The effectiveness of the bloodletting technique for high blood pressure (Hijama)

Although the pharmacy industry is growing at a rapid pace, alternative medicine has become increasingly popular in recent years. His recipes are used for various diseases.

Folk recipes, aromatherapy, leeches and other methods are again being used to help strengthen the immune system and cure many health problems. Such therapeutic methods also include phlebotomy (Hijama).

Before deciding to use this method, it is important to understand what it is and how it affects the human body.


Bleeding, whose scientific name is phlebotomy, is a procedure whose main purpose is to collect blood from the body in a certain amount.

The session is performed through a shallow vein incision or puncture.

There are two types of hijab:

  • General;
  • local.

This method helps remove useless and stagnant blood fluid from the body. Against this background, the body begins to produce new, effective and high-quality blood, rich in important enzymes.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

When we talk about the benefits and harms of phlebotomy, there are many pros and cons. When wearing an Islamic or Chinese hijab, blood drips out as a result of capillary rupture, which helps activate hemostasis. In no more than three seconds, the process of blocking the blood vessels begins.

Due to irritation of the nerve endings, the spinal cord receives signals that promote the activation of its segment. Nerve impulses are then delivered to the organs attached to this segment.

Chinese and Islamic phlebotomy relieves the body of stagnant fluids containing large amounts of toxins. The blood is restored.

The essence of the Tibetan method is practically no different from the above, since a small incision in the vein also helps to activate the hemostatic system.

European phlebotomy has less useful properties compared to previous types, since in this case there is no activation of local self-regulatory systems. It only removes a significant amount of blood fluid.

This method is only useful when it comes to saving human lives.

Most experts agree that European hijama is more harmful than beneficial to human health. This happens when enough blood has been collected:

  • the hematopoietic system is activated;
  • bone marrow activity is stimulated;
  • temporarily weakens the immune system;
  • the amount of oxygen needed decreases.

Significant damage occurs when Chinese, Islamic, or Tibetan phlebotomy is performed by an inexperienced practitioner or for inappropriate indications.

To get the maximum benefit from phlebotomy, it is necessary to have adequate knowledge about the dot pattern. Poor choices can activate the wrong systems and organs, leading to significant deterioration in health. This technique should only be performed when necessary.

Hijama and high blood pressure

Bloodletting is an ideal method of training and restoring the body using its own functions.
Hypertension is high blood pressure, which is accompanied by headaches, tinnitus, dizziness and general malaise. It occurs when blood vessels become clogged or lose their elasticity. With increased pressure, the heart begins to work faster, thereby creating pressure inside the blood vessels. Every second inhabitant of the Earth suffers from high blood pressure.

Hijama helps to cope with this in the following ways:

  • Cleansing blood from stagnation, which leads to less stress on the heart.
  • Renewal of capillaries by cutting off old ones and appearing new ones.
  • Suction of blood clots, as a result, better blood flow through the vessels.

During medical research, it was found that with the right diet for heart patients with a course of hijama, it is possible to recover from heart disease. Thanks to the procedure, the load on blood circulation in the vessels coming from the heart or to the organ is reduced. As a result, the heart muscle is better supplied with blood. An experiment was carried out on time, in which the rats were given poison and immediately bloodletted, after which all the rats remained alive.


Side effects may occur if the procedure is performed incorrectly or despite existing contraindications.

Bloodletting is strictly prohibited in the following cases:

  • low hemoglobin;
  • Low levels of red blood cells and platelets in the blood (this is determined by a clinical blood test taken from a finger prick)
  • low blood pressure;
  • severe heart disease (exception is when the disease is complicated by heart failure);
  • asthenia;
  • the period of childbirth (if eclampsia is diagnosed, on the contrary, hijama will be useful);
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • age from 70 to 20 years;
  • serious mental disorders;
  • low hematocrit.

Temporary contraindications include:

  • serious injuries or operations on internal organs, especially when these situations are associated with blood loss (must pass at least 21 days);
  • recent flu, cold or sore throat (at least 14 days must pass from the moment of complete recovery to the session)
  • period during menstruation, as well as a week after its end.

To decide on a procedure, make sure there are no restrictions on it.

Religious practice

The popularity of Galen as the main theorist and practitioner of biological medicine (as opposed to “magical” medicine, according to which all human diseases are the work of evil spirits) can also explain the fact that doctors continued to let blood for many centuries after the Roman Empire.

The Arab scientist and physician Avicenna (or Ibn Sina), who lived at the beginning of the second millennium AD, contributed greatly to this: for his “Medical Canon” (or “Canon of Medical Science”) he translated and expanded the works of Galen, paying special attention to humors and blood in particular.

Avicenna proposed to use bloodletting to treat many different diseases (even acne), but he separately drew the attention of his colleagues to stroke, which he considered the result of “blood stagnation” and proposed draining the patient’s excess blood by venesection or using medical cups placed on cuts on the skin. The latter practice is called “hijama”: its first use is attributed to the prophet Muhammad, who lived several hundred years before Avicenna. By the way, hijama is still common in the Arab world (it is also done in other countries, including Russia): they are trying to treat hypertension, but there is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of the method.

Avicenna’s medical works (in many ways a continuation of the works of Galen and Hippocrates before him) were highly revered not only in the Arab world, but also in medieval Europe: the “Canon of Medicine” was the main book for doctors throughout the civilized world until the 17th-18th centuries.

Depiction of bloodletting in a medical manual (circa 1675)

Wikimedia Commons


Of course, in his works, Avicenna continued Galen’s teaching about temperaments and their connection with human humors, so bloodletting in the Middle Ages was used not only to treat diseases of the body, but also to “purify the spirit,” as well as for preventive purposes.

Bloodletting was especially popular among Catholics: clergy did it to parishioners who complained of certain illnesses, and they also bled themselves regularly, at least once a season, as a cleansing practice. Popular asceticism was banned in 1163 during the next Council of Tours (local council of the Catholic Church) - since “the church abhors blood.”

Which parts of the body are suitable for bloodletting and a diagram of the points

The essence of treating bleeding is to influence certain areas of the human body that are responsible for a given organ or system. The point atlas was introduced into the Sunnah.

As energy flows through certain meridians in the body, there is an intersection of energy flows. By influencing a specific area, the necessary disease is treated.

Some points are designed to enhance immunity, some to restore and accumulate fluids in the blood, and some to strengthen the human brain. Location of these areas:

  • power lines;
  • nerves;
  • The lymph nodes;
  • blood vessel.

The full atlas of glasses is presented in the figures.

On legs and arms:

Location on the head:

General rules for massage for hernia

If massage for an intervertebral hernia is entrusted to an amateur, inept actions will aggravate the situation and provoke disc displacement and other problems. Therefore, the treatment procedure must be carried out by a specialist.

Basic rules of massage for hernia:

  • The spine is inviolable - massage should be done near the spinal column.
  • The affected area should be treated carefully, avoiding active exposure. Massage for a vertebral hernia should have a relaxing, soothing, tonic effect.
  • It is necessary to influence not only the area around the spine, but also the area (arm, leg, shoulder, hips, buttocks) that is connected to the affected nerve.
  • The first session should not be long. The duration of the procedures is increased gradually.
  • In case of a lumbar hernia, any power techniques are prohibited. All movements should be as gentle as possible.
  • The procedure is prohibited in case of severe pain or inflammation.
  • Impact techniques should not be used if they can cause complications, relapses, pinching, or paralysis. Therefore, a specialist must know how a hernia develops, its symptoms, how to massage correctly, which points can be pressed and which ones cannot.
  • If pain or discomfort appears during the session, the procedure should be stopped.
  • Vibration should be performed using a continuous point method. Impact techniques with stops should be excluded.

Hijama for various diseases

Indications for the use of the Chinese technique are the following pathological conditions:

  • acne;
  • radiculitis;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • sharp pain, especially headache;
  • pharyngitis in various forms;
  • frequent cramps and radiculitis;
  • hearing impairment;
  • Epileptic seizures;
  • formation of boils;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • paresthesia;
  • shingles;
  • hypertension;
  • asthenia.

Islamic technique is used for diseases such as:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • insomnia and depression;
  • nerve inflammation;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • prostatitis and impotence;
  • abnormalities of most internal organs;
  • rheumatism and gout;
  • limited joint mobility;
  • fistulas and hemorrhoids.

The Tibetan type of hijama is somewhat similar in indications to the Chinese system, but has some additions. This method is appropriate in the following cases:

  • gout;
  • Swelling and all kinds of thickening of soft tissues;
  • Periods of recovery after injury or bruise with fever;
  • Infectious lesions of an epidemic nature;
  • lymphangioma and lymphangitis.

Phlebotomy is practically not used in modern medicine. However, in some cases this technique is acceptable.

So, in the event of a stroke, if certain drugs are intolerant, a European phlebotomy is performed. Helps prevent further development of pathology and eliminates the risk of death.

For high blood pressure, Tibetan and Chinese hijamas with vacuum cups are widely used. For effective therapy, three sessions with a seven-day break between them are sufficient.

Needles under nails

Take care of your capillaries!

This is what the nameless “professor” recommends, who himself modestly calls his method “wonderful” (the style of the original has been preserved).
So, “when a stroke strikes, the capillaries in the brain will gradually break. No matter where the victim is, do not move him/her. Because if you move it, the capillaries will burst!”

Perhaps this is due to sloppy translation, but even taking this into account, the advice of the “Internet specialist” looks strange. Indeed, in fact, the picture of a stroke is somewhat different. Most strokes (up to 85%) are ischemic, that is, they occur when a vessel in the brain is blocked by a blood clot and blood (and therefore oxygen) stops flowing to part of the brain. The remaining ones are classified as hemorrhagic (in which the vessel actually bursts and bleeding into the brain occurs). However, here we are not talking about capillaries, but about larger vessels.

But here's what the Internet advises to do next:

“Help the victim sit up... Then do the bloodletting... You can use a hypodermic syringe. If this is not the case, regular sewing needles or pins will also come in handy. Hold the needle/pin over the fire to sterilize. Then pierce the tips of all 10 fingers. You need to prick 1 mm from the nail so that blood flows. If blood does not start to drip, squeeze the pricked finger... When all 10 fingers are bleeding, wait a few minutes, after which the victim will wake up.

If the victim's mouth is twisted, pull the ears until they turn red. Then prick each earlobe twice, so that two drops of blood come out of each earlobe. Wait for the victim to come to his senses and send him/her to the hospital. Otherwise, if he/she were rushed to the hospital in an ambulance, the shaking of the ride would cause the capillaries in the victim's brain to burst."

What our experts say

“I haven’t heard more nonsense,” this is how one of the leading Russian specialists in the treatment of stroke, professor of the department of nervous diseases of the First Moscow Medical University. Sechenov Vladimir Parfenov. - No amount of bloodletting from the fingers and earlobes can help with strokes, and pulling the ears is also useless. The most important thing to do is to immediately call an ambulance and take the patient to a hospital where there is a neurological department or a specialized department for the treatment of acute cerebrovascular accidents (ACVA). Assistance provided in the first 1-3 hours will save his life and prevent severe disability. Before the doctors arrive, you don’t need to do anything, just make the patient lie comfortably and wait.

Signs of a stroke

But everyone needs to know this. Doctors recognize about a hundred signs of a stroke.

“Loss of consciousness and falling are far from the main ones,” explains Professor Vladimir Parfenov. - These manifestations can accompany dozens of other diseases and conditions - fainting, epileptic seizure, cardiovascular disorders, poisoning, high fever, etc. There are only three most characteristic signs of a stroke:

- paralysis or weakness in the arm and/or leg on one side;

- speech impairment;

- sudden asymmetry of the face, paralysis of the muscles on one side. If you notice at least one of these signs in someone, call an ambulance immediately.

How is it treated

The urgent task of a doctor called to a patient with a suspected stroke is to determine its type and, if it is an ischemic stroke, begin treatment immediately. It consists in the need to quickly dissolve a blood clot that has blocked a vessel (scientifically this is called thrombolysis). The patient is administered medications that dissolve the blood clot and is urgently taken to the hospital, where full assistance can be provided. With proper and timely thrombolysis, the consequences of a stroke are minimal.

Stroke prevention involves treating hypertension with medications or surgery. If, with high blood pressure, doctors detect a significant narrowing of the carotid arteries in a patient, they recommend preventive surgery to remove cholesterol plaque or widen the artery using a stent (a mesh structure that supports the walls of the vessel).

How to prevent stroke

Like any disease, stroke is easier to prevent than to treat. Prevention measures are generally available and simple.

- Quit smoking and alcohol abuse.

- Maintaining normal weight.

— Proper nutrition, reducing consumption of fats, sugar and salt.

- Physical activity.

— Constant monitoring of blood pressure.

— Regular monitoring of cholesterol and blood glucose levels.

- Correctly taking medications prescribed by your doctor for hypertension and high cholesterol.


Bleeding won't help

“If you apply the bloodletting method immediately after a stroke, the victim will be returned to normal,” writes an anonymous Chinese person on the Internet. — Forward this advice to all your friends. This could help save someone's life."

“I can’t even comment on this,” Professor Vladimir Parfenov got angry when he heard these recommendations. - No amount of bloodletting helps with a stroke. Modern medicine, not medieval methods, can save the life of such a patient. Write that way.

Bleeding for cosmetic purposes

The technique is also widely used for cosmetic purposes. Even a slight blood regression provides:

  • Smoothing turgor of the skin of the face and body;
  • renewal of fluid in the blood;
  • restoration of the dermal matrix;
  • activation of the production of substances such as hyaluron, elastin and collagen;
  • Destroys melanin.

Dripping blood also gets rid of acne.

Main indications:

  • formation of pigment spots;
  • disruption of the sebaceous glands;
  • the appearance of small wrinkles;
  • uneven skin tone and sagging.

The effect is noticeable after the first session. To consolidate the result, a series of procedures is required, which are determined by a specialist individually in each case.

Method of bloodletting

The procedure itself requires a certain sequence and rules for its observance:

  1. It is necessary to lubricate the place where the procedure will be performed with caraway oil.
  2. The blade and the can itself must be treated with alcohol.
  3. After the cans are installed, the air must be removed using a special pump.
  4. All cuts made with blades must be neat and small.
  5. After making the cut, return the jar and check for air to appear.
  6. It is necessary to perform the procedure at least 7 times.
  7. At the end of the procedure, the place where the jars are installed should be treated with caraway oil.

Tools for the procedure

To perform phlebotomy, simple equipment is required. Heavy knives or needles are required to make the cut. Their shape may vary depending on the technique used.

For example, according to Chinese or Islamic tradition, hijama is made with thick needles, which most often have a triangular cutting edge. The Tibetan method uses a small ax (hanuur). It looks like a razor.

It is quite common to see blood dripping from jars. These are small plastic cylinders of various diameters from 2 to 7 centimeters. The kit with them necessarily includes a pump designed for pumping out air.

All devices can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Carrying out the procedure in the salon

Hijama is performed in the following sequence:

At the end of the session, the wounds are lubricated with special cumin oil. Already after the first session there is a noticeable improvement in overall well-being.

Bleeding on the head is the same as on the rest of the body. The only difference is that you may need to remove hair from the treatment area. The reason for shaving the hair is that it is better suited for cupping. Additionally, blood can remain on the hair and act as a means of spread as a result.

How is the session going?

Hijama is done at certain points where the greatest stagnation is observed.
Hijama is done by capillary. The procedure is recommended to be carried out according to the Muslim calendar on the 17th, 19th and 21st days. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are considered lucky. During the session, the patient's body is treated with cumin oil. Sterile jars are placed at certain points, and a vacuum is created in them using a special device. Leave until the skin turns dark red. Next, an incision is made with a blade (if the patient is sensitive to pain, in this case the skin is pierced with a medical needle, as with an injection) and the jar is placed back. In this case, the blood is drawn into the jar due to the vacuum created in it. At the end, the wounds are treated with cumin oil to disinfect the wound and promote rapid healing. This is how wet hijama works.

There is another type - dry hijama. During the procedure, the body is massaged with special cups, thereby creating a slight irritation of the skin, but without cutting the blade. It can be carried out both for preparation before wet hijama, as well as for the main procedure. This type is often used in cosmetology as an anti-cellulite massage (vacuum massage).

Recommendations before and after the procedure

  • Carry out on an empty stomach - do not eat three hours before the procedure.
  • Do not eat meat the day before hijama, but eat easily digestible food.
  • Set yourself up for recovery.
  • Rest after the procedure.
  • Stop smoking during the first 24 hours. Be sure to inspect wounds for inflammation.
  • On the second day, the temperature may rise or vomiting may appear - this is normal and will pass quickly.

What effect to expect

After one session you will notice the following results:

  • decreased blood pressure;
  • Blood thinning;
  • Improving the process of hematopoiesis;
  • removal of stagnant fluid along with toxic substances and other decay products.

The person begins to feel much better.

In addition, phlebotomy allows you to get rid of a variety of diseases.

The duration of the effect will be different in each specific situation - several hours or months.

Types of massage for hernia

Doctors have developed a huge number of massage techniques that help with spinal hernia. They act differently. Some affect the functioning of the deep back muscles, others affect the surface superficially.

Whatever technique the doctor uses, he should start with light, warming movements. They will minimize the likelihood of pain during the session.

Classic (general)

During a general massage, the specialist works with the entire back. The procedure consists of warm-up, deep and superficial stroking, muscle rubbing, vibration. To make your fingers glide better, the massage therapist can use a special cream, vegetable or essential oil, or lotion.

When performing a classic massage, the specialist mainly works with the entire back

Massage is performed using the following techniques:

  • Stroking
    is a gentle effect on the body aimed at increasing blood flow and relaxing muscles.
  • Rubbing
    is an intense action during which the skin moves from its place, which allows you to soften deposits, dilate blood vessels, and increase blood flow. This effect improves tissue regeneration.
  • Kneading
    - the massage therapist squeezes and pulls the skin, which helps get rid of congestion and increases muscle tone.
  • Vibration
    is an effect on the body through oscillatory movements. The procedure improves muscle activity and accelerates blood flow.

The movements are light at first, then intensify, the strokes become deeper. Then the specialist begins traditional rubbing - with the edge of the palm and fingertips. Next comes kneading, and at the end - soothing stroking.

The recommended course is 10-20 sessions. To achieve optimal results, classical massage must be combined with exercise therapy and other physiotherapeutic techniques.

The price of the procedure in Moscow starts from 1000 rubles. per session lasting 15 minutes. The cost depends on the qualifications of the specialist and the price of consumables.


The segmental technique is a procedure that is prescribed for severe pain. It is carried out by analogy with a general massage, but the specialist works only with the sore area:

  • cervical-collar region and head/upper limbs area;
  • cervicothoracic region;
  • chest area;
  • lumbosacral region, if necessary - massage of the lower extremities.

During work, the doctor uses the following movements:

  • “saw” and “drilling” - deeply affect tissues constrained by spasm;
  • stroking and pressing in different directions;
  • stretching, vibration.

As in the previous case, the specialist uses oils, ointments, and creams for better gliding of the fingers. They may contain painkillers and other substances aimed at relieving pain and enhancing the therapeutic effect. The price for services in Moscow starts from 700 rubles. per session.

What types of intervertebral hernias are most difficult to treat?

4 stages of treatment for intervertebral hernia


The history of acupressure began in Mongolia and China, and is comparable in technique to acupuncture. The specialist works with specific areas of the body that distribute energy in the body. The procedure, carried out according to all the rules, improves blood and lymph flow, reduces hypertension, and improves mood.

Acupressure covers several points, and they must be massaged according to a certain system. This can be deep pressure, light touch, stroking. Before the session you should not take a bath, tea, coffee, or alcohol. Massage is not done on an empty stomach.

The procedure lasts 20-40 minutes. The number of sessions depends on the age, gender, and health of the patient. Usually 5-10 procedures are prescribed 2-3 times a week. The price starts from 1000 rubles. per session.

Vacuum (can)

Vacuum and acupressure massage for hernia

The method involves the use of cans or a device whose suction cups are attached to the skin, after which a vacuum is created between the nozzle and the skin. Vacuum massage helps relieve swelling and improve metabolism. The price of the procedure starts from 1000 rubles.

The cupping method is mainly used for the thoracic and lumbosacral regions. Despite its apparent simplicity, under no circumstances place the jars right away. To achieve the desired result, you need to know exactly where to place them.


The massage therapist works not only with muscles, but also with joints, restoring their mobility and strength. The method allows you to increase blood flow to hard-to-reach areas of the spine, which helps restore damaged cartilage tissue.

The technique consists of the following stages:

  1. Stroking
    – the procedure prepares the back for the active phase of the massage.
  2. Kneading
    – the skin begins to knead more intensively. This stage takes 10% of the time.
  3. Rubbing
    – the back is actively rubbed in a circle with the palm of your hand, which allows you to engage the deep layers of muscles. This is the longest part of the procedure. It takes 70% of the time.
  4. Vibrations + tapping
    - the ribs of the palms and fingertips are involved. Movements are fast, rhythmic, jerky.

To ensure that your hands glide without friction, the massage therapist uses special creams and oils. They may also have therapeutic effects. The price of the procedure starts from 900 rubles.


Hydromassage is a procedure based on the healing effects of water. Water jets are applied to the body under a certain pressure, which creates vibration that simulates a massage. The direction and intensity of the water flow can be adjusted.

At this time the person is in:

  • Bath
    - bubble massage, which has a soft, gentle effect on the body. It enhances metabolism, relaxes, and relieves stress. Judging by the comments, a water procedure with air bubbles is effective for many diseases of the musculoskeletal system and neuroses.
  • Shower cabin
    - jet massage, which affects tired muscles, tones and invigorates.

Hydromassage allows you to achieve the following effects:

  • relieve tension and spasms of the back muscles;
  • improve mood, mental stress;
  • eliminate insomnia;
  • improve blood circulation, and with it nutrition of tissues at the site of inflammation;
  • normalize the outflow of lymph, which helps reduce swelling;
  • remove pain.

The cost of hydromassage depends on the clinic, equipment, bath, water purification method, etc. The average cost is 1-1.5 thousand rubles. per session.


Honey massage for hernia

Natural honey contains more than 15 vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial substances that have a good effect on health. It relieves inflammation, eliminates pain, accelerates tissue regeneration. Honey has antioxidant properties that help stop aging.

The technique is as follows:

  • The skin and muscles of the back warm up.
  • Honey is rubbed into the back until the mixture thickens.
  • The masseur makes pats, as a result of which the sweetness begins to reach for the hands.
  • A pop is heard, under the influence of which the muscles relax. At the same time, honey penetrates the skin, warms the muscles, saturates the tissues with nutrients, helping to cope with pain.

To improve the effect, fir oil can be added to natural honey. The procedure is carried out every 2 days, alternating with a classic massage recommended for spinal hernia. The optimal course is 5-6 procedures.


If you cannot go for a massage, there are products on sale that you can use to do the procedure yourself. They cannot completely achieve the desired effect, but they partially cope with the task.

With roller massager

An electric roller massager for the back and neck relieves muscle tension, makes ligaments more elastic, and restores blood flow. It also effectively relieves pain. A massager with infrared heating gives a particularly good effect.

To achieve the desired result, do this:

  1. Place the device in the desired area.
  2. Turn on your device.
  3. Select the direction for the rollers to rotate.
  4. The recommended massage time for intervertebral hernia is 30 minutes, but you can turn it off earlier.

With massage roller

A massage roller is a device in the form of a large cylinder that is used during gymnastic exercises. It's easy to use, but difficult in practice. You need to put the roller on the floor, lie on your back, press it with your body weight and begin to slowly roll over it, relaxing all your muscles. This exercise stretches the back muscles, improves blood circulation, and reduces the risk of injury.

With needle massager

Applicators for self-massage for hernia

Applicator – this is the name of a needle massager for the back. When purchasing a device, make sure that the needles are close enough to each other so as not to leave bruises or injure the skin. The mat operates on the principle of acupressure. It relieves muscle tension and increases blood circulation.

To use the applicator, place it under your back. If your lower back or neck hurts, place the mat on a small pillow. Alternatively, the applicator can be attached to a wide belt. Lie on the applicator for 7-15 minutes 3 times a day.

The applicator can be used for mild pain. Is it possible to massage with an applicator during an exacerbation of a spinal hernia? The answer is negative. If the pain is severe, it should not be used.

With vibrating massager

A vibrating massager is a device with a vibrating surface. It softens muscles, eliminates pain, stimulates blood flow, and starts regeneration processes.

There are several varieties of this device:

  • Manual
    - a compact device that needs to be moved along the back. Some devices have an infrared heating function.
  • Belt
    – attached to a floor exercise machine. Unlike its analogues, it is capable of treating a large area of ​​the body at a time, from the legs to the neck.
  • Belt
    – suitable specifically for the lower back.

The recommended massage time for a hernia of the lumbar spine is no more than 30 minutes, the intensity should be increased gradually. The vibrating massager has a stimulating effect, so it is not advisable to do the procedure before bed.

Are there differences in procedures for women and men?

There is a misconception that women don't need phlebotomy because they're on their period. This statement is incorrect because menstruation has nothing to do with hijab in the proper sense.

Menstruation is just as good for men as it is for women. Since ancient times, bloodletting has been widely used to treat infertility.

In addition, this method allows women to get rid of problems such as:

  • eye diseases;
  • intestinal cramps;
  • stomach abnormalities;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • decreased body resistance.

Bloodletting also treats male infertility, which is caused by increased sperm viscosity. You can also treat prostatitis, impotence, and decreased libido. In addition, such treatment is advisable when working in hazardous industries.


Massage is a method of treatment and prevention of spinal hernia

Massage is prescribed for the prevention of hernia for any problems with the spine - scoliosis, osteochondrosis, etc. It is useful if a hernia has appeared, but not at the acute stage.

For a hernia, massage is definitely indicated for:

  • General rigidity, lack of flexibility of the back.
  • Inability to perform daily activities due to stiffness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Numbness of the limbs.
  • Weakness and fatigue when walking.
  • Pain in the back and limbs.
  • Poor sleep, high blood pressure, which are caused by a herniated disc.
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