We make artificial blood for the holiday with our own hands using simple recipes

Many stylists and makeup artists use fake blood to add realism to their looks, especially around Halloween. What better way to add horror to your image than a lot of sticky and burgundy blood? We have collected a lot of recipes and prepared an answer to the question: how to make artificial blood with your own hands quickly and without problems.

You can use ingredients you have in your kitchen to create believable fake blood. In this article we will tell you how to make artificial blood at home using corn syrup or powdered sugar. You can also get a more natural consistency by using flour, which thickens as it cools.

Artificial blood made from corn syrup

To make artificial blood with your own hands from corn syrup you will need: red dye - 2 tbsp. l, red fruit juice - about 120 ml., corn syrup - about 300 grams, one tablespoon each of chocolate syrup or cocoa powder and corn starch.

Mix all ingredients at once until smooth. Close the blender for about 30 seconds, during which time all ingredients will combine and form a homogeneous mixture. You can mix in 2 steps of 15 seconds for better dissolution. If you don't have a blender, use a large food processor.

Adjust the color. Open the blender and scoop some fake blood into a spoon to evaluate the color shade. Pour some of the “syrup” onto a white paper towel to get an idea of ​​the color. You can adjust the color by adding more dye, cocoa or chocolate syrup. For example, dye should be added if the shade is pale, but if the color, on the contrary, is too bright, more chocolate or cocoa should be added.

Think about volume. If you want the fake blood to be thicker (this will add more naturalness), add 2 times more corn syrup. In this case, you may need more dye, since the consistency will be diluted.

Love spell on menstrual blood

5. Magic menstrual potion

Blood has always occupied an important place in magic, however, many rituals specifically require the use of menstrual blood.

Although this may seem absurd at first glance, even when the understanding of the world was more primitive, menstrual blood was seen as a symbol of fertility

, the process of reproduction associated with love, physical contact, etc.

This is what made menstrual blood a desirable ingredient.

magic spells related to love.

According to some folk tales, women secretly added menstrual blood to his food or drink and waited to see what would happen. Presumably, the man was supposed to fall in love with this woman, or, if they were already married, then the potion was supposed to ensure exceptional fidelity on the part of the husband.

Even stranger is the fact that in some cultures, including the ancient Romans, men believed that they could use menstrual blood for the same purposes as women.

Menstrual blood was also often used in black magic, often to make someone infertile, and sometimes to kill a person for revenge. Regardless of the fact that in reality the blood did not have any magical effect, “drinking someone else’s blood” sounds very frightening.

Strangely, this practice still exists in the modern world.

For example, in Singapore, not long ago, a female maid was accused of adding menstrual blood to her employer's coffee, allegedly in the hope that he would become more favorable to her.

4. The theory of ancient astronauts

Blood groups are still not fully understood by science, but this is because they were only discovered in 1901. And, as often happens with questions that are not fully understood by science, someone appears who begins to promote their dubious theories on this matter.

The theory of ancient astronauts states that aliens arrived on our planet several thousand years ago and gave a start to the development of humanity, sharing technology with them, and in some versions they were engaged in breeding the human race


Many are convinced that aliens or their descendants still walk among us. One of the most recent theories in this direction is the theory of blood groups. The Rh blood type is one of 33 human blood group systems, and is defined as Rh positive or Rh negative blood.

This is a very important distinction.

When a pregnant woman with Rh-negative blood carries a child with a positive blood type under her heart, there is a possibility that an Rh conflict will occur. Essentially, the pregnant woman's blood cells begin to produce antibodies against the baby's blood, which can lead to the baby being born with anemia or jaundice.

Imitation blood from powdered sugar

To make imitation blood similar to the real thing using just powdered sugar you will need:

  • Powdered sugar in the amount of 450 grams
  • Red coloring (food coloring) - 2 tbsp.
  • Cocoa - 1 tbsp.
  • Water - 240 ml. or 1 glass

First, mix the water and powder for about thirty seconds. You may need to pulse to break up larger chunks. The powder should completely dissolve in water.

Pour in two tablespoons of coloring, close the lid and mix until the coloring is evenly mixed. Then add one spoonful of cocoa and mix thoroughly again. This will help the mixture thicken a little and give the red a more realistic hue.

Remove the lid and scoop some of the mixture into a spoon. Drip it onto a paper towel to get a better idea of ​​what the color looks like. To get the shade you want, add more dye or vice versa - cocoa to get the shade you want.

You can fill a plastic bottle and store it in the refrigerator until better and more fun times. It’s plastic, so it’s easier to pour it on yourself, as the mass will thicken.

Bloody Halloween Traditions

In order to conduct a “vampire” photo shoot or create a convincing image of a beautiful vampire for Halloween, you don’t need real blood at all. Resorting to purchased blood lying on the shelves in joke shops is also not always convenient.

Luckily for most Halloween fans, there are many ways to make fake blood. As arterial, venous and capillary, food, non-food and “ocular”, fresh and coagulated, drying and not drying.

Blood on Halloween for photo shoots and creepy competitions should look like natural blood. In addition, it can be stored for a long time, be harmless to health, easy to wash and (ideally) taste good. Since blood for Halloween is an attribute without which the holiday is not a joy, let's look at several basic ways to prepare artificial blood at home.

Fake blood from flour

Fake blood can be made completely real in appearance! No one will even determine that you are using fake blood, because it will be very voluminous. To do this you will need:

  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Water - 1 glass (240 ml)
  • Food coloring (red) - 2 tbsp.

Take a small saucepan and pour 1 cup of water into it. Add 1 tablespoon of flour to the water and whisk the mixture to break up any chunks. You need to dissolve the flour in water. If you don't have a whisk, you can use a fork to quickly stir the water and flour.

Heat the mixture. Turn the switch to maximum heat and hold the pan until the water and flour begin to boil. Then reduce the heat to medium-low to reduce the simmer. Boil the mixture for 30 minutes. Turn off the heat and let cool. Preparing this mixture will make your fake blood voluminous.

Dilute the cooled mixture with dye and mix the paint thoroughly until the color is completely uniform. You can add more dye for a brighter blood color.

Inedible Blood Recipes

Fake blood, made from inedible ingredients, is used to decorate props and scenery. This mixture is not recommended for use on the face. For body makeup, use blood made according to the recipes presented later in the article with caution.

Before application, you need to test for allergies : put the mixture on a cotton swab and anoint a small area of ​​skin on the elbow. If after 48 hours there is no redness, rash or burning, the blood can be applied to the skin.

Made from cherry Kool Aid powder

The ingredient list is short: 5 packages of Cherry Kool Aid powder and 1 egg. The preparation process is also simple: mix the powder and egg in a bowl. The blood is ready for use.

Mix Cherry Kool Aid Powder and a Raw Egg and it's Ready

Although the ingredients in this recipe are edible, it is not advisable to taste such blood. The white of a raw egg may contain dangerous bacteria.

Blood for smearing and splattering, used in films

Fake blood made using this recipe will be less viscous than liquid made from food products. This feature allows blood to be used to create various effects in horror films.

For example, if you pour blood from a small height, it will scatter into realistic splashes. It also spreads well on skin and glass surfaces.

You should know that this composition strongly eats into the skin if you do not use a rich cream before applying the blood. It can also stain some surfaces, so they will need to be protected.

Hair gel (alcohol-free)

Water-soluble radiator lubricant

Red food coloring

Chocolate syrup

Gel hand sanitizer

List of ingredients:

  • hair gel (alcohol-free);
  • water-soluble radiator lubricant;
  • red food coloring;
  • chocolate syrup;
  • gel hand sanitizer.

Mix all ingredients
Manufacturing process:

  1. Squeeze ¾ of the gel into a bowl, out of the total volume of blood that needs to be drawn.
  2. Add radiator grease. It will take a little. Stir the mixture as you add lubricant to obtain the desired consistency.
  3. Add red dye. Stir until the color becomes uniform.
  4. Add chocolate syrup. It will give the blood a natural tint and also make its consistency more natural.
  5. Hand gel is only needed if the mixture is thick. This ingredient should be added with caution, as it greatly liquefies such a mass.

The blood should be as thick as vegetable oil. The color should be dark red, with a brown tint. The liquid should not be transparent.

From gouache and vegetable oil

Artificial blood (you can make a liquid by replacing gouache with oil paint) made according to this recipe will not harden. It will always remain “fresh”.

The list of ingredients is small: vegetable oil and dark red gouache. The components need to be mixed. The paint should be stirred vigorously so that it does not collect in drops. Such blood is easily washed off the skin and any other surfaces except fabric.

Glycerin based

List of ingredients:

  • glycerin – 150 g;
  • gelatin – 6 g;
  • red dye - 2 tsp.


Jelly powder

Edible gelatin

Food colors red, blue and green

Heat glycerin in the microwave

Mix glycerin and jelly powder

Add food gelatin

Add food coloring and mix
Manufacturing process:

  1. Pour glycerin into a saucepan. Heat to 65 degrees.
  2. Add gelatin in a thin stream. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until the gelatin dissolves.
  3. Add dye.
  4. Assess color saturation. If required, add a little more dye.

Cool the mixture and use as directed.

Fake blood made from beets and gelatin

To make fake blood, you can use simple and cheap ingredients - beets and gelatin (can be replaced with starch). Use about 15 grams of gelatin per liter of water, although the instructions require 25, otherwise you will get a too thick consistency. The gelatin does not need to be stirred thoroughly, as the clots will add even more realism.

Grate the beets on a very fine grater and place in a saucepan. Pour in water so that there is about a centimeter of water above the puree. Cook for 5-7 minutes over low heat, and then strain through cheesecloth. All you have to do is mix gelatin with beet juice and your makeup is ready!

Use of animal blood

2. Snake blood is very beneficial

Chances are, when you think of snakes, the first thing that comes to mind is venom. Further, especially impressionable people imagine how these creatures bite them, sending them to the next world.

However, scientists have discovered that python blood contains substances that may be beneficial for the cardiovascular system of mammals.

Pythons often eat food that is larger than their stomach. Their hearts immediately increase in size to pump enough blood to digest all the food.

As a result, the python's digestive system operates at a speed that humans can only dream of.

Scientists tested the blood of these creatures and found that special fatty acids in the blood were responsible. They are the ones who make the heart enlarge when necessary, and when the need subsides, the heart again takes on its usual shape


In order to test how these acids would behave outside of reptiles, they were implanted into ordinary small mice, whose hearts, absolutely without any complications, increased significantly in size within a few weeks.

But the researchers caution that it is too early to draw conclusions about the advisability of using acids in humans, but they hope they are on the path to new discoveries and advances in the fight against heart disease.

1. Natural antifreeze

Thanks to modern science, organ transplant procedures are safer than ever. Not so long ago, for example, a heart transplant was considered unthinkable. But, unfortunately, there are still many restrictions.

In many cases, especially heart transplants, the operation must be performed within a few hours, otherwise the organ will be unusable because freezing will completely damage it.

Therefore, researchers are tirelessly looking for a way that will allow human organs to be frozen without dehydration (due to cell death as a result of dehydration, frostbite occurs).

Although there is still a lot to be understood, especially how this can be applied to the human body, there is still a way to eliminate the problem.

It turns out that tree frogs have a natural system that allows their bodies to go into a state of suspended animation whenever they get cold. There is a special protein in the blood of these creatures that regulates this superpower.

While our cells begin to lose water and then die when they freeze, frog cells freeze the water they contain so it doesn't leave the body. Then active production of sugar begins, which keeps them together.

If we find a way to use this protein in human blood, we could theoretically be able to store frozen organs indefinitely.

This would revolutionize transplantation and save countless lives.

Leukocytes (leukocyte mass)

Granulocytes obtained by apheresis

What it is? Granulocytes are a type of white blood cell that get their name because they contain granules when examined under a microscope. These are all those cells that protect the body from infections and are not lymphocytes. Their main function is phagocytosis; they “swallow” and destroy foreign agents that enter the body. The volume of a portion of the drug is no more than 500 ml, it must contain at least 10 × 109 granulocytes. The drug is obtained by apheresis.

In what cases is it used? Leukocyte transfusions are necessary for infectious complications such as sepsis, necrotizing enteropathy, pneumonia, if antibiotic treatment is not effective, and the level of granulocytes in the patient's blood is below 0.75 × 109/L.

Fresh frozen plasma

What it is? Plasma is the liquid part of blood. It is obtained from whole blood by centrifugation or plasmapheresis. It contains: albumin, immunoglobulins, blood clotting factors. The finished product is frozen and stored at a temperature of minus 18–25 degrees for 3 months or below minus 25 degrees for 12 months. Freezing helps preserve blood clotting factors.

In what cases is it used? Fresh frozen plasma is transfused when a patient's blood does not have enough clotting factors. Main indications:

  • Liver diseases.
  • Vitamin K deficiency.
  • Overdose of certain anticoagulants - drugs to reduce blood clotting.
  • Disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome.
  • Coagulation disorders as a result of transfusions, severe dilution of blood.
  • Hereditary deficiency of blood clotting factors.
  • Thrombotic and thrombocytopenic purpura.
  • Hemolytic-uremic syndrome.

Rh factor

When transfusing blood, the Rh factor is also taken into account. Like blood groups, it was discovered by the Viennese scientist K. Landsteiner. 85% of people have this factor; their blood is Rh positive (Rh+); Others do not have this factor, their blood is Rh-negative (Rh-). Transfusion of blood from a Rh+ donor to a Rh- person has serious consequences. The Rh factor is important for the health of the newborn and in case of re-pregnancy of an Rh-negative woman from an Rh-positive man.


What it is? Cryoprecipitate is the name given to cryoglobulin proteins that precipitate and form a gel when fresh frozen donor plasma thaws in a certain manner. Cryoprecipitate can be frozen, in the form of a yellow mass, and dried, in the form of a powder for dissolution in water.

In what cases is it used? The drug contains blood clotting factors. It is used for hemophilia, disseminated intravascular coagulation and some other pathologies.

Euroonko cooperates with one of the largest donor blood banks in Russia. We conduct blood transfusions on the basis of a license for “transfusiology in outpatient and inpatient settings”, which was issued to our clinic by the Moscow Department of Health. We have everything necessary to perform transfusion as quickly as possible, in compliance with modern standards and recommendations.

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  1. Sanjeev Sharma MD; Poonam Sharma, MD; and Lisa N. Tyler, MD, Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, Nebraska. Transfusion of Blood and Blood Products: Indications and Complications. Am Fam Physician. 2011 Mar 15;83(6):719-724.
  2. Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee. 3.3: Blood products.
  3. All-Russian public organization "Russian Association of Transfusiologists". Donor blood and its components: characteristics and quality control. II. Red blood cells (packed red blood cells). Organization Standard No. 2, date of adoption 04/01/2005.
  4. All-Russian public organization "Russian Association of Transfusiologists". Donor blood and its components: characteristics and quality control. III. Red blood cells with the buffy platelet layer removed. Organization Standard No. 3, date of adoption 04/01/2005.
  5. All-Russian public organization "Russian Association of Transfusiologists". Donor blood and its components: characteristics and quality control. IV. Erythrocyte suspension. Organization Standard No. 4, date of adoption 04/01/2005.
  6. All-Russian public organization "Russian Association of Transfusiologists". Donor blood and its components: characteristics and quality control. V. Erythrocyte suspension with the buffy platelet layer removed. Organization Standard No. 5, date of adoption 04/01/2005.
  7. All-Russian public organization "Russian Association of Transfusiologists". Donor blood and its components: characteristics and quality control. VII. Red blood cells depleted of leukocytes. Organization Standard No. 7, date of adoption 04/01/2005.
  8. All-Russian public organization “Russian Association of Transfusiologists”. Donor blood and its components: characteristics and quality control. VIII. Cryopreserved red blood cells. Organization Standard No. 8, date of adoption 04/01/2005.
  9. All-Russian public organization "Russian Association of Transfusiologists". Donor blood and its components: characteristics and quality control. IX. Red blood cells obtained by apheresis. Organization Standard No. 9, date of adoption 04/01/2005.
  10. All-Russian public organization "Russian Association of Transfusiologists". Donor blood and its components: characteristics and quality control. X. Platelets: restored. Organization Standard No. 10, date of adoption 04/01/2005.
  11. Empendium.com. Platelets recovered from a blood unit (obtained manually).
  12. All-Russian public organization "Russian Association of Transfusiologists". Donor blood and its components: characteristics and quality control. XI. Platelets obtained by apheresis. Organization Standard No. 11, date of adoption 04/01/2005.
  13. Empendium.com. Platelets (platelet concentrate) obtained by automatic apheresis.
  14. Empendium.com. Washed platelets.
  15. All-Russian public organization "Russian Association of Transfusiologists". Donor blood and its components: characteristics and quality control. XV. Cryopreserved platelets obtained by apheresis. Organization Standard No. 15, date of adoption 04/01/2005.
  16. All-Russian public organization "Russian Association of Transfusiologists". Donor blood and its components: characteristics and quality control. XVI. Granulocytes obtained by apheresis. Organization Standard No. 16, date of adoption 04/01/2005.
  17. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus. Transfusion of donor blood and its components. Instructions for use. Republican Blood Transfusion Station, Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion. Authors: E.L. Svirnovskaya, V.S. Bondarenko, I.V. Brovko, V.N. Gapanovich, V.V. Klimovich, L.A. Smirnova, I.I. Kanus, T.V. Budko.
  18. MSD Manual. Professional version. Blood products. By Ravindra Sarode, MD, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Latest full review/edited November 2021, Ravindra Sarode, MD.
  19. MSD Handbook. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH).
  20. All-Russian public organization "Russian Association of Transfusiologists". Donor blood and its components: characteristics and quality control. XII. Fresh frozen plasma. Organization Standard No. 12, date of adoption 04/01/2005.
  21. All-Russian public organization "Russian Association of Transfusiologists". Donor blood and its components: characteristics and quality control. XIII. Cryoprecipitate. Organization Standard No. 13, date of adoption 04/01/2005
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