Green tea increases or decreases blood pressure, benefits and harms

Much has been said about the beneficial properties of green tea, but in recent years its miraculous abilities have been too exaggerated. One of the most common myths is that green tea is most beneficial for hypertension. Dr. Alexander Yuryevich Shishonin tells in detail how things really are.

Alexander Shishonin is a cardiologist specializing in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system of the body. Dr. Shishonin pays special attention to hypertension, atherosclerosis, bone and joint disorders. Having been in medicine for more than 10 years, Alexander Yuryevich proved his competence with his deeds. Among his achievements are effective methods for lowering blood pressure and restoring the musculoskeletal system.

How did green tea first appear?

Based on legend, tea was first discovered by a Chinese traveler almost 3500 thousand years BC. He wandered the world in search of healing herbs with a cauldron in which he heated liquid for infusions, and somehow tea inflorescences suddenly appeared in the container. The product invigorated, energized and gradually began to spread throughout Asia. Previously, it was used for medicinal purposes, but over time, tea ceremonies were organized for meetings with friends. New types of products and unique methods of processing tea appeared - for example, the leaves were fried with rice. In some countries, green tea is not only consumed in liquid form, but also added to food. Russia is in 4th place after China, India and Turkey in the use of tea. The product has a large number of valuable characteristics, since there is no multi-stage processing. The leaves are collected, dried, rolled and the oxidation process is quickly stopped, without bringing it to the state of black tea.

Does green tea raise or lower blood pressure?

Many people are interested in whether green tea increases or decreases blood pressure ?
In this article we will examine this issue in detail.

Tea to normalize blood pressure. Top best teas to normalize blood pressure

Health problems associated with high or low blood pressure (BP) are a common phenomenon of modern life. Moreover, these diseases today affect not only older people, but also many representatives of the younger generation. This is due to frequent stress at work, domestic troubles, bad habits, poor environment and other negative factors.

Even by a person’s appearance one can guess the nature of the illness that is plaguing him. A red, swollen face, nosebleeds, sweating, and irritability indicate hypertension (high blood pressure).

Pale skin, lethargy, apathy, depression, indifference to everything around you are signs of hypotension (low blood pressure). Of course, you can normalize blood pressure with the help of medications, but people with such problems also need to monitor their diet and the fluid they consume.

This article will discuss the effect of tea, one of the most popular drinks all over the world, on blood pressure levels.

Black tea

There is an opinion about this drink, beloved by all residents of our country, that it increases blood pressure. This prejudiced attitude has been strengthened in people's minds since Soviet times. At that time, Georgian, Indian or Ceylon tea of ​​very low quality could be purchased in stores. Therefore, in an effort to achieve at least some aroma, more tea leaves were put into the teapot.

The result was a drink stronger than usual, which could actually lead to an increase in blood pressure. In addition, every Russian is well acquainted with the term “chifir”. After consuming this highly concentrated brewed tea, mainly common in places of detention, blood pressure not only increases, but exceeds all permissible standards.

Why is this happening?

An increase in blood pressure occurs due to the fact that the blood vessels narrow and the pressure of the blood flow on their walls increases. The heart has to pump blood more intensely. In hypertension, the vessels generally appear as thin tubes due to depletion and loss of elasticity of their walls.

Therefore, the main medications for hypertensive patients are vasodilators. In turn, a decrease in blood pressure is caused by the fact that the blood vessels are in a dilated state, which is why the rate of blood circulation in the body slows down.

Useful qualities of the drink

The product includes many useful qualities. The most common of them is considered to be antioxidant. Thanks to this, it affects the entire body. Frequent use improves skin quality and general condition. For colds and general poor health, green tea removes harmful compounds from the body, improving metabolism. The product also has an anti-inflammatory effect. It gives energy, eliminates apathy and depression, and relieves sleepiness. Therefore, it is extremely useful to consume it in the morning. Iodine and fluorine present in the composition neutralize heavy metal salts. The diuretic property of the drink eliminates swelling and removes excess water from the body, making the course of diseases of the genitourinary system easier. What inexpensive tablets can be found for high blood pressure, but are effective ? A free way is to drink green tea. It has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. In small doses, it reduces blood pressure in those who suffer from hypertension, and also reduces the risk of fatty plaques forming on blood vessels, increasing the strength of vascular walls. Iced green tea increases or decreases blood pressure – we’ll find out further.

Use of fruit for hypertension

There are also other healthy recipes that can help lower your blood pressure. Some of the most popular include the following:

Eating lemon along with rose hips and cranberries is also considered effective. To prepare the medicinal composition, you need to mix 50 grams of berry fruits and one fruit along with the peel. Everything is thoroughly ground in a meat grinder. Add honey to the resulting mass.

The recommended daily dose is one tablespoon in the morning, during lunch and in the evening.

Is green tea harmful?

In large dosages, tea is harmful, especially to people with high blood pressure or those who are prone to nervous system agitation. You should drink no more than 6 cups of tea without sugar per day.

Theine, the caffeine in tea, has a stimulating effect, so you shouldn’t drink a lot of liquid at night: you may experience insomnia. Polypherols contained in the product suppress liver function in large dosages. Excessive amounts of tea lead to migraines, dizziness and shaking of the limbs.

beneficial properties of green tea

Rules for drinking the drink for hypertensive patients

Doctors note that hypertensive patients need to consume about 1.3 liters of fluid per day. But it is also important to take into account liquid soups and juices. Hypertensive patients are not recommended to drink more than 2 cups of tea per day.

Many people know that bergamot has the property of lowering blood pressure, but in store-bought tea the taste of bergamot is achieved due to the flavorings in the composition. Therefore, you should not expect your blood pressure to drop due to this ingredient.

It is also recommended to buy only large-leaf tea, and rinse the leaves in warm water before drinking. In this way, some alkaloids are already neutralized. Also, the effect of caffeine can be mitigated with milk, that is, you can drink tea with it.

Of course, if a person has hypertension, and the blood pressure is currently elevated, then it is better not to drink tea. This can have a detrimental effect on your general condition. Especially at night, you should not drink the drink, as insomnia and excessive excitability may occur. At the same time, hypotensive people with low blood pressure need a cup of strong drink with sugar or honey.

Use of green tea in medicine

The benefits of green tea have been officially proven in medicine. For example, when studying radiation therapy, it was found that adding polypherols from green tea 30 minutes before the session greatly reduces its effectiveness. Green tea increases the body's resistance to various radiations and combines free radicals, which are considered one of the causes of premature wear and tear of the body. The multi-component effect of substances from the drink on cancer cells has been proven. It blunts their spread and destroys cancer cells. But no medicines based on green tea extracts have yet been developed. For now, the extract is used as part of other medications. Patients with high blood pressure and heart disease felt better when they used dietary supplements with green tea extract in their food. Tea reduces blood sugar levels, which is beneficial for the health of diabetics.

The product is also actively used in cosmetology as extracts in masks and creams. At home, wipe the face with liquid, this removes inflammation, dryness and age spots.

Substances in green tea that affect blood pressure

The product contains substances whose effects on blood pressure are strongly pronounced - caffeine and catechin. The first is considered one of the main elements present in the product. It contains much more caffeine than coffee. This drink helps to invigorate the nervous system, so people suffering from central nervous system diseases may experience difficulty sleeping and impotence for no apparent reason. You should not drink green tea before going to bed - insomnia will certainly appear. So, does green tea raise or lower blood pressure ?
It is contraindicated for people with increased heart rate and high nervous agitation. But the polyphenol catechin has other qualities. It is also present in the drink and is one of the valuable components. It is what tones up the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, improves blood flow and maintains the desired blood consistency, which prevents the occurrence of fatal blood clots.

Subtleties of processing

Many consumers believe that the black tea we are used to and the green tea that has recently arrived in our culture are collected from different plants. In fact, the evergreen camellia sinensis produces leaves. To make our culprit, its leaves are subject to oxidation, or more simply put, fermentation. After this procedure, the color is fixed in special devices called tea fixers. The result is a sheet of natural pale color, giving a shade of green.

Processing of tea leaves occurs in the open air in a natural way. The paint changes over time and the result is a natural product with an assortment of useful substances, the concentration of which increases.

How does green tea affect blood pressure?

Does hot green tea raise blood pressure or lower it ? It is catechins that gently lower blood pressure, so the drink can be considered a productive remedy in the treatment of hypertension: it improves blood circulation, widens blood vessels, relieves migraines and ringing in the head. There is a feeling of lightness. Often, hypertensive patients who have suffered from the disease for many years note that frequent consumption of green tea improves their condition and normalizes blood pressure.

Green tea increases or decreases blood pressure , the answers in our article. The most effective natural remedy that normalizes blood pressure in hypertension is the drug Tonosil. It is created on the basis of organic substances. This is one of the few remedies in Russia that actually improves blood pressure, protects hematopoietic vessels and is safe for health, since it is made only from natural substances.

effect of green tea on blood pressure

Also, frequent consumption of green tea greatly improves vascular flexibility and lowers blood cholesterol. All this reduces the risk of cardiac collapse. Let's give an example - the Japanese, who rank first in the use of green tea, and last in high blood pressure. If you suffer from high blood pressure, you are unlikely to be able to improve your condition with just one cup. It is better to consume up to 5 cups per day. Thus, the main effect of green tea on blood pressure is to reduce blood pressure and stabilize it.

What blood pressure is considered normal?

The result of measuring pressure is two digits. The first is systolic pressure (at the moment when the heart contracts and pushes blood into the arteries). The second number is diastolic pressure (it is minimal and corresponds to the moment when the heart is relaxed). The absolute norm is considered to be 120/80 mmHg. Art., but for each person its own meaning will be normal. The individual norm depends on many factors, for example, weight and age. Also, stress, recent consumption of coffee or large amounts of liquid, overwork, physical activity, and other factors may affect the measurement results (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. What pressure is considered elevated. Source: MedPortal

Low blood pressure is considered to be below 90/60 mmHg. Art., elevated - if the values ​​rise above 140/90 mm Hg. Art. These conditions manifest themselves in different ways.

Hypotension (low blood pressure) may cause the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • decreased concentration;
  • deterioration of vision (everything becomes faded, blurry).

Hypertension (high blood pressure) may have the following symptoms:

  • headaches, pain behind the sternum, in the heart area;
  • shortness of breath (especially during physical exertion);
  • dizziness;
  • nosebleeds;
  • nausea, vomiting.

Important! With both hypertension and hypotension, there may be no symptoms for a long time. Therefore, it is better to periodically monitor your blood pressure by measuring it with a tonometer.

Tips for taking green tea

Now you know whether strong green tea increases or decreases blood pressure . You should not self-medicate and drink uncontrollably. A couple of glasses a day is enough for all the healing qualities to manifest themselves. Also, do not forget that green tea increases the acidity of gastric juice, so you should not drink it on an empty stomach. Take green tea with caution if you have joint pain. People with acute hypertension should not indulge in green tea. In particular, you should not drink strong drinks before going to bed. Before drinking a cup of green tea, measure your blood pressure. And never leave already prepared tea for later. Only a freshly brewed drink has benefits.

Does green oolong tea raise or lower blood pressure - we've given the answer. It is necessary to maintain the golden mean and not use green tea as a panacea for all diseases. It should be pleasant and tasty and be an addition to the main therapy that the doctor should prescribe. In persistent situations of increased blood pressure, consult your doctor for advice and appropriate research.


Despite the beneficial properties of lemon, there are a number of significant contraindications in which the use of this fruit is undesirable.

The main ones:

  • peptic ulcer and gastritis in the acute stage;
  • increased acidity;
  • predisposition to the development of an allergic reaction to the fetus;
  • Individual intolerance to citrus fruits.

During the period of remission of certain pathological conditions, consult a medical specialist before taking lemon to increase or decrease blood pressure. You can eat no more than two small citrus fruits per day.

However, you should not abuse this product, since its excessive amount negatively affects not only the organs of the digestive system, but also tooth enamel.

Garlic-lemon mixture is prohibited:

  • renal failure;
  • Epileptic seizures;
  • stroke or heart attack;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • anemia;
  • arterial hypertension of the second or third stage;
  • Breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • Severe obesity;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • acute hemorrhoids.

You should also remember that self-medication of hypertension or hypotension with lemon is not recommended. To prevent negative consequences, consult a specialist before using citrus fruits for medicinal purposes.

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