Viburnum for blood pressure: increases or decreases blood pressure, recipes for hypertension

Does viburnum increase or decrease blood pressure? This is a question asked by many hypertensive patients. It is known that this plant is extremely useful, but few know how it affects blood pressure. Viburnum is a berry whose beneficial properties under pressure are difficult to overestimate.

In addition, this plant has a whole range of essential substances. However, before taking any folk remedy, you must carefully study its contraindications and side effects so as not to harm the body.

Composition of Viburnum

Everything in viburnum is useful - from the roots to the berries. The plant is a record holder for ascorbic acid content: 100 g of viburnum pulp and juice contain so much vitamin C that you can meet the daily requirement of an adult not even by 100%, but by 119%. This volume also contains:

  • 83% of the average daily requirement of vitamin K, which is responsible for (coagulation) blood clotting,
  • 93% Pb, which controls the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood and activates the process of tissue regeneration;
  • 60% of iodine that synthesizes thyroid hormones;
  • 40% of Fe transporting oxygen molecules into the body;
  • 30% activating impulses between nerve cells, promoting the growth of bone tissue Mn;
  • 38% of provitamin A, which prevents cardiovascular diseases;
  • 29% energy-producing glucose.

And this is only part of the useful substances. The bark contains tannins - hemostatic, anti-inflammatory substances that prevent bleeding. Diuretic phytosterones that help cope with edema and level cholesterol levels. The plant also contains:

  • hormonal balance boron;
  • molybdenum, which activates the removal of toxins;
  • pectin that improves intestinal motility;
  • beta-sitosterol, which stimulates immunity and equalizes blood sugar levels.

One plant contains a mass of components necessary to maintain health and normal functioning of the body, especially during periods of immune and arterial failure.

When is viburnum contraindicated?

Viburnum products, if prepared and used correctly, have an extremely positive .

But viburnum, like any other plant, has its contraindications. They must be taken into account before starting treatment for hypertension.

The use of the compositions is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for those who suffer from:

  • Hyperacid gastritis.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcers.
  • Problems with blood clotting.
  • Urolithiasis.
  • Serious pathologies of the urinary system.
  • Gout.
  • Arthritis.
  • Individual intolerance.

Photos of some conditions:



Stomach ulcer

Duodenal ulcer

Urolithiasis disease



Viburnum: beneficial properties and applications

The rich biochemical composition of Viburnum opulus L (as the name of the plant sounds in Latin) allows you to successfully use viburnum not only for independent treatment, cosmetology, but also in official pharmacology. Products based on viburnum berries (fresh fruits, ground with sugar or honey, jams, juices, teas and decoctions, fruit drinks):

  • equalizes the pulse;
  • normalize systole (heart contraction);
  • act as an expectorant during attacks of prolonged (“barking” and “dull”) cough, an antipyretic for colds;
  • strengthen the protective functions of the body;
  • replenish vitamin deficiency;
  • cleanse blood vessels, intestines, choleretic ducts from toxins and cholesterol plaques;
  • whiten pigment spots;
  • minimize acne.

Decoctions and tinctures based on flowers also facilitate the removal of sputum in pulmonary tuberculosis. Helps cope with shortness of breath and stomach pain. They are used to gargle for sore throats (including purulent ones), to combat viral and pathogenic colonies of lemon yellow staphylococci, parasitic sarcina, and anaerobic pseudoanthrax bacilli. Tea, extract from dried viburnum, leaves, bark:

  • has a calming effect on the peripheral and central nervous systems;
  • acts as a mild and fast-acting antispasmodic;
  • accumulates emulsification of maxi fat drops into mini ones with transportation through the intestinal walls;
  • tones and minimizes sclerotic changes;
  • heals skin eczema and wounds;
  • reduces inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • expels helminths;
  • has a hemostatic effect;
  • to relieve menstrual pain and normalize the cycle;
  • to relieve convulsive syndrome;
  • acts as a vasoconstrictor for blood pressure.

On a note! Even bones are used - both crushed and whole or ground: for the gentle removal of bile during congestion in the bile ducts, and as a laxative that does not injure the intestines.
They are also worth brewing for those who want coffee, but cannot drink it - crushed and brewed seeds can completely replace a tonic drink.


Expert opinion


Site reader

I often drink tea with viburnum. I really like its smell and bitter aftertaste. I have known about the benefits of viburnum tea for a long time; I try to consume it during the winter cold to prevent colds. The pressure remains normal.

Expert opinion


Site reader

I drink tea with viburnum berries. It invigorates well and raises vitality. Blood pressure is always ideal. Sometimes I brew viburnum itself, but sometimes I alternate it with tea made from currant leaves. By the way, I use the juice and pulp for masks to remove oily skin and lighten freckles.

Expert opinion


Site reader

Since childhood, I remember how viburnum bushes were planted in many neighbors’ yards. They were always pleasing to the eye, and the round red berries helped to cope with colds, coughs, and burning in the throat. I didn’t know that viburnum lowers blood pressure until I read it in the newspaper. I drink a spoonful of alcohol tincture before bed. My blood pressure returned to normal and my sleep became stronger.

Expert opinion



I think that it is not at all necessary to immediately run to the pharmacy and pick up a bunch of pills. Now, if in the initial stages of hypertension people were more attentive to their health, there would not be these cosmic pressure surges. Viburnum, valerian and morning exercises are my three companions in the treatment of hypertension.

Expert opinion


Site reader

Fearing dependence on pills, I give my child only medicinal teas. In our family, hypertension is hereditary. My grandfather began to suffer from pressure changes early on, and my aunt always suffered from headaches. During the entrance exams, due to stress, my teenage son also “jumped.” I hope viburnum will help him calm down and normalize his condition.

The effect of viburnum on blood pressure

In addition to containing micro- and macroelements, acids, vitamins necessary for normalizing blood composition, cleansing blood vessels, improving the general condition of the cardiovascular system and the body as a whole, the berry also contains essential oils that can affect blood pressure. The main thing is to know for sure: viburnum increases or decreases blood pressure in order to use it correctly.

Official and traditional medicine agree on one opinion - viburnum lowers blood pressure, since taking products prepared from it dilates blood vessels, relieves muscle spasms and smoothly removes fluid. Chronic hypertensive patients need it as a prophylactic means of lowering blood pressure.

Prevention - course application - the central concept: the body must accumulate all useful substances in order to resist attacks. Gradually, in small doses, systematically. Blood thinning occurs gradually, as does increased blood flow due to an increase in the lumen of peripheral vessels. Due to this, the pressure is normalized.

A one-time “horse dose” will not help with advanced stages of the disease and will not improve well-being. And if you take a double or triple portion of viburnum during a hypertensive crisis (“so that it helps immediately and quickly”), harm will be caused to the body. Everything is good on time and in moderation.

How to properly store viburnum?

Viburnum with sugar, closed in jars.
Fruits collected after the first frost can be stored on the balcony. You can also dry, freeze the fruits, or seal them in jars.

Anyone who suffers from blood pressure problems should know what viburnum does to blood pressure.

This is a powerful antihypertensive drug that will help stabilize blood pressure, improve well-being, improve quality of life, as well as prevent the development of atherosclerosis and other dangerous pathologies.

Viburnum at low pressure

The effect of the active components of Viburnum opulus L is cumulative. Hypotonic patients who decide to use viburnum in the treatment of ailments - bleeding, cough, fever, colds - should not be afraid of increased blood pressure.

A decrease in blood pressure occurs only if the medication (teas, decoctions, fruit drinks, fresh berry purees) is taken over a course of 1 month or more. A week or two won’t raise your blood pressure, but it will lower your temperature, eliminate vitamin deficiency, and also eliminate the body’s allergic reactions to bacilli. And even if a hypotensive person just wants to enjoy delicious jam, drink herbal tea with viburnum jam, he can completely afford it - without fear that the numbers on the blood pressure monitor will sound the alarm.

To be sure, in order to protect yourself even from the psychologically unmotivated fear of eating/drinking viburnum-based products, the prepared potion can be balanced with fruits and berries that equalize pressure (towards the “+”): ginger, pear, apricot, pomegranate, mishmula. For example, viburnum juice with ginger is very good.


  • purified (filtered, settled for 8-10 hours) water – 3 l;
  • red viburnum berries, collected after the first frosts hit - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • fresh ginger root – 20 g;
  • sugar or honey (hawthorn, with royal jelly, forest, taiga) - to taste.

How to cook:

Rinse the viburnum brushes. Let the water drain. Rub through a sieve. Place the separated juice in the refrigerator for 1-3 hours.

Peel the ginger root, finely chop it with a knife or grate it (the finer the better).

Pour the pulp and sugar (not honey!) with water. Boil. Add ginger chips/crumbs. Remove from heat (there is no need to cook the liquid after boiling!). Cool to 40-50°C. Strain and mix with honey, if used to prepare the drink.

Combine the decoction and chilled juice. Mix. Drink like a regular fruit drink to quench your thirst.

The drink will clean the blood vessels, add elasticity to the walls, remove excess cholesterol, and remove “black spots” from before the eyes.

Viburnum can be safely taken by hypotensive women during menstruation: in case of cycle disruption and severe pain. Viburnum will help with pathologies, minimize the release of blood clots, and tones up a weakened body.

Viburnum in medicine

The unique chemical composition gives viburnum berries healing properties. The wealth of microelements and vitamins contained in the fruits of the crop (manganese, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamins C, E, K, P, carotenes, tannins and resins, saccharides, fatty acids) has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Viburnum berries are widely used for the preparation of various types of medicinal products by traditional healers, since they have the ability to lower high blood pressure and, accordingly, prevent the development of a heart attack or stroke.

The benefit of consuming viburnum for arterial hypertension is that the fresh berries of the plant have both a sedative and a general health effect.

Recommended recipes for high blood pressure

In order for viburnum to bring maximum benefit and for the hypertensive body to receive the required amount of useful and necessary substances, it is necessary to follow a regimen of taking medications based on it: a month of use for a month of rest, cyclic repetition 3-6 times a year.

To enhance the effect of the prepared potions, you can (and even need to) mix and alternate viburnum with such hypotensive plants as yarrow, hawthorn, chamomile, calendula, and motherwort. A duet with honey is also good, especially with linden, angelica, sunflower, may, coriander, and willowherb.

Traditional red berry juice

The juicy fruits of viburnum are the first helpers in relieving attacks of hypertension caused by neurosis, sleep disorders, stress, and depression. They help in a short time. It is useful to eat them in their pure form, grind them with honey and sugar, and swallow them directly with the seeds. But if you don’t like the peculiar bitterness, the slightly astringent taste, you can make a delicious sweet-sour and healthy fruit drink.

Caution - contraindications

With all its range of medicinal properties, viburnum is not a panacea for all diseases, even if taken for a strictly allotted time in the recommended dosage and under the supervision of a doctor. Viburnum opulus L is a potent plant and there are a number of contraindications that cannot be ignored. Kalinotherapy should be treated with special caution when:

  • pregnancy, so as not to provoke a miscarriage;
  • increased acidity – fraught with an attack of gastritis;
  • allergies (especially to ascorbic acid) - the reaction can be pathetic, up to Angioedema;
  • stomach and intestinal ulcers - during exacerbation of diseases;
  • gout and kidney failure - the purines contained in them, which cause a strong diuretic effect, can provoke uric acid, which is dangerous for joint ailments and urolithiasis;
  • thrombosis and increased blood clotting - a large percentage of vitamin K, which is part of the biochemical composition of the plant, produces blood viscosity, tannins (they cause the astringency of the berries), like rutin, increase clotting.

The benefits of the plant can only be obtained by mixing it with natural equalizing components and after professional medical consultation.

Harvesting and storage of viburnum

In order for viburnum to bring the expected benefits and retain the maximum, or better yet, all the beneficial properties, it is necessary to correctly prepare the parts of the plant used in recipes.

The berry retains its pristine freshness (provided that the fruits were collected without damage) for a month - in the refrigerator. It can also be frozen, dried, or “sealed” with sugar/honey.

  1. Freezing is the easiest thing. Collect, sort and dry the berries. Place them in plastic containers or plastic bags, pack them in portions in cling film and put them in the freezer.
  2. Drying will ensure a long shelf life - up to 4 years. For harvesting you need transparent, absolutely ripe berries. Rinse. Separate from the inflorescence. Remove moisture (blot with a napkin). Place on a wire rack/mesh lined with parchment paper in one layer. Dry outdoors, in the shade, in a draft, covering with gauze to prevent flies. A good method of drying is in an electric dryer. You can - in the oven with the door ajar (a must!) - at a temperature of 50°C. Dry not until it becomes crackers, but until the berries have a wrinkled, “shaved” appearance. Then place them in wooden/tin/cardboard boxes, glass containers, or linen bags. Store in a dry place, shake occasionally, stir the drying mixture.
  3. A useful and affordable way is to grind it with honey. Pour boiling water over the washed berries and puree them. Mix with an equal amount of honey. Pour into sterile jars. Place in the refrigerator. Store under a screw-on lid (ideally a waxed one).
  4. “Seal” with sugar. Rinse the berries. Dry. Sprinkle with sugar, pouring a large ball of sugar on top. Use the released juice for drinking.

You can wilt the berries in clusters. Rinse. Allow the water to drain completely. Tie into bundles. Hang under a ceiling beam in a cool veranda, attic, or basement. Use as needed.

For decoctions, viburnum bark must be collected at the time of sap flow. Use a knife to pick up the top layer of 0.5-1 mm from the trunk and branches. Rip off. Cut into layers 10-25 cm long. Rinse. Dry in the open air (in the shade) or on the windowsill (choose the side where the sunlight is diffused). Then dry in the oven or in an electric dryer in the same way as berries, or even better - on the bed of a country stove. Grind in a coffee grinder.

What is a viburnum plant?

Viburnum (called red or common) is a small fruit-bearing shrub that is well-known and widespread. Its fruits fully ripen only in autumn. The berries are often picked after the first frost, because under such conditions they become less bitter. The berries should be eaten fresh, you can also squeeze juice from them and make all kinds of preparations for the winter season. Various parts of the plant are used in folk medicine:

  • flowers;
  • bark;
  • fruit;
  • leaves.
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