Mudras for pressure: 7 useful exercises for hypertension

Hypertension. Mudras for hypertension

A common disease today, hypertension, is associated with dehydration. When there is a lack of water, the cardiovascular system narrows the network of capillaries, as a result of which the full blood supply is disrupted and the pressure in large blood vessels - arteries - increases.

If you are a vegetatively unstable person, we can recommend mudra, which prevents surges in blood pressure and can relieve you of meteorological ailments and worsening mood.

Turn around and face east. Perform the mudra with both hands at the same time. Place your hands on the navel area.

Create a feeling of being filled with light and lightness, feel harmony and purity throughout your body. Interlace the little, ring and middle fingers of both hands with each other, while leaving the little finger of your right hand straight. Bend the index finger of your left hand and press it to the base of the index finger of your right hand. Hide the thumb of your right hand between your palms, clasping it with the middle finger of your left hand. Leave the index finger of your right hand and thumb of your left hand straight. After just a few sessions, you will feel that your head has become light, and there is a pleasant coolness in the forehead area.

Additional recommendations

Hypertensive patients, as a rule, do not know how to forgive. The resentment they carry within themselves, the desire to take revenge or punish the culprit, weighs down with a heavy burden, internal harmony is disrupted and, as a result, pressure drops.

Knead the energy channels in the center of your palms from time to time, this opens the way for energy flows and reduces blood pressure. In order to lower blood pressure, place mini mustard plasters on the second phalanges of the middle and ring fingers. When making gestures, try to avoid the position of the hand when the thumb is pointed upward: in this case, the flow of vital energy rushes upward, increasing blood pressure on the vessels.

Mudras and their connection with blood pressure

Mudra is a ritual sign language in Hinduism and Buddhism. This is finger yoga, which teaches a person to feel his body and the surrounding space.

The mudra system considers fingers as conductors of energy in the human body. Each part, each phalanx is responsible for the work of a specific organ, for its energy structure. If for some reason the energy channel is blocked, the organ does not receive the energy it needs, and malfunctions begin. To normalize its operation, it is necessary to restore the energy flow.

By performing mudras, you can improve your health, strengthen your nervous system, and improve your condition in any disease.


Since pressure is directly related to the psycho-emotional state, to normalize it you can use any mudras, the effect of which is aimed at improving mood and relieving anxiety.

This is exactly what the “Knowledge” mudra belongs to, which can even overcome severe depression. It is also used to awaken hidden abilities, improve attention, memory, and is suitable for insomnia.

Align the first and second fingers, and leave the rest straightened. Can be performed on both hands at once or on one. Perform 5-6 times a day for 5-10 minutes.

To enhance effectiveness, it is advisable to focus on a blue background and turn your face to the east; a suitable essential oil is sage.

Mudras and hypertension

The fingers contain energy channels connected to the brain, heart, lungs, circulatory system, liver, small and large intestines. If you connect the fingertips in certain combinations, the restorative energy, along with the breath, enters the organs, improving their functioning:

  1. By doing the technique, a person relaxes: nervousness and irritation go away, and stress resistance increases.
  2. Complete relaxation of the body improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system: blood vessels dilate, pressure decreases. The blood is saturated with oxygen, blood supply to organs and tissues improves.
  3. Regular exercise stabilizes the psycho-emotional state, which reduces the risk of developing hypertension and cardiovascular complications.

However, we must remember that mudras are not a panacea for high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. They cannot replace treatment with medications, restore serious damage to the body, or reduce indicators during a hypertensive crisis.

Doctors' opinion about this technique

There are more than eight hundred types of mudras. Each carries benefits for the human body and affects certain organs and systems. People who practice yoga face criticism. It is believed that such activities do not have any practical benefit. Doctors tend to trust this technique more.

Yoga for fingers requires a relaxed, focused person. Proper breathing triggers brain processes, memory improves, and oxygen enters the blood.

Scientists studied the yoga technique and found that with its help the heart rate decreases and body temperature rises or falls. The condition of the joints improves and muscle tension goes away. Coordination of movements becomes better, the vestibular apparatus returns to normal. A person gains calmness, purity of thoughts, and is distracted from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

A decrease in blood sugar and a decrease in bad cholesterol were also noticed. Immersion in a meditative state has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Yoga for the fingers (mudras) are used to lower blood pressure and normalize the psychological state.

Nevertheless, the result in the treatment of hypertension mudra will only be in combination with other techniques. For example, treatment with music. You shouldn’t limit yourself solely to doing finger yoga.

We recommend reading: What to do if you have high blood pressure

Technique for performing mudras

Any technique requires practice. Therefore, at first it is advisable to practice where no one will interfere. When you learn to abstract yourself from your surroundings, you can do exercises anywhere.

Basic Rules:

  1. Before training, you need to relax, calm down, take your mind off your thoughts, and concentrate on your body and sensations. You cannot strain your fingers by pressing them together with force; they must be completely relaxed.
  2. It is best to practice sitting cross-legged or sitting on a chair, distributing your body weight evenly on both feet. The back is straight, energy moves freely throughout the body. There should be no discomfort, pain, or tension.
  3. Mudras can be done at any time of the day. The only condition is that you cannot exercise immediately after eating. You need to wait 1.5-2 hours and only then start the exercises.
  4. Each mudra is done no more than 5 times from 3 to 10 minutes. The total training time is 30 minutes, can be done 2-3 times/day.
  5. It is important to breathe properly during gymnastics. There are two main breathing rates: slow and fast. Slow - slowly, deeply inhale through the nose, and also exhale, emptying the lungs. Fast – quick, shallow inhalations and exhalations through the nose.

Most exercises give quick results. After classes, a person is balanced, thinks clearly, and feels a surge of strength.

Video on the topic

How to properly perform mudras to lower blood pressure, watch the video:

Mudras are a rather unusual tool for us to improve health, but you should definitely try to use them in practice, because this is a unique opportunity to be able to help yourself in any situation, regardless of whether you have medicine at hand. This technique has no contraindications; people of any age and gender can use mudras. Properly performed mudra to increase or decrease blood pressure will also help restore physical strength, cleanse energy, and normalize mood.

Mudras and aromatherapy

When using mudras for high blood pressure, their effect can be enhanced with essential oils:

  • lavender – improves blood and lymph circulation, activates brain function, calms;
  • bergamot – relieves vascular spasms and nervous tension;
  • sage – soothes, relaxes, improves heart function;
  • marjoram - dilates blood vessels, accelerates blood flow, relieves headaches.

Before training, rub a couple of drops of oil with your fingers. You can lightly massage your temples and then start exercising.

Mudras for normalizing blood pressure

There are several effective mudras that help reduce blood pressure, maintain normal levels, and improve the condition of the cardiovascular system.


Mudra for reducing and stabilizing high blood pressure. Restores blood vessels, blood flow speed, prevents deviations from the norm. Can be done for hypotension, if the problems are caused by circulatory problems.


  • clasp your hands so that the little finger of your right hand is the last;
  • straighten the right index finger, bend the thumb under the left index finger;
  • Straighten the left thumb.

To improve health

Increases immunity, is effective for the prevention of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.


  • left hand: connect the thumb and ring finger, put the middle finger on the ring finger, press the little finger to the ring finger, straighten the index finger, but do not strain;
  • right hand: bend the middle, ring, fingertips pressed to the palm, straighten the rest;
  • cross your arms: right over left.

Warrior Arrow (Vajra Arrow)

Improves the condition of cardiovascular diseases. Eliminates shortness of breath, neuralgia, headaches, muscle and joint pain. Normalizes blood circulation, restores blood vessels. Used in the initial stages of hypertension.


  • clasp your hands;
  • Straighten the index fingers and thumbs of both hands and press them against each other.

Saving Life (Apan Vayu)

Helps with a heart attack, acts similarly to nitroglycerin. For pain in the heart, heavy breathing, discomfort, anxiety, mudra is done with both hands. Improvement should occur immediately.


  • bend the index finger so that its pad touches the base of the thumb;
  • connect the thumb, middle and ring fingers together;
  • straighten your little finger.


Improves the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and nervous system. Used for psychopathological disorders, increased irritability, chronic fatigue syndrome, panic attacks.


  • clasp your hands;
  • the thumbs of both hands are straightened and pressed against each other.

Knowledge (Gyan Mudra)

Relieves emotional stress, anxiety, restlessness. Improves mental activity, eliminates insomnia, reduces blood pressure, and reduces the load on the heart. It is very useful to perform in cases of nervous hypertension or hypotension, when deviations in blood pressure are caused by neuropsychiatric disorders.


  • connect your index finger and thumb;
  • Straighten the remaining fingers, separate them, and do not strain.

Life (Prana Mudra)

Mudra relieves headaches, increased eye and intracranial pressure. Helps cope with fatigue, bad mood, and impotence. Levels the potential of the whole organism, causes a surge of strength and vigor.


  • connect the little finger, ring finger and thumb;
  • straighten the rest and keep them together.

Hat (Shakya-muni)

Relieves the symptoms of hypertension, improves the condition of vascular pathologies of the brain. It is useful for depression, severe stress, and severe psycho-emotional state.


  • bend the index and ring fingers of the right hand and connect them with the fingers of the left hand, which should be in the same position;
  • straighten the little finger, middle finger, connect with pads;
  • Straight thumbs touch the side surfaces.

Earth (Prithivi mudra)

Mudra quickly relieves depression, high blood pressure, fatigue, and weakness. Stabilizes the psycho-emotional state, protects from external irritants, increases stress resistance.


  • connect the ring and thumb fingers;
  • straighten the rest, spread them apart.

Water (Varuna Mudra)

Removes excess fluid from the body, eliminates swelling, and lowers blood pressure. Improves liver and kidney function. Mudra is recommended for high sugar and cholesterol levels.


  • bend the little finger, press it with the thumb to the palm;
  • straighten the rest, keep them together;
  • clasp your right hand with your left hand, the thumb of your left hand should be located on the upper phalanx of the thumb of your right hand.

Window of Wisdom

Mudra is very useful for hypertensive patients: it increases efficiency, tone, and activates brain function. Stabilizes blood pressure, eliminates vascular sclerosis.


  • bend the ring finger, place the thumb on the middle phalanx of the ring finger, press it to the palm;
  • the remaining fingers are freely spaced.

There is no need to do many different mudras at once. It is enough to perform 3-4 types for 1-2 weeks, and then choose something else. Then the effect will be maximum.


Another version of the mudra for high blood pressure is “Vajra” (translated as “Finger”), it is used for various circulatory disorders and heart pathologies. Cross three fingers on each hand and touch the first and second fingers.

Vajra Arrow

Try several options with protruding or pressed phalanges and choose the one that suits you best. Hold your fingers in this position for 15 minutes, remembering your breathing and affirmations.

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