Cinnamon for diabetes: how to use and drink cinnamon, treatment

In people with type 2 diabetes, insulin production is normal, but it is not absorbed by the body's cells. Subsequently, a person suffering from such a disease has to resort to insulin injections. Cinnamon contains a large number of useful microelements and vitamins that will enhance the effect of insulin on the cells and tissues of the human body.

By following a diet, choosing the right foods that meet the glycemic index, and exercising moderately, the daily well-being of a diabetic improves. Eating a small amount of cinnamon will have a good effect on the condition of a diabetic. And we are talking about real spice, not cassia. Chinese brown tree (cassia) is very common on the shelves of supermarkets and stores, but you should not expect positive results from it.

Therefore, when purchasing this seasoning, choose the variety that has a stronger smell. It is because of the two “varieties” that opinions about the dangers and benefits of this seasoning differ, and only by choosing the real one will you achieve the desired results. In addition to the powder, there is also a seasoning extract. It is very convenient because it can be added to tea or a liquid dish. The drink with cinnamon extract is quite tasty and does not need to be diluted with anything. The drink taken will be much healthier than any juices, and will also increase your vitality. Reviews about cinnamon are extremely positive.

Valuable spice

Cinnamon has long been used in cooking, confectionery, and folk medicine. This unique spice has a strong aroma and adds a piquant taste to food, and also demonstrates a whole range of beneficial properties and has a minimum of contraindications. For diabetes, cinnamon regulates blood glucose levels, has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, prevents the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system, improves metabolism, and has a minimum of contraindications.

The main medicinal properties of cinnamon:

  • This spice contains ascorbic acid, as well as vitamins of groups A, B, C - valuable substances that take an active part in metabolism, help cope with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate the functions of the body’s defenses, and are “responsible” for regeneration damaged cells.
  • The beneficial properties of cinnamon are also determined by the presence of calcium in it - the main assistant to the “healthy” functioning of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system.
  • Essential oils and fatty acids have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, and also help cleanse the vascular walls of cholesterol plaques (atherosclerosis is one of the reasons for the development of type 2 diabetes).
  • Mucus and tannins are beneficial for the intestines of patients taking cinnamon.

Eating cinnamon has a good effect on the human nervous system.

Important: this healing spice contains phenol, a unique substance with antioxidant properties that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to this component, in the body of patients with diabetes, carbohydrate metabolism is normalized, and blood sugar levels approach “healthy” levels.

It is advisable to use cinnamon for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus - non-insulin resistant. The symptoms of this form of the disease are caused by low tissue sensitivity to this hormone. The results of laboratory studies confirm that the use of cinnamon for type 2 diabetes mellitus helps improve their “susceptibility” to insulin. Thus, this spice, thanks to its healing properties and a small list of contraindications, lowers blood sugar and also regulates the metabolism of diabetics.

Interesting facts about cinnamon

Scientists have conducted large-scale studies to determine whether the spice helps in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. All subjects were divided into 2 groups: one took glucose-lowering drugs, and the other took a combination of antidiabetic drugs and biological supplements based on cinnamon extract.

  1. Patients taking the supplements had blood sugar levels half as high as those who were prescribed Metformin.
  2. Patients taking dietary supplements had lower levels of “bad” cholesterol than representatives of the first group.
  3. A decrease in glycosylated hemoglobin levels was observed in those who took cinnamon extract. This indicates a long-term positive effect of the spice.
  4. In patients of the second group, hemoglobin levels and natural organic substances improved, and the level of triglycerides decreased.

We can conclude that cinnamon can help in the fight against the disease, however, we must not forget that it is important to combine the spice and medications. This will enhance the effectiveness of treatment and prevent the development of complications of the disease.

Interaction of cinnamon with other medicinal herbs

Spice in combination with most medicinal herbs is safe in the absence of contraindications. But still, in order to exclude the development of complications, before taking any traditional medicine, consultation with an endocrinologist is required. Even natural plant components can cause severe allergic reactions in the body.

  • bitter melon;
  • horse chestnut;
  • fenugreek;
  • plantain;
  • garlic;
  • Siberian ginseng.

In addition, nutmeg, fireweed, and motherwort can enhance the liquefying ability of the spicy stick. Also, if you add too much ginger to a medicinal drink, this can also cause this undesirable effect.

Ginger enhances the liquefying effect

Features of kefir

The product contains ethyl alcohol, because it is produced through fermentation. However, the fermented milk product contains little alcohol, about 0.07%. The drink can also be drunk by small children.

It is best to use fresh kefir, because over time the amount of harmful substances in it increases.

Those people who have allergic reactions to fermented milk products should treat the drink with caution. It is advisable for people with diabetes to drink only low-fat kefir

Too much fat can have a negative effect on the pancreas.

Cinnamon with kefir for diabetes - what is the benefit of this combination?

Fermented milk products are very useful for people with diabetes. The components in kefir, milk, and cottage cheese help maintain a constant sugar level.

The best option for diabetics is kefir. Unlike milk, it is tolerated by almost everyone. Kefir contains amino acids that help speed up metabolism. For diabetes patients, it is recommended to drink two glasses a day.

Kefir does not directly affect the sugar level of a diabetic, but it perfectly complements the effect of cinnamon. The combination of this fermented milk drink and spice is a tasty and aromatic drink that has a good effect on well-being and health.

Rules for the use of healthy spices by patients with diabetes

How to take cinnamon for type 2 diabetes? There are a variety of drinks and dishes (tested for years by traditional physicians and diabetic patients), which, due to the beneficial properties and minimal contraindications of cinnamon, can be included in the daily menu of patients with diabetes for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Next, we will consider the most commonly used recipes.

6 g of cinnamon powder is steamed with fresh boiling water and left to infuse for half an hour. Next, add 2 tsp to the resulting composition. liquid honey and place the mixture in the refrigerator overnight. Treating type 2 diabetes with this medicine is as follows: ? honey-cinnamon composition is taken in the morning on an empty stomach (an hour before breakfast), the rest of the mixture is consumed at night.

Treatment of diabetes with cinnamon is also carried out in combination with kefir. The use of cinnamon to lower blood sugar for diabetics in this case is as follows: 3 g (1/2 tsp) of spices are poured into a glass with this fermented milk drink and stirred thoroughly. The cocktail is left for 20 minutes, after which the entire portion is consumed in one go. It is recommended to use kefir with cinnamon for type 2 diabetes for 10 days in a row; the cocktail should be taken on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast and immediately before bed an hour after dinner.

To treat diabetes, cinnamon is recommended to be used with kefir.

Another option for taking cinnamon for diabetes is to add the natural medicine used to tea. 0.5 tsp. The powder is poured into a cup with the brewed drink and left to infuse for 10 minutes. For taste, you can add 1 tsp to the medicinal tea. honey

In order for cinnamon to lower blood glucose levels, you can use a recipe for preparing a tasty and healthy diabetic dessert dish: pears (preferably canned) must be mixed in a blender along with fresh apple juice, add a small pinch of cinnamon to the resulting mass, and mix all the ingredients again. Thanks to the beneficial properties of the medicinal spice, you can take this dessert every day.

Among the drinks that reduce blood glucose levels, you should pay attention to Mexican tea. To prepare it, cinnamon sticks (3 pieces per 4 cups) are broken into small pieces, poured with water, put on low heat, brought to a boil and immediately removed from the stove. The finished tea should steep for at least 15 minutes - during this time it will acquire a pleasant reddish-brown hue. If you drink this drink to lower your sugar, add 1 tsp to it. lime juice for taste.

According to reviews from patients who took cinnamon to lower sugar levels, it is useful to drink so-called orange water every day. 1 cinnamon stick is poured into 500 ml of boiling water, wait until the mixture cools down, add 2 slices of orange, take in the morning and evening.

Cinnamon extracts are sold in pharmacies and specialty stores. This type of spice also finds its use in home cooking, has many beneficial properties, and is designed to lower blood glucose levels in diabetics.

Important: for diabetes of both types, cinnamon can be added to already prepared first and second courses and desserts. So, this spice goes equally well with apples, cottage cheese, and chicken. The frequency of use and “dosage” of the spice should be discussed with an endocrinologist.

Cinnamon extract can be purchased at the pharmacy


Anastasia: I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes several years ago. The main treatment is the right diet. As soon as you “break”, your sugar instantly jumps, and you really want something tasty. I found the perfect alternative to pastry desserts. This is a baked apple with cottage cheese, blueberries and cinnamon. It’s delicious and the sugar levels are normal. Apple saturates with vitamins, cinnamon normalizes sugar, cottage cheese strengthens bones, blueberries help improve vision. I recommend to all my “friends in misfortune” to try it.

Yaroslava: I learned about the sugar-lowering effect of cinnamon from the Internet. I don’t have allergies or stomach diseases (this is a contraindication), so I decided to try it. I started with a small dose (on the tip of a knife). Now I put a teaspoon in my tea, let it steep, and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. Glucose levels have stabilized. Sugar doesn't "jump". Of course, I follow a diet, but I find that cinnamon helps me keep my diabetes under control.

Svetlana: Cinnamon with kefir is a real bomb! I have a pre-diabetic health condition, and the doctor told me to strictly monitor my sugar levels. I didn’t wait for complications. I found a lot of folk recipes that can lower blood sugar. The most effective was the morning kefir-cinnamon drink. I've been drinking for a month, and my sugar is completely normal. In addition, without any effort during this time, I lost 2.5 kg.

Interesting facts about the amazing spice

There are several interesting secrets associated with the treatment with this wonderful spice. Here are the main ones:

  • maintain regular use (in courses), one-time use will not allow you to help your health;
  • introduce the product into your diet gradually, do not rush and observe your internal sensations;
  • the maximum daily dose can be 7 grams, do not exceed the specified amount;
  • do not take the full dosage once, break it into several doses: in the morning, afternoon and evening;
  • cinnamon will not replace special medications, it is only a secondary treatment, do not refuse pills and doctor’s supervision.

Magic wands

Let's first be clear: what kind of cinnamon are we talking about? The fact is that on store shelves you can often find a fake originally from China - the bark of cassia, a Chinese cinnamon tree, ground into powder.

No, it's cassia!

The plant is closely related to the cinnamon that we need - Ceylon cinnamon, its second name is “true cinnamon”.

That's how she is, real!

Do you see the difference? It’s just this, the real one, that you have to buy. Otherwise there will be no sense, no smell. Chinese cinnamon is just a pale imitation of its Ceylon sister! It is not easy to distinguish ground spices, so for treatment it is safer to purchase cinnamon sticks rather than powder. Hard, rough in cassia and fragile, crumbly in cinnamon. The color of the powder should not be dark red, but a milky chocolate shade. And, of course, the smell - in the Chinese it is weak, unexpressed, more spicy. It doesn't even smell like cinnamon, as they say.

It's a matter of price. Cheap cassias, besides China, grow in Vietnam and Indonesia. Elite Ceylon cinnamon is expensive, but its properties are much stronger - both in confectionery use and in folk medicine. A bad drug is wasted money and time. If you're not sure, don't buy! And don't start treatment. In addition, all types of cassia are “rich” in the anticoagulant coumarin, the excessive consumption of which is toxic and dangerous for the liver.

Left - cinnamon, right - cassia

Compare them again, remember and make the right choice.

Another reason you should not buy ground cinnamon is that manufacturers of ready-made spices, as a rule, mix flour, starch and similar useless additives into them - so that the powder does not stick together and lose its presentation. Buy fragrant “magic wands”, the origin and quality of which you are confident in, and prepare healing powder from them yourself - a little, as needed. It should be stored in hermetically sealed containers, away from light, heat and air. Ground cinnamon is hygroscopic, and the beneficial substances in it are easily destroyed.

Clinical effect

Cinnamon for type 2 diabetes, due to its healing properties and minimal contraindications, can make the following positive changes in the functioning of the body of patients with diabetes:

  • Increase overall tone and performance, cope with apathy and weakness.
  • Minimize the risk of sudden spikes in blood glucose caused by meals.
  • It is worth taking the spice to normalize blood pressure (hypertension is a “faithful companion” of diabetes).
  • Increase tissue sensitivity to insulin.
  • Improve digestion, launch a natural mechanism for healthy weight loss (obesity is one of the main reasons for the development of type 2 diabetes).
  • Improve your metabolism.

Popular recipes

Cinnamon for diabetes is used as a single remedy or as part of multi-component recipes. The most popular is the combination of cinnamon with kefir and antidiabetic herbs.

Recipe 1

Cinnamon-kefir cocktail. Grind the cinnamon stick to a powder. Pour 2.5–3 grams or half a teaspoon of the resulting powder into a fermented milk drink (250–300 ml). Stir and leave for half an hour. You should drink it a quarter of an hour before breakfast and at night, before bed. Course therapy lasts from 10 to 14 days. The spice has a tonic effect on the nervous system. In case of increased excitability or neuropsychological disorders, it is better to avoid taking the drug in the evening.

Recipe 2

Yogurt for a snack. Add ¼ teaspoon of powder and 1 tablespoon of flaxseed (pre-ground in a coffee grinder) to natural yogurt (without fruit fillers). Stir, stand for 10 minutes. Recommended for lunch or as a snack between meals.

Herbal recipes

Half a teaspoon of cinnamon is added to herbal infusions that have a hypoglycemic effect. Herbs are brewed at the rate of 1–2 tbsp. spoons into a glass of boiling water, leave for a quarter of an hour. Next, add cinnamon powder (1/2 tsp) and leave for another 10 minutes. Drink half a serving twice a day. The following herbs are used for herbal infusions: galega (rue or goat's rue), burdock root, chicory, dandelion, sage, nettle.

tea drink

Grind three cinnamon sticks, pour the powder into a teapot along with tea leaves. Brew boiling water, cover the kettle with a towel. After a quarter of an hour, squeeze the lemon or orange juice into a cup and pour the aromatic drink. Cinnamon for diabetes in the form of tea is recommended for consumption in the morning. Theine contained in tea leaves and cinnamon have a stimulating effect. It is better not to drink this tea before going to bed.

Dessert for afternoon tea

Apples are one of the fruits recommended for daily consumption for diabetes. For a tasty and healthy dessert you will need two green apples, 50 g of cottage cheese (low-fat or with 2% fat), a teaspoon of cinnamon, and blueberries. Cut the top off the apples, remove the core with a spoon, leaving the bottom. Place berries and cottage cheese into the resulting apple cups and sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake in the microwave for 5–6 minutes, at power 800. Flour and confectionery products with cinnamon are contraindicated for diabetics. The effectiveness of folk recipes is confirmed by reviews of patients with diabetes who used the spice to normalize blood sugar.

Contraindications to the use of cinnamon for diabetes

Despite the fact that cinnamon has many beneficial properties for diabetes, there are also contraindications. For example, it can be harmful if there is an individual intolerance or allergy to this product. In this case, the blood glucose level may even increase.

Doctors do not recommend using the spice in conjunction with taking aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen. These medications act as anticoagulants, and together with cinnamon their effect will be even stronger, the blood will become too thin.

Contraindications are also:

  • Heartburn.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Gastritis.
  • Ulcer.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Arterial hypertension.

A little about cinnamon

There are two types of cinnamon. One of them is a powder extracted from the bark of Cinnamomum verum. This type of cinnamon is the real one. The other type most common on store shelves and in processed foods comes from a similar plant called Cassia (Cinnamomum aromaticum).

What are their differences? Real cinnamon has a stronger effect and a sharper taste. There are also differences in the technology for its production. Thus, for the production of real cinnamon, only the inner part of the bark is used, as a result of which the structure of the finished spice is more crumbly, fine and less dense. In turn, the entire bark is used to produce Cassia, resulting in a spice that is denser and larger in composition.

In addition, the chemical composition that distinguishes the two types of cinnamon plays a fundamental role in the treatment of diabetes and its effect on the body as a whole. Thus, cassia has a lot of coumarin, which in large quantities can harm the body. This does not happen only because hardly anyone can eat a lot of cinnamon. However, “fake” cinnamon in any case will not have a beneficial effect for diabetics, so you should be careful when choosing it. If you have already purchased powder at home, you can check its quality with a drop of regular iodine. Thus, real cinnamon will only turn slightly blue, while Cassia will take on an intense blue color.

Cinnamon and its effects on diabetes:

As mentioned above, cinnamon is made by grinding the bark into a fine powder. Cinnamon contains flavonoids that have a direct beneficial effect on patients with diabetes. In addition, the spicy spice contains polyphenols, which prevent the development of inflammatory diseases, which often accompanies diabetic pathology. The calorie content of cinnamon is also very low, which can promote weight loss and indirectly affect the reduction of blood sugar levels.

Precautionary measures

How should you take cinnamon for diabetes in order not only to get a therapeutic effect, but also not to harm your own body? Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus with cinnamon begins with small “dosages” - 1 g (1/5 tsp) of spice is added to dishes. Gradually, over the course of a month, the amount of this valuable product in the diet can be increased to 3 g (take half a teaspoon) per day. Since cinnamon can lower blood sugar levels, fighting diabetes with this spice should include following a special diet, as well as daily monitoring of glucose levels.

Important: the exact daily “dose” of the spice is selected individually for each patient. When taking spices, you need to take into account the type, severity of diabetes and the characteristics of the patient’s body (the presence of contraindications).

Despite the usefulness of the spice, it is not suitable for all patients with diabetes. Who better not to use cinnamon in home cooking? Contraindications to the use of the spice are as follows:

  • Pregnant and lactating women should not consume foods containing cinnamon, which lower glucose levels.
  • Do not drink cocktails containing this spice if there is a risk of allergies.
  • It is better to avoid cinnamon for people with an increased tendency to bleeding (it thins the blood if taken frequently).
  • The spice is not introduced into the diet for inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, irritable bowel syndrome).

Cassia and cinnamon

True cinnamon is made from the inner bark of the Ceylon cinnamon (a type of bay tree). The spice has a pronounced aroma, pungent taste, and crumbly fragile texture. A close relative of cassia, it is made from the coarser part of the bark. The taste and smell of cassia is weak, the structure is dense. The plant has a less rich chemical composition and has no effect on gluconeogenesis. Using the plant as a remedy for diabetes is ineffective. Cinnamon should be purchased in the form of sticks, not in powdered form. This will help avoid counterfeiting. At home, you can distinguish cassia from cinnamon with a drop of iodine. The fake will turn blue.

Real Ceylon spice sticks are sold in sealed glass containers

How to use cinnamon?

Cinnamon for diabetes should be ingested regularly; the product can and should be consumed in parts, adding it to food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. For convenience, you can use the following diagram:

  • breakfast – add cinnamon to porridge;
  • lunch - use the powder to sprinkle on fruit served for dessert, or add to pumpkin or other vegetable soups;
  • dinner – cinnamon goes perfectly with chicken.

In between meals, you can treat yourself to special tea, which already includes this useful natural component. You can also use cinnamon to sprinkle baked goods made with whole grain flour. At the same time, you should know that it is most convenient to use such a product as part of various drinks, both hot and cold. It could be coffee, compote or fruit drink.

Main contraindications

Speaking about restrictions, I would also like to draw attention to those cases that are not related to diabetes. For example, the ability to contract the uterus, which explains the undesirability of using seasoning at any stage of pregnancy, as well as when planning this condition. With a low degree of blood clotting, the use of this seasoning will also be undesirable due to the ability of its additional dilution, which reduces the degree of activity of the body by half or more.

When using cinnamon, you must also remember that the harm will be significant in case of stomach ulcers and increased acidity levels. Such contraindications are absolute at the acute stage and relative in all other cases. An increased degree of activity of cinnamon will also be undesirable if there is an allergic reaction to any of the components contained in the seasoning.

Thus, cinnamon can indeed be consumed by a diabetic, but this is not always customary. In this regard, in order for the seasoning to really reduce sugar at high levels, it is advisable to consult a specialist. It can be useful in general for the body of a healthy person, but contraindications, features of the choice and use of the name must be taken into account.

Use in a course of therapy

This fragrant seasoning has been used for centuries in the treatment of diabetes and it is worth noting that cinnamon has gained the greatest popularity in Chinese medicine. In China, experiments and research related to it have been carried out for more than a thousand years and significant results have already been obtained. For example, a series of tests were conducted where people consumed cinnamon for 40 days in different concentrations and their general condition significantly improved, and their sugar and cholesterol also decreased. Such studies have made it possible to consider this folk remedy not only as an aromatic seasoning, but also as part of a course of maintenance therapy for diabetes, and it is used all over the world.

Other recipes

For diabetics, we can recommend a cocktail based on milk and spices, which is a healthy and tasty drink that perfectly satisfies hunger. For 500 ml of milk add 2 tbsp. spoons of low-fat sour cream, fruits (for example, tangerines or oranges), spice (about a third of a teaspoon). Beat with a mixer. Divide into several equal portions and drink.

Tea with cinnamon has favorable reviews. How to brew a drink? To prepare it you will need three cinnamon sticks and regular loose leaf tea (black or green). The sticks are disassembled into small pieces and filled with hot, clean liquid.

First, steam the product for about half an hour, then put it on low heat, bring to a boil, then leave for another 15 minutes. The brewed drink is served only after infusion. If this is not done, the beneficial substances of cinnamon will not have time to be released.

Tip: to improve the taste of the drink, you can add a few drops of lime juice or a sweetener to it before serving.

Cinnamon water with oranges:

  • Boil two liters of water with two cinnamon sticks.
  • Cool the liquid.
  • Add finely chopped orange (it is acceptable to replace with other fruits).
  • Drink throughout the day, but no more than two liters.

This drink is most often used on a hot summer day, as it is very refreshing, quenches thirst, and at the same time helps maintain sugar at the required level. The recipe is suitable for women during pregnancy, but with the permission of a doctor.

For diabetes mellitus, regardless of the type of diabetes, the spice can be added to various dishes - stewed meat, fish, cottage cheese, soups, dietary casseroles, salads, drinks, etc. The spice helps improve the taste of food and makes a diabetic’s diet healthy and varied.

An expert will talk about the benefits of cinnamon for diabetes in the video in this article.

Good day to all, Friends. Let's add taste and aroma to our lives!

Let's talk about cinnamon, its beneficial properties, contraindications, how to use it in treatment against diabetes, whether it lowers blood sugar, and how to drink it correctly.

This aromatic spice awakens in my brain memories of student times and freshly baked donuts sprinkled with brown powder, sold in a stall next to the dean's office.

Yes, there were donuts in my life. Now I don’t even remember the last time I enjoyed them. Oh, yes I remember. This was a few years ago at IKEA, but unfortunately the donuts were without cinnamon, but with powdered sugar.

But giving up donuts is not a reason to give up cinnamon, the wonderful spice of the East. In addition to its active use in cooking and perfumery, cinnamon has been used in oriental medicine since ancient times. At a time when there was no chemical industry yet and all medicines were natural. Type 2 diabetes is no exception; they also tried to treat it with cinnamon.

Before you continue reading this article, I want to warn you. I kindly ask you not to regard this material as a replacement for your treatment. In addition to the fact that ancient doctors treated diabetes with cinnamon, we must not forget that such treatment was not always effective. The fact of treatment is recorded, but the result, unfortunately, is not.

You all know that type 2 diabetes is a multifactorial disease and treatment of type 2 diabetes should be carried out comprehensively, focusing on a balanced diet and regular exercise, as well as, if necessary, medications and various herbal medicine.

So, what do you know about cinnamon?

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