Does white wine raise or lower a person's blood pressure?

Hypertension is a disease caused by a narrowing of the intravascular lumen due to impaired blood flow or pathology occurring in the body.
If you do not pay attention to it for a long time, it is fraught with irreversible consequences that shorten your life by decades. They manifest themselves in the form of complications or deformation of the heart. Many people know that hypertensive symptoms can be eliminated by drinking wine, but is this really true information? Before using any antihypertensive drugs, you should consult a specialist.

Increases or decreases blood pressure

Red varieties of the drink are recommended for hypertensive patients. White wine, due to its low content of resveratrol, which cleanses blood vessels, does not lower blood pressure. And its effect on the body depends on the amount of drink, the individual characteristics of the body, age and many other factors.

With high blood pressure, a small portion of alcohol can temporarily reduce the tonometer readings. But when it enters the bloodstream, vasodilation and spasm occur. Blood pressure levels return to their previous levels.

Hypertensive patients should drink alcohol only in moderation.

In this case, white or red wine must be dry, vintage (high quality and without preservatives). A favorable dose is 40-60 ml of drink per day.

The effects of alcohol on the human body

Drinking any alcoholic beverages in an abnormal dose has a detrimental effect on the human body. At the time of admission, substances that relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure enter the body. After some time, the heart muscle begins to contract with redoubled force, as a result of which an increased amount of blood enters the heart chambers, causing an increase in intravascular parameters. This indicates the inadmissibility of drinking alcoholic beverages in the presence of hypertension.

Wine is the only drink allowed for hypertensive patients, but it must be real: without impurities, preservatives, and made from real grapes. It is best to make such products yourself, because only high-quality wine will be beneficial for the body.

Beneficial properties of the white variety

In terms of its qualities and effects on the body, white wine is inferior to red wine due to the lower content of beneficial microelements and the density of the consistency. But this drink has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the body as a whole, although it has disadvantages.

The benefits of dry white wineHarm
  • Unlike grape juice, white wine is a source of many microelements, vitamins (B, C, PP), and essential oils.
  • Organic acids contained in the drink improve digestion, normalize metabolism and the acidity of gastric juice.
  • High-quality white brands consist of 85% juice from the best grape varieties.
  • It is useful to drink during colds, as it has a detrimental effect on viruses, microbes, and bacteria.
  • A cold drink removes toxins from the body, so it is recommended for nausea and vomiting.
  • White varieties are useful for treating diseases of the bronchi and lungs. They are a good preventative against tuberculosis.
  • The drink can be used for cosmetic purposes, added to masks and used as a tonic. White wine helps improve complexion, restore collagen and elastin.
  • The drink improves memory, perception, thinking and serves as a prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
  • The drink contains antioxidants and substances that can burn excess fat.
  • Abuse of the drink inhibits the functioning of the brain, heart, stomach, and liver.
  • White wine destroys tooth enamel. Cheese is a snack that neutralizes this negative impact.
  • It has contraindications: cardiac ischemia, gastritis with high acidity, stomach ulcers, pancreatic diseases, depressed mental state, gout.

Moderate consumption of white varieties of the drink helps improve lung function, strengthen blood vessels in the brain and heart, and protect blood vessels from destruction in smokers.

But it is important to understand that white wine increases blood pressure when consumed in excess (more than a glass).

Is it possible to normalize low blood pressure with alcohol?

If wine and vodka products increase blood pressure, then there is an assumption that they can be used to alleviate the condition of clients with manifestations of hypotension. But even in this case, no benefit should be expected. Alcohol at low pressure can have the opposite effect, or instead of leveling off, a sharp jump upward.

The subsequent hypertensive state in hypotensive patients is much more difficult to tolerate than in patients with hypertension, and the crisis much more often ends in complications, including fatal ones. You should remember this. Vodka, cognac, wine, beer, etc. dangerous not only for hypertensive patients, but also for people with low blood pressure.

As you can see, there is no benefit from drinking alcohol. It is always more difficult for narcotics doctors to remove people suffering from hypertensive manifestations from binge drinking. Their withdrawal symptoms are always more pronounced and last longer. Therefore, people with a tendency to hypertension should avoid drinking in every possible way.

And treatment for both chronic alcoholism and the combination of this disease with diseases of the cardiovascular system should only be under the supervision of a doctor. To protect yourself from mistakes, contact our. Experienced specialists will provide you with advice on all existing issues and help you get rid of problems with addiction to psychoactive substances.

The text was checked by expert doctors: Head of the socio-psychological service of the Alkoklinik MC, psychologist Yu.P. Baranova, L.A. Serova, a psychiatrist-narcologist.


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What wine is best to drink for hypertension?

Hypertensive patients are advised to drink dry wine with a sour taste. It must be of good quality and without preservatives.

Red wine is considered healthier than white wine!

For people suffering from high blood pressure, it is better to drink red varieties not constantly, but in courses and small portions (30 mg). This form of therapy must be agreed with your doctor.

White and red wine are good for lowering blood pressure levels when combined with mineral water in a 1:2 ratio. The drink contains fruit acids, which help dilate blood vessels.

Benefits for high blood pressure

The wine contains unique flavonoid substances.
They help lower cholesterol levels in the body and also help thin the blood. And also read on our website: Proper nutrition for low blood pressure: what foods can you eat and what diets are indicated for hypotension? The drink contains antioxidants that stop inflammatory processes in blood vessels. A small dose of white wine can cleanse blood vessels and remove toxic substances.

The components of the drink prevent red blood cells from sticking together and normalize blood circulation. White grape seeds contain vitamin K, which improves blood quality and promotes normal blood clotting.

It is important to note that the sweeter the drink, the less nutrients it contains. That is why it is better to use dry varieties.

If you drink wine wisely, the effect will be similar to that of a low-calorie diet, which is very important for people who are obese. For pensioners, white wine reduces the risk of developing diabetes and slows down the aging process of blood vessels.

Drink rate

Most doctors categorically deny the benefits of wine for patients with hypertension due to its ambiguous effect on the body. After all, at first, alcohol dilates blood vessels, accelerates the outflow of blood from the brain and reduces the load on the vascular surface.

But after some time, there is an increase in heart rate and heart rate, as well as an increase in blood pressure. The feeling of lightness that a person experiences after drinking a glass, after 30 - 40 minutes, is replaced by a worsening of the condition.

Therefore, people who are saving themselves from hypertension with medications are not recommended to drink wine.

In other cases, 50 ml per day is the maximum allowable dose.

Beneficial substances contained in wine

Dry red wine contains a large amount of fruit acids that have an antispasmodic effect, therefore helping to lower blood pressure.

Wine made from red grape varieties contains large amounts of polyphenols. Thus, resveratrol, which is contained in the skin of grapes, has cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects, improves the supply of oxygen to cells, reduces blood glucose levels, accelerates cellular metabolic processes, and prevents obesity.

Procyanides, which are also found in dry red wine, prevent the development of hypertension, coronary circulatory failure, myocardial infarction, and atherosclerosis.

Tannin, present in grape seeds and stems, prevents blood clots and improves vascular elasticity, which makes it possible to use wine to prevent pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

In addition, dry red wine contains vitamins A, groups B, C, E, PP, iron, iodine, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. There are more antioxidants in red wine, but they are believed to be more effective in white wine.

Dry red wine increases the concentration of nitrogen in the blood, which dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.


You should stop drinking alcohol if you have:

  1. coronary heart disease;
  2. hypertension;
  3. mental disorder;
  4. gastritis;
  5. pancreatitis;
  6. ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  7. asthma;
  8. blood diseases;
  9. alcohol and drug addiction;
  10. allergies;
  11. migraines.

White wine is strictly contraindicated during drug treatment. Alcohol in combination with medications can cause death.

Dry white wine only in small doses can have a positive effect on the body and not harm hypertensive patients.
But during a regular feast, if consumed in moderation, it can cause a hypertensive crisis. A moderate dose once a week and within the normal range can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by 15% and strokes by 20%. Author of the article Svetlana Anatolyevna Ivanova, general practitioner

Compatibility of wine with blood pressure medications

Taking wine and antihypertensive drugs together can cause unpredictable consequences, since most blood pressure medications are incompatible with alcohol. You can expect both a decrease in effectiveness and a sharp increase in efficiency, as well as the development of any side effects.

Typically, information about the interaction of a particular drug with alcohol is indicated in the instructions for use, but if it is not indicated that the combined use of alcohol and the drug is allowed, it is considered prohibited by default.

Popular varieties and drinking culture

Dry white wine is a beautiful and healthy ritual when consumed correctly. The light taste goes perfectly with fish, cheese, and lean meat (poultry, beef). Fruits, berries, and vegetable snacks go well with the drink. The bouquet of taste largely depends on the original raw materials and grape variety. Popular varieties of high-quality white wine are:

  • Riesling. German grape variety with an apple aftertaste. The Riesling variety is widely used to prepare the drink in Argentina, Austria, and the USA. Austrian wine differs most from other producers in its saltiness of taste, so it goes perfectly with fish and seafood.
  • Chardonnay. A traditional grape variety from Burgundy with a citrus aftertaste. Tasters claim that when consumed correctly, the aroma of winter freshness is first felt, and then the zest. The drink goes well with turkey, beef, mushrooms and Japanese delicacies.
  • Muscat. A popular grape variety of the Mediterranean and Crimea. The fruits carry the aroma of pollen. Muscat wine is drunk with cheese and biscuits.
  • Sauvignon Blanc. White wine has a rich range of aromas and flavors. Experts notice spicy, floral, fruity and herbal notes. This wine is made in Chile, the Mediterranean, South Africa, and New Zealand.

White Riesling wine
Dry white wine is recommended to be drunk with a high-quality snack, this is the only way to reveal its aroma. The drink is served in a beautiful wine glass with a thin stem.

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