Mandarin for diabetes: benefits, harms and contraindications, precautions, recommendations


A flavonoid called nobelitin is found in tangerines in large quantities.

  • It reduces blood cholesterol levels and the risk of excess weight gain.
  • Normalizes glucose, insulin, triglycerides.

Eating tangerines prevents fat deposition and promotes the expression of genes responsible for stabilizing metabolic processes. When used wisely, tangerines are extremely useful for type 2 diabetes.

The average glycemic index of the product is 40–49 units depending on the variety, so if you have type 2 diabetes, tangerines can be included in your diet. It is advisable to consume peeled tangerines whole, and not in the form of squeezed juice, which reduces the fiber content and, accordingly, increases the glycemic index in terms of the weight of the product.

Tangerines contain fiber, which slows down the breakdown of glucose and prevents spikes in blood sugar levels.

Due to the high content of vitamin C and other biologically active substances, the fruit has a beneficial effect on the immune system and increases the body's resistance to infections.

Tangerines are recommended for type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, because... contain predominantly easily digestible fructose and fiber. The latter slows down the breakdown of glucose and prevents surges in blood sugar levels, which is important for type 2 diabetes.

general information

Mandarin is a fruit that grows on a tree or bush. There are more than 50 varieties of fruits. The birthplace of the fruit is China. Mandarin orange contains almost as much ascorbic acid as an orange, and is 3 times more concentrated in retinol.

Scientists have found that the fruit contains nobiletin, a substance that stimulates the pancreas. The compound protects against the development of type 2 diabetes, prevents fat accumulation and promotes weight loss.

Composition and nutritional value

Citrus consists predominantly of water: it occupies up to 88-90% of the total composition. In second place are carbohydrates – 7.5%. There is little protein in the fruit, about 0.8 g per 100 g of pulp. There is even less fat: up to 0.2% of the total composition. The product contains fiber. It occupies 1.9% of the composition. The calorie content of the fruit reaches 38 kcal per 100 g. Mandarin contains almost all substances discovered by man, but most of them are in too small quantities.
For example, the proportion of iodine in the composition does not cover even 1% of the body’s daily needs. Substances that are abundant in citrus are ascorbic acid, silicon, cobalt and molybdenum.

Tangerine contains vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the body.

Benefits of tangerines

Tangerines have the following beneficial properties:

  1. Remove excess fluid from the body. Thanks to increased circulation, the kidneys are better cleaned and the risk of stone formation in them is reduced. By eliminating stagnant processes, infection is prevented. Removing excess fluid helps reduce the load on all organs and tissues. The body functions better. The activity of the heart muscle is facilitated.
  2. Improves mood. Citrus fruits can be used as a natural antidepressant. They stabilize the functioning of the central nervous system, improve sleep quality, and increase stress resistance. This is especially important for patients with diabetes, since strict restrictions and the need for self-control undermine the psycho-emotional state and provoke breakdowns.
  3. Accelerate weight loss. Tangerines are considered a dietary dessert. Thanks to them, it is possible to satisfy the need for sweets with minimal harm to the figure. The sugar contained in the fruit is absorbed relatively slowly due to the large amount of fiber.
  4. Has a beneficial effect on the lungs. Citruses destroy bacteria and relieve inflammation. Relieving swelling makes breathing easier. Decoctions and infusions help cope with sore throat.
  5. Cleanses blood vessels. Fruits eliminate cholesterol plaques, which helps to expand the venous and arterial lumen.
  6. Strengthen the immune system. With regular consumption of citrus fruits, a person is less likely to get sick during seasonal epidemics.
  7. Accelerate regenerative processes. This property affects not only the skin, but also internal tissues and organs.

Healing properties of tangerines.

How to use

For type 1 and type 2 diabetes, you can include 2-3 medium tangerines in your daily diet. These should be fresh whole fruits, not industrially canned fruits or squeezed juice.

It is better to distribute the daily portion throughout the day in accordance with the calorie intake. So, the first breakfast should account for 25% of the total calories, the second breakfast - 15%, lunch - 30%, dinner - 20%, evening snack - 10%. Mandarin is preferably eaten in the morning as a second breakfast.

Diabetes and diet: everything is mixed with sugar

One of the main myths circulating on the Internet: a diabetic cannot eat food with carbohydrates! In fact, if you refuse such food, you can very quickly go “to the next world.” As well as eating too much of it. To understand what the catch is, you need to understand the concept of “diabetes”.

In a nutshell, the disease can be characterized as follows: diabetics have a metabolic disorder due to problems with the production of the hormone insulin, which is responsible for the absorption of sugar. Sugar (glucose) serves as food for all cells of the body - it provides energy. There is no insulin - sugar does not enter the cells, but accumulates, poisoning the body. In other words, there is no life without sugar, and the problem with diabetes is that it ends up in the wrong places.

You may ask, what does diet have to do with it if the disease is not “from food”? It's simple! There are 2 types of diabetes:

  • In type I diabetes, insulin is not produced at all - this is insulin-dependent diabetes. To improve the condition, diabetics with this form of the disease are prescribed insulin in tablets or injections. Such patients need a diet so as not to exceed the dose of sugar that can be absorbed by the administered insulin.
  • In type II diabetes, insulin is produced, but the cells do not perceive it well - this is non-insulin-dependent diabetes. In this case, insulin is not prescribed, and health must be maintained with a diet that limits carbohydrates to the extent that the body can cope with them.

In diabetes, the body cannot absorb large amounts of sugar, but at the same time it cannot do without glucose. This means that a diabetic’s diet should be planned in such a way that glucose is supplied in small portions, but often. Plus, it is very important that it is in an accessible form.


You can include some dishes with tangerine in your diet.

Diabetic salad


  • 200 g tangerine slices,
  • 30–40 pomegranate seeds,
  • 15 blueberries (cranberries or cherries),
  • 1/4 ripe banana
  • 1/2 fresh chopped apple.

Mix the ingredients and season with kefir or natural yogurt. Use the dish fresh; storing it in the refrigerator is not advisable.

Tangerines contain a lot of water, but they also help remove excess fluid from the body. The fruits prevent swelling and reduce the symptoms of hypertension.

Homemade jam without sugar


  • 1 kg tangerines,
  • 1 kg of sorbitol or 400 g of glucose
  • 250 ml water.


  1. Remove the skin and white veins from the tangerines.
  2. Cut the pulp into slices and the zest into thin strips.
  3. Fill with water and cook for 40 minutes over low heat. This time is enough to soften the zest.
  4. Cool the mixture and grind with a blender.
  5. Add sweetener and return to low heat until it comes to a boil.

The jam can be consumed after preparation, when it has cooled. To preserve the product for the winter, transfer it to jars while still hot and close the lid tightly. Store in the refrigerator.

Epidemiology of diabetes

Diabetes is associated with complications in many organic systems, the most obvious of which is loss of vision. The most common complications affect the peripheral and autonomic nervous systems. Patients with diabetes are 15 times more likely to develop hypertension and other associated pathologies. For many, the incidence of infections increases and the rate of wound healing decreases. The main symptoms of diabetes are excessive urine output (polyuria), abnormal increase in nutritional needs (polyphagia), increased thirst (polydipsia) and weight loss for no apparent reason.


Estimates from health insurance data showed that the incidence of diabetes in the general population increased from 1989 to 2007 from 5.9% to 8.9%. This increase is mainly due to the increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is more common among older people than among younger people: whereas in the age group 40-59 years, only about 4-10% had diabetes. Approximately 15,000 children and adolescents under the age of 14 have type 1 diabetes. Between 2,100 and 2,300 new cases are reported annually in this age group. Several studies have demonstrated an increase in the incidence of type 1 diabetes of 3-4% per year. In 2010, approximately 32,000 patients under the age of 20 were living with type 1 diabetes.

Type 1 can appear for the first time at any age. Globally, 65,000 new cases are reported annually and the annual growth rate is estimated at 3%.

The country with the highest incidence of diabetes is Finland. However, the number of new cases among adolescents under 15 years of age has not yet increased, at least not in the last 15 years. Researchers attribute this to the addition of vitamin D to milk.

Possible contraindications

The beneficial properties of tangerines are due to the biochemical composition of citrus fruits. However, even a high content of vitamins and organic substances can cause complications and negative reactions in the body. Fruits are not recommended for consumption if there are contraindications:

  • allergies and individual intolerances;
  • inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • hepatitis;
  • renal failure;
  • cholecystitis.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with Italian pine pine

If you have diabetes, tangerines can only be eaten in moderation and as part of dietary dishes.

Use in folk medicine

Tangerines can not only be eaten, but also medicinal products can be prepared from their peel. Of course, no traditional medicines will replace diet, insulin or sugar-lowering pills, but they can be used as additional and strengthening therapy. Products made from citrus fruits speed up metabolic processes in the body, help quickly lose weight and strengthen the immune system. They are especially useful for elderly patients with type 2 diabetes, since the metabolism in such patients is usually clearly slowed down.

To prepare the decoction, you need to peel 2-3 fruits and rinse them well under running water. The chopped peel is poured into 1 liter of cold water, brought to a boil and kept over low heat for 10 minutes. After the product has cooled, filter it and take 50 ml 4 times a day half an hour before meals. Thanks to its pleasant aroma and taste, this healthy drink tones the body and gives the patient a boost of good mood.

If a diabetic has no contraindications or allergies, tangerines can be an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. The low glycemic index and pleasant sweet taste make this fruit one of the most popular on the table of many people. The only thing it is advisable to remember when consuming these citrus fruits is a sense of proportion. If you overeat, tangerines will not bring anything good; moreover, they can cause skin rashes or stomach pain due to the high content of fruit acids in their composition.

Beneficial features

Tangerines contain potassium and vitamin C. Potassium improves the functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system. Vitamin C improves immunity, the body becomes more hardened to resist infections.

This fruit has a number of advantages:

  • blood pressure is normalized;
  • the body is in good shape;
  • glucose is broken down more slowly, then the risk of a sharp increase in sugar is minimized;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves;
  • citrus removes toxins and excess liquid well;
  • due to the content of vitamins, the body fights diseases better;
  • Helps avoid obesity and atherosclerosis.

What to consider with tangerines for gestational diabetes in pregnant women

Tangerines can be consumed in pregnant women with gestational diabetes, but it must be taken into account that during the period of bearing a child, a woman’s sensitivity to any irritants increases, which can “result” in severe allergies. Citrus fruits are a priori hyperallergenic products, so you need to take into account the following nuances:

  • Does the pregnant woman have a history of allergies?
  • how the body previously reacted to familiar foods;
  • What is the severity of gestational diabetes?

The best option is to consult a gynecologist and endocrinologist. If there is no opportunity to talk with a specialist, then a pregnant woman diagnosed with gestational diabetes should begin to introduce tangerines into the menu in minimal doses - eat ½ slice and wait several hours to assess her condition. If there are no signs of classic allergies, then you can gradually increase the amount of fruit.

Tangerine peels for diabetes

It often happens that peelings contain more valuable substances than the fruit itself. The situation is exactly the same with tangerine peels. Everyone remembers how intoxicatingly tangerines smell, and the aroma is contained in a concentrated form in the peels.

If you make a decoction from unnecessary peelings or add tangerine zest to tea, then the magical aroma and healing properties of the southern fruit will enter the body in a more complete composition.

The peel of orange fruits is rich in flavones, which can reduce cholesterol levels by half.

In diabetics, lipid metabolism is usually impaired, so the fight against cholesterol is always important for them. Essential oils of crusts have a positive effect on the nervous system, invigorate and refresh. Feeling great and having a positive attitude is especially valuable for people suffering from chronic diseases.

The aromatic, easy-to-clean rind is used to treat a variety of ailments.

8 beneficial properties of tangerine peel:

  1. The peel contains a large amount of antioxidants. There are much more of them in the crusts than even in freshly squeezed juice. Antioxidants prevent cell mutation and protect against skin, ovarian, breast, and prostate cancer.
  2. Tangerine peel tea is rich in polymethoxylated flavones, which reduce cholesterol by up to 40% and significantly lower sugar levels.
  3. The zest activates digestive processes, relieves flatulence, strengthens the immune system and rejuvenates.
  4. An aromatic drink made from brewed tangerine peels relieves nausea and stops vomiting.
  5. Essential oils from the peel, combined with the invigorating effect of the sunny color of the fruit, relieve symptoms of nervous disorders. Eat the ripe fruit with the peel or drink fragrant tea with the zest. The feeling of anxiety, fatigue and excessive stress will leave you.
  6. For colds, which are especially dangerous for diabetics, an infusion of tangerine peels helps. It effectively removes mucus from the respiratory tract and increases the body's protective barrier.
  7. The peel contains components that suppress the activity of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which cause peptic ulcers. Drink tea with zest to prevent ulcers.
  8. The white part of the crusts contains the substance nobiletin, which helps remove fat from deposits in muscles and blood vessels. By losing weight with the help of tangerine peels, you are actively fighting the manifestations of diabetes.

Do not throw away the fragrant crusts; they contain substances that heal and strengthen the body.

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