Shrimps. Benefits and harms, calorie content, how to cook correctly, how much to consume for a man, woman, pregnant woman

Shrimp is a unique product from the point of view of nutritionists; it is high in protein and low in fat. What else do you need for those who want to have a healthy body and a beautiful figure? But the recent fame of shrimp as a seafood product that carries “death under its shell”, due to its high cholesterol content. This made gourmet lovers think about the correctness of their culinary preferences. Shrimp and cholesterol, will gourmets who care about their health really have to give up such a tasty seafood gift?

Composition and calorie content of shrimp

Shrimp meat is a natural protein that is essential for maintaining healthy muscles and bones. Its amount in the product helps to replenish the daily protein requirement for the body, so shellfish are recommended for various diets and for those who do not eat meat of animal origin. The delicacy is also enriched with iodine, Omega-3 and -6, and antioxidants.

Composition and calorie content of shrimp

Vitamin composition:

  • B vitamins (cobalamin, thiamine, pyridoxine, folic acid);
  • retinol (A);
  • tocopherol (E);
  • nicotinic acid (PP).


  • selenium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium.

The product contains practically no fat, so the caloric content is mainly from protein and amounts to 99 Kcal per 100 g of boiled meat. Fried shrimp will be more nutritious - 240 Kcal per 100 g.

Is it possible to eat shrimp if you have high cholesterol?

If you have high cholesterol, you can eat shrimp, and in significant quantities. This is explained by their high content of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which dramatically reduce the concentration of LDL in the blood, and also indirectly reduce the likelihood of the formation of cholesterol plaques on the inner walls of blood vessels.

Where else is the maximum amount of omega-3 found?
Cardiologists and nutritionists say that daily consumption of about 200–300 mg of omega-3 reduces the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis by 7 times.

In shrimp, this microelement ranges from 200 to 540 mg per 100 grams. Moreover, the body is able to accumulate and use unsaturated fatty acids “on demand”.

That is why you can eat quite a lot of shrimp at a time, up to several hundred grams - all this will still benefit the body.

Do shrimp increase cholesterol?

Shrimp, the benefits and harm to the body of which are explained by their composition, contain cholesterol - 200 mg of the substance per 100 g of product. This amount exceeds the cholesterol content of other seafood. However, it does not have a negative effect on human health.

The fact is that shellfish meat contains “good” cholesterol, which is necessary for the body.

It increases the amount of this element available in a person and helps remove “bad” cholesterol, which creates various types of plaques and blockages in blood vessels, leading to the development of atherosclerosis and other similar diseases. Therefore, the cholesterol contained in shrimp will not cause harm, but, on the contrary, will help improve the health of the body and cleanse it.

The effect of cholesterol on the body

Shrimp do not increase the level of “bad” cholesterol in the body

There is a misconception that eating foods with high cholesterol levels is harmful to human health. However, research by scientists has shown that cholesterol enters the blood not only from food, but is also produced by the body, since it affects the following life processes:

  • serves as a material for the construction of cell membranes;
  • affects the production of serotonin in brain cells;
  • takes part in the synthesis of aldosterone and hydrocortisone - hormones of the adrenal cortex;
  • speeds up metabolism.

In addition, after numerous experiments, it was found that there are two types of cholesterol: good and bad.

Good molecules move freely in the blood and are not deposited in the form of plaques inside the vessels. On the contrary, they bind bad cholesterol and remove it from the body. It is this that, when accumulated, becomes the cause of atherosclerosis and increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks. But it also helps remove toxins and other harmful substances from the blood.

Thus, the body needs both good and bad cholesterol to function properly. The main thing is that its indicators do not exceed acceptable standards.

  • poor – less than 3.5 mmol/l;
  • good – less than 1 mmol/l;
  • Total cholesterol is less than 5.3 mmol/l.

Returning to shrimp, we can say that their consumption leads to an increase in good cholesterol and in moderate doses does not harm the body.

For muscles and bones

The presence of elements such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus in shrimp meat helps slow down the natural aging of bones , prevents the development of arthritis and osteoporosis, strengthens bone tissue, which makes bones less brittle.

For muscles and bones

The protein found in shellfish, which is the main component in the structure of these tissues, will help strengthen and improve the condition of muscle fibers. In addition, eating shrimp will help to quickly restore and heal muscles if they are injured.

For the heart and blood vessels

The unique composition of shrimp meat helps improve the cardiovascular system. The presence of two types of Omega prevents the formation of blood clots, cleanses blood vessels from blood clots, which in turn is a good prevention of vascular diseases.

Iron, vitamins A and B12 are involved in hematopoiesis, promote the formation of hemoglobin and maintain it at the proper level, which improves the quality of blood in general and prevents the development of anemia. In addition, shrimp meat is rich in antioxidants, which are known for their anti-aging properties.

They strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent their premature aging and, as a result, reduce the risk of developing heart diseases.

For the brain and nervous system

Magnesium and B vitamins have a beneficial effect on brain function, protect its cells, and prevent their damage and death. Shrimp are especially useful in old age, when neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, are often observed.

For the brain and nervous system

Also, the elements in question are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Magnesium strengthens nerve fibers, which prevents the development of depression, nervousness, and constant anxiety.

For the reproductive system

Regular consumption of shrimp meat helps to improve the reproductive system of men and women. The zinc contained in the product improves male reproductive function and prevents the development of prostatitis. The mineral complex promotes the production of testosterone, the main hormone responsible for the performance of all important functions of the body.

This delicacy can also have a positive effect on libido.

Omega-3 is an essential element for the health of a woman’s reproductive system. This element promotes blood flow to the genitals, which ensures their normal functioning. Also, regular consumption of this delicacy helps reduce pain during menstrual flow.

How and with what to cook

Crustaceans can be fried, boiled or steamed. At the same time, it is important to preserve their beneficial qualities as fully as possible.

The first stage in preparing a culinary masterpiece is proper defrosting of the product. So:

  • Do not use a microwave oven for defrosting;
  • You cannot start cooking shrimp that have not been defrosted;
  • Do not defrost in a warm room.

How to proceed:

  • defrost the product exclusively in the refrigeration chamber for at least 6-8 hours;
  • cool using running water;
  • After the crustaceans are thawed, it is necessary to remove excess moisture using paper towels.

In order not to increase the calorie content of the dish and not to negate its usefulness, it is best to serve shrimp in an ensemble with vegetables. This could be green salad leaves or parsley with the addition of lemon or lime slices. Good combinations with boiled carrots, spinach, asparagus, broccoli or zucchini. An ensemble of crustaceans and baked apples will be interesting.

Advice! If you want to surprise your guests, you can prepare the following salad: shrimp, avocado, cucumbers and cherry tomatoes. Cut all vegetable ingredients into small cubes. A sauce mixed with olive oil, a spoonful of mustard, honey and balsamic vinegar is suitable for dressing.

Boiled seafood remains a dietary dish. If you fry them in oil, the calorie content of the food doubles. Fried crustaceans are used to prepare:

  • sandwiches;
  • soups;
  • omelettes;
  • pastes;
  • pizza.

Nuances that crustacean lovers should remember:

  1. do not combine with alcohol, pasta, white bread;
  2. Do not drink any type of tea, soda, or mineral water at the same time;
  3. Considering that crustaceans contain a sufficient amount of protein, it is not recommended to add them to meat and mushroom dishes;
  4. To improve the absorption of vitamins and microelements included in the product, a variety of greens and various types of green salads are added to dishes.

Seafood dishes

For beautiful skin and hair

Antioxidants contained in shellfish have a beneficial effect on the skin, protect it from ultraviolet radiation, and prevent the natural aging process. Selenium is an element that maintains the beauty of skin, nails and hair from the inside, and in combination with calcium prevents the development of joint diseases.

For beautiful skin and hair

Zinc helps maintain the beauty of hair, regulates the process of loss of strands, and stimulates their growth.

Useful properties of shrimp

Shrimp are a favorite choice of nutritionists, because with a minimum calorie content, they have many useful substances:

Vitamins: A, B, C, D, E, K, Pp.

Do not self-medicate. Consult a specialist:


  • Magnesium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Copper;
  • Zinc;
  • Iron;
  • Sodium;
  • Selenium;
  • Iodine.

One hundred grams of the product contains:

  1. Proteins – 20 g;
  2. Carbohydrates – 0 g;
  3. Fat – 1 gr.

Nutritional value – 97 kcal per 100 grams of shrimp.

The iodine found in one hundred grams of these seafood is the daily requirement. Selenium and iron are also contained in a large percentage.

These and other microelements are necessary for the body to maintain normal functioning of the brain, improve memory and thought processes, strengthen the heart muscle, cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol plaques and many other important functions.

Shrimp are considered an indispensable product for athletes, as they build muscle mass without accumulating fat.

In addition to the fact that shrimp reduce low-density lipoproteins, they have many other positive qualities:

  • Helps in the treatment of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Act as a preventive measure for all cardiovascular diseases;
  • Relieves irritability, stabilizing the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Prevents Alzheimer's disease by improving brain function;
  • Removes toxins and waste;
  • Improves the condition of teeth, skin and hair;
  • Normalize blood pressure;
  • Stabilize the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • Strengthen the immune system.

In addition, shrimp can prevent the occurrence of cancer. It is enough to eat them once a week to saturate the body with all their beneficial properties.

For immunity

The vitamin and mineral composition in shrimp meat contributes to the overall strengthening of the body and its immune system. Omega-3 and -6, B vitamins, tocopherol (E) protect the body from external adverse environmental factors, increase immunity, and prevent the development of colds during the cold season.

For a more pronounced result, experts recommend eating shrimp along with nuts and fresh herbs. Please note that eating this delicacy will not help solve existing health problems, however, shellfish meat can contribute to a faster recovery during conservative therapy.

The benefits and harms of shrimp during pregnancy

Proper nutrition is one of the main principles during pregnancy.

A well-thought-out diet will help not only maintain your figure and not gain extra pounds, but also ensure the healthy development of the fetus. Shrimp meet the above requirements: they have low calorie content, and their composition is enriched with vitamins and minerals, especially useful for the expectant mother are folic acid, iodine, iron, vitamin E, magnesium.

The benefits and harms of shrimp during pregnancy

Moderate consumption of this delicacy during pregnancy will have the following effects:

  • strengthening the nervous system of the woman and fetus;
  • prevention of depression, headaches, neuroses;
  • prevention of various congenital defects in the fetus, including the heart;
  • removing “bad” cholesterol from the body of the expectant mother;
  • normalization of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • prevention of anemia in women and fetuses;
  • replenishment of iodine in the body.

In general, eating shrimp meat will contribute to a healthy pregnancy and, as a result, the correct formation of the unborn child in accordance with the term.

The benefits of shrimp for weight loss

Shrimp meat mainly consists of protein; fats and carbohydrates are contained in minimal quantities, so the product is recommended as a dietary product; it can be safely consumed when losing weight.

The benefits of shrimp for weight loss

The delicacy also has a positive effect on the internal processes of the body that are necessary for weight loss:

  • accelerates metabolism, which provokes a faster elimination of waste and toxins, increases the digestibility of food;
  • removes “bad” cholesterol;
  • improves overall well-being due to a different group of vitamins.

Shrimp meat also has a beneficial effect on the skin during this period. The presence of vitamins A and E helps maintain the beauty of the skin from the inside. In combination with external procedures, it will help avoid the appearance of stretch marks and make the skin more elastic and toned.

Please note that shellfish meat should be included in the menu along with other healthy foods (greens, cereals, beans, etc.). Only with a balanced, proper diet can you lose extra pounds without causing harm to yourself.

Harm and contraindications

The beneficial properties of shrimp for the body are undeniable, but they can be harmful, like any other product. The delicacy can cause allergies , which can manifest itself in the form of a rash, itching, peeling, or in a more severe form - Quincke's edema.

Harm and contraindications

Therefore, when eating seafood for the first time, it is recommended to eat no more than 100 g of shrimp; if a negative reaction does not follow, then this amount can be increased to the daily consumption rate of the product - 250–300 g. Protein, which is found in large quantities in shellfish meat, can exert additional pressure on the liver and kidneys, so it is not recommended to overuse shrimp so as not to overload these organs.

Excessive consumption of shellfish can also negatively affect the digestive system, and in combination with spicy seasonings can cause heartburn and bloating. Also, experts do not recommend eating the delicacy fried, since the meat loses most of its beneficial qualities, while its calorie content more than doubles.

How much cholesterol is in shrimp

Many people doubt the choice of shrimp, since one hundred grams of their meat contains 195 mg of cholesterol. That is, after eating 350 grams of these delicious seafood, a person replenishes the daily cholesterol requirement.

But here it is important to understand that in order for cholesterol to settle and be deposited on the intima (inner surface) of blood vessels, fat is needed, and in fact, there is none in shrimp - only one percent.

In addition, you need to choose the right cooking method. This generally applies to all foods with high cholesterol.

If you cook food on a grill, barbecue, or fry it in a frying pan or in a cauldron, the amount of cholesterol increases many times over, and in addition, the food is saturated with a carcinogen, which provokes the occurrence of neoplasms.

If food is boiled, steamed, stewed or baked, then it retains its beneficial properties and is not saturated with unnecessary fats.

In the case of shrimp, the best way to cook them is to boil them, but under no circumstances fry them in butter, as many recipes suggest.

How to choose the right shrimp

In order for the delicacy to bring maximum benefit and taste, you need to choose it correctly. In the store, shrimp can be sold frozen, but they can be raw or cooked.

A good product will have the following qualities:

  • the shells are intact, without damage or ruptures;
  • the color of the meat is even, beautiful, there are no gray or dark spots;
  • the smell is soft, slightly salty (the presence of a pronounced fishy smell indicates a low-quality product);
  • There should not be a lot of ice in the packaging and on the shrimp themselves.

It is also recommended to pay attention to the place where shellfish are caught. The most delicious and tender shrimp are found in the northern hemisphere; their meat is considered healthier, containing a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Shellfish caught off the coast of South America have tougher meat and a hard shell.

We select quality seafood

Shrimp belong to the category of perishable seafood, so you should buy them either live (found in stores in cities located near the place of catch) or frozen, nothing else.

This is what quality frozen shrimp looks like.
You should refuse to purchase them if you have:

  • yellow or brown stains on the shell;
  • excessively dry shell;
  • black spots on the shell (indicates that the seafood has been frozen for quite some time);
  • a straight, not curled, tail;
  • sticking ice (this indicates that this is not the first time freezing has been done).

Fresh shrimp have a uniform pink color (with light splashes), as well as a tightly curved tail. A brown or green head on a shrimp is normal and occurs in some species. Tiger crayfish are generally more similar to ordinary crayfish, but with a lighter and striped shell (which is why they got their name).

In total, shrimp actually contain cholesterol, and in large quantities. But there is more benefit from it than harm, since it is predominantly unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, which prevent the formation of plaques on the inner walls of blood vessels. The main thing is to eat only high-quality and fresh seafood.

How to cook shrimp

Shrimp meat is not consumed raw; the main method of preparing it is boiling. At the same time, you need to cook it correctly so that it turns out tasty and tender.

How to cook shrimp

Cooking tips:

  1. Raw frozen food does not need to be thawed. The shellfish are immediately thrown into boiling, lightly salted water. They are cooked for no more than 6 minutes, the indicator of readiness is the moment when the crustaceans float to the surface.
  2. If the shellfish have already been boiled and then frozen, then they are kept in boiling water for no more than 1 minute.
  3. After cooking the shrimp, it is recommended to leave them in the pan for another 10 minutes to simmer.
  4. The finished delicacy is placed on a plate, sprinkled with olive oil, you can also add a little lemon juice, then the taste of the meat will be revealed in all its diversity.
  5. Serve shrimp with herbs, nuts or vegetables.

Please note that the delicacy cannot be stored after cooking; the meat loses its taste, so it is recommended to boil as many shrimp as you intend to use. Nutritionists advise serving shrimp for lunch, but they can also be eaten as an ingredient in salads for dinner.

How to choose the right shrimp

This very specific marine product has only recently become available to the public. Therefore, not every person knows the criteria that high-quality shrimp must meet.

Fresh specimens can only be purchased in port cities; finding them fresh in stores is very difficult, since they have a short shelf life. As a rule, after catching them, they are immediately boiled. They come to the market already boiled and immediately frozen.

When choosing these seafood you need to pay attention to some nuances:

  • The ice in the package should not crunch, but if it does, it means that for some reason the package has already been defrosted and re-frozen.
  • The amount of ice should not exceed 5-7 percent.
  • Quality shrimp are usually contained in packaging that has a transparent window through which the buyer can see the contents.
  • The larger the individuals, the higher the price. For example, the sign on the package 70/90 means that one kilogram of shrimp can contain from 70 to 90 pieces. By comparison, king or tiger prawns can be very large, up to two per kilogram. Naturally, this will greatly increase their price.
  • The price also depends on whether the shrimp is shelled or not. Cleaned ones are 2-3 times more expensive, this is due to the weight of the pure meat of the product. Gourmets prefer to choose shelled specimens, as it is believed that their taste is much brighter.
  • If the shrimp are unpeeled, their shell should be transparent.
  • The product must be even in color. If a shrimp has a brownish head, do not panic, this means that it is pregnant, which makes its meat doubly healthier. But if an individual has uneven color and spots, then this is an alarming sign. Most likely, the heat treatment rules in this case were not followed.
  • The shrimp's tail should be curled. This suggests that it was cooked together after the catch, and it retained its freshness and all its beneficial properties.

By taking all these conditions into account and carefully applying them when choosing, you can purchase a quality product at a reasonable price. Naturally, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the shelf life.

Any expired seafood turns from healthy into very dangerous, as it can cause severe poisoning.

Delicious recipes

Shrimp, the benefits and harms of which for the body were discussed above, are combined with various products, especially their meat is valued in salads and as an additive to pasta.

Salad with fresh cucumber:

  • shellfish – 450 g;
  • cucumber (fresh) – 150 g;
  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • mayonnaise for dressing;
  • seasonings - to taste.

    Salad with fresh cucumber


  1. Cook the shrimp and remove the shell.
  2. Chop the cucumber into strips and chop the egg. Add spices and mix. Chop the dill.
  3. Serving: decorate the dish with lettuce leaves, place a bed of vegetables, boiled shrimp on top, sprinkle with herbs.

Salad “Sea Cocktail”:

  • shellfish – 100 g;
  • lemon - for seasoning;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • tomato – 0.5 pcs.;
  • bell pepper – 0.5 pcs.;
  • parsley;
  • spices - to taste.

    Salad "Sea cocktail"


  1. Thaw the shrimp by placing them in cold water.
  2. Chop the garlic or cut into thin slices. Fry it with a little oil.
  3. Add seafood to garlic and fry for 2 minutes. Drain off excess water and transfer the finished shellfish to a plate, sprinkle them with lemon juice.
  4. Cut the tomato and pepper into slices, leave only the leaves of the parsley, the stems are not needed.
  5. Gently mix the vegetables and season with spices.
  6. You can serve the salad in a glass: put a mixture of vegetables and herbs on the bottom, carefully place shellfish on top. The edge of the glass can be decorated with a slice of tomato with seafood or a slice of lemon.
  7. Another option for serving the salad: do not chop the peppers, but cut them into large pieces (divide 1 pepper into 3 parts), stuff the resulting “boats” with tomato and shrimp, and garnish with parsley.

Shrimp pasta:

  • shellfish – 200 g;
  • paste – 2 pcs.;
  • cream (15%) – 150 ml;
  • leek – green part;
  • butter based on cream – 50 g;
  • vegetable-based oil – 0.5 tsp;
  • seasonings - to taste.

    Shrimp pasta


  • Prepare the paste in lightly salted water with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil (it will prevent the product from sticking) – 5–7 minutes.
  • Wash the cleaned seafood and fry in butter for 2–3 minutes.
  • Chop the leek, add to the shrimp, simmer for 1 minute. Pour in cream, salt and pepper, simmer for 2 minutes.
  • Add pasta to the stew and simmer for another 1 minute.
  • Serve the dish with Parmesan and fresh herbs.

Baked shrimp:

  • shellfish – 100 g;
  • Feta cheese – 30 g;
  • tomato – 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper – 0.5 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ouzo (drink) – 20 ml;
  • thyme - sprig;
  • spices - to taste.


  1. Cut the onion and pepper into cubes, fry in olive oil for 5 minutes.
  2. Pass the peeled tomato through a grater, add to the vegetables along with the ouzo and simmer for 7 minutes. Transfer the resulting sauce to a baking dish.
  3. Peel the shellfish, fry in a frying pan without oil - 2 minutes. Transfer to vegetable sauce and season with spices. Crumble cheese and thyme on top.
  4. Bake shrimp with vegetables at 180 C for 15 minutes.
  5. Baked seafood served with white bread.

Clam chowder:

  • processed cheese – 400 g;
  • peeled shrimp – 400 g;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 400 g;
  • milk – 200 g;
  • vegetable-based oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • bay leaf, oregano, basil, parsley - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.

    Clam chowder

How to cook:

  1. Squeeze lemon juice into 1 liter of water, add spices and boil everything. Throw in seafood and cook for 2 minutes. Remove the shellfish and strain the broth.
  2. Mix 2 liters of water and broth, add cheese and salt. Add diced potatoes and cook for 15 minutes.
  3. Peel the carrots, pass through a grater, sauté with oil for 1 minute. Place into the broth at the same time as the shrimp.
  4. Pour in milk, boil.
  5. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Using shrimp

In cooking

Shrimp are an accessible and at the same time exquisite table decoration that is accessible to almost everyone. What dishes can you add them to? Of course, salads - in them, tender, cold and almost melting in the mouth crustacean meat, together with spices, fully reveals its unique delicious taste. They can also be added to main courses. Some gourmets make soups from shrimp. And of course, just regular shrimp without any ingredients are common.

Recipes from different chefs differ in the variety of flavorings added and the cooking time. What is the secret to cooking shrimp? How to cook them so that the meat is completely cooked and tasty?

Proper defrosting of the product plays an important role in cooking. There are rules that will allow you to retain more nutrients in it:

  • You cannot defrost shrimp at room temperature, in the microwave, or throw them frozen into water. The optimal preparation of the product for cooking is gradual defrosting and thawing in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.
  • A less “correct” but also effective way of defrosting is to place the seafood in a colander and leave it in cold water for 15 minutes. Then you need to change the water and let the shrimp sit for another 20 minutes.
  • After defrosting, the seafood should be rinsed in running water. Before throwing it into boiling water, you need to dry it on a paper napkin.

Let's move on to the recipe itself. First, boil the water. Its quantity is determined in the ratio of 1 part shrimp - 2-2.5 parts water.

The water needs to be salted and spices added to it. The most common are parsley, black peppercorns, and dill. Sometimes a bay leaf is added, but you need to remember that it will add excessive toughness to the shrimp. But it all depends on your preferences.

After the water boils, you can put shrimp in it. Make sure that the dish does not “run away”, as crustaceans may foam slightly during cooking and rise to the surface. Tender and soft shrimp meat cooks very quickly - as soon as the shrimp boil and float, after 1.5-2 minutes they can be removed with a slotted spoon or drained. The cooking time for larger seafood products increases slightly - about 2-3 minutes. It is very important not to overcook - otherwise the meat will become a “rubbery” consistency and instead of enjoying it, you will only need to chew the elastic hooks. The meat of properly cooked shrimp is very tender and practically melts in your mouth. Once the seafood is removed from the water, it must be cooled and cleaned. If desired, you can sprinkle a little herbs before serving.

It is important to know how to properly peel a shrimp in order to eat it. First, it is imperative to free it from its shell. To do this, you need to pick it up with its belly up and tear off its head. Then you need to take the shrimp by the upper part with one hand and by the tail with the other, pull slowly by the back part and the shell will slide off the body. After this, you can enjoy the taste of crustacean.

The paws may contain caviar, which some gourmets eat. It is no less tasty than the shrimp itself.

When cleaning a shrimp, it is necessary to remove the “vein”, which is the digestive organ. It may contain grains of sand, and the taste is sometimes bitter. Of course, we expect completely different sensations when feasting on shrimp.

Shrimp, regardless of their type, can be cooked not only in water. For example, many seafood in Italy are cooked with cream or milk in an unrefined form. In Japan and China, in order to eliminate the specific “fish spirit”, green tea is used to prepare shrimp. Its leaves are added to the water just before boiling. In this case, the shrimp need to be cooked a little longer. And as a result, the meat will not be tasteless and “rubbery”, but, on the contrary, with an additional zest. In Russia, many people cook shrimp in vodka or beer. The most common ingredients added to the liquid when cooking crustaceans are bay leaves, salt, black pepper, lime, lemon, vegetable oil, cloves, garlic, tarragon and dill.

All of the above tips can be used for gas or electric stoves. You can also cook shrimp in the microwave. But in this case there is no consensus on the required cooking time. Some believe that these seafood should be kept in the microwave for 12 minutes, and it should be turned on at full power. Others are of the opinion that only two minutes is enough for such a procedure. Still others stick to the golden mean; they cook seafood on medium power for 5-7 minutes. But almost everyone agrees that frozen shrimp can be cooked in the microwave without water, because the melted ice will completely suffice.

Sometimes frozen-cooked shrimp are not cooked at all because they are already cooked after being caught. You can just wait until they are completely free of ice, sprinkle them with lemon juice, sprinkle finely chopped herbs on top and serve. Sometimes shrimp are “warmed up” by steaming. All of the above cooking methods are correct and acceptable.

For weight loss

Shrimp are low in calories, they contain almost no sugar and fat, but due to their high protein content they perfectly satisfy hunger. Therefore, this seafood is one of the most preferred types of food. The high content of vitamin B12 promotes hemoglobin synthesis and has a positive effect on the nervous system, which is important during weight loss.

There is a special shrimp diet that will help you not only improve your figure, but also improve the condition of your skin and hair. With this diet, you need to eat about 350 grams of boiled shrimp meat per day. If you really want fried food, then only cook it in vegetable oil and no more than 100 grams. You can eat vegetables with this crustacean, with the exception of potatoes, legumes and corn. You can eat greens in unlimited quantities. Green apples, citrus fruits and wild berries are allowed. Liquids allowed are water, citrus juices, pineapple, apple, pomegranate, and skim milk.

The duration of such a diet is 7-10 days. It is not suitable for people suffering from liver pathology or chronic allergies. It is advisable to discuss the need for such a diet with your doctor if you have problems with the thyroid gland.

In cosmetology

When eating sea crustaceans, the condition of hair, nails and skin improves due to the presence of vitamin A in their composition. But they are used for cosmetic purposes not only as food. The chitosan contained in the shell helps slow down the aging process, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, and normalize immune reactions. It is used for cosmetic correction because it does not leave scars on the skin.

Chitosan also has other excellent qualities: it creates a protective layer on the skin, protecting it from moisture loss. It also prevents from the aggressive effects of environmental factors and is perfectly absorbed by the body.

There is a whole series of different cosmetics based on chitosan: creams, lotions, masks, powders. Scientists are developing technologies that plan to use chitosan nanoparticles in new skin care products.

How much and how often to use

Shrimp, whose benefits and harm to the body are determined by their composition, contain quite a lot of protein. An excess of this component negatively affects the functioning of the urinary and digestive systems, so it is not recommended to consume the delicacy in excess of the prescribed norm. For an adult, the consumption rate of shrimp is 250–300 g per day.

It should be borne in mind that this is the daily requirement of protein required by the body, so it is not recommended to combine shellfish with other products containing large amounts of this substance. For better absorption of the delicacy, nutritionists advise consuming it at lunchtime. For dinner, shrimp are served only as part of other dishes, such as vegetable salads.

Chemical composition

Shrimp, like other seafood, is rich in easily digestible protein. Its digestion occurs very quickly, which facilitates the absorption of a sufficient amount of product components into the blood.

One hundred-gram serving of crustaceans provides 47% of the daily protein requirement. At the same time, they are low in fats and carbohydrates, and contain many valuable vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

Shrimp are a source of vitamin D. 100 grams (boiled) contain about 32% of the daily value of this important component. Vitamin D ensures the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and also regulates their levels in the blood.

If you compare shrimp and other products, then, for example, they contain almost 100 times more iodine than beef. So 100 g of this crustacean contains the daily norm of this element and 2.5 norms of potassium. By eating 200 grams of seafood per day, you can easily replenish the daily requirement of the human body for copper and cobalt.

Fresh shrimp are low in calories: 100 g of them contain 73-107 kcal (it all depends on the type).
This seafood is on par with potatoes, low-fat fish, and bananas in terms of calorie content. Cooking shrimp increases their calorie content. Boiled crustaceans contain about 100 kcal, and fried or baked ones become even more high-calorie. They can become an alternative dish for allergy sufferers, as they are a non-allergenic product. Table 1. “Chemical composition of shrimp”

CompoundContents per 100 grams
Squirrels18.9 g
Fats2.2 g
Water77.2 g
Ash1.7 g
Calcium135 mg
Potassium260 mg
Phosphorus220 mg
Sodium450 mg
Magnesium60 mg
Iron2200 mcg
Zinc2100 mcg
Copper850 mcg
Iodine110 mcg
Manganese110 mcg
Fluorine100 mcg
Cobalt12 mcg
Molybdenum10 mcg
Selenium38 mcg
Vitamin A (beta-carotene)0.01 mg
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)1.4 mg
Vitamin E (tocopherol)2.27
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)0.06 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)0.11 mg
Vitamin B9 (folic acid)13 mcg
Vitamin PP (niacin)1 mg

How to properly store shrimp

Shrimp meat is a perishable product, so it is important to know how to store it properly. It is recommended to store frozen product for no more than 1 month. As this period increases, the shellfish become frozen, lose the necessary moisture and nutrients, and their taste also changes.

How to properly store shrimp

The delicacy can be stored in its prepared form for no more than 2 days. However, it is better to cook enough shrimp to eat them immediately and not leave them for later.

Shellfish meat will be most delicious and tender only when freshly prepared. Shrimp is a healthy and necessary product for the human body. However, it is worth considering the rules for its storage and preparation, and also choose carefully when purchasing so as not to harm your health.

Additional facts

Shrimp lovers will be interested in learning a few interesting additional facts about them:

  • Many species of shrimp are hermaphrodites—they can change sex from male to female throughout their lives.
  • As they grow, they molt and exchange their old shell, which has become uncomfortable, for a more spacious one.
  • They can easily accumulate toxic substances.
  • King shrimp are grown primarily on farms. For this purpose, growth stimulants and antibiotics are used. They contain very few nutrients.
  • One type of shrimp is the so-called “shooting” shrimp. With their claws they can make a click so loud that the fish located nearby die from it.
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