Diabetic cataract: treatment of cataracts in diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a very dangerous and progressive disease that affects all human organs and systems. Over time, blood vessels, kidneys, nervous and reproductive systems suffer. The organs of vision are affected by negative changes. A particular companion to this diagnosis is diabetic cataract. This pathology is characterized by clouding of the lens. The disorder manifests itself in varying degrees. It is natural for older people; in young people it occurs due to injuries or diabetes.

Causes of diabetic cataracts

Pathology is a complex of changes in the structure of the lens that develop due to impaired carbohydrate metabolism in the body. The second type of diabetes mellitus is accompanied by damage to the natural optical lens more often than the first type of the disease. The rapid development of diabetic cataracts begins with an increase in blood glucose levels.

If the patient takes insulin, the clinical picture of the pathology appears at an earlier period. It is caused by insulin deficiency and chronic hyperglycemia. The risk of developing lens opacities depends on how long the patient has had diabetes. The longer he suffers from this disease, the higher the likelihood of changes in the structure of the lens. The chain of pathological processes starts with a sharp transition from oral hypoglycemic medications to injectable insulin. Visual impairment can be avoided with timely treatment of carbohydrate metabolism dysfunction.

Optic nerve changes in diabetic ophthalmopathy

Diabetic ophthalmopathy can be manifested by the following types of pathological changes in the optic nerve:

optic atrophy

, which is a concomitant pathology of juvenile diabetes. This pathology is characterized by a progressive decrease in vision, narrowing of the visual field and blanching of the optic discs;


, which occurs in a state of decompensation of the underlying disease and is characterized by sudden attacks of blurred vision, swelling of the optic disc and corpus luteum.

anterior and posterior neuropathy of ischemic origin

. This pathology is characterized by such signs as a sharp unilateral decrease in visual acuity, sector loss in the visual field. The outcome of this process is most often partial or complete atrophy of the optic nerve.

Signs of cataracts in diabetes

Symptoms depend on the stage of the underlying disease. The initial stage of diabetes development may be accompanied by a slight deterioration in vision or its preservation in full. Some patients note that they have become better able to see objects located at close range.

As soon as the amount of cloudiness increases, patients complain of dots or floaters in front of the eyes, increased sensitivity to light. They lose clarity of vision due to interference appearing in the field of view. When looking at a light source, multi-colored rainbow circles appear. An alarm bell will be the appearance of a yellowish tint in all objects.

The mature form of diabetes mellitus is accompanied by a sharp decrease in visual acuity. Patients lose the ability to navigate space and take care of themselves in everyday life. Relatives notice that the color of the pupil changes. Through the lumen of its hole you can see the optical lens, which becomes cloudy and acquires a whitish tint. The use of glasses or contact lenses does not compensate for visual dysfunction. Patients claim that they see a little better, but their vision continues to “fall”. In diabetics, both eyes are affected to varying degrees.

Drops for eye cataracts in type 2 diabetes mellitus

The main function of the lens is to refract light rays so that they fall directly on the retina. Only in this case does a person have normal vision. This natural lens is naturally clear, but when cataracts occur, it begins to become cloudy. The more severe the diabetes, the cloudier the lens becomes. A radical way to get rid of this is the procedure of lensectomy, that is, replacing the natural lens, which has lost its properties, with an intraocular lens, which will ensure normal functioning of the eye.

But in the early stages of diabetes, timely therapy will stop damage to the lens. In addition, surgical intervention cannot be performed on all people due to the presence of third-party contraindications. These are the drops used to treat cataracts in diabetics.

  • "Katalin." They prevent the processes of sedimentation of protein deposits and the formation of insoluble structures in the lens.
  • “Potassium iodide” strengthens the local immunity of the organs of vision, promotes the breakdown of protein deposits and has a strong antimicrobial effect.
  • "Katachrome". Effectively moisturize the eyes, protect them from negative influences, stimulate metabolic processes, and help remove free radicals from the tissues of the eye structures. The drops protect the lens from destruction and promote the regeneration of its damaged cells, which is important for developing cataracts.

Classification of lens opacities

A person with diabetes develops two types of lens opacities: true and senile cataracts. The first type occurs as a result of carbohydrate metabolism disorders, the second becomes a companion of old age and natural aging processes in the body. Diabetic cataracts are divided into several types, which transform into each other over time:

  • initial;
  • immature;
  • mature;
  • overripe.

In type 1 or type 2 diabetes, clouding of the lens develops very quickly. The choice of treatment method and the prognosis for recovery depend on the stage of development of the cataract. In no case should you wait until the cataract matures; loss of time threatens a complete loss of visual function.

Diabetic retinopathy as one of the most common complications of diabetes mellitus

In type 1 diabetes mellitus, diabetic retinopathy

(retinal damage) occurs more often than with type 2 diabetes mellitus, and over time leads to significant weakening of vision or complete blindness. As a microvascular complication of diabetes mellitus, diabetic retinopathy is characterized by changes in the retina, active growth of newly formed vessels, and pathological processes in the area of ​​the macula (macula).

According to the World Health Organization, the clinical course of diabetic retinopathy is divided into a number of stages:

1. Non-proliferative stage

. At this stage, an ophthalmological examination of the eyes may reveal microaneurysms, which are capillary walls protruding in the form of sacs, dilatation of the eye veins and the formation of venous loops. During this period, with preserved central and peripheral vision, a reduced level of color perception, a decrease in contrast sensitivity, and a low level of adaptation to darkness are objectively revealed.

2. Preproliferative stage

. Changes in the fundus and retina at this stage are more pronounced. Small hemorrhages, soft and dense exudates, and swelling of the corpus luteum area appear on the retina. This stage is characterized by abnormalities of the veins and capillaries of the retina. Some areas of the retina are completely deprived of blood supply due to blockage of small vessels by blood clots. Due to the involvement of the corpus luteum in the process, a decrease in visual acuity is noted at this stage.

3. Proliferative stage

. Many new fragile vessels appear on the retina and optic nerve head, which rupture and form new hemorrhages affecting the vitreous body. At the site of hemorrhages, connective tissue grows, which over time leads to retinal detachment and ruptures, as a result of which the patient may go blind.

Treatment of diabetic cataracts

Conservative therapeutic methods in the form of eye drops can only slow down the process of lens clouding for a while. However, such treatment methods are not able to completely correct the situation. Patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus undergo surgery to restore vision.

The method of phacoemulsification of the lens is often used. It involves crushing the natural lens with the subsequent installation of an intraocular one. The surgeon helps the patient choose the type of IOL depending on the severity of the disease and associated disorders. With the help of an intraocular lens, you can not only restore vision, but also correct various refractive errors. Artificial lenses help correct astigmatism, nearsightedness and farsightedness.

It is best to have surgery when the cataract is in its early or immature stages. In this case, the patient retains all reflexes of the fundus, there are no obstacles to a full diagnosis. Mature and overripe cataracts require the use of increased ultrasound energy. This increases the load on the eye tissue, which carries certain risks.

In diabetes, all blood vessels are very weak, so it is not advisable to carry out such a surgical intervention. With mature cataracts, the ligaments of Zinn weaken and the capsule of the optical lens becomes very thin. During surgery, it may rupture, which complicates IOL implantation.

Rules for the use of eye medications

It is necessary to follow certain rules for the use of eye drops for type 2 diabetes:

  • Before using the drug, wash your hands with antibacterial soap;
  • Then you need to sit comfortably on a chair, tilt your head back slightly;
  • After this, the patient needs to pull back the lower eyelid and look at the ceiling;
  • An appropriate amount of medicine is dripped behind the lower eyelid. Then it is recommended to close your eyes. This is necessary to ensure that the drug is distributed evenly.

Important! In some cases, patients feel the taste of the medicine after instillation. There is a simple explanation for this circumstance. The drops enter the tear duct, from there they enter the mouth through the nose.

Cataract remedies for patients with diabetes

Cataract is a physiological condition involving clouding of the lens. With this pathology, a person's vision deteriorates significantly. Cataracts develop even in young patients with diabetes.

The following symptoms of pathology are distinguished:

  • Double vision;
  • Increased sensitivity to light;
  • Dizziness;
  • Deterioration of vision at night;
  • The appearance of a veil before the eyes;
  • Vagueness of objects.

You can fight this disease in various ways. In advanced cases, the patient requires surgical intervention . At the early stage of the disease, you can use the following eye drops for diabetes:



The product "Katalin" helps to activate metabolic processes in the area of ​​the lens.
These eye drops for type 2 diabetes are also prescribed to prevent the appearance of visual disturbances. They reduce the likelihood of cataracts. The drug prevents the conversion of glucose to sorbitol. This substance reduces the transparency of the lens. The package with the drug "Katalin" contains one tablet with the active substance (sodium pyrenoxine) and a bottle with 15 ml of solvent. To make eye drops for diabetes, the tablet is mixed with a solvent. It is recommended to drip one drop of Catalina four times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the ophthalmologist. When treated with eye drops for diabetics, undesirable side effects are observed: burning and itching, redness of the eyes.

It is recommended to store eye drops for cataracts in type 2 diabetes in a dry place, protected from sunlight.

Medicine that helps with glaucoma

With glaucoma, there is an increase in intraocular pressure. In complex therapy of the disease, medications from the group of adrenergic blockers are used: Timolol, Betaxolol. It is recommended to drip 1 drop of Timolol twice a day. The medication is not prescribed to patients suffering from chronic heart failure or severe bronchial asthma.

When using Timolol, the following side effects occur:

  • Burning in the eyes;
  • Headache;
  • Photophobia;
  • Reduced blood pressure;
  • Muscle weakness.

More details about Timolol and other drugs for the treatment of glaucoma are described in the video:

Eye medications against retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is a vascular disease of the eyes. The disease causes serious damage to fiber. Conservative methods of combating diabetic retinopathy make it possible to stop the development of unfavorable changes in the structure of blood vessels.

The following drugs are used to treat the disease:


The product helps to resolve hemorrhages in the eyes. The medicine should not be used if there is an individual sensitivity to its active ingredients “Emoxipin”. It is recommended to drip 2 drops of the medication twice a day. When using the drug, a burning sensation is observed in the eye area.

Hilo chest of drawers

The medication reduces dry eyes. When using Hilo-chest, side effects are quite rarely observed. Eye drops for diabetes mellitus should be used three times a day.

Causes and symptoms of itchy skin in diabetes mellitus


The medicine is also prescribed for type 2 diabetes. It contains vitamin B2. This substance improves the patient's vision. In some cases, when using drops, an allergic reaction occurs. You should instill one drop of Riboflavin twice a day.


The product reduces eye puffiness. The medicine interacts poorly with medications that contain metal salts.

The drug is not recommended for use in cases of increased susceptibility to the components of the product or a pronounced tendency to allergic reactions. Patients under 18 years of age should not use the product.

You need to drip two drops of Lakemox three times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is one month. After five months, treatment can be resumed.

Eye drops for diabetes should be used with caution. After using the drugs "Riboflavin" and "Lakemox", the clarity of vision may temporarily decrease. This circumstance must be taken into account when working with complex mechanisms and driving a car. You should drive a vehicle no earlier than 15 minutes after instilling the drug.

Drops for internal use for diabetes

In combination with eye drops, you can take Anti Diabet Nano for internal use. The product improves the patient's well-being. You need to drink five drops of medicine twice a day.

The duration of the course of treatment is one month. Before use, the product is dissolved in a sufficient amount of liquid.

The drug helps strengthen the immune system, lower cholesterol levels, and reduces blood glucose levels.

Treatment of eye diseases with traditional methods

Lilac flowers will help improve vision in diabetes:

  • To prepare a medicinal solution, you need to pour 5 grams of plant material into 200 ml of water;
  • The mixture must be infused for at least 20 minutes;
  • Then the product is filtered.

You need to soak two cotton swabs in the resulting solution. They are applied to the eyes for 5 minutes.

It is recommended to drip a product made from mint at home into the eyes. Mint juice is mixed with honey and water in equal proportions (5 ml each). The resulting solution should be instilled into the eyes twice a day.

At what sugar levels should cataracts be removed?

In people with diabetes, blood sugar levels are constantly changing. To ensure that no complications arise during surgery, as well as during the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to normalize it. At least 2 weeks before the proposed procedure, a clinical blood test is taken, and medications are prescribed to reduce alarming indicators.

Cataract removal is recommended when the sugar level is 6.0-8.0. Low levels can provoke hemorrhage, regardless of the size of the incision on the surface of the eyeball. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis; a few hours after its completion, the patient can go home, accompanied by loved ones. Before the procedure, the patient must take glucose-lowering medications in the form of tablets or inject insulin in their usual dosage. After this, you need to have breakfast to avoid hypoglycemia.

Patients are advised to bring approved foods with them to the clinic to consume after the procedure. Long waits for your turn, stress and increased nervousness can also cause hypoglycemia, so people with this diagnosis are operated on first. The doctor monitors your health after IOL implantation, prescribes a treatment regimen during the recovery period, and gives recommendations for a speedy recovery

What should a diabetic do to avoid dry eye syndrome and its complications?

Let us give you some advice:

  • First, listen to yourself. Any new sensations, and especially visual discomfort, are a reason to see an ophthalmologist. You should not ignore preventive examinations, even if nothing hurts.
  • Secondly, monitor your blood sugar. It needs to be constantly monitored, glycated hemoglobin and other tests taken, and regular visits to the doctor. Uncontrolled “jumps” in sugar gradually disrupt the functioning of all organs, including affecting vision.
  • Thirdly, do not play roulette with food and medicine. Only a low-carbohydrate diet, careful taking of medications, and giving up bad habits can help a diabetic keep the disease “in control,” that is, compensate, and not allow complications to develop, including “dry eye” and retinal damage.

Features of preoperative preparation

Before the operation, the patient undergoes a thorough examination by an otolaryngologist, dentist, endocrinologist and therapist. Lens phacoemulsification is not performed without the permission of these specialists. Blood tests can rule out the presence of hepatitis and HIV infection, and also check the speed of blood clotting. An electrocardiogram is required to assess heart function.

Contraindications to surgical intervention include diagnosed lens subluxation and severe renal failure. Cloudiness of a large area of ​​the optical lens complicates the ophthalmoscopy procedure. If it cannot give a real picture of the condition of the lens, an ultrasound B-scan is performed. During this procedure, the presence of secondary diseases is determined and possible complications are predicted.

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