Lequio: the newest drug for “very bad” cholesterol

Atherosclerosis, which is based on a complex of complex disorders of lipid metabolism, is one of the most important risk factors for the development of vascular accidents. Closely associated with it, hypercholesterolemia is detected in more than 60% of hospitalized patients aged 30–69 years [1]. Therefore, drugs that help normalize lipid parameters are in steady demand in pharmacies. In all likelihood, it will only grow: after all, the average age of the Russian population is growing and the number of patients with cardiovascular diseases is increasing. And in order to conduct high-quality pharmaceutical consultations, it is important for primary care providers to remember how lipid-lowering drugs work, what side effects they exhibit, and what the client must be warned about with the appropriate prescription.

Which brand of cholesterol pills is better to choose?

There are different medications for lowering cholesterol; they are produced by various pharmacological companies. The rating describes the manufacturers of the best cholesterol pills that are worth paying attention to:

  • Teva is a pharmaceutical company in Israel that has been creating medicines since 1901. Its funds are aimed at treating diseases and preventing various pathologies. The composition contains natural and safe ingredients, each capsule and tablet has a good dosage.
  • Pierre Fabre Medicine Production is a French pharmaceutical company that produces drugs for treatment and prevention. Tablets are created after conducting scientific research and determining their effectiveness.
  • Lekpharm is a pharmaceutical company that creates medicines using modern technologies. Certified equipment is used in production; only professionals work in the company.
  • Novartis is a pharmaceutical corporation that creates tablets that are supplied to many countries in Europe and the USA. The company was founded in 1996 in Switzerland. It produces medicines for the treatment of diseases associated with various systems and organs.
  • Aktavis is a pharmaceutical company that produces tablets for various diseases related to the cardiovascular system. Medicines are supplied to different countries; more than 60 countries around the world sell medicines under the brand.
  • Sandoz is a pharmaceutical company that creates medicinal tablets for the treatment of infectious, respiratory, and cardiovascular diseases. Medicines improve the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems and have a rapid effect.
  • Pfizer is an American pharmaceutical company that has been creating medical products since 1997. The main headquarters is located in New York, the research center is in Groton. The company creates more than 20 items of different release forms.
  • Dr. Reddy’s is an Indian company that, since 2015, has been creating a large volume of medicines aimed at treating various diseases. The company itself was founded in 1984; it works with international markets and supplies medicines to developed countries.
  • Pharmascience Inc. is a company founded in 1983, it creates medicines from various fields. Medicines are created not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of viral diseases. In total, the company created more than 40 types of medicines.
  • Evalar is a pharmaceutical company that creates dietary supplements for the treatment of diseases and prevention. The preparations contain only natural herbal ingredients; the products are available in different forms.

Something interesting

Novartis got its hands on inclisiran after it bought The Medicines Company in November 2019 for $9.7 billion in cash. The latter acquired worldwide rights to inclisiran from its developer, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, in February 2013: for an upfront $25 million and a potential $180 million as it progresses through certain development stages, plus a double-digit royalty from sales of the finished drug.

The hefty sum that Novartis paid should be offset by sales of Lequio, either through high demand for the drug or a high price for it. However, there is no need to rush into “charging” the hellish price tag: the patent protection of inclisiran expires only in 2035.

Lequio, it is believed, needs to reach a peak of $2.2 billion in annual sales to at least recoup the money Novartis spent on the takeover of The Medicines Company.

By the way, Novartis was not particularly far-sighted. Yes, the pharmaceutical company from Basel entered into a five-year agreement with Alnaylam back in 2005, paying $10 million in advance and acquiring its 19.9 percent stake. But in 2010, the Swiss pharmaceutical giant refused to exercise the right to purchase non-exclusive rights to integrate the RNAi platform and Alnaylam intellectual property into its developing projects for $100 million. In 2015, Novartis sold all RNAi-related assets to Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals, including licensing the Alnilam platform against three dozen therapeutic targets.

Rating of cholesterol pills

The rating of medications that are aimed at treating and preventing high cholesterol was based on the results of comparative tests, as well as after analyzing the properties and composition of each drug. Additionally, customer reviews were also taken into account, as well as the opinions of doctors who reviewed all medications. The rating was also determined by checking each drug individually; during the check, we looked at the following nuances:

  • Compound;
  • Release form;
  • Dosage;
  • Price;
  • Action;
  • Side effects;
  • Contraindications.

Testing each drug allowed us to rank the best cholesterol-lowering pills. They are characterized by rapid action, do not cause negative manifestations, and quickly neutralize the problem.

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Drugs for lipid metabolism disorders

Violation of lipid metabolism occurs due to failures in the absorption and breakdown of lipids (fats) with the formation of accumulation and the appearance of excess weight or active processing and depletion. This directly affects human morbidity and the occurrence of severe pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and blood vessels. Medicines to improve fat metabolism include different drugs:

  • Enzymes;
  • Metabolics;
  • Antioxidants;
  • Fibrates;
  • Statins (lowering cholesterol);
  • Combined metabolism correctors.

Vitamins for impaired lipid metabolism include Fish oil, Nicotinic acid, vitamin E (retinol acetate or palmitate).

The best fibrates for cholesterol

Fibrates, compared to statins, are less effective and are prescribed only for mild atherosclerosis and a minimal increase in cholesterol. They are derivatives of fibric acid, act quickly and do not cause significant side effects. They quickly break down “bad” cholesterol in the blood and normalize fat balance. When compiling the rating, 7 nominees were considered, and a total of 3 types of fibrates were selected.


The substance is available in tablets that instantly act on cholesterol, reduce its amount, and normalize glucose levels. The course lasts 20-30 days, it is recommended to take 0.2 g at a time - 2-3 times a day. The medicine was created for patients who have diabetes and atherosclerosis. Contraindicated in the presence of liver dysfunction, hypersensitivity to existing components, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Some side effects may occur in the form of bloating, nausea, anemia, diarrhea and other symptoms.


  • Normalizes cholesterol and glucose levels;
  • Convenient form of administration;
  • Good composition;
  • Affordable price.


  • Long course of treatment;
  • Causes side effects.

Tablets for high cholesterol help in the first stages of increasing cholesterol levels. You should take the drug only if you feel well overall; if it is accompanied by nausea or severe headaches, you should stop taking it.


The drug is characterized by a complex effect; it is considered the best among all fibrates. It works due to the active ingredient fenofibrate, which functions as an antioxidant and produces a tonic or anti-inflammatory effect. Available in 200 mg capsules, the average price per package is 1000 rubles. It practically does not cause side effects and is adequately accepted by the body. The medicine is prescribed for a long period, taken once a day. It can be used not only to treat and reduce cholesterol, but also to prevent its increase.


  • Suitable for treatment and prevention;
  • Affordable price;
  • Good composition;
  • It works quickly.


  • Long course of treatment.

The reviews emphasize that Fenofibrate is the best drug aimed at normalizing blood cholesterol levels. It is enough to take it in accordance with the prescribed dosages to provide good prevention before the risk of stroke or heart attack occurs.

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The drug normalizes the lipid composition of blood plasma, controls cholesterol levels, and reduces it to optimal levels. It also removes free fatty acids from the liver and stimulates liver function. Taken orally before or after meals, washed down with plenty of water. The daily dosage is 1200 mg, divided into 2 equal doses. It is not recommended to drink Gemfibrozil if you are hypersensitive to its components, as well as if you have liver or kidney problems. Side effects may occur in the form of dizziness, drowsiness, headache and other symptoms.


  • Good composition;
  • Affordable price;
  • Quick results;
  • There are virtually no side effects.


  • There are contraindications.

Many reviews write that Gemfibrozil is a safe pill for lowering blood cholesterol, but only if you control the amount you take. Side effects occur extremely rarely, most often they are accompanied by drowsiness and mood swings.

Mechanism of action of statins

All statins work in the liver by competing with the enzyme HMG-Coa reductase. Since this enzyme is responsible for the synthesis of cholesterol, stopping its work reduces the concentration of the unwanted substance. In addition to reducing cholesterol synthesis, statins increase the number of receptors for LDL (low-density lipoproteins, known as “bad cholesterol”), which accelerates their uptake by liver cells and reduces the flow of this fraction of lipoproteins into the blood. The drugs also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Statins not only reduce the rate of growth of atherosclerotic plaques, but also increase their stability, preventing rupture.

The effect of the most powerful statins develops within a week after starting use and becomes optimal after about a month. However, tablets are often prescribed for life.

Rengalin is one of the most frequently prescribed cough medications for children and adults. It combines antihistamine, antitussive and decongestant properties. Read more in the article: “Rengalin cough tablets.”

Taking such medications in courses is less effective than constant and daily use; at the same time, a course of treatment is safer, as it does not allow adverse events to develop.

The best cholesterol sequestrants

Sequestrants are drugs that reduce lipid levels in the blood. They bind bile acids in the intestinal lumen and limit the flow of bile acids back into the liver. The effect of such drugs is observed several hours after administration; they help to make you feel better, are safe, and practically do not cause allergies. Of the 5 drugs of this type, only 2 were selected. They do not cause side effects, are safe, and quite actively reduce high cholesterol.


The medication acts in the intestinal lumen, it prevents the absorption of cholesterol from harmful fatty foods. Available in two forms: tablets and powder. The average price is 500 rubles, so anyone with problems with cholesterol levels can buy the product. Take 5 g of the drug per day, regardless of its form. Colestipol does not cause side effects, is convenient to take, and guarantees a quick effect. It improves overall well-being and normalizes heart function and blood pressure.


  • 2 release forms;
  • Minimum dosages;
  • No side effects;
  • Safe composition;
  • Affordable price.


  • Do not take if you are hypersensitive to the components.

These are safe cholesterol pills that can be taken at any stage, but to a greater extent they help with minor deviations from the norm. If the level increases regularly and at an aggressive rate, it is worth choosing a stronger drug.


After administration, the medicine enters the small intestine, where they begin to work to prevent the absorption of cholesterol that comes from food. According to many tests, it was revealed that Cholestyramine is somewhat inferior in its properties to Colestipol, therefore it is prescribed less frequently. Despite the high price, the effect of the drug is not enough to cope with its functions at the highest level. The medicine is also taken once a day. Before taking it, it is important to read the list of contraindications and side effects.


  • Reduces cholesterol levels;
  • Convenient form of administration;
  • There are practically no contraindications;
  • Short course.


  • High price;
  • Weak results.

Reviews indicate that Cholestyramine reduces cholesterol, but compared to other drugs, it is characterized by lesser properties.

It can cause side effects, create discomfort in the form of headache or nausea. The first changes do not come immediately.

Drug combinations

In addition to using the drugs separately, they can be combined together to enhance the lipid-lowering effect. Sometimes statins need help fighting high cholesterol. Taking statins can be combined with the use of drugs that intensively remove bile acids from the body. Statins are also combined with drugs that inhibit cholesterol absorption or a PCSK9 inhibitor. Statins are the base drug in all drug combinations. The decision to use drugs together is made by the doctor[2].

The best herbal remedies for cholesterol

Herbal products help to quickly reduce cholesterol and improve the condition of the cardiovascular system. They are characterized by unique properties, do not cause irritation to the body, and have virtually no contraindications or side effects. They do not contain potent substances, but this does not prevent them from producing the maximum effect and improving the condition of the cardiovascular system. When compiling the rating, 5 nominees were considered, of which only 2 drugs with a natural composition and fast action were selected.


The product has a good effect due to the presence of the active component - clover grass. The excipient is ethanol. It comes in the form of a liquid with an unpleasant odor but a quick action. Clover grass extract helps reduce “bad” cholesterol and also normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Atheroclephitis is not recommended for diseases of the brain, sensitivity to the components of the drug, or liver disease. If you have chronic diseases, you should consult a doctor. The only side effects include headache, which not everyone experiences.


  • Mild side effects;
  • Good composition;
  • Affordable price;
  • Fast action.


  • Course 3-6 months;
  • There are contraindications.

Reviews show that Atheroclephyta is one of the best cholesterol medications without side effects, which are created using natural ingredients. They also have contraindications, so before using them it is advisable to make sure that there is no hypersensitivity to the components or certain diseases.

Cardio Active Omega-3

The drug is used to normalize cholesterol in the blood, control lipid metabolism, and improve the condition of the cardiovascular system. When taken regularly, the medicine reduces the risk of heart disease, prevents disruption of brain function, and maintains healthy skin. Omega-3 in the composition saturates the cells of the heart, blood and blood vessels, preventing unwanted body processes that lead to stroke or heart attack. The capsules contain marine fish fat, gelatin and glycerin. They do not cause side effects, beneficial for every person. Among herbal preparations, Cardio Active Omega-3 is considered the best.


  • Good composition;
  • No side effects;
  • Suitable for most people;
  • Controls cholesterol levels;
  • Convenient course of admission.


  • Not detected.

The tablets are suitable only for prevention and mild deviations from the norm; they allow you to control cholesterol levels. They are safe, have a useful composition, and are adequately accepted by the body. For serious disorders, the food supplement will not be suitable.


These fourth generation high cholesterol pills are available by prescription. The active substance of Livazo is pitavastatin. This cholesterol medicine is best suited for people with diabetes: it does not increase blood sugar levels or affect glucose metabolism. It is very important to choose the right dose of the drug to prevent unwanted serious reduction in cholesterol.

Pierre Fabre, Switzerland

- primary hypercholesterolemia, including heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (hyperlipidemia type IIa according to Fredrickson classification) or mixed hypercholesterolemia (hyperlipidemia type IIb according to Fredrickson classification), hypertriglyceridemia (hyperlipidemia type IV according to Fredrickson classification) as an addition to diet, when diet and other non-drug treatments (eg exercise, weight loss) are insufficient.
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Which cholesterol pills are best to buy?

High levels of cholesterol in the blood are a problem for many people, which has no age restrictions. Therefore, people often think about how to lower cholesterol in the blood, what effective drugs should be used to improve all the functions of the body. Only a doctor can give an accurate mark after passing all the necessary tests. Among the entire rating, there are several medications that are prescribed most often:

  • Atorvastatin is a fast-acting drug for protracted stages;
  • Rosuvastatin is a drug for the prevention of cholesterol plaques;
  • Fenofibrate is a fibrate with a good composition and does not cause side effects;
  • Colestipol is a safe sequestrant that normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • Cardio Active Omega-3 is a herbal preparation to improve all functions of the cardiovascular system.

Cholesterol-lowering pills should have a non-aggressive effect on the body, not cause negative effects, and gradually reduce cholesterol levels. When choosing medications for treatment, you should consult your doctor.

Atherosclerosis is a barrier to longevity

The deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels worsens with age and with dietary errors. Fatty plaques narrow the lumen of blood vessels and can suddenly come off; the development of atherosclerosis increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and becomes one of the main causes of premature death. To reduce the risk of a patient developing a heart attack or stroke, statins are prescribed to him if his cholesterol level is high. It is thanks to these drugs that the formation of cholesterol and its content in the blood can be effectively reduced, which will naturally lead to an increase in life expectancy.

All other medications

Your doctor may recommend taking dietary supplements (dietary supplements).

However, natural remedies such as Omega 3 , Tykveol , flaxseed oil , and lipoic acid lower cholesterol levels slightly.

It should be borne in mind that dietary supplements are not drugs, therefore such drugs are inferior to statin drugs in terms of preventing cardiovascular diseases.

List of dietary supplements that are used for this purpose and contain natural components:

  • Omega Forte;
  • Doppelhertz Omega;
  • Tykveol;
  • Lipoic acid;
  • SitoPren.

Omega 3

Tablets containing fish oil ( Omega 3 , Oceanol , Omacor ) are recommended for people who want to lower cholesterol. Fish oil protects the body from the development of vascular and heart diseases, as well as from depression and arthritis. But you need to drink fish oil very carefully, since taking it increases the risk of chronic pancreatitis .


Pumpkin seed oil is indicated for use by those who suffer from cholecystitis , cerebral atherosclerosis hepatitis . The product provides choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hepatoprotective effects.

Lipoic acid

This remedy is an endogenous antioxidant , it is used for the prevention and treatment of coronary atherosclerosis. There is a positive effect of the drug on carbohydrate metabolism. When taken, the trophism of neurons improves, and glycogen levels in the liver increase.


Vitamins help normalize cholesterol levels, increase hemoglobin , etc. The body needs vitamin B12 and folic acid , nicotinic acid . At the same time, it is very important that these are natural vitamins, that is, it is important to eat those foods that contain these vitamins.


Dietary supplement – ​​fir foot extract, it contains beta-sitosterol, polyprenols. Should be taken for hypertension , atherosclerosis , high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol.


Dietary supplement – ​​plant wax extract. Helps reduce low-density cholesterol levels and helps prevent atherosclerosis.

Other means

Bile acid sequestrants ( Kolesevelam , etc.) are medications that are used in complex treatment as an auxiliary component for lowering cholesterol. They suppress its synthesis in plasma.

Ciprofibrate Lipanor - suppresses cholesterol synthesis in the liver, lowers its level in the blood, reducing the level of atherogenic lipoproteins.

Protein metabolism disorders

Insufficient supply of protein and amino acids and metabolic disorders lead to exhaustion of the body, weakened immunity, and a decrease in the transport function for the delivery of nutrients. This deficiency causes protein-energy deficiency, which is eliminated by various drugs:

  • anabolics;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • immunomodulators;
  • general tonic compounds.

In case of insufficiency of endocrine regulation, adaptogens and general tonics are prescribed. Profound depletion and dysfunction resulting from the lack of protein in food are eliminated by drugs to improve metabolism for parenteral and enteral administration, respectively, by injection into a vein and through a tube.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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