How does running affect blood pressure, and is it possible to run with hypertension?

Many people suffering from high blood pressure are sure that running is contraindicated for them, as is doing any other sport. However, doctors deny this: playing sports, including running, helps a person cope with the disease.

Sergei Berdnikov, a cardiologist and specialist in echocardiography and functional diagnostics at the European Medical Center, helped us figure out how to run without harming ourselves.

There is a statement that if a person constantly moves during the day, walks 5-6 km to do household chores, takes children or grandchildren to kindergartens and schools, then this load is absolutely enough for health. Unfortunately, this is the most common misconception.

Only periodic maintenance of a high pulse, achieved during sports activities, can improve the elasticity of the arteries, reduce the “stiffness” of the heart muscle, and reduce peripheral insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a metabolic disorder in which the concentration of glucose in the blood increases and a number of diseases flourish, problems with blood vessels and excess weight appear.

From the standpoint of evidence-based medicine, regular running is an effective tool for reducing and normalizing blood pressure and preventing diabetes.

Is it possible to run with high blood pressure?

It is possible and even necessary. Regular aerobic exercise has a beneficial effect on the course of arterial hypertension and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

The validity of this statement is confirmed by many studies. One of them belongs to Harvard University doctor Ralph Paffenbarger. The study included 17,000 men with similar demographic characteristics. It was found that those who lost less than 500 kcal per week during exercise had the highest mortality rate. Those who lost 500 to 1,000 calories per week during exercise had a 22% lower mortality rate.

The results of those who lost up to 3,500 kcal per week were even more impressive. Their mortality rate was 54% lower. In this case, intensive training included running, swimming, handball, cycling, and skiing.

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Physical activity is absolutely necessary for people with high blood pressure, but it is important not to overdo it. Activity should not lead to excessive strain on the body's resources. Abuse of training leads to the opposite result - general health worsens, systolic-diastolic blood pressure increases, and arrhythmogenic potential increases.

This statement is perfectly illustrated by another study from Harvard University, which compared the life expectancy of elite athletes, average athletes and those who did not play sports at all. It turned out that it is the untitled athletes who live longer.

Running and heart

Expert: Simon Matskeplishvili, cardiologist, professor and doctor of medical sciences

, author of numerous monographs and dissertations, heads cardiology at the University Clinic of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, member and professor of the International Academy of Sciences at the United Nations.

The heart is the most important and complex human organ. A person lives and feels through it. As a rule, despite the importance of this organ, people take little care of it. The heart is the engine that forces blood to move through hundreds of thousands of kilometers of blood vessels. The heart is a four-dimensional organ consisting of 4 chambers. The heart is a mechanical and electrical organ.

The effect of running on the heart

For normal heart function, a regular supply of oxygen is necessary. Increasing the flow of oxygen to the heart is possible through the flow of blood. During running, when the heart is working under load, the heart takes all the oxygen. In this situation, oxygen flow can be improved by either increasing the force of ejection or the frequency of contractions. It is very difficult for the heart to sharply increase the force of contractions if a person is not sufficiently trained, if he does not do this every day. An effective way to increase the flow of oxygen to the heart is to increase stroke volume. This requires daily training. This is how the heart's ability to contract increases.

If the heart is trained, it is capable of pumping out 100-120 milliliters of blood. This is a more efficient way to shorten. This way it becomes more trained. High-intensity training is beneficial as long as it is done regularly. Irregular intense training can negatively affect the functioning of the heart. In general, regular running exercises are good for your health. Running helps break down chronically high concentrations of adrenaline, which is a cell-killing hormone. Despite this, we must not forget that running is also a serious strain on joints, bones and ligaments.

Running and heart rate

It is important to keep your heart rate in mind while running. Very often, athletes wonder what is useful: running for an hour at a heart rate of 170 or three hours at 120? Both options are acceptable with the appropriate degree of training. Myocardial fibrosis often occurs in professional athletes. The most serious consequence of which is cardiac arrest. Excessive activity increases body temperature, sweat compensates for this load, but the body loses fluid and the blood thickens, causing blood clots to form. Runners also lose potassium and sodium from fluid loss. This leads to heart rhythm disturbances. Excessive running activity without appropriate preparation causes harm, manifested in impaired blood supply to the heart, dehydration, and internal overheating.

Running heart rate

The maximum heart rate is 220 beats per minute. Submaximal – 220 minus age. Accordingly, if you are, for example, 34 years old, your heart rate zones line up as follows:

  • Maximum permissible: 196-220;
  • For intense load: 196 - 15%;
  • For medium load: 165-196;
  • For a state of rest: individual low bar – 165.

The lower a person’s initial heart rate, the easier it is for him to train. It is better for beginner athletes to train in the first two zones (rest - medium load). Trained people usually have a low heart rate at rest.

Potassium for the heart

The body must compensate for any damage, otherwise a sudden load gives rise to micro-problems. Potassium is very important and beneficial for heart function. Potassium is found in dried fruits, bananas, black currants, watermelon, and potatoes.

Potassium is even more important than magnesium for heart function. Potassium does not accumulate in the body. Therefore, potassium-rich foods should be consumed regularly. You cannot accumulate potassium for future use. It is very important for joggers to replenish potassium reserves in the body.

Pressure and running

It's normal for your blood pressure to increase while running. It is important to remember that vasoconstrictors, when released into the bloodstream, can excessively increase blood pressure during running. These medications typically include medications for runny nose and nasal congestion.

A person who runs should undergo regular cardiovascular examinations. To achieve this, several types of research are carried out.

An electrocardiogram determines the impulses of the heart.

Echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart) determines the speed of blood flow and the degree of correct contraction of the heart. During such studies, heart problems that are incompatible with running may be identified. For example, hypertrophic cardiopathy, which often causes sudden death in athletes.

To get a complete picture of the condition of the heart, it is also necessary to take general and chemical blood tests and blood tests for sugar and cholesterol.

It is equally important to check the functioning of a person’s heart under load (on a bicycle or on a treadmill). Stress testing is an opportunity to find out the body’s abilities under reduced load.

During physical activity, it is checked how the heart behaves electrically when the pulse does not increase. Also, during physical activity, narrowing (atherocolorolytic plaques) can be observed. This means that certain areas of the heart do not contract. Eventually, the narrowing can rupture, forming a blood clot that impedes blood circulation. The most severe consequence of this process is a heart attack. In relation to sports, such testing determines how the body reacts to increased pressure and how quickly the pulse rises. The pulse should increase progressively.

Heart checks should be regular (once a year) after 45 years for men, and after 50-55 years for women.

Taking into account genetic predisposition when choosing the intensity of physical activity is no less important than regular medical examinations. Unfortunately, cases of sudden death during marathons are regularly recorded. Most deaths occur from arrhythmias, usually genetically determined. In athletes, the heart may be susceptible to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Symptoms: palpitations or severe dizziness. At this moment it is necessary to increase the pressure, to do this you should raise your legs up.

Bad habits and running

Bad habits and infections are conditions that negatively affect a person's condition during and after running. Of the bad habits, smoking has the most negative effect on the body.

Smoking is the worst disaster a person can do to themselves.

Nicotine causes a strong spasm - a strong effect on blood vessels. Of course, smoking has a negative effect on the blood vessels of any person; for joggers, it is an additional burden on the blood vessels and heart. It's never too late to quit smoking. Smoking any nicotine-containing substances (hookah, cigarettes) has a negative effect on blood vessels.

Infections are accompanied by fever or nasal congestion. Such conditions greatly impair the quality of running and increase the recovery period. You should first heal and then continue running.

At the finish line, many professional or amateur athletes use acceleration techniques to improve their results. Many people wonder: does sudden acceleration at the finish line have a negative effect on the heart? Sharp acceleration at the finish line for several minutes is not dangerous for the heart. After stopping the load, it is recommended to leave the slow load for a couple of minutes so that lactic acid continues to be eliminated. Lactic acid is the cause of prolonged fatigue after intense physical activity.

It is also worth remembering that leaving a sport is much more important than entering. It is not recommended to suddenly quit intense training. If you abruptly stop regular training, fibrosis of internal organs is irreversible.

Be healthy and exercise wisely!

What happens to blood pressure while running?

Exercise can increase blood pressure, but the effect is usually temporary - blood pressure should gradually return to normal after exercise.

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, a blood pressure of less than 120/80 mmHg is considered normal. These are systolic pressure (first number) and diastolic pressure (second number). Systolic blood pressure is a measure of the pressure in the blood vessels when the heart beats. Physical exercise increases it.

Diastolic blood pressure is a measure of the pressure in blood vessels between heartbeats. It should not change significantly during training. If it changes, consult your doctor.

It is difficult to say definitively what is considered healthy blood pressure after exercise, since blood pressure varies from case to case. A normal level for one person may be a sign of a problem for another.

However, in general, high blood pressure after a rest period of up to two hours after exercise includes any value above 140/90 mmHg, and low blood pressure after exercise includes any value below 90/60 mmHg.

How to start running with hypertension

The following tips will be useful to people who know for sure that they have high blood pressure, but decide to go jogging.

People suffering from hypertension who have not previously exercised should understand that they need to start small. The duration of the first lesson is no more than 10-15 minutes.

People with hypertension probably already have a tonometer at home - a device for measuring blood pressure. If not, it’s worth buying one, because it’s important to measure your blood pressure before running. It is generally accepted that blood pressure is above 160/100 mmHg. at rest is a contraindication for starting training.

To make your workouts not only safe, but also effective, you should also invest in a sports watch and a chest-mounted heart rate monitor to monitor your heart rate. They will help you train in safe heart rate zones and collect the necessary information about your training.

Before starting training, it is optimal to undergo testing on a treadmill with gas analysis and lactate determination - treadmill test. It allows you to individually calculate pulse zones and helps identify patients with coronary heart disease or heart failure for whom planned exercise may be contraindicated.

Is there a need for exercise if you have hypertension?

Hypertension occurs due to the narrowing of blood vessels and the appearance of oxygen starvation in the cells. Negative emotions, excess weight, bad habits and a sedentary lifestyle contribute to vasoconstriction, after which blood moves through the arteries at increased speed. This raises blood pressure and increases the production of adrenaline, which negatively affects the functioning of the body’s cardiac system.

Physical activity, including sports, household chores, and walking, allows blood vessels to expand naturally. The blood restores its usual pattern of movement, which stabilizes blood pressure. The maximum positive effect is achieved during physical activity with emphasis on the legs.

Almost 25% of all capillaries in the human body are concentrated in the lower extremities. When walking or running, the capillaries open almost completely and fill with oxygen. The leg muscles serve as a kind of cardiac motor, helping the heart pump blood at a reflex level. The energy costs of the heart are reduced, thereby stabilizing the condition of the hypertensive patient.

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Rules for running for hypertension and permissible loads

  • During initial training - the first 2-3 weeks - you should stick to jogging, that is, running at a slow pace at a low heart rate.
  • Training begins with a slight warm-up of the body muscles. This is not stretching, but dynamic light gymnastics. You can do squats, bends back and forth, and circular movements.
  • It is also important not to start the jog itself right from the entrance. It is recommended to walk briskly, then do a warm-up, and then start jogging.
  • After 2-3 weeks of regular training, it is permissible to increase the pace and duration of running. Over time, you can increase your running time to the optimum - this is 40-60 minutes per workout.
  • The number of workouts per week varies and depends on concomitant diseases and general physical fitness. It is unlikely that two workouts a week will be effective; it is advisable to train 3-5 times. Even if you can’t devote enough time to training, then 10-15 minutes of activity is preferable to no activity. And here it doesn’t matter what it will be - ellipse, bicycle, running or strength training with your own weight.
  • Remember that running always increases your appetite. But eat after your workout because running right after eating is not recommended. If you are very hungry, you can eat some fruit or drink tea with sugar to avoid stomach discomfort.

Read on topic: Running on an empty stomach

What else is important to know if you are just starting to run?

Before you start training, it is important to choose the right running shoes. Unfortunately, modern city residents are accustomed to very comfortable shoes that weaken the muscles of the feet, and many develop flat feet of varying severity.

For normal pronation, shoes will fit without any adjustments. If there are deviations from the norm, a correction is necessary to bring your pronation closer to normal. For this purpose, special compensating sole mechanisms are created. Their task is to protect the runner from injuries, unnecessary overexertion and make running more comfortable. Neglecting the choice of shoes and running technique leads to inflammation of the Achilles tendon, plantar fasciitis and a forced long break from sports activity.

You also need to purchase special clothing. It should be light and not hinder movement, protect from bad weather. If you have hypertension, avoid wearing overly warm clothes to avoid overheating. Thick sweaters and lined pants will make you uncomfortable during training, and overheating can lead to dehydration and cause blood pressure instability both during and after exercise.

If you are planning to take up running, we recommend reading this great guide for beginners: How to start running and not quit. In it we talk about the specifics of training, choosing clothes and shoes, nutrition, breathing and other nuances that will help you get the most benefit from running.

How does pressure change?

Pressure, depending on the load, can rise and fall. This is explained by the individual characteristics of each individual organism and the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Any physical activity accelerates blood flow, increases heart rate, and dilates blood vessels. As a result of this, adrenaline is formed, which is released into the blood, which in turn causes the cardiovascular system to work at an accelerated rate. Such changes cause a jump in blood pressure.

When you run, your heart rate increases and your heart increases in volume. Against this background, changes in pulse and blood pressure are noted. As a rule, pressure readings increase by an average of 20 mm. mercury column. In some cases, this mark can reach 80 mm. mercury column.

When you run, blood from the heart flows into the arteries, which increases blood pressure. This is absolutely not dangerous for the body of hypertensive patients, since the increased levels return to normal after a short time.

The duration of recovery after physical activity is individual for each patient. Physical activity is the most important factor in normalizing blood pressure. In addition, it acts as a preventive measure that reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Peripheral vessels dilate, resulting in easier work of the heart muscle and improved blood flow in the muscles. Since an increase in blood pressure during physical activity is inevitable, the cardiologist selects the type of exercise and its duration in such a way that it does not harm a person’s health or aggravate the degree of arterial hypertension.

For each hypertensive patient, physical activity should be selected individually. Experts recommend taking blood pressure measurements before and after running. If the indicators reach their norm after 10 minutes, this indicates that the load was selected correctly and will not cause any harm to health. If after 10 minutes. after completing the run, the indicators remain elevated, you should consult a cardiologist for additional advice.

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