Abana for normalizing blood pressure Himalaya | Himalaya 60 tab

The norms for blood pressure (BP), as modern medicine interprets them, change periodically. It was once believed that it was 120/80 and nothing else. Now it is believed that the upper (systolic) should not rise above 140 mm Hg. Art., and the lower (diastolic) - above 90 mm Hg. Art. If the numbers are higher, this is classified by modern medicine as hypertension and a reason to take blood pressure-reducing pills for the rest of your life.

However, Ayurveda looks at it differently. She says that blood pressure naturally increases with age. And at the age of 60 and above, the upper limit may be higher than today’s “norms”. If it does not manifest itself with any symptoms, then there is no need to worry too much - that’s what Ayurveda says. In any case, you should not knock it down, because if the body has increased the pressure, then most likely this is necessary for normal blood supply to the main organ - the brain. But if there are symptoms, then this is a deviation from health and needs to be treated.

Symptoms of high blood pressure:

  • Frequent headaches.
  • Dizziness, tinnitus, spots in the eyes.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Irritability, anxiety.
  • Frequent heartbeat, pain in the heart area.


Today, the main causes of hypertension are unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle.
Most of the foods we consume - fast foods, canned food, foods with added chemicals - create digestive problems in the body. Poor digestion leads to the accumulation of ama (toxins), which further leads to high blood pressure. The food we eat is digested by our digestive fire (jatharagni) to produce nutritious plasma. This plasma nourishes all other dhatus (tissues) and helps in the production of healthy blood, which circulates throughout the body through various channels (srotas). However, if digestion is disrupted, the nutrient plasma runs out and digestive impurities or ama are produced. The blood thus becomes heavy and sticky. This heavy blood (with impurities) circulates through various channels and toxins begin to accumulate in the channels of the body. When the buildup occurs in the channels of the heart, these toxins cause the channels to narrow. Therefore, blood must end up exerting more pressure as it circulates through these channels. This leads to increased blood pressure.

Additionally, stress, anxiety and negative mental feelings also cause increased blood pressure. Other reasons may be: family history of hypertension, obesity, lack of physical activity, consumption of high-fat and low-fiber foods, excessive consumption of tea, coffee and refined foods, etc.

Ayurveda for normalizing blood pressure

Ayurveda for normalizing blood pressure - Ayurvedic medicines for normalizing blood pressure in the form of a table.

Abana, 60 tablets

Abana is a natural cardioprotector, regulates serum lipids, lowering cholesterol, triglyceride, low-density lipoprotein levels, and restores the level of high-density lipoprotein, which has a cardioprotective effect. Abana also reduces the accumulation of cholesterol plaques. Manufacturer: Himalaya

Amalaki powder (Amla churna), 100 grams

Amla (avla, nili) powder. Indications: visual impairment, hepatitis A virus, cholecystitis, gastritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, prevention of cancer. Manufacturer: Sri Ganga

Amalaki powder (Amla churna), 100 and 250 grams

Amla (avla, nili) powder. Indications: visual impairment, hepatitis A virus, cholecystitis, gastritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, prevention of cancer. Manufacturer: Sri Ganga

Amla - amalaki, (amla), 60 capsules

Indications: visual impairment, hepatitis A virus, cholecystitis, gastritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, prevention of cancer. Manufacturer: Himalaya


Arjuna is an excellent cardiac tonic containing large amounts of elogine and arjunic acids, setosterol. The tree bark has anti-ischemic and cardioprotective protective effects and is used in the treatment of hypertension, ischemic pain Manufacturer: Himalaya, Sahul, Sri Ganga, Dabur, etc.

Arjuna churna

Indications: heart failure, coronary heart disease, any heart and pulmonary diseases, hypertension, rehabilitation of patients after myocardial infarction, painful heartbeat, nervousness, mental stress, fatigue.

Badam Pak, 250 grams

Badam pak is an excellent tonic for the brain and heart and stimulates the growth of nerve cells. It is also an effective remedy for disorders of the digestive and respiratory systems. Badam pak is an excellent tonic for the male reproductive system.

Brahmi (brahmi) powder, 100 g

Brahmi churna. Indications: nervous disorders, headache, mental stress, memory loss, depression, premature aging, hair loss, some skin diseases, seizures of nervous origin, epilepsy, tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis. Brahmi has a calming effect and normalizes blood pressure. Manufacturer: AMRITA, Vyas Pharma

Brahmi - brahmi powder (Brahmi churna), 100 and 250 g

Indications: nervous disorders, headache, mental stress, memory loss, depression, premature aging, hair loss, some skin diseases, seizures of nervous origin, epilepsy, tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis. Brahmi has a calming effect and normalizes blood pressure. Manufacturer: Sri Ganga

Brahmi bati

This is the main remedy for stimulating and strengthening nerve and brain cells. “Brahmi” improves memory, increases life expectancy, slows down aging and gives strength in old age. Strengthens the immune system, cleansing and nourishing it. Used to treat chronic and intractable skin diseases. Brahmi vati has a calming effect and normalizes blood pressure. Manufacturer: Baidyanath (80 tabs), Himalaya (60 tabs)

Brahmi vati, 100 and 200 tablets

This is the main remedy for stimulating and strengthening nerve and brain cells. “Brahmi” improves memory, increases life expectancy, slows down aging and gives strength in old age. Strengthens the immune system, cleansing and nourishing it... Brahmi Vati has a calming effect and normalizes blood pressure. Manufacturer: Sri Ganga

Brahmi Vati, 40 tablets

Brahmi vati. Indications: nervous disorders, headache, mental stress, memory loss, premature aging, hair loss, some skin diseases, epilepsy, tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis. Brahmi Vati has a calming effect and normalizes blood pressure. Manufacturer: Dabur

Vidari churna, 100 gr

Vidari is used for diseases of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs, and “heat” diseases - temperature, fever, malaria, burning sensation in the body. Promotes lactation, normalizes the menstrual cycle or spermatogenesis, therefore it is prescribed for spermatorrhea, seminal stones, and prostatitis.

Cardimap, 100 tablets

It is used to lower blood pressure, in the treatment of neuroses and insomnia. Indications for use: arterial hypertension, fear neurosis, insomnia caused by anxiety and stressful situations, hysteria. It can also be used in the treatment of chronic alcoholism. Manufacturer: Maharishi Ayurveda

Manjishta, 60 capsules - 15 g

Manjishta is the most effective metabolism-improving and blood purifying herb in Ayurvedic medicine. It cools the blood, removes toxins, stops bleeding, and prevents thrombosis. Manjishta is good for all inflammatory diseases, especially the female reproductive system. It dissolves stones, promotes the resorption of both benign and malignant tumors... Manufacturer: Himalaya

Manjishta powder (Manjishta churna), 100 grams

Manjishta is the most effective metabolism-improving and blood purifying herb in Ayurvedic medicine. It cools the blood, removes toxins, stops bleeding, and prevents thrombosis. Manjishta is good for all inflammatory diseases, especially the female reproductive system. It dissolves stones, promotes the resorption of both benign and malignant tumors... Manufacturer: Sri Ganga

Manjishta powder, 50 g

Manjishta. Manjishta is the most effective metabolism improving and blood purifying herb in Ayurveda. Indications: bleeding, thrombosis, congestion in the circulatory system, tumors, inflammatory processes, especially of the female reproductive system. It dissolves stones, improves blood flow and promotes healing of damaged tissue. Manufacturer: NidCo

Maharishi Amrit Kalash 5+4 (Maharishi Amrit Kalash), 600 g + 60 tabs

Effective antioxidant; prevents the development of atherosclerosis; suppresses the development of cancer cells; neutralizes and removes free radicals, toxins and waste; strengthens the immune system; rejuvenates the body; reduces the impact of stress; improves manufacturer Manufacturer: Maharishi Ayurveda

Mukta vati, 20 grams - 50 and 100 tablets.

One of the best drugs for the treatment of hypertension, normalizes kidney function and tones the brain. Manufacturer: Adarsh ​​Ayurvedic Pharmacy

Neem, 60 capsules

Indications: skin diseases (eczema, ringworm, urticaria), parasitic infections, fever, malaria, cough, thirst, nausea, vomiting, diabetes, tumors, obesity, arthritis, rheumatism, jaundice. Manufacturer: Himalaya, Sri Ganga (100 tablets)

Neem powder (Neem churna), 100 and 250 grams

Margose is one of the most powerful blood purifying and detoxifying Ayurvedic remedies. It reduces fever and eliminates toxins present in the body in most inflammatory skin diseases and mucosal ulcers. Indications: skin diseases (eczema, ringworm, urticaria), parasitic infections, fever, malaria, cough, thirst, nausea, vomiting, diabetes, tumors, obesity, arthritis, rheumatism, jaundice. Manufacturer: Sri Ganga, Amritamed, etc.

Sarpagandha vati

Sarpagandha is a very effective Ayurvedic drug for lowering blood pressure, for treating mental disorders, as it has sedative properties and is effective in treating insomnia. It can also be used for hysteria and urticaria. Manufacturer: Baidyanath

Sarpal, 100 tablets

Indications: arterial hypertension, hysteria, insomnia, epilepsy, cardiac arrhythmia, deep neuroses, anxiety, digestive disorders, various mental disorders, headache, dizziness. Manufacturer: Sri Ganga

Serpentina, 100 capsules - 50 grams

Serpentina is a complex drug for blood pressure control. Manufacturer: Annai Aravind Herbals

Haritaki, 120 tablets

Action: rejuvenating, tonic, astringent, laxative, strengthens nerves, expectorant, anthelmintic. Manufacturer: Zandu

Haritaki, 60 tablets

Haritaki. Action: rejuvenating, tonic, astringent, laxative, strengthens nerves, expectorant, anthelmintic. Manufacturer: Himalaya, Sri Ganga

Shankha pushpi

Shankha pushpi is a brain tonic. It improves memory, concentration and perception. It is used for intracranial pressure and spasms, especially those that occur at elevated temperatures. Treats blood diseases. Manufacturer: Baidianat, Vyas Pharma

Shiva gutika, 50 and 100 tablets

Taking this drug can cure many diseases, including: gout, tuberculosis, fever, enlarged liver and spleen, diseases of the female reproductive system, hemorrhoids, anemia, vomiting, chronic diarrhea, intestinal tumors

Shiva gutika, 100 tablets

Taking this drug for a year can cure many diseases, including: gout, tuberculosis, fever, enlarged liver and spleen, diseases of the female reproductive system, hemorrhoids, anemia, vomiting, chronic diarrhea, intestinal tumors... Manufacturer: Sri Ganga

Shilajeet Gold, 20 capsules

Shilajit Gold is a unique combination of mumiyo, gold and saffron along with other important ingredients such as Ashwagandha, velveteen beans and others. Shilajit Gold is a powerful strengthening and rejuvenating agent, improves potency, gives strength... Manufacturer: Dabur

Yashtimadhu, 60 capsules

Yashtimadhu regulates the condition of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchi, and increases the production of protective mucus. Reduces spasm of smooth muscles of the bronchi, intestinal wall, and bile ducts. Has a corticosteroid-like effect. Has a strogen-like effect. The density of mucus in the lungs and bronchioles also decreases and the fluidity of mucus increases. It has a pronounced expectorant, enveloping, softening, soothing and mild laxative effect, stimulates the adrenal cortex to produce its own corticosteroids. Manufacturer: Himalaya

Ayurveda for normalizing blood pressure additional information

  • Hypertension - increased blood pressure - is the most common complication and at the same time the cause of heart disease. Manifestations and treatment methods for hypertension generally correspond to those for heart disease. Along with this, herbs are used that have a more pronounced effect on the nervous system: brahmi, calamus, valerian, skullcap and jatamamsi.

A special Ayurvedic herb for regulating blood pressure is sarpaganda (Rauwolfia serpentina).

Features of manifestations (types) of hypertension and their treatment

Manifestations of Vata (air) type hypertension are variable in nature and are often accompanied by nervous disorders. After overwork, overstrain, anxiety or insomnia, blood pressure may suddenly rise and just as suddenly fall. The pulse is irregular, variable both in frequency and in volume. Hypertension often accompanies nervous disorders. Mainly tonic therapy is carried out. Garlic is especially useful. Milk decoction of nutmeg or Saraswat powder improves well-being. Tonic treatment with ashwagandha-based preparations is usually carried out for a long time. A good composition is obtained from ashwagandha, valerian and brahmi in equal parts. Ghi is used as anupana.

With Pitta-type (fire) hypertension, the face is red, the eyes are inflamed, and severe headaches, photophobia, nosebleeds, a burning sensation, irritability and anger are often observed. This condition often occurs with liver disorders, so appropriate methods are used to treat it. Bitters are beneficial, including aloe juice, barberry and katuka. It is recommended to cleanse with bitter laxatives - aloe, rhubarb, senna. Brahmi is used as a special remedy to calm the mind in such cases. Compositions based on brahmi, Brahma rasayan and Saraswat powder are used. Brahmi and skullcap in equal parts help well.

Kapha (water) hypertension is usually accompanied by obesity, fatigue, edema and high cholesterol. Blood pressure is elevated and stable. During treatment, you should avoid eating dairy products, butter, eggs and foods high in fat. Red pepper, myrrh, garlic, motherwort and hawthorn berries are useful, as well as preparations based on arjuna and the composition of Trikatu. Licorice is contraindicated.

  • Arteriosclerosis . With arteriosclerosis, due to increased cholesterol levels, arterial blockage occurs: due to fat deposition in Kapha and Pitta types of arteriosclerosis and hardening of arterial walls in Vata type.

The treatment is the same as for heart diseases, in particular for hypertension, which often develops against the background of arteriosclerosis.

To reduce cholesterol levels in patients with Kapha or Vata constitutions, garlic is a good remedy (with honey for Kapha, in the form of a milk decoction for Vata). Calamus and turmeric work well, as does elecampane. Aloe juice with turmeric or safflower and the Ayurvedic plant Katuka are good for Pitta. Myrrh, saffron, motherwort, hawthorn berries and guggul, which reduces cholesterol levels, are also effective. In Chinese medicine, polygonum multiflorum and dan shen are used.

  • Hypotension is low blood pressure, which is usually a complication of various chronic diseases and can occur with exhaustion, anemia and malnutrition. Usually there is a weakness of the digestive fire and appropriate treatment is required. Hypotension is more common in Vata constitutions, which tend to weaken blood circulation. In Kapha representatives, it occurs against the background of mucus stagnation, blockages and weakened blood circulation. With a Pitta constitution, the cause is usually anemia or liver disorders.

To treat hypotension, herbs that stimulate blood circulation are used: turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, red and black pepper, garlic, aconite, cardamom.

For Vata, a good remedy is garlic or the “Garlic” composition. For Kapha - Trikatu, for Pitta - saffron or turmeric with aloe juice.

Ruby or garnet helps with hypotension in Vata and Kapha, and yellow topaz or yellow sapphire is good for Pitta

Ayurveda's perspective

Ayurvedic lineage for the treatment of hypertension aims to identify the root causes of this condition and the use of herbs that can eradicate the cause of this problem. In order for this to happen, it is necessary that digestion improves and the digestive fire intensifies. Toxins that have already accumulated in the heart channels must be eliminated. Finally, through relaxation techniques - including meditation, yoga and pranayama - it is recommended to ensure that the mind remains calm and stable.

What to do if the disease has already occurred?

Treatment is prescribed taking into account the reasons that caused the increase in pressure and the predominant imbalance - vata, pitta or kapha. Useful for everyone:

  • Abhyanga massage (unlike Western massage, Ayurvedic abhyanga with warm oil reduces blood pressure)
  • Pranayama (breathing exercises) nadi shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) and brahmari (making sound as you exhale)
  • Shirodhara procedure - warm oil is poured in a thin stream onto the forehead, in combination with a head massage, it relieves nervous tension and balances the dosha. Depending on the current imbalance, the shedding can be a herbal-whey decoction (takradhara) or a herbal-milk decoction (kshirodhara).
  • Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic detoxification, with an emphasis on virechana (laxative therapy) and raktamokshana (hirudotherapy), and basti (nutritional cleansing enemas).
  • Vegetarian diet
  • It is believed that pomegranate and viburnum juice normalize blood pressure.

Herbal preparations

For the treatment of hypertension, preparations from herbs such as sarpagandha (Rauwallia serpentina), garlic, arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), amla (Indian gooseberry), bala (sida cardifolia), ashwagandha (withania somnifera), brahmi (bacopa monnieri), shankhapushpi, guduchi (tinispora cardifolia) and others.

Diet for hypertension and lifestyle

Avoid meat, eggs, salt, pickles, tea and coffee. Avoid smoking as it increases your heart rate. Use garlic, lemon, parsley, Indian gooseberry (amla), watermelon, grapefruit, skim milk and cottage cheese more often. Regular exercise is one of the best ways to lower blood pressure - brisk walking, jogging, swimming and athletics are good options. Laughter is the best medicine as it relieves stress and anxiety, which are the main causes of high blood pressure in modern life.

Five rules for preventing hypertension:

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle, which includes a rational balance of work and rest, walking, active movement (sports or yoga) and a normal weight.
  2. Adjust your diet - after 40 years, it is ideal to become a vegetarian, but if this is difficult, then at a minimum you should remove red meat from your diet. Avoid fast food, fatty, overcooked, fried in vegetable oils, canned foods, marinades, refined foods (vegetable oils, premium wheat flour, sugar). Avoid store-bought processed foods, smoked meats, and sausages; they contain a lot of additives and salt that increase blood pressure. Choose fiber-rich foods: brown rice, nuts, seeds, wholemeal bread, fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits - to improve digestion and prevent constipation. Avoid snacking. Eat berries, they are rich in vitamins.
  3. Establish normal sleep - put away gadgets at least an hour before bedtime, eliminate coffee, tea and alcohol, have dinner before 18:00. Best time to sleep: from 22:00 to 6:00.
  4. Drink plenty of water, herbal teas with lemon balm, valerian, chamomile, and dried fruit compotes. Before bed - warm milk with spices (turmeric, nutmeg, cinnamon).
  5. Relieve stress with meditation, breathing exercises, and relax in shavasana (a yoga pose for relaxation).

Composition of Abana

Extracts of Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna), Ashvagandha (Withania somnifera), Badranj boya (Nepeta hindostana), Dashamoola, Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bhringaraja (Eclipta Elba Syn. E.prostrata) , Yashti-madhhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa), Pdrs. Guggulu (Balsamodendron mukul Syn. Commiphora wightii) (Purified), Shilajeet (Purified Shilajit), Mandukaparni (Centella Asiatica), Shankhapushpi (Convolvulus phuricaulis), Ocimum Syn. O.tenuiflorum, Jatamansi (Nardostachys Jatamansi), Pippali (pipper longum), Yavani (Carum copticum Syn. Trachyspermum ammi), Sunthi (Zingiber officinale), Nagapashana bhasma, Shankh bhasma, Makardhwaj, Musta (Cyperus rotundus), Vacha (Acorus calamus ), Vidanga (Embelia ribes), Lavanga (Syzygium aromaticum), Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculatus), Chandana (Santalum album), Ela (Elettaria cardamomum), Shatapushpa (Foeniculum vulgare) 5mg, Satapatrika (Rosa damascena Syn. R. centifolia), Tavak patra (Cassia Cinnamomum), Abhrak bhasma, Mukta pishti (Pearl pishti), Akik pishti (Agate pishti), Yeshab pishti (Vyomashma pishti), Yakut pishti (Manikya pishti), Praval pishti (Coral pishti), Kumkuma (Saffron sativus) .

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