Viburnum for blood pressure: recipes for hypertension. We lower blood pressure without a doctor, treat colds at the same time and increase immunity.

Red viburnum - life is wonderful. It is not for nothing that they sing about it in songs, because it is not only a beautiful, but also an incredibly tasty berry. And the second half of autumn is the viburnum harvest season. And it is important to stock up on bright berries until the next season in order to use the beneficial properties of viburnum for hypertension all year round and pamper yourself with aromatic jams, rich teas, winter preparations and medicinal infusions.

Viburnum in medicine

The unique chemical composition gives viburnum berries healing properties. The wealth of microelements and vitamins contained in the fruits of the crop (manganese, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamins C, E, K, P, carotenes, tannins and resins, saccharides, fatty acids) has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Viburnum berries are widely used for the preparation of various types of medicinal products by traditional healers, since they have the ability to lower high blood pressure and, accordingly, prevent the development of a heart attack or stroke.

The benefit of consuming viburnum for arterial hypertension is that the fresh berries of the plant have both a sedative and a general health effect.

Homemade viburnum preparations

To always have a fresh infusion at home, you can freeze viburnum for the winter. This method is also useful because, as a result of freezing, the berries stop tasting bitter.

Another way to provide yourself with healthy berries for a long time: viburnum berries need to be crushed and rubbed through a sieve, separating the seeds and peel. Mix the resulting puree with honey in equal parts and place in steamed jars. Keep refrigerated.

Useful properties of viburnum

  • The benefits of viburnum in the treatment of high blood pressure include the following functions of the berry:
  • diuretics, which are aimed at relieving edema that accompanies high blood pressure. The fact is that high arterial pressure jumps negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys, due to which urine stagnates in the body and edema forms. Viburnum helps remove excess fluid from the body. That is, viburnum is an excellent diuretic;
  • cleansing: the high content of antioxidants in red fruits helps eliminate cholesterol plaques formed on the vascular walls. The presence of vitamin P in fruits has a beneficial effect on increasing the elasticity of vascular walls and strengthens them;
  • painkillers: viburnum can eliminate pain that is accompanied by high surges in blood pressure;
  • antispasmodic: increased pressure is often caused by spasms of blood vessels - the lumen of the arteries narrows, and this entails hypertension;
  • Regular consumption of berries has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart: it normalizes the heart rhythm, normalizes the pulse rate (an accelerated heartbeat entails pressure surges). The person’s well-being noticeably improves;
  • medicinal compositions from fruits normalize lipid balance;
  • High blood pressure often leads to thrombosis, so consuming viburnum fruits is also important because they have properties that have a beneficial effect on blood clotting;
  • The content of biologically active substances in red fruits is a healing elixir for the smooth functioning of the coronary vessels, which are responsible for supplying the heart with blood. The dilation of these vessels helps improve cardiac function, and this, in turn, prevents the development of hypertension.

Important! It is not recommended to treat hypertension with viburnum berries alone: ​​they should be used as an addition to the medications suggested by the therapist, that is, they need to be treated comprehensively.
The importance of consuming viburnum lies in the fact that the medications that contain it can reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack, aortic aneurysm, heart and coronary failure, and renal disorders.

Composition of Viburnum

Everything in viburnum is useful - from the roots to the berries. The plant is a record holder for ascorbic acid content: 100 g of viburnum pulp and juice contain so much vitamin C that you can meet the daily requirement of an adult not even by 100%, but by 119%. This volume also contains:

  • 83% of the average daily requirement of vitamin K, which is responsible for (coagulation) blood clotting,
  • 93% Pb, which controls the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood and activates the process of tissue regeneration;
  • 60% of iodine that synthesizes thyroid hormones;
  • 40% of Fe transporting oxygen molecules into the body;
  • 30% activating impulses between nerve cells, promoting the growth of bone tissue Mn;
  • 38% of provitamin A, which prevents cardiovascular diseases;
  • 29% energy-producing glucose.

And this is only part of the useful substances. The bark contains tannins - hemostatic, anti-inflammatory substances that prevent bleeding. Diuretic phytosterones that help cope with edema and level cholesterol levels. The plant also contains:

  • hormonal balance boron;
  • molybdenum, which activates the removal of toxins;
  • pectin that improves intestinal motility;
  • beta-sitosterol, which stimulates immunity and equalizes blood sugar levels.

One plant contains a mass of components necessary to maintain health and normal functioning of the body, especially during periods of immune and arterial failure.


Despite the impressive list of benefits of viburnum berries, they need to be consumed wisely, and before starting treatment, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and the list of categories of people who can be harmed by viburnum medicines.

  • So, the berries of the crop are strictly contraindicated:
  • pregnant women;
  • for allergy sufferers;
  • hypotensive patients;
  • those suffering from kidney diseases;
  • people with an increased tendency to form blood clots;
  • patients with ulcers, gastritis or ulcerations of the gastrointestinal system;
  • suffering from gout.

If you have at least one contraindication, the fruits of the crop are not a medicine for you.

Effect on pressure

After you have turned to traditional healers for help, and they have advised you to use viburnum for hypertension, be sure to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the effect of this plant on blood pressure.

Familiarize yourself with the medicinal properties and contraindications of viburnum flowers.

So, the effect of such drugs does not appear instantly: you should not expect that the pressure will drop immediately, as you took a remedy from the berries - the fruits of the crop reduce the pressure gradually and subject to regular use.
If you are faced with a hypertensive crisis, then you do not need to rely on viburnum alone - you need to resort to the help of strong pharmaceuticals.

At the same time, it is worth consuming red fruits fresh, since heat treatment will negatively affect its healing properties.
As for viburnum flowers and roots, they have no properties to either increase or decrease blood pressure, so their use is acceptable for both hypertensive and hypotensive patients as, for example, immunostimulants.

Did you know? The name of this plant comes from the ancient Slavic word “to heat” (to bake), which is caused by the association of the color of viburnum berries with the color of red-hot iron.

Why is it so useful?

Viburnum contains carbohydrates (6-9 grams), essential oils, vitamins A, E, C, K, zinc, iron, potassium, magnesium and organic acids. It turns out that the amount of vitamin C is much greater than that of lemon, which has a strong immunostimulation and general strengthening effect. One of the beneficial properties is the improvement of sputum discharge in bronchopulmonary diseases. Thanks to tannins, it has healing and astringent properties.

Viburnum also reduces total cholesterol levels, helps normalize blood rheology, and removes excess fluid from tissues. Thanks to this action, blood pressure decreases, swelling decreases, and the tone and condition of the vascular wall (endothelium) improves. This significantly reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular events (heart attack, stroke, coronary heart disease). Therefore, this berry is simply a godsend for people with hypertension!

Rules for taking viburnum for high blood pressure

Taking viburnum medicines requires compliance with certain rules:

  • You need to be treated with viburnum fruits that are well ripened, even frozen;
  • For treatment, collect fruits from viburnum bushes growing in environmentally friendly conditions. The fact is that viburnum berries are capable of accumulating a toxic ultramicroelement - lead;
  • if you have just begun to show symptoms of hypertension, it is advisable to eat fresh berries with honey or sugar;
  • you can drink tea from watered and infused berries;
  • Juice from red fruits is widely popular, which should be taken daily, 2 tbsp. l. before the main meal, for 14 days.

Recipes and methods of using viburnum with honey for blood pressure

Everyone knows how beneficial honey is. It has been known to the world for many centuries. If you add it to viburnum, it will help:

  • dilate blood vessels;
  • restore immunity;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • reduce pressure.

Honey enhances the healing properties of viburnum. But viburnum infusion is useful not only during illness, but even more as a preventive measure. When hypertension is in the initial stage or we are talking about a predisposition to the disease, then it is worth starting taking a folk remedy. Moreover, viburnum with honey is a time-tested recipe for blood pressure. And there are many such recipes.

This could be viburnum juice, which is easy to make at home yourself. But the most popular is viburnum tea. The main thing is to add honey to the drink made from fragrant berries. Then the result is guaranteed.


In folk medicine, there are many recipes for healthy and tasty treatment using viburnum berries. Read more about the most popular and effective ones.

Viburnum tea with mint

One of the most common and effective medicines is viburnum tea. High blood pressure is often accompanied by an anxiety state, which mint and honey help overcome, so traditional healers often advise combining these components.

To prepare aromatic and tasty healing tea you need to take:

  • 1 tbsp. l. viburnum berries;
  • 1 sprig of mint;
  • sugar or honey to taste;
  • 400 ml water.

The procedure for preparing tea is quite simple: pour boiling water over the berry and herbal mixture and leave for about 10 minutes.
After which you can begin the delicious treatment. Important! In order to reduce blood pressure faster and more effectively, you can add 1 tbsp to the viburnum fruits. l. crushed dry rose hips, which is also a popular folk medicine for hypertension.

Viburnum and honey fruit drink

To prepare medicinal viburnum-honey juice, stock up on the following set of ingredients:

  • viburnum - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • honey - to taste.

We recommend reading about the benefits of viburnum juice and preparation methods.

Procedure for preparing viburnum juice:

  1. Red fruits must be poured with boiling water.
  2. Keep the mixture in a water bath for 30 minutes.
  3. Leave to cool in a dark, cool place.
  4. Strain.
  5. Add honey.

You need to drink viburnum juice three times a day, 0.3 cups each.

Viburnum with honey and sugar

Perhaps the easiest medicine to prepare. By mixing these ingredients, you can prepare viburnum puree or viburnum juice. To prepare viburnum puree, you will need:

  • red fruits - 1 kg;
  • honey or granulated sugar - 250 ml.

To prepare the recipe, you need to grind fresh washed berries (using a blender, sieve, mortar). Then add honey or sugar and mix thoroughly. The mixture should sit for about two hours, after which it can be consumed. Recommended dosage - 1 tbsp. l. viburnum puree 4 times a day.

Video: recipe for viburnum with honey

As for viburnum juice, to obtain it you need to take the ingredients in the following proportions:

  • viburnum fruits - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar (1 kg) or honey (1 l).

Did you know? Viburnum seeds are heart-shaped.

Well-washed red fruits are placed in a container for infusion (it is important that the container has a wide bottom). Then the fruits must be covered with sugar or honey and left to infuse for 4 days. After the specified time, separate the healing juice.

You need to drink it half an hour before your main meal, 1 tbsp. l.

Viburnum drink

To prepare this aromatic medicine you will need:

  • viburnum berries - 1 kg;
  • water - 200 g;
  • honey - 250 g.

Find out also about the medicinal properties and contraindications of viburnum bark.

Step-by-step preparation procedure:

  1. Wash the red fruits well.
  2. Grind the viburnum and squeeze the juice out of it.
  3. Add water to the cake and brew for 10 minutes.
  4. Strain the liquid from the boiled cake.
  5. Mix viburnum juice with the resulting decoction.
  6. Leave to cool.
  7. Add honey to the drink.

The medicine is taken daily, 2 tbsp. l. half an hour before lunch and dinner. If your blood pressure is consistently high, then drink viburnum drink in the morning, as it will have a beneficial effect on improving your general condition.

Important! To prepare traditional medicines, you need to use only natural honey.


To lower your blood pressure, use this viburnum tea recipe. To prepare it, take a handful of clean, high-quality berries, pour them into a bowl, sprinkle with granulated sugar. Mash into a paste, transfer to a cup and pour boiling water over it. The healing tea is ready. This remedy will help maintain optimal heart health and benefit blood vessels.

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How to brew correctly

For medicinal tea to be effective, you need to know how to brew viburnum correctly. An important condition is the timely collection of berries. It is better to do this after the first frost, when the weather is dry. During this period, the fruits cease to taste bitter. If the taste remains, try to get rid of it yourself by pouring boiling water over the berries for 10 minutes.

You need to cut the fruits together with the branches so as not to damage the pulp. And it’s more convenient to brew them crushed. You can make a drink only from berries or add them to black or green tea. Try to pour the tea leaves with not boiling water, then the plant will retain more vitamins and nutrients. You can add not only berries to tea, but also bark and leaves.

When and how to harvest viburnum

The berries can be frozen and used to make medicine, or you can sprinkle them with granulated sugar. This way they will retain their beneficial properties for a long period of time (a year or even more). In addition to berries, foliage, flowers and even the bark of the plant can be harvested for medicinal purposes.

It is necessary to collect viburnum berries after the first frost, as a result of which they largely lose their bitterness and acquire a bitter-sweet taste.

As you can see, the well-known viburnum can eliminate the symptoms of hypertension. Its rich vitamin and mineral composition has a positive effect on the human body in general and on lowering blood pressure in particular. There are more than enough options for preparing medicines using viburnum fruits: it can be aromatic viburnum juice, delicious fruit drink, puree or even viburnum jam.

How to use

A useful plant in the absence of contraindications has a beneficial effect on the human body. You can take it in almost any form. Simply sucking the berries is considered effective. You can make infusions with water or alcohol. Such products have their own dosage, which should be strictly adhered to. Delicious and aromatic tea with viburnum is suitable for winter evenings. A small amount of the drink will serve as an excellent prevention of attacks of hypertension.

Fresh grated fruits with honey are considered the most effective and useful remedy for blood pressure. However, taking such a home remedy should not exceed the recommended dosage. Using a useful folk remedy will help not only normalize blood pressure, but also strengthen the entire body, relieve fatigue and stress, which is important for good health.

Viburnum during breastfeeding

The consumption of berries while breastfeeding should be regulated by certain rules:

  • Do not introduce viburnum into your diet in the first 3 months after the birth of your baby. The restrictive period should be increased by 30-60 days if the child is prone to allergic reactions.
  • If you decide to eat viburnum fruits for blood pressure during lactation, first add a few berries to a compote or fruit drink to check whether the product will cause allergies in your baby. The approximate amount of product that is allowed to be used is 5-6 fruits per 1 tbsp. drinking.
  • You need to drink the drink at the beginning of the day, drinking no more than 1 tbsp. vitamin liquid.
  • If allergic reactions are not detected in your baby after 2 days, you can gradually increase the amount of berries in your diet.
  • You should prefer teas rather than consuming fresh or frozen viburnum. The drink is allowed no more than once a week.
  • Viburnum may be needed to cope with high blood pressure; consult your doctor regarding the required dosage before taking it.
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