Increased VChP cannot be determined by external signs
Neurologist at SM-Clinic spoke about intracranial pressure
Why is pressure inside the skull necessary, why can it be elevated and how does the indicator correlate?
The blood pressure of a hypertensive patient has dropped: why does this happen and what to do in this case?
Symptoms A sign of a decrease in indicators may be cold hands of the patient. High blood pressure causes characteristic
Who should not take ACE inhibitors?
ACE inhibitors – drugs that lower blood pressure
Arterial hypertension is the most common cardiovascular pathology, affecting about 40% of the adult population
Hydroxycarbamide - a medicine for anemia
Hematocrit: norm by age, reasons for increased and decreased values
Hematocrit - what is it, what does it depend on? Hematocrit analysis provides data on the ratio
how to prevent high blood pressure
What is really dangerous about high blood pressure (arterial hypertension)
Increased blood pressure can otherwise be called arterial hypertension. Arterial hypertension occurs for a long time without
Andipal: a remedy for pain and vascular spasms
Medicines for high blood pressure are in widespread demand not only in our country. Today's hypertension
Corinfar, 100 pcs., 10 mg, extended-release film-coated tablets
Pharmacological properties of the drug Corinfar Calcium antagonist of the 1,4-dihydropyridine group. Blocks the transmembrane entry of calcium ions through
Nosebleeds: causes, symptoms, treatment methods
Nosebleeds are a common disease of the ENT organs, which is the leakage of blood from the vessels of the nose into
Does green tea raise or lower blood pressure?
Green tea increases or decreases blood pressure, benefits and harms
Much has been said about the beneficial properties of green tea, but in recent years its miraculous abilities have been too exaggerated.
Hypertonic disease
Arterial hypertension 2 degrees: features of the course, causes of development and characteristic signs
Stage 3 hypertension is a disease characterized by a persistent increase in blood pressure and is a consequence
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