5 basic exercises to stabilize and normalize blood pressure

Why is Shishonin gymnastics needed?

Basically, gymnastics can be used for two diseases:

1. Hernias in the cervical region (uncomplicated)

2.Hypertension (uncomplicated)

Gymnastics routine.

Once a day for 2-4 weeks. Then 3 times a week.


NO NEED TO DO GYMNASTICS WITH POWER! Master the technique first; there is no need to forcefully pull the muscles and vertebrae. Only when you have mastered the technique and started performing the exercises correctly can you add strength, but without fanaticism.

After performing gymnastics, your blood pressure may rise slightly, do not worry - this is the body’s reaction. A rise in blood pressure after gymnastics can occur in 2 cases:

1. Gymnastics is performed incorrectly (a sign of improper performance is feeling unwell after gymnastics)

2. The body’s reaction to the “free blood flow” (the body is hungry, it saturates itself. A sign here is GOOD well-being with high blood pressure.

Let's start studying a set of exercises according to Dr. Shishonin's method with a warm-up, which must be done before starting the gymnastics itself.

I. Purpose of warm-up

Increased blood flow in the deltoid, trapezius and muscles between the shoulder blades. This will allow you to perform the main exercises of the complex with maximum efficiency.

II. Initial position

Warm-up and the entire exercise are performed while sitting on a chair. We sit closer to the edge of the chair so that our back does not rest on the backrest. The back is straight. The face looks forward. Hands are lowered along the body.

III. Execution order

Warm-up includes 3 basic exercises. All exercises are performed using dumbbells. At the initial stage, it is better to use children's dumbbells. In the future, the weight of dumbbells can be increased.

Exercise 1

1. Move the head forward.

2. Raises his arms to the sides to the horizontal.

3. Lower your arms to the starting position.

The exercise is performed as many times as you have enough strength - the muscles should begin to “burn” and ache. We return to the starting position and rest for 1-3 minutes so that the muscles relax.

Why you should trust Doctor Shishonin

Alexander Yuryevich Shishonin is an internationally qualified doctor, therapist, cardiologist, and has a higher medical education. The doctor regularly attends advanced training courses and takes part in conferences in Russia, the USA, and European countries. He is a member of the New York Academy of Sciences. She deals with non-drug methods of treating patients suffering from hypertension, atherosclerosis, and damage to muscles and blood vessels.

Alexander Yuryevich is the author and creator of many effective methods and manuals that have already helped thousands of people with high blood pressure:

  • Book "Cyberlife";
  • Breathing exercises course;
  • Therapeutic exercises for legs;
  • Thermodynamic theory of aging;
  • Methods of recovery after neuro-oncology;
  • Theory of Convergent Bioprocesses;
  • Methods of integrative rehabilitation.

In his clinic, Dr. Shishonin offers natural methods of treating high blood pressure and vascular dysfunction. The doctor does not use medications in his practice, and the effect of the treatment program has been proven by hundreds of reviews from real people.

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Club of Former Hypertensive Patients
, download gymnastics that has already helped hundreds of thousands of people overcome pressure surges and hypertension.
Get the most current and correct information about problems related to blood pressure, osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, ask your questions to Dr. Shishonin and just communicate.

Rules for doing exercises at home

In order for therapeutic exercises to be beneficial and not aggravate the problem, you need to follow a number of simple but important recommendations:

  • consult your doctor first. In the acute phase of cervical osteochondrosis, it is unsafe to do exercises. First you need to reduce the pain, achieve the onset of remission;
  • do gymnastics on a flat, hard surface;
  • measure your heart rate before, during and after exercise. You can do this the old way (using a stopwatch and fingers), or use a fitness bracelet. If the pulse is above 129, reduce the load;
  • Movements with cervical osteochondrosis should be performed smoothly. Increase amplitude and intensity gradually;
  • Regularity of gymnastics and a systematic approach are important;
  • if the exercises for therapeutic exercises are chosen incorrectly, the effect of treating cervical osteochondrosis may be the opposite. Therefore, everything needs to be discussed with the doctor.

What is the importance of gymnastics for those suffering from hypertension?

Among the causes of hypertension, weak leg muscles and impaired blood flow in the cervical spine should be noted. These factors are formed due to inactivity. Our feet are our second heart. If the lower limbs receive the necessary load, the heart works more smoothly. Massage of the cervical-collar area helps the capillaries pass blood faster. This is why regular exercise is recommended for hypertension.

Why gymnastics is useful for hypertension:

  • Strengthening the heart muscle;
  • Restoration of blood circulation;
  • Improving blood conductivity through vessels;
  • Return of vessel tone;
  • No need for medications;
  • Strengthening endurance;
  • Oxygen saturation of the brain.

Final massage

It is recommended to complete the main exercises of Shishonin training gymnastics with a restorative massage of the cervical spine.

Massage can be done either with your own hands or with the help of a specialist.

The massage technique is simple. First, you need to massage the occipital region of the head, while avoiding strong finger pressure on this area. After a few minutes, you should move with gentle movements to the spine, not bypassing the shoulders and upper part of the scapula. Next, using circular movements, you need to work out all the vertebrae in the neck; it is recommended to start from the bottom. After pinpointing the latter, you need to grab the neck with your hands so that the thumb is in the back of it, and the rest are on the sides, and begin a pinching massage of the upper back, slowly moving to the front of the neck. Next, after finishing with pinching, you need to work the area from the chin to the collarbone with point movements. The massage should be completed by slowly massaging the temples with the index fingers and working the back of the head with rolling movements.

The final massage will help the neck muscles relax after the stress received during exercise, and will also quickly relieve headaches, if any.

How to do breathing exercises for arterial hypertension

Proper breathing allows you to avoid oxygen starvation of the brain, which provokes pressure surges. For prevention and treatment, you can perform simple exercises:

  1. Take a sitting position, keep your posture straight, relax. Take 4-5 sharp breaths through your nose, keep your mouth tightly closed. Do not pause between breaths. Exhale, take a break for 5-10 seconds and repeat inhalations 20 times;
  2. Take a comfortable position, sitting or standing, clasp your shoulders with your arms. Do repetitions to the left, inhale sharply through your nose, turn to the starting position, exhale through your mouth. Do the same to the right. It will take 8-10 turns;

Stand up and squat with a straight back. Tilt your head to the side, pressing your ear to your shoulder. Inhale sharply through your nose and slowly exhale through your mouth. Then do the same exercise in the other direction. Repeat 8-10 times.

What is the principle of cervical spine gymnastics for hypertension?

The neck is an important organ containing many blood vessels. Constant tension causes clogging of the arteries and loss of tone. In addition to high blood pressure, this can lead to nervous disorders. To avoid obstruction of the capillaries of the cervical spine, you must regularly perform 7 simple exercises:

  1. Metronome. Tilt your head to the right towards your shoulder, hold for a few seconds, return to your previous position. Next, do it to the left.
  2. Spring. Press your chin to your chest and hold your head for 30 seconds. Pull your head forward and hold it for another 30 seconds.
  3. Looking to the sky. Turn your neck to the left as far as possible, hold for a while, relax and return to your previous position. Then make such a turn to the right.
  4. Frame. Do the “Look at the Sky”, but keep your hands on your shoulders so that your elbows are at right angles to your body.
  5. Fakir. Place your hands on the back of your neck and press your elbows together. Make turns left and right, holding for half a minute.
  6. Heron. Keep your hands on your knees. Lift your chin up while spreading your arms behind your back. As you lower your head, return your arms forward.
  7. Goose. Stand up straight, keep your chin straight. Pull your neck far forward, turn to the left and press against your shoulder. Do this to the right.

Not with the chest, but with the stomach

When starting an exercise, you need to imagine as clearly as possible what is happening inside the body. No matter what skeptics say, a lot really depends on how well a person visualizes the processes in the body. First of all, you need to imagine that the body breathes not through the lungs, not through the chest, but through the stomach.

When the process goes correctly, the stomach inflates with each new breath. When exhaling, it is accordingly deflated. After which the cycle repeats. Based on the specific sensations, this is called abdominal breathing. It is important to understand here that this name is rather conventional, but it describes what is happening perfectly.

While continuing to breathe from the stomach, you need to make sure that the chest does not expand too much. It is necessary to monitor the process and, if possible, not allow the lungs, as happens during normal breathing, to become significantly wider due to each inhalation. On the contrary, it is necessary:

  • calm, relax the chest, as well as the shoulders;
  • try to balance the nervous system;
  • Place your hands together, just below your navel.

This exercise has proven its effectiveness over centuries. It continues to be actively used in wushu today, so there is no doubt about its effectiveness.

Having already assumed this position, you should begin to breathe - measuredly, deeply, imagining the process of energy movement. It is important to inhale air into the stomach, clearly feeling it. Of course, in fact, the air does not go into the stomach - it goes into the lungs, because they are responsible for the process of oxygen absorption.

However, you need to imagine, visualize it exactly in this way, as if air were going into your stomach. Due to this, the diaphragm is turned on, which is usually practically not used. After this, the bottom of the lungs begins to stretch, which is also not used under normal conditions. It is not difficult to feel the obvious benefits, because at this time the lungs will absorb an additional amount of oxygen.

What happens to this oxygen? After being absorbed by the lungs, it travels to the brain. This is the real meaning of abdominal breathing. So, as is easy to see, the goal set by such practice is quite specific, simple and understandable, without any “secret meaning.”

How to do leg exercises for hypertension

Lack of physical activity on the lower extremities creates increased stress on the heart. This is especially true for patients with sedentary work. It is necessary to do a warm-up several times a day. Special leg gymnastics for hypertension allows you to evenly distribute the load between the heart muscle and the joints of the lower extremities. To prevent hypertension, it is enough to perform certain exercises:

  • Walking in place;
  • Jogging;
  • Hiking;
  • Squats;
  • Push ups;
  • “Scissors” with legs;
  • Jumping in place;
  • Jumping rope;
  • Biking;
  • Swing your legs forward and to the sides.

By devoting 10-20 minutes every day to simple exercises, you can get rid of hypertension without the use of drugs. The combination of respiratory, cervical and physical exercise strengthens the immune system, stabilizes the metabolism and functioning of the body's cardiovascular system, restores blood circulation, and improves oxygen flow to the brain and heart.

Exercises to prevent relapses

In order to consolidate the results obtained and not encounter the problem of cervical osteochondrosis again, you need to perform the exercises throughout your life. It would be nice if a person decides to go in for sports: swimming, volleyball, fitness. Any of the above sets of exercises will do. To prevent cervical osteochondrosis, increase the number of repetitions of each exercise to 15-20 times.

In order to enroll in physical therapy courses (physical therapy), contact the Aspect of Health clinic in Ufa. You can call us by phone.

How to do leg exercises for hypertension

Lack of physical activity on the lower extremities creates increased stress on the heart. This is especially true for patients with sedentary work. It is necessary to do a warm-up several times a day. Special leg gymnastics for hypertension allows you to evenly distribute the load between the heart muscle and the joints of the lower extremities. To prevent hypertension, it is enough to perform certain exercises:

  • Walking in place;
  • Jogging;
  • Hiking;
  • Squats;
  • Push ups;
  • “Scissors” with legs;
  • Jumping in place;
  • Jumping rope;
  • Biking;
  • Swing your legs forward and to the sides.

By devoting 10-20 minutes every day to simple exercises, you can get rid of hypertension without the use of drugs. The combination of respiratory, cervical and physical exercise strengthens the immune system, stabilizes the metabolism and functioning of the body's cardiovascular system, restores blood circulation, and improves oxygen flow to the brain and heart.


You should use the gymnastics developed by Dr. Shishonin if you have an intervertebral hernia or hypertension.

There is no need to exercise if pain or severe discomfort occurs. If you feel pain, it is better to stop immediately. First you need to master the technique of all exercises. This should take about two weeks. To avoid harming yourself, try not to stretch too much at first.

For injuries or serious chronic illnesses, it is best to first consult your doctor.

Thus, if you constantly perform Dr. Shishonin’s exercises, this will help cure osteochondrosis, give relaxation to the body, and also stabilize blood pressure.
Author of the article Svetlana Anatolyevna Ivanova, general practitioner

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