Neck pain on the left side: causes of pain and what to do about it

Pathogenesis of neck pain on the left side

Pain can be caused by a variety of reasons. A symptom often indicates the presence of pathology and its progression or exacerbation. As a rule, pain in the left neck appears due to:

  • osteochondrosis in this part of the spinal column;
  • infectious processes (colds, etc.) that provoke inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck;
  • injuries to the muscles or ligaments of the neck;
  • pinched nerves with subsequent inflammation;
  • muscle spasms, which are provoked by high levels of stress, hypothermia, drafts, etc.

How often a person will experience neck pain depends on age and the specifics of their lifestyle and work. If you have a sedentary job, don't like walking, and don't exercise even minimally, you'll most likely experience discomfort in your neck more often.

Prevention methods

To prevent headaches, doctors have a number of recommendations that will help maintain the health of nerves and blood vessels. They should be performed from an early age to reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks, chronic diseases of the veins and arteries. These include:

  • giving up bad habits, including smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • regular physical activity;
  • nutritious nutrition with the addition of important vitamins and microelements to the daily diet;
  • wearing hats in the cold season, but they should not squeeze the head;
  • systematic monitoring of blood pressure, especially in the presence of hypertension;
  • adherence to a daily routine, proper sleep;
  • periodic examinations to detect hidden diseases of the heart and blood vessels, neoplasms.

The Clinical Brain Institute specializes in the treatment and diagnosis of headaches of various origins. Our center has modern equipment that makes it possible to conduct examinations of any level of complexity. Doctors are experienced specialists of a wide and narrow profile. They will select an individual treatment regimen, taking into account test results and other features.

Types of neck pain

To identify the causes of pain in the left neck and prescribe treatment, you need to pay attention to the nature of the pain, the frequency of its manifestation, as well as the conditions under which the pain intensifies. All this will help to more accurately determine the cause and undergo exactly those diagnostic measures that are needed in your case to confirm the disease.

Pain in left front

In this case, problems may be associated with inflammation of the pharynx, tonsils, and vocal cords, which leads to pain in the left side of the neck in front. If the process is bilateral, the same sensations will appear on the other side. In this situation, a person has symptoms associated with inflammation - sore throat, cough, fever, etc.

Pain in the left back of the neck

If pain appears in the left neck, the cause may lie in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The nature of the pain can be cutting, shooting, aching, but in any case, such a symptom will provide constant discomfort. The same sensations are provoked by a hernia in the cervical spine. Often the problem lies in spinal stenosis, which leads to a narrowing of the spinal canal. Most often, this disease affects the upper parts of the spine and can lead to compression of the spinal cord, nerve endings and subsequent disruption of the functioning of the upper extremities, numbness and severe pain.

Pain on the left side

The neck hurts on the left side for the same reasons as in the front and back. That is, pain syndrome can develop from hypothermia and muscle strain, as well as due to the development of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spinal column in the neck. Often a person receives neck injuries in this area; the pain can even be caused by turning the head too sharply.

Left and goes to the head

In this case, the problem may be the development of osteochondrosis, injury to neck structures, as well as circulatory disorders. If you feel pain that radiates to the back of your head, it is worth measuring your blood pressure, since a common cause of pain is its increase. With atherosclerosis of the vertebral artery, the symptoms are more or less identical. If the pain in the left neck is acute, the cause may lie in occipital neuralgia. In this case, very strong, even unbearable pain will “rise” from the neck to the head, temples, and eyes.

On the left side under the jaw

In this case, muscles may ache, but most often the problem is that the tonsils are inflamed, the person has developed pharyngitis or laryngitis, and there are also problems with the thyroid gland, inflammation of which is called thyroiditis


How does it manifest?

The first description of a headache appeared about 5 thousand years ago. The stabbing pain is sometimes compared to being struck by lightning or being pricked by a piece of ice. As a rule, it is sharp, sharp, piercing. This condition most often occurs in adults, but 3% of such problems are recorded in children.

In most cases, the pain is felt within 1 second, sometimes the attack lasts up to 10 seconds. There may be one “prick” or a whole series of “pricks”. The frequency of occurrence of painful sensations ranges from several hours to several days.

Most often, painful sensations are localized at one point:

in the temporal region; in the area of ​​the eye sockets; at the top of the head; in the back of the head; in the forehead area; behind the ear.

The injections may move from point to point within one half of the head or appear on the other side.

Causes of neck pain on the left side

It becomes clear that the area around the neck on the left can hurt for many reasons. It is worth learning more about each disease and determining the symptoms in order to roughly understand what triggered the development of pain and discomfort in the neck.

Osteoarthrosis and osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis manifests itself in the fact that the cartilage tissue of the spinal column gradually begins to deteriorate. The intervertebral discs become thinner, the distance between them decreases, and nerve roots are pinched. Osteoarthritis also affects the joints of the spinal column.

Neck muscle damage

One of the most common cases of neck pain is damage to muscle tissue. If you hit yourself or simply overstrain your muscles by being in a not very comfortable position for a long time, or get too cold, inflammation may begin, accompanied by pain and sometimes fever.


Most often, headaches can be controlled with the help of painkillers. But most patients again experience pain after a while, which negatively affects everyday life. In this case, only a specialist can help, who will help adjust the treatment therapy and eliminate the pain.

As a rule, there are no complications with headaches. They can become permanent, develop into a migraine, or spread to other parts of the body. To improve the prognosis, it is necessary to correctly determine the root cause and choose treatment.

Diagnosis of the disease

To understand what to do and how to treat if the neck on the left is very painful, first of all, the doctor needs to understand what caused the pain syndrome. It is not enough to relieve the condition by taking painkillers; you need to identify what the pain indicates and eliminate its cause. To determine the exact reasons you may need:

  • x-ray
  • Ultrasound;
  • MRI
  • general blood test, etc.

Based on the results of the diagnosis, the doctor will tell you why the neck hurts in the lower left and how to cope with this phenomenon in order not only to feel better, but also to eliminate the root cause.

What to do if a symptom occurs

As mentioned above, there are many reasons why pain on the left side of the head and eye may occur. However, you can’t just fight the symptom with painkillers. It is important to understand that pain is just a sign indicating a disorder in the body.

The first step is to identify the root cause of symptoms such as pain in the eye and head on the left side.

To do this, you need to visit a specialist who will help you correctly diagnose the body and then choose the right therapy. If the reason lies in colds, you need to visit an otolaryngologist who will prescribe antiviral drugs and antipyretics if necessary.

After the prescribed course of treatment, the patient should feel relief, pain in the head and eye area should disappear.

If there are problems with any part of the spine, you will need drugs with warming properties, this could be a patch with mustard or other drugs in the form of ointments and gels for external use. These methods treat the initial stages of pathology development. In cases where such therapy does not provide the desired relief, the specialist will prescribe injections and physiotherapy. Additionally, massage and physical therapy may be prescribed to improve blood flow, after which the headache disappears.

If painful manifestations are associated with migraine, you should visit a neurologist who will prescribe medications that restore normal vascular tone and normalize metabolic processes.

How to treat pain on the left side of the neck

Most often, treatment is needed in the presence of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system in the cervical region. Treatment of pain may include the use of lidocaine and novocaine, injections of which are otherwise called “blockade”. This is necessary when the pain intensifies to unbearable. In other cases, various medications, physiotherapy and medical procedures are prescribed that relieve pain and inflammation and are selected individually.


A nagging pain on the left side of the neck requires timely treatment, since otherwise the state of health will only worsen. Most likely, for pathologies of the structures of the musculoskeletal system, you will be prescribed:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which should reduce pain and stop inflammation;
  • muscle relaxants to relieve muscle spasms;
  • chondroprotectors that will stop degenerative processes in the joints;
  • drugs to normalize blood circulation;
  • Antidepressants, which will reduce anxiety and nervousness, will create a favorable basis for treatment.

Sometimes, when shooting pain appears on the left side of the neck, you need to use hormonal medications, as well as warming ointments that are applied to the collar area. If you have pain in the neck, do not delay visiting a specialist, make an appointment with a doctor.


Conservative therapy

Therapeutic tactics are determined taking into account the cause of the symptom. The basis is medicines, which in some cases are supplemented with non-drug methods:

  • Migraine
    . The attack is stopped with the help of non-narcotic analgesics and caffeine-containing drugs. Sometimes therapeutic blockades are performed. Very intense pain and prolonged attacks are indications for the use of triptans. For repeated vomiting, medications are administered subcutaneously, used in the form of sprays or rectal suppositories.
  • Cluster headache
    . To eliminate paroxysm, triptans are prescribed, oxygen inhalations are performed, and local anesthetics are applied to the nasal mucosa. As part of prevention, calcium channel blockers are recommended; in case of intolerance, antiepileptic drugs or glucocorticosteroids are recommended.
  • Paroxysmal hemicrania
    . The effectiveness of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, sometimes steroids, and calcium channel blockers is noted. Due to long-term use of painkillers, damage to the gastric mucosa is possible, so patients are additionally prescribed antacids and proton pump blockers.
  • Hypnic headache
    . There is no uniform treatment regimen. It is possible to use lithium and melatonin preparations, hypnotics, benzodiazepines, NSAIDs, steroids and caffeine-containing drugs.
  • Vertebrobasilar system syndrome
    . The treatment regimen includes medications with vascular, hypotensive and neuroprotective effects, anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, and antidepressants. Non-drug therapy includes hyperbaric oxygenation, exercise therapy, vestibular exercises, massage, post-isometric relaxation, and magnetic laser therapy.
  • Arachnoiditis
    . Anti-inflammatory, antiepileptic, absorbable, antiallergic and dehydration agents, metabolites, neuroprotectors, tranquilizers, and antidepressants can be prescribed.
  • ENT pathologies
    . Antibacterial therapy, antihistamines and vasoconstrictor medications, immunocorrectors, UHF, and diadynamic currents are indicated. For sinusitis, punctures and sinus evacuation are performed; for mastoiditis, paracentesis of the tympanic membrane is performed.


Patients with primary cephalgia do not require surgery. Surgical techniques can be used in the following cases:

  • Insufficiency of vertebrobasilar blood flow
    : carotid-subclavian bypass, endarterectomy.
  • Brain tumor
    : removal of a tumor using microsurgical techniques or stereotactic radiosurgery methods, shunt operations for hydrocephalus.
  • Diseases of the ENT organs
    : open and endoscopic maxillary sinusotomy or frontotomy, mastoidotomy, sanitizing and general cavity interventions on the middle ear.
  • Spinal lesions
    : laser vaporization, microdiscectomy, interbody fusion, fixation with cages.
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