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Dicynon for uterine bleeding In case of uterine bleeding, synthetic drugs are often prescribed that have a beneficial effect on the lining of the uterine cavity. Such a drug is dicinone. Its pharmacological properties include the following: the ability to activate the process of formation of the thromboplastin protein; normalizing blood clotting prevents the formation of blood clots. Dicynone is available in several forms: tablets, injections. This drug has proven its effectiveness in treating bleeding that is localized in small vessels. After taking dicinone (the dosage should be prescribed only by the attending physician), a woman will be able to feel the effect within a few hours. Repeated testing of this drug has shown that the highest results are achieved when taking tablets rather than intramuscular injections. To stop uterine bleeding, experts use the following regimen: two ampoules of dicinone are administered intravenously (can be intramuscularly), after which this drug is prescribed in tablet form every six hours. In order to prevent bleeding, the patient should take this drug orally, starting from the 5th day of the menstrual cycle.

Tranexam for uterine bleeding Tranexam is rightfully considered the first aid for uterine bleeding, since it can very quickly cope with this problem. This drug has a direct effect on the blood clotting process and directly affects plasminogen (inactive). Tranexam is now available in pharmacies, both in the form of tablets and in the form of injections (intramuscular). If moderate blood loss is observed, then tablets will be sufficient. When determining the dosage, the doctor must take into account the patient’s weight and the severity of the disease. Tranexam is often prescribed to prevent uterine bleeding, especially when preparing patients for surgical procedures.

Vikasol for uterine bleeding Vikasol is a synthetic medical drug that can replace vitamin K, which is important for women’s health, and is actively involved in the production of prothrombin. In the absence or insufficient amount of this vitamin, women develop bleeding. After taking Vikasol, patients experience relief only after 12-18 hours, which is why it is not used in emergency care. Despite this, many doctors often prescribe this drug in the complex treatment of uterine bleeding, as well as for preventive purposes. Vikasol is prescribed to pregnant women after the onset of the first contractions to prevent the development of bleeding, which may develop during the onset of the active phase of labor.

Etamsylate for uterine bleeding For menstrual bleeding, doctors often prescribe medications that can significantly reduce the volume of menstruation. A great effect is achieved when taking etamsylate, which has extensive pharmacological properties: it has the ability to stop bleeding; activates the processes responsible for blood clotting and the rate of platelet adhesion; increases the elasticity and stability of capillaries, etc. While taking etamsylate, patients do not experience internal discomfort, since this drug has a smooth effect on the female body. In the process of conducting numerous studies, it was revealed that ethamsylate does not cause sudden blood clotting, which prevents the formation of blood clots. It is prescribed for any type of bleeding, in particular uterine. Very often, etamsylate is included in the treatment program for heavy menstrual flow, as well as otolaryngological, dental and ophthalmological diseases. Oxytocin for uterine bleeding Oxytocin When uterine bleeding develops, the first action of a specialist is to prescribe a drug to the woman that can quickly provide the necessary assistance. Oxytocin, which has a selective effect on the uterus, can stop blood loss. After taking oxytocin, the female body experiences increased excitability of muscle fibers, against the background of which strong contractions begin. This drug can be prescribed both in tablet form and as intravenous injections. Ascorutin for uterine bleeding Ascorutin, which has been actively used in gynecology for many years, can provide real help to women suffering from heavy periods, often developing into uterine bleeding. This medicine contains the following main components: vitamin P (rutin) and ascorbic acid. Its direct effect on the female body is to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, preventing fragility and permeability of capillaries. With long-term use of ascorutin (the duration is determined by the attending physician), tissue regeneration occurs, and the protective functions of the female body are activated, capable of resisting any negative effects. Vikasol for uterine bleeding An effective synthetic drug that can replace and saturate the female body with vitamin K is Vikasol. This drug activates the process of prothrombin production, which has a direct effect on blood clotting. Despite the fact that Vikasol has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of uterine bleeding, its use should be very careful. Like any other hemostatic drug, Vicasol has contraindications, which include: thromboembolism and increased blood clotting. That is why self-administration of this drug is prohibited. All prescriptions must be given only by the attending physician. Etamzilat (injections) for uterine bleeding Etamzilat is a medical drug with hemostatic properties. While taking this drug, patients experience strengthening of blood vessels, an increase in platelet cells in the bone marrow, etc. After prescribing ethamsylate in women, the fragility of blood vessels is significantly reduced, and the level of ascorbic acid in the blood plasma is stabilized. When taking this drug, the effect is observed after 10-15 minutes. Having had a beneficial effect on the patient’s body, etamsylate begins to break down very quickly and is excreted during urination.

Aminocaproic acid for uterine bleeding Aminocaproic acid is a synthetic medical drug often used to stop uterine bleeding. Its prescription should only occur in a hospital, where doctors have the opportunity to regularly monitor the quality of patients’ blood through a laboratory test - a coagulogram. Aminocaproic acid can improve liver functionality and also inhibit the process of antibody formation.

Treatment of uterine bleeding

Posted at 15:24h in Services by doctor
Uterine bleeding is the discharge of blood from the vagina, characterized by abundance and duration. This pathological condition poses a danger to the life and health of a woman and is a sign of serious diseases of the reproductive system.

To save the patient, it is important to immediately provide her with first aid and find out the cause of the bleeding.

Natural bleeding from the vagina is called menstruation. Menstrual bleeding is characterized by cyclicity and repeats at regular intervals. The period between menstruation usually lasts 25–30 days.

Blood from the vagina should not be released longer than 8 days, otherwise we can talk about pathology. Menstrual irregularities are a reason to immediately consult a gynecologist. The doctor will find out the cause of the pathological phenomenon and help get rid of the disease at an early stage, before complications arise.

List of drugs

Means to stop bleeding


Vikasol is used in medical practice for bleeding caused by fractures, vitamin K deficiency associated with cirrhosis and hepatitis. Vikasol is recommended for uterine bleeding and menorrhagia.

According to the instructions for use, it is prohibited to use Vikasol if you are allergic to the ingredients of the solution or tablets. It is prohibited for hemophilia. Vikasol is not prescribed when there is a risk of thrombosis.

Vikasol price: from 20 rub.


The manufacturer produces Dicynon in the form of an injection solution and tablets. It is used to stop capillary, traumatic, dental, and pulmonary bleeding. The drug is used for intracranial hemorrhages and hemorrhagic syndrome. Dicinone is recommended for treatment by diabetics with heavy blood loss during menstruation.

Diagnosis of the causes of menorrhagia and metrorrhagia

The gynecologist determines the cause of bleeding based on test results and ultrasound.

  • A gynecological examination in a chair will show whether there is prolapse of the genital organs, neoplasms or erosion on the cervix. During pregnancy, cervical insufficiency is clearly visible. Also, already at this stage, injuries from the spiral, after sexual intercourse, etc. are visible;
  • Colposcopy. A gynecologist conducts an examination with a device equipped with magnifying glasses. Using a colposcope, internal pathologies of the cervix are identified, and the nature and stage of erosion is determined.
  • An ultrasound of the uterus will determine whether there are injuries, neoplasms, or inflammation of the female internal organs.
  • Smears for microflora and cytology show STI infections (STDs), precancerous conditions, and cancer.
  • A blood test for hormones will determine whether there is a hormonal imbalance.

If this is not enough, you will have to undergo an MRI (tomography) to obtain images of the organs in 3D format at high magnification.

Symptoms of the disease

If menstruation is accompanied by prolonged or heavy discharge or its duration increases, this indicates uterine bleeding. If there are no periods for more than 8 weeks, and then metrorrhagia begins (of varying intensity), then this is also a sign of the disease.

Uterine bleeding and its symptoms can be determined independently by the following indicators:

  • Prolonged bleeding, which can last for weeks;
  • Anemia, manifested in the form of headaches (cephalgia), dizziness, weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure;
  • Blood clots are present in large quantities in the uterine secretions;
  • Constant severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • Discharge of blood at the end of sexual intercourse.

These symptoms, as well as fainting, low blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, and pale skin are signs of uterine bleeding that should not be ignored.

First emergency aid before doctors arrive

Heavy bleeding from the vagina must be stopped or at least reduced before doctors arrive. This is a matter of life and death for a woman. In most cases, with proper first aid, bleeding stops, but in 15% of cases the pathological process ends in death.

Every woman should know how to help herself before the doctors arrive, what she can do and what she can’t do.
A sick woman, while waiting for doctors at home, should do the following:
  • lie on your back, remove the pillow from under your head;
  • place a high cushion made of towels or a blanket under your shins;
  • Place a cold water bottle or an ice-filled heating pad on your stomach;
  • drink cold still water.
It is strictly prohibited:
  • be in a standing and sitting position;
  • lie with your legs pressed to your stomach;
  • take a hot bath;
  • do douching;
  • put a heating pad on your stomach;
  • drink hot drinks;
  • take any medications.

Heavy periods: when to take hemostatic pills

Hemostatic tablets for heavy periods help cope with large amounts of discharge. However, you should not self-medicate; only a doctor can select the appropriate drug.

Read the popular article on the site: Menopause in women: symptoms, age-related characteristics, treatment with effective methods.

The menstrual cycle without pathological abnormalities should last no more than 7 days , and the amount of discharge should not exceed 80 ml per day. Anything that is released in excess of the norm is considered heavy menstruation.

Hemostatic pills for heavy periods - we will look at the best ones below

You can check the norm by the number of hygiene products used. It is necessary to change the pad 2-3 times a day; if this number increases and the hygiene product is changed every 2 hours, then we are talking about a deviation from the norm and the occurrence of heavy discharge.

Heavy periods are dangerous for a woman; the reasons for their occurrence may be associated with hormonal disorders and stress.

Therefore, it is necessary to take a hemostatic drug.

It is important to know! Medications for this purpose are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman, which can only be done by a specialist. Self-medication can cause the condition to worsen.


On the recommendation of a doctor, you can add medicinal herbs to drug treatment as additional drugs to stop uterine bleeding. These include:

  • Nettle: it contains a lot of vitamin C, which can strengthen blood vessels; increases uterine tone, improves coagulation;
  • Horsetail: helps stop bleeding;
  • Yarrow: used for prevention;
  • Knotweed: stops blood loss, restores reproductive functions.

Infusion therapy

Begin infusion therapy with the introduction of balanced salt solutions.

Important! If there are signs of ongoing bleeding or unstable hemostasis has been achieved, blood pressure should be maintained at the minimum acceptable level (SBP 80-100 mm Hg), i.e. infusion therapy should not be too aggressive. Blood transfusions are carried out if adequate infusion therapy fails to stabilize the patient’s hemodynamics (blood pressure, heart rate). Consider the need for blood transfusion:

– when the hemoglobin level decreases below 70 g/l. when bleeding has stopped;

– with ongoing bleeding, when hemoglobin is below 90-110 g/l.

In case of massive blood loss (more than 50-100% of the blood volume), transfusion treatment is carried out in accordance with the principles of “Hemostatic resuscitation”. It is believed that each dose of packed red blood cells (250-300 ml) increases hemoglobin levels by 10 g/l. Fresh frozen plasma is prescribed for clinically significant coagulopathy, including drug-induced coagulopathy (for example, the patient is receiving warfarin). And in case of massive blood loss (>50% of blood volume). If reliable hemostasis is achieved, there is no need to administer FFP even with significant blood loss (more than 30% of the blood volume). Dextrans (polyglucin, rheopolyglucin), hydroxyethyl starch (HES) solutions may increase bleeding and their use is not recommended.

Treatment with folk remedies

To stop and prevent uterine bleeding, you can use decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants. The most popular and effective folk recipes for stopping bleeding are listed below.

  • Infusion of yarrow . You need to take 2 teaspoons of dried plant material and pour a glass of boiling water. The solution is infused for about an hour, then filtered. The infusion is taken a quarter glass 4 times a day before meals.
  • Nettle decoction . Take a tablespoon of dried nettle leaves and pour a glass of boiling water. The solution is simmered over low heat for 10 minutes, then filtered. The prepared decoction is taken one tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
  • Infusion of shepherd's purse . Take a tablespoon of dried plant material and pour a glass of boiling water. The container with the solution is wrapped in a warm towel and left for an hour to infuse. The finished infusion is filtered and taken a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

It must be remembered that folk remedies cannot be a complete replacement for medications; they are used only as an addition to the main therapy.

Before using herbal remedies, you should definitely consult with a medical specialist to exclude intolerance to the medicinal plant and other contraindications.

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