The effect of sea buckthorn on blood pressure: methods of use, benefits and harms


Last modified: August 21, 2021 at 01:14 am

Sea buckthorn is a popularly known medicinal product that is used to treat various diseases and pathologies. The fruits of the plant are a storehouse of useful substances that bring invaluable benefits to the body. Their healing properties include the ability to influence blood pressure and the functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole. How does sea buckthorn work against pressure, and what rules for using this remedy should you remember?

Composition of sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn as a medicinal plant has been successfully used in folk medicine for many years. This popularity of the crop is explained, first of all, by the multifaceted and balanced composition of the berries, which is represented by a complex of active biological components and minerals.

Of the vitamins contained in fruits, the most valuable for the human body are:

  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B9) : take part in cellular metabolism, normalize the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, improve health, promote normal metabolism;
  • A : accelerates the growth of new cells, plays an important role in the formation of bone and dental tissue, slows down the aging process;
  • E : activates regenerative processes in cells, prevents premature aging of the body, takes part in the synthesis of many important hormones;
  • C : strengthens the immune system, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, activates the body's protective functions, helps fight viruses and infections;
  • P : maintains the elasticity and firmness of capillaries, serves as a preventive measure for the development of sclerotic lesions, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all internal organs;
  • K : reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis, helps absorb calcium, takes part in metabolic processes, promotes rapid wound healing and cell restoration.

In addition, sea buckthorn contains:

  • calcium : takes part in the formation of the skeleton, strengthens bone and muscle tissue, participates in many vital processes occurring in the body;
  • iron : provides tissues and all internal organs with oxygen, improves blood condition, takes part in the process of hematopoiesis;
  • potassium : has a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, regulates water balance and heart rate;
  • magnesium : participates in many biological processes, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, reduces nervous excitability, takes part in blood clotting processes;
  • sulfur : regulates vital processes, participates in the production of many enzymes, maintains healthy bone tissue, normalizes the functioning of the digestive system;
  • boron : takes part in the metabolism of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, activates brain activity, serves as a prevention of osteoporosis, increases vitality;
  • aluminum : participates in cell regeneration processes, maintains the strength of skeletal bones, has a beneficial effect on the function of the parathyroid gland.

The composition of the berries is supplemented with unsaturated fatty acids, tannins, organic acids, antioxidants and phytoncides, which, together with vitamins and mineral components, have an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, restorative, tonic, and immunostimulating effect.

Composition and healing properties

Sea buckthorn is an unpretentious plant that can grow in any conditions. The plant got its name because its branches are densely covered with bright orange berries. To treat diseases, you can use not only fruits, but also other parts of the plant, since each of them has special properties:

  • the bark contains tanning components, alkaloids, serotonin, which help with all types of bleeding, promote tissue regeneration and heal wounds;
  • the leaves contain tannin and vitamin C, due to which recipes using them have an anti-inflammatory effect, activate the immune system and protect liver cells from negative factors;
  • Sea buckthorn seeds contain B vitamins, tannins, carotene and fatty oils, so they can be used for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract as a laxative and as a general tonic;
  • The flowers of the plant are widely used in the beauty industry to soften and rejuvenate the skin.

Sea buckthorn berries contain the most useful substances - they contain vitamins and provitamins, organic acids, glucose and some types of natural antibiotics. This is a strong natural antioxidant that removes free radicals from the body and prevents aging processes. Berries have a positive effect on metabolic processes, increase immunity and protect the body from vitamin deficiency.

Tip: sea buckthorn contains more vitamin C than citrus fruits, so for diseases caused by a deficiency of this substance, it is better to use the fruits of this plant.

The effect of sea buckthorn on blood pressure

Juice, decoctions, extracts and various extracts from the fruit are successfully used for the treatment and prevention of many ailments. Sea buckthorn products are particularly effective on the nervous and cardiovascular systems and help normalize blood pressure. As you know, the main causes of pressure surges are blockage of the arteries of the heart and brain.

  • Sea buckthorn does not cure the disease itself, but due to its high antioxidant properties it allows:
  • improve the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • make the vessels more flexible, thereby making them less susceptible to negative factors that cause pressure surges;
  • strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • regulate heart rate;
  • restore damaged capillaries.

In addition, surges in blood pressure are greatly influenced by stress, psycho-emotional and nervous tension . Sea buckthorn raw materials contain a number of vitamins, micro- and macroelements that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and help fight the destructive effects of stress. Thus, berries are not able to increase or decrease blood pressure, but they have the ability to get rid of the causes of arterial surges, improve the functioning of the cardiac and nervous system, increase brain activity, and reduce the consequences of hypotension or hypertension.

Important! With regular consumption of decoctions or infusions from the plant, positive changes in health are noted, however, this occurs due to the strengthening, thickening and cleansing of blood vessels, improving their nutrition.

Experts advise hypertensive patients to take sea buckthorn remedies, first of all, in order to strengthen blood vessels, clear them of plaque, increase elasticity, and thereby improve blood circulation. For hypotensive people, the use of sea buckthorn will be useful in that the product will be able to improve the functioning of the nervous system and will act as a general tonic for the whole body.

In addition to the beneficial effect on the heart muscle, the fruits protect the body from premature aging, remove toxins and harmful substances, neutralize the effects of free radicals, and normalize the functioning of internal organs, in particular the kidneys and liver.

Rules for use for blood pressure problems

Before using sea buckthorn for medicinal purposes, it is always worth finding out what is causing your blood pressure problems in the body and then consult your doctor whether it can be used as a medicinal remedy or not. Like any folk remedy, if used incorrectly and without knowledge of all the properties of the plant, it can significantly aggravate the situation.

For hypotension

If we talk about low blood pressure, then this is a direct contraindication to the use of sea buckthorn in the preparation of medicines. It should also be remembered that in principle it is prohibited to use any medications based on this component. But there are exceptions here too.

As for sea buckthorn juice or jam, consuming small amounts will not harm people with hypotension, but it is better to monitor your blood pressure status.

It is better not to eat such foods if a person has the following deviations:

  • dizziness;
  • General weakness;
  • nausea.

It is dangerous for such people to eat sea buckthorn or berry products if there is currently a drop in blood pressure. If this rule is not taken into account, it may decrease even further, which will worsen the patient’s well-being. However, if the pressure is slightly higher than normal, a dish with sea buckthorn will be a good remedy for atherosclerosis and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

For hypertension

If a person suffers from hypertension for a long time, the condition of blood vessels in the body worsens. As a result, their walls become fragile, which leads to the formation of microcracks, which the body tries to repair with cholesterol plaques. Since this ingredient is always in circulation by the veins, the plates will adhere to the cracks, narrowing the light until completely blocked.

Note: Sociostnik contains beta-sitosterol in their composition. If you use it regularly, the cholesterol in the body will decrease, which will prevent the formation of obstructions in the blood vessels. However, this substance is useful as a preventive agent against overpressure crisis, heart attack and brain damage.

Cooling sea is used on blood pressure due to the presence of complex vitamins and macroelements in it. Component B1 primarily affects the nervous system responsible for the heart, as well as smooth muscles. B2 promotes the production of red blood cells and the formation of antibodies, and also has a positive effect on blood vessels and skin flexibility.

Nicotine and folic acids help the body absorb foods and stimulate the immune system and circulatory function. Flavonoids and vitamin C can reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries and blood vessels. The routine contained in berries helps slow down the process of consequences.

Sociostnik contains such useful elements as:

  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium.

Almost each of them plays a role in regulating heart contractions by maintaining electrolyte balance and nerve impulse transmission. The complex of these elements also influences the mitigation of contractions of the walls of blood vessels and their weakening. The plant will be especially beneficial if used correctly along with drugs.

Directions for use and dosage

As noted above, sea buckthorn itself and remedies made from it are not capable of increasing or decreasing blood pressure, but they have a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and capillaries, strengthening and restoring them, which has a positive effect on the condition of the human body with hypertension and hypotension. But in order to maximize the benefits of the product, you need to know in what form to take the berries and in what dosage.

Did you know? Among vegetables and fruits, sea buckthorn berries are the leader in vitamin E content. At the same time, the vitamin is in its most active form in fruits, which makes the use of the product effective for maintaining youthful skin.


Sea buckthorn juice is considered one of the most effective remedies for high blood pressure.

Its preparation comes down to following simple steps:

  1. Rinse the raw sea buckthorn thoroughly, drain in a colander, and dry.
  2. Boil 1 liter of water and add 1 kg of washed berries to it.
  3. Boil the sea buckthorn for 3 minutes, drain again in a colander.
  4. Rub the raw materials through a sieve.
  5. Add sugar to the water in which the berries were boiled and cook a thick syrup.
  6. When the syrup has cooled, add sea buckthorn puree to it.
  7. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil, roll into sterilized glass containers.

According to the recipe described above, it is recommended to drink 1 tbsp. l. three times a day, before meals. For high blood pressure, the course of treatment should be long, at least one month. Next, you should take a two-week break, after which you can resume therapy.

You will be interested to read how black and red currants affect blood pressure.

To prepare a fresh portion of juice, it is recommended to grind 1 kg of berries in a juicer, filter and drink 50 ml daily in the morning, lunch and evening. Due to its pronounced diuretic effect, the drink can quickly reduce blood pressure. But you shouldn’t expect a miracle from it, since a lasting positive effect is possible only after a course of taking the juice.


An alcohol infusion from the leaves and branches of the plant also helps normalize blood pressure by strengthening the walls of blood vessels, improving blood circulation, and cleansing capillaries. It is recommended to drink ½ tsp of alcohol tincture. After dinner. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Prepare it this way:

  1. Wash the leaves and shoots of the crop well.
  2. Take 2 tbsp. l. raw materials and pour 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil.
  3. Add 0.5 liters of vodka to the broth and leave in a dark place for 7–10 days.
  4. Filter the infusion.


A decoction of sea buckthorn bark is effective for high blood pressure.

Important! A decoction of sea buckthorn leaves and branches has the ability to quickly lower blood pressure. That is why it should not be used by people with hypotension. With high blood pressure, it is better to replace the decoction with juice.

To prepare it, you should:

  1. Cut the dried bark into small pieces with a knife.
  2. Bring 1 liter of water to a boil in a saucepan, add 2 tbsp. l. crushed bark.
  3. Cook the mixture for 30 minutes. Let it brew until it cools completely.
  4. Filter the finished broth.
  5. It is recommended to take ½ cup of sea buckthorn decoction every day.

Sea buckthorn oil

Another healing remedy for pressure surges is sea buckthorn oil. The product is available for sale in pharmacies, but can be easily made at home.

For this:

  1. Wash the sea buckthorn berries, dry them, chop them and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Place the resulting cake in a glass container, pour in unrefined olive oil, in the ratio of 3 cups of raw material to 0.5 liters of oil.
  3. Seal the container tightly and place in a dry, dark and cool place for 10 days.
  4. After the specified time, filter the mass.

Video: Preparation of sea buckthorn oil from cake

To strengthen blood vessels and normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, you need to drink 1 tbsp of oil. l. daily for 14 days. After this, it is recommended to take a break of 30 days and repeat the treatment.

Find out about the benefits and harms of sea buckthorn juice.

Preparation for the winter

A natural “blood pressure regulator” can be pre-prepared for the winter.

There are several ways to do this:

  • freeze the berries in the freezer;
  • make oil from fruits;
  • make preserves or jams;
  • prepare sea buckthorn honey;
  • grind the berries with sugar.

One of the most common methods of preparing fruits for the winter is the preparation of sea buckthorn puree with sugar. The puree can be eaten as an independent delicacy or made into tea, drinks, jelly, etc.

The step-by-step recipe is as follows:

  1. Rinse the berries and dry them a little on a towel.
  2. Grind the fruits through a sieve.
  3. Add sugar to the resulting mixture, based on 1 kg of berries - 0.8–1 kg of granulated sugar.
  4. Heat the sea buckthorn-sugar mass to +70°C, then package it in glass containers.
  5. Pasteurize the jars in boiling water for 20 minutes.
  6. Roll up the containers with metal lids.

Recipes with sea buckthorn for high blood pressure

To prepare drugs, in the presence of these or other disorders, a person must have some skills, because if Sea Buckthin is used incorrectly, negative consequences can be incapable. Also, be sure to consult your doctor before using this berry.

Berry infusion

Because Rokitnik contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins, people have long used it to prepare effective infusions.

The following items are needed to make one of these:

  • Dried sea buckthorn leaves mixed with branches and bark (2 tablespoons);
  • Half a liter of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the dried mixture and place on the stove. A container with a drink, you need to cover it with a lid. Once the water is back to a boil, you can turn off the heat and let the mixture sit for at least one hour.

Every day you should drink 180 grams of tincture. The entire volume of the prepared mixture can be divided 3 times. This treatment lasts one month. Since the leaves of this plant, unlike berries, do not have a dye in their composition, they cannot induce allergies. Therefore, the measure to lower blood pressure is allowed for use by pregnant women.

Sea buckthorn with sugar

Bluerry Sartery berries will prove to be another good agent in the fight against high blood pressure. The required properties are due to ingredients such as ryboflawin, beta-sitosterol and rutin. They are able to indicate blood pressure and reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood.

1 kilogram of sugar will be needed to prepare the therapeutic agent and the same amount of fruit. At the beginning, the berries must be passed through a sieve and then passed through the meat machine. Then add powdered sugar, mix and place in containers. This folk center is used on one teaspoon with a small amount of hot water.

Sea buckthorn juice

To get rid of hypertension, you can use juice juice. This drink not only helps to effectively combat abnormalities, but also provides the body with necessary vitamins that will help strengthen its protective functions.

To prepare, it is worth passing the fruits through a juicer or blending them. To remove the skin, the liquid is passed through a gas. After this time, the juice can be consumed with added sugar depending on your own taste. Every day the patient should drink exactly the same amount of fluids as many grams as his weight in kilograms.

Sea buckthorn bark decoction

To prepare a decoction of sea buckthorn, take three tablespoons of berries, pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Then the liquid should be drained and strained. Drink the infusion instead of tea, two glasses a day after meals. This remedy helps to cope well with some gastrointestinal diseases. intestinal tract.


Sea buckthorn can not only have a positive effect on the body, but in some cases it can cause harm. In general, if the rules and dosages of use are followed, sea buckthorn can bring extreme benefits to the body.

  • Contraindications to the use of sea buckthorn products are:
  • individual intolerance;
  • genetic predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • any disease in the acute stage;
  • acute diseases of the digestive tract, in particular acute cholecystitis;
  • children under 3 years of age;
  • pancreatitis, peptic ulcer;
  • acute diarrhea, since the product has a laxative effect.

If you have problems with blood pressure while taking sea buckthorn products, you must follow several important rules:

  • Do not use the decoction if you have hypotension. It is better to replace the drink with berry juice or jam;
  • for hypertension, use the product for a long time, about one month, then take a break;
  • When taking, adhere to the indicated dosages, otherwise adverse reactions may occur in the form of nausea, headaches, vomiting, and rashes.

Did you know? Sea buckthorn berries are good for helping with hangovers. They remove toxins and intoxication products, improve fat metabolism and are able to quickly restore liver function after alcohol poisoning.

Sea buckthorn is a unique plant that has a wide range of useful mineral components and vitamins. It has a beneficial effect on all systems of the human body, helps prevent and stop the development of many ailments. Thanks to its high antioxidant properties and balanced chemical composition, the berry makes it possible to strengthen blood vessels, prevent their fragility, thereby normalizing blood pressure, and reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack several times.

Natural cure for hypertension

Hypertension is caused by many factors. Among them:

  • increased cholesterol levels;
  • any kidney pathology;
  • stressful situations, nervous overstrain;
  • fragility of the vascular system;
  • age-related changes.

Important! Excessive exercise also increases blood pressure. You should carefully monitor the state of your body when playing sports.

Hypertension itself is not fatal, but prolonged and frequent increases in blood pressure create fertile ground for the development of serious diseases. First of all, these include vascular diseases: the walls become brittle and crack. The body tries to repair the damage that has occurred and “seal” the wound with a cholesterol plaque. Over time, this leads to blockage of blood channels and the development of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and even myocardial infarction.

Important! Sea buckthorn for hypertension - lowers blood pressure, it is a universal remedy for eliminating the symptoms of the disease and removing the processes that provoke it.

First of all, it removes the problem of high cholesterol, does not allow it to settle in the form of plaques and improves vascular permeability. Such cleansing of the body helps normalize blood flow, which in turn reduces blood pressure.

When not to take sea buckthorn

Despite the fact that sea buckthorn for blood pressure is used quite often, do not forget that the product has contraindications in addition to hypotension. You should not use this medicinal plant in the following cases:

  • peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cholecystitis in the acute stage;
  • gastritis;
  • intolerance to product components;
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • pancreatitis;
  • dyspepsia.

In case of vegetative-vascular dystonia, you should also limit the use of this product - sea buckthorn can cause unwanted changes in blood pressure.

It is not at all necessary to lower blood pressure with the help of industrially produced medications. You can cope with the problem with the help of natural remedies, among which sea buckthorn occupies one of the leading positions. However, as before using any healing agent, it is a good idea to inform your doctor about your intention.

Impact on performance

So how does sea buckthorn affect the human body, does it increase or decrease blood pressure? It is incorrect to say that the fruits of the plant can relieve high blood pressure or cure hypertension. We can only note that regular consumption of berries can minimize the effects of high blood pressure, since sea buckthorn remedies are used not so much to lower blood pressure, but to strengthen blood vessels and increase their elasticity.

Due to the fact that sea buckthorn fruit does not increase blood pressure, hypotensive patients can use it only to strengthen the immune system.

To reduce your blood pressure to normal levels and regain a full life, you need to seek help not from herbal decoctions, but from medications. Only a highly qualified doctor can draw up a treatment plan.

Self-medication for problems with the cardiovascular system is strictly prohibited. You can think about the methods of traditional medicine as much as you like and analyze the stories of your hypertensive acquaintances about their benefits, but only on the way to the hospital.

Sea buckthorn decoctions, tinctures and teas can be an excellent addition to the list of antihypertensive drugs. Folk remedies activate the body's immune abilities and enhance the effect of synthetic drugs. However, sea buckthorn cannot be used as a primary treatment.

Beneficial features

Sea buckthorn strengthens blood vessels, improves heart function and has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. Berries remove excess fluid from the body, thereby influencing the normalization of blood pressure in hypertensive patients.

Regular use of plant-based products strengthens the nervous system and makes a person more resistant to stress. It is the negative impact of the external environment that in 80% of cases causes surges in blood pressure.

Sea buckthorn oil has a tonic, restorative and wound-healing effect. It strengthens damaged vascular walls and prevents a decrease in their elasticity due to natural aging of the body.

And also read on our website: How to quickly normalize blood pressure using folk remedies: simple and effective recipes


Sea buckthorn provides beneficial properties due to its unique composition. The bark contains serotonin, tannins and alkaloids. Fresh berries contain a large amount of vitamins B and P. The leaves contain folic acid, provitamin A and vitamin C. The seeds of the plant from which sea buckthorn oil is obtained are of great value.

Each of the microelements contained in sea buckthorn has its own effect on the body, but together they enhance each other’s effect:

vitamin C and P complex increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and normalizes blood flow through them

aka vitamin K

participates in blood clotting processes
vitamin B reduces the risk of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels
alkaloids normalize cardiac activity and reduce blood pressure
tannins cleanse blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques, relieve inflammation and remove toxins
serotonin contained in the fruits of the plant has a vasoconstrictor effect, participates in the regulation of blood pressure and body temperature
sodium strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents the flow of lymph into nearby tissues
potassium reduces the stiffness of artery walls and reduces calcium deposits on them
magnesium promotes relaxation of muscle fibers in blood vessels and reduces the speed of blood flow, normalizing blood pressure.
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