteurized juices do not retain vitamins and other essential substances, so consuming it is beneficial, but will not affect blood pressure.

Due to the high content of ascorbic acid, vascular walls are strengthened, preventing the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques. Iron increases hemoglobin concentration and the formation of red blood cells, and magnesium and potassium are very important for the functioning of the heart muscles. All this causes compensation for a weakened cardiac impulse, which also has a positive effect on blood pressure.

Effect on blood pressure

People have long noticed that eating pomegranate or its juice can reduce high blood pressure . How can one justify its healing properties? Let us turn to the active properties that make the fruit the most effective folk remedy in the fight against hypertension.

  • Polyphenols included in pomegranate are capable of destroying fats that enter the body with food. This property allows you to resist cholesterol deposits and the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Due to this, the lumen of the vessels increases, therefore, blood circulates freely throughout the vessels and the entire system.
  • Pomegranate has the unique property of blocking the action of angiotensin-converting enzyme , which causes vasospasm. As a result, the performance of the heart improves, its rhythm normalizes, and the supply of nutrients and oxygen increases.
  • Pomegranate has a diuretic effect . This allows you to remove excess fluid from the body, reducing the volume of blood circulating throughout the body, which leads to a decrease in pressure. The high potassium content in pomegranate fruits easily replenishes its losses, which are lost with excess liquid.

All of these properties help fight hypertension. Therefore, we have sorted out the question: does pomegranate increase or decrease blood pressure? It remains to mention that pomegranate is not able to correct too high indicators, so it is used in combination with medications. On average, it can cope with small pressure surges, lowering their value by 10-20 units.

Based on the above, we can conclude: the use of pomegranate fruits or juice is not the main means of treating hypertension. Most often, pomegranate is used as a prophylactic.

Only freshly squeezed pomegranate juice has healing properties.


Pomegranate berries on a tree in the garden

Due to the high acidity of pomegranate juice, it, as well as the berries, should not be consumed by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that are caused by high acidity (ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis). Pomegranate has astringent properties, so it should be taken with caution by people suffering from constipation.

In some people, excessive consumption of pomegranate may cause heartburn and irritation of the mucous membranes of the inner surface of the stomach. Children under one year of age should not drink juice or eat red grains.

Note. The acidic environment of juice negatively affects tooth enamel, so it is better to drink the drink through a straw.

What kind of tea is this, its history

Turks are very fond of pomegranate tea, and it is often what tourists bring from vacation for tea at home. In this regard, this type of “souvenir” products is produced in Turkey on an industrial scale.

There are several varieties of this tea. This can be a tea leaf soaked in pomegranate juice, or a powder consisting of a soluble ground tea-pomegranate mixture. You can also buy packages with dried flowers of the plant; pomegranate peels are also used.

Not everyone knows, but Türkiye has its own tea plantations. The first attempts at growing tea were made in the last years of the 19th century. However, they were not successful.

Only in the 20s of the 20th century did Ataturk pass a law on the creation of new tea plantations on the eastern coast of the Black Sea near the city of Rize. This place is the birthplace of Turkish tea today.

Events at the beginning of the 20th century became a difficult stage in the history of the country. The Turks had to give up their favorite coffee because of its high cost. It was replaced by tea grown on Turkish soil, to which local residents began to add pomegranate (its juice). This combination of ingredients made it possible to obtain an amazing drink, which is currently ranked among the national ones.

Methods of use

Pomegranate juicer

A positive effect can only be achieved with regular use. To raise general tone, you can eat it several times a week as desired, but in order for a hypertensive patient to lower blood pressure levels by several points, you need to consume from 50 to 150 g of juice or 200–300 g of berries every day.

In order to maximize the absorption of all nutrients and not harm the stomach, it is recommended to mix it with fresh carrots in equal proportions, but it can also be mixed with other liquids, for example, the best option would be still mineral water.

The juice can be consumed in large quantities (up to 450 ml) only with high blood pressure. In case of anemia, reduced immunity or recovery from infectious diseases, the daily dose should not exceed 200 ml. Even hypotensive people can drink the drink in the indicated dosages and with one-time use it will not cause them any harm.

For those who find the juice too sugary or sour, it can be diluted with other natural drinks, for example, fresh carrots, cherries, apples or just water. It is best to consume some time before meals, but if you are sensitive to sour foods, it can be consumed during or after a meal. Methods of alternative medicine are indicated in the table.

Table. Traditional recipes for blood pressure:

NameIngredientsHow to make and drink

Cork tincture

Peels of three berries and 200 ml of boiling waterPlace in a thermos for several hours. Then use one tablespoon 3 times. per day for two weeks.

Alcohol extract

Dry crusts and internal bridges, ethyl alcohol (96%)Pour the crushed raw materials with ethanol and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. shaking occasionally. Consume 1 tbsp after meals. l. three times a day. Course duration is 2–3 weeks.


Dried peels (10 g), glass of waterKeep in a water bath for 30 minutes, then add 100 ml of boiling water, stir, turn off and let cool. Drink 50 ml half an hour before meals for a month. This recipe has a positive effect on the functioning of the excretory system and liver.

Note. Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice should be drunk immediately, because after twenty minutes it begins to lose its beneficial properties.

Greenfield pomegranate tea

Today in any supermarket you can buy different teas, the taste of which, as manufacturers claim, is original and multifaceted. One of them is Greenfield with pomegranate, or Greenfield Grand Fruit tea. It does not contain dried pomegranate flowers. It consists of black tea, hibiscus, rosemary, pomegranate peel and pomegranate flavoring, and not a word is said about the naturalness of the latter.

Reviews about this type of Greenfield are different, its rating ranges from 3 to 5 points on various sites. The cost of a package of 25 sachets is approximately 62-67 rubles.

It’s incredibly pleasant to sit in some cafe by the sea in Turkey and enjoy sweet and sour pomegranate tea in a traditional cup. However, you can enjoy this drink in your homeland. To do this, you just need to use one of the recipes given above.

How to drink juice when pregnant

Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice or seeds will bring maximum benefit.

At the beginning of the term, expectant mothers often experience toxicosis. Pomegranate juice diluted half in water will help cope with this condition. This will reduce nausea and vomiting. But when using it, extreme caution should be exercised, because frequent use can lower blood pressure, which will cause increased weakness and drowsiness.

Pomegranate juice is especially useful for anemia, so women with iron deficiency are advised to eat berries to prevent anemia. But if a pregnant woman has high blood pressure, then you should not treat yourself, but you should entrust the fight against hypotension to an experienced doctor.

Can it cause harm?

Despite all the benefits that pomegranate provides, its improper use can be harmful to health .

The main property of pomegranate is to lower high blood pressure. Hypotensive patients need to remember this.

Are there any contraindications?

Like any plant that has healing properties, pomegranate has contraindications for use. Here is a list of diseases in which it can cause exacerbations:

  • stomach diseases: gastritis and ulcers;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • weak tooth enamel;
  • enteritis;
  • children under 2 years of age;
  • chronic constipation;
  • haemorrhoids.


Pomegranate does not have many restrictions:

  1. Pomegranate juice should be used diluted in a 1:1 ratio for children aged 2 to 7 years.
  2. During pregnancy , you should drink pomegranate juice with caution , as it can lower blood pressure and increase the symptoms of weakness and drowsiness that often accompany women expecting a baby.

Pomegranate juice in large volumes is recommended for use only for the treatment of hypertension.

For hypotension

Hypotonic patients are not recommended to take pomegranate or its juice. For preventive purposes, they can use pomegranate juice no more than 50 ml per day and only in diluted form. In large quantities, pomegranate can reduce blood pressure monitor readings and aggravate an already difficult condition.

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