How to take chokeberry for blood pressure? Medicinal properties and recipes for hypertension

Chokeberry increases or decreases blood pressure - a fairly relevant topic for people who have problems with blood pressure. Rowan has been used in alternative medicine since ancient times. Chokeberry or chokeberry are effective for high blood pressure.

two types is widespread - chokeberry or black rowan (aronia) and red rowan. They differ in the origin and color of the fruit. Chokeberry is especially popular.

How is rowan useful, what are its medicinal properties, how to take medications for high blood pressure, does it lower blood pressure and who is not recommended for chokeberry treatment?

What is contained in chokeberry?

Composition of chokeberry
Arterial hypertension is a rather dangerous disease characterized by a significant increase in blood pressure. Every person suffering from pathology is looking for harmless ways to combat it. Often, to normalize well-being, chokeberry products are used.

Chokeberry is endowed with the following compounds :

  1. Riboflavin.
  2. Tocopherol.
  3. Folic acid.
  4. Pyridoxine.
  5. Niacin.
  6. Thiamine.
  7. Catechins.
  8. Flavonoids.
  9. Quercetin.
  10. Routine.
  11. Organic acids.
  12. Pectins.
  13. Ascorbic acid.
  14. Tannins.
  15. Glucose.

There are a lot of micro- and macroelements in chokeberry. A small content of iron, boron, molybdenum, manganese, fluorine, iodine, and copper was noted.

The percentage of substances can be seen in the table:

Chokeberry is rich in the following substances:Percentage
Organic acids1.3%
Ascorbic acid15%
Folic acid0.1%
Nicotinic acid0.5%

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Effect on blood pressure

The beneficial properties of black rowan or chokeberry are due to the abundance of chemicals that make up its fruit.

Chemical components that make up chokeberry:

  • vitamins B2, C, K, A, PP, E;

  • boron, manganese, fluorine, iron, molybdenum, selenium, iodine, magnesium;
  • fructose and glucose;
  • flavonoids;
  • nicotinic, folic, succinic and citric acids;
  • pectins;
  • tannins.

The actions of all active components in combination affect blood pressure:

  • Tannins help normalize cholesterol levels, eliminating formed plaques and making blood vessels elastic.
  • Vitamins and macroelements improve the performance of the cardiovascular system, restoring the ability of blood vessels to contract.
  • Acids and trace elements restore damaged vessel walls, allowing blood to circulate through the bloodstream without obstruction. Blood pressure begins to decrease as the organs are saturated with oxygen.
  • Microelements help remove excess fluid from the body. The diuretic effect of the plant allows you to get rid of swelling.

For people suffering from low blood pressure, it is advisable to limit the consumption of chokeberry berries, as they can reduce blood pressure readings to a critical level.

The healing properties of chokeberry

The widespread use of chokeberry is due not only to its rich composition , but also to the mass of medicinal properties.

Rowan fruits have:

  • General strengthening.
  • Immunostimulating.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Choleretic.
  • Laxative.
  • Diuretic.
  • Hypotensive effect.

Chokeberry has proven itself especially good for hypertension. Treatment with chokeberry high blood pressure is carried out using various means - infusions, decoctions.

The use of chokeberry products promotes:

  1. Increasing the protective properties of the body.
  2. Normalization of thyroid function.
  3. Cleansing the body of toxins and toxic substances.
  4. Normalization of blood circulation.
  5. Vascular regeneration.
  6. Removing bad cholesterol.
  7. Increasing the elasticity of blood vessels.
  8. Minimize pain.
  9. Neutralization of pathogenic microflora.
  10. Stimulation of the bile secretion process.
  11. Pressure stabilization.

Composition and medicinal properties of fruits

A shrub called black rowan or chokeberry blooms with white inflorescences in spring, and by autumn black shiny fruits appear on the branches. These sweet and sour berries have a tart taste that intensifies after the first frost. The composition of the fruit is unique, due to which black rowan is used to prepare various healing compounds for vitamin deficiency, hypertension, and iron deficiency anemia.

The berries and foliage are used for the listed purposes, and the green part of the bush is used to treat the liver and gall bladder. The chemical composition of the fruit contains a large number of active components that help improve overall well-being and reduce high blood pressure, in particular:

  • Vitamin P - helps increase the elasticity of capillaries, reduces their fragility and fragility, helps eliminate signs of hypertension, and is also used for preventive purposes.
  • Carotene is an antioxidant that removes decay products and free radicals from cells, rejuvenates blood vessels, making them stronger and more elastic, and increases the body's immune defense.
  • Vitamin C – increases the body’s resistance to infections, improves metabolic processes in tissues, and normalizes oxidation and recovery processes.
  • Vitamin E is a natural immunostimulant and antioxidant that restores cell membranes and protects them from destruction, promotes the production of collagen, enzymes and hormonal substances.
  • B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the activity of the nervous system, reduce excitability, regulate the production of proteins and fats, and help improve immunity.
  • Anthocyanin pigments – give rowan fruits a dark color and improve vascular tone, making them elastic, and have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Microelements - copper promotes the growth of bone tissue, iron saturates tissues with oxygen and prevents the development of anemia, manganese controls the function of hematopoiesis, iodine regulates hormonal levels.
  • Pectin is a polysaccharide, thanks to which the body is cleansed of decay products, waste and toxins, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, and is a source of dietary fiber.
  • Tannins and glycosides are necessary for the full functioning of the heart, have an antimicrobial effect, have a beneficial effect on the condition of capillaries, and participate in metabolic processes.

The berry not only looks attractive, but also has a lot of useful properties.

Chokeberry has been used for blood pressure for a long time, and its juice has special antihypertensive properties. If you take it in the form of syrup, wine or tincture regularly, it will increase immunity, improve vascular tone, lift your mood and prevent stress.

How does rowan affect blood pressure - does it increase or decrease?

Those who suffer from high or low blood pressure are interested in how exactly chokeberry affects blood pressure, lowers or increases it?

The use of products from the fruits of chokeberry helps in:

  • Elimination of edema.
  • Strengthening blood vessels.
  • Normalization of blood circulation.
  • Strengthening the heart muscle.
  • Vasodilation.

Based on these actions, it is clear that chokeberry preparations lower blood pressure, i.e., they have a hypotensive effect.

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Beneficial features

Before understanding whether chokeberry increases or decreases blood pressure, you should dwell on its chemical composition, knowing which it is easier to understand its effect on the human body.

Chokeberry berries contain:

  • carbohydrates (glucose, fructose and sucrose);
  • vitamins (C, PP, B, E);
  • organic acids (citric, nicotinic, folic, hydrosuccinic and others);
  • trace elements (iron, iodine, fluorine, boron, manganese and others);
  • pectin substances;
  • carotenoids and flavonoids;
  • tannins.

Fresh juice or grated rowan with sugar is a very useful product that helps with many diseases. Sorbic acid has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

It helps increase acidity, improve bile flow, and inhibits gas formation. In addition, sorbitol takes part in processes that lead to a decrease in the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Rowan fruits have an astringent effect, that is, its juice envelops the mucous walls of the stomach and does not reduce the effect of irritating juices.

This effect is caused by tannins, pectins and certain organic acids. It is not surprising that a herbalist often advises people with problems with the gastrointestinal tract to use the plant for medicinal purposes.

Important. Black rowan, like all other berries with a black or dark red color (black currant, mulberry, etc.) are good for health because they significantly contribute to strengthening the human immune system.

Berries help remove toxins, poisons and radioactive isotopes from the body, so they should be consumed by people living in areas with unfavorable ecology. Chokeberry juice has antiseptic properties and can relieve spasms.

The importance of the plant for people suffering from thyroid diseases cannot be underestimated. Iodine contained in berries helps with hypothyroidism, which is important for the stable functioning of the entire endocrine system.

Black rowan berries

The fruits contain a significant amount of vitamin P, which strengthens blood vessels, prevents them from breaking and increases their permeability. The content of this substance in chokeberry is more than twice that of citrus fruits, apples and black currants.

Due to their rich mineral composition, frequent consumption of berries has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, veins and arteries. The heart muscle is strengthened, the level of low-density lipoproteins, which cause the adhesion of cholesterol plaques to the vascular walls, and provoke the development of atherosclerosis, decreases.

Strengthening the endothelium and its cleansing leads to a positive effect. Thus, chokeberry and pressure have a direct relationship. You will find more information about the positive effects of the beneficial components of black rowan on the cardiovascular system in the video in this article.

Summarizing the effect of black rowan on the human body, we need to highlight the following positive effects:

  • strengthens and cleanses blood vessels, gives elasticity to the endothelium;
  • stabilizes blood pressure in hypertension;
  • helps facilitate blood circulation;
  • reduces the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • improves bile discharge;
  • has antispasmodic properties;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system;
  • promotes the removal of radiation and toxic substances;
  • increases immunity;
  • exhibits antioxidant and oncoprotective properties;
  • used in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract as an astringent and acidifying agent;
  • used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, rheumatism, liver diseases and some others.

Procurement of raw materials

Black rowan bush

Black rowan berries have a therapeutic effect, provided that the harvesting time is observed. Only ripened fruits have the full range of beneficial substances listed above. Therefore, if the collection instructions are violated, you will not have to expect a full therapeutic effect.

It's actually simple. It is best to harvest berries at the end of October, when the first morning frosts appear. It should be stored in a dark, cool place; for long-term use, it is better to deep freeze the berries. Dried berries can be stored in any container that does not allow sunlight to pass through, provided they are dry.

Note. Already in August, clusters of black rowan begin to darken on the tree, but only in October will the required amount of useful substances be concentrated in them. If harvesting is carried out early, the medicinal properties of the plant will be weak.

Features of the use of chokeberry for low blood pressure

Treatment of hypertension with chokeberry is effective at the initial stage of the pathology, which proceeds without complications. Rowan fruits will be an excellent substitute for pharmaceutical medications.

For people suffering from the second or third stage of the disease, compositions based on chokeberry can be used exclusively as an auxiliary method of treatment.

Before you start taking medications, you should consult your doctor. After assessing the general state of health and the individual characteristics of the body, he will select a treatment regimen . Also, before taking the medication, you need to make sure there are no contraindications.

With high blood pressure

Chokeberry is a useful plant that will help with:

  1. Cleansing vascular walls from cholesterol compounds.
  2. Normalization of blood circulation.
  3. Minimizing the manifestations of hypertension.
  4. Strengthening vascular walls.
  5. Decreased blood pressure.

By using chokeberry medications, you can not only stabilize blood pressure, but also strengthen your immune system, normalize your general condition and well-being, and also significantly improve your quality of life.

For hypotension

Does chokeberry affect low blood pressure? This question is often asked by hypotensive patients. Previously, chokeberry was used exclusively as a medicine for high blood pressure, but today chokeberry remedies are recommended to be taken even with low blood pressure.

This is due to the ability of mountain ash not only to lower blood pressure, but also to stabilize it. The main thing is not to overuse the compounds and not to exceed the recommended dosages.

PathologyAction of rowan
HypertensionCleaning the walls of blood vessels.
Normalization of blood circulation.
Fighting the manifestations of hypertension.
Stabilization, lowering blood pressure.
HypotensionNormalization of pressure indicators.
Normalization of well-being.

What is pressure

By definition, the pressure that blood exerts on the vascular walls is arterial. This is an important indicator of the vital activity of the body, where any deviations from established norms are provoked by physiological pathological factors. Blood pressure can be affected by sudden changes in ambient temperatures, but internal pathologies of the body at any age cannot be ruled out. For example, such a symptom is reminiscent of vascular atherosclerosis and is an eloquent symptom of arterial hypertension.

Who is not recommended for rowan treatment?

Before you start taking the medication, you need to make sure there are no contraindications. Ignoring this recommendation is fraught with undesirable reactions :

  1. Skin rashes.
  2. Dyspeptic disorders - nausea, vomiting.
  3. Stool disorder.
  4. Feeling unwell.
  5. Painful sensations in the abdomen.

If such symptoms appear, you should rinse your stomach, take a sorbent, and see a doctor.

The use of chokeberry-based medications is not recommended for people with the following pathologies:

  • Stool disorder.
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcers.
  • Hyperacid gastritis.
  • High blood clotting.
  • Individual intolerance.

Photos of some conditions:



Stomach ulcer

Duodenal ulcer

with caution (the plant is rich in sugar), as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Chokeberry is not recommended for use by people who suffer from constipation, as it has a fastening effect. It should be borne in mind that it contains acids and therefore can irritate the intestinal walls and have a negative effect on tooth enamel. Heartburn is one of the most common side effects that arise from eating berries. Chokeberry increases blood clotting and can provoke the formation of blood clots.

Rowan berries are a healing product that helps get rid of high blood pressure and cure a number of diseases. However, when using it, it is important to be careful and not forget about contraindications. It is better to avoid chokeberry in case of chronic hypotension, gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the digestive organs, urolithiasis, cholelithiasis and thrombophlebitis.

Ways to take chokeberry for high blood pressure

The result of taking chokeberry medications depends on several factors - the correct preparation and use of the drugs, as well as the time of harvesting chokeberry fruits and their storage. How to prepare and use the products is indicated in the recipes.

Some people simply eat chokeberry. Normalization of blood pressure is facilitated by eating 100 g of berries three times a day

Here are some recommendations regarding the procurement of raw materials:

  1. The collection and preparation of chokeberry fruits should be carried out after the first frost (in mid-autumn). By this time, the fruits contain the highest concentration of nutrients.
  2. As for the preparation , the fruits can be frozen or dried.
  3. Before freezing, the raw materials are washed and dried. Rowan berries should be stored in plastic containers. Storage in bags is allowed.
  4. Rowan fruits are dried in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees .
  5. It is prohibited to collect mountain ash near roads, industrial enterprises, factories, and garbage dumps .

If you have time, you can make medicine from chokeberry. Let's look at the most popular , effective recipes for blood pressure from rowan.

Rowan juice

After thorough washing, the juice is squeezed out of the fruits. It is consumed 20 ml three times a day , before meals. To enhance the taste and health benefits of the drink, you can add a little honey.

Aronia syrup

Some people make syrup from the berries.
1 kg of berries along with cherry leaves - 50 pcs. pour into boiling water. You need 800 ml of water. The mixture is boiled for five minutes . Then you need to take out the leaves and add 10-15 g of citric acid .

The resulting product is infused for a day. Then you need to heat the product, add sugar - 600 g, boil and cook after boiling for five minutes.

You need to consume 20 g once a day .

Rowan infusion

40 g of dried fruits are steamed in half a liter of boiling water . The composition should infuse for a day in a warm place, in a thermos. It is recommended to drink 35 ml three times a day , before meals.

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Aronia with honey

You need to take 50 g of chokeberry fruit, wash and chop. The resulting mass is mixed with honey - 20 g. It is necessary to consume 15 g of the drug along with tea. The duration of the therapeutic course is one and a half months .

Berry decoction

A tablespoon of chokeberry fruits is poured with boiled water - 200 ml. Boil the product for two minutes (after it boils). The product must infuse . It is recommended to drink ½ glass of the drink three times a day .

Recipes for chokeberry tinctures

It is recommended to prepare a tincture, both alcoholic and aqueous, from chokeberry berries.

  1. Alcohol tincture has warming and tonic properties. After the first use of the product, you need to measure your blood pressure.

Washed fruits - 500 g - are poured into a glass bottle, after which they are filled with high-quality vodka - half a liter . Honey is also added here - 20 g and cloves - 3 pcs. The hermetically sealed container is placed in a dark place for three months . Shake the container from time to time. It is recommended to use 30 ml. filtered drug per day.

Taking this remedy will help with:

  • Decreased blood pressure levels.
  • Normalization of the central nervous system.
  • Minimizing the unpleasant manifestations of hypertension.
  1. The water tincture is prepared like this. The fruits of chokeberry are combined in the same proportion with the fruits of viburnum, dried apricots, and rose hips (20 g each). Hawthorn - 40 g is added to the same mixture. The mass is steamed with a liter of boiling water . Infuse the composition in a thermos for six hours . You need to drink a quarter glass three times a day .

The use of water tincture promotes :

  • Normalization of blood circulation.
  • Eliminate swelling.
  • Strengthening the heart muscle.
  • Normalization of sleep.

How to eat berries

Medicines to lower blood pressure are prepared immediately before use. To do this, you need to use pre-picked berries. Frozen - Remove from refrigerator in advance to defrost. Dried - pour hot or cold water to restore juiciness.

Traditional recipes recommend using infusions, decoctions and juices to lower blood pressure. You need to brew chokeberry with hot, but not boiled, water. The optimal temperature is 80 degrees Celsius.

Measures must be taken to a strictly defined extent. If the dosage is insufficient, it will not be able to achieve a therapeutic effect. Excess will lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure.


Some patients prefer to consume fresh rowan to lower blood pressure. For an antihypertensive effect, eat a handful of blueberries a day. It is permissible to water the chokeberry with lemon juice. A teaspoon of honey will enhance the taste.


This drug for lowering blood pressure can be prepared in advance, poured into a jar and closed with a lid. You will need:

  • fresh chokeberry - 1 kilogram;
  • granulated sugar - 500 grams;
  • water - 100 milliliters;
  • lemon acid;
  • cloves - 2-3 buds.
  • Peel the berries, wash and dry with a paper towel;
  • make syrup from sugar and water;
  • crush the rowan with a crusher;
  • pour syrup;
  • simmer over low heat for 40 minutes;
  • add cloves 5 minutes before the end of cooking;
  • remove from heat, cool;
  • drain, drain the rest well;
  • add citric acid;
  • Place on fire and bring to a boil;
  • Packaged in sterile sealed jars.

It is recommended to take this drug once a day, one tablespoon, regardless of meals.

Decoctions and infusions

They are prepared on a water and alcohol basis. For the water infusion you will need:

  • A glass of dried rowan;
  • 500 milliliters of water.

To prepare the berries, pour 500 ml of boiling water cooled to 80 degrees, cover with a lid and let cool completely. Then strain and take half a glass twice a day. The infusion prepared in this way can be stored in the refrigerator for only 1 day.

To prepare the alcohol infusion:

  • fresh rowan fruits;
  • high-quality vodka (should cover the contents);
  • sugar (half the weight of rowan).
  • Grind the berries with a crusher, transfer to a jar and sprinkle with sugar;
  • leave for 3 hours to extract the juice;
  • Fill the vessel with vodka and cover with a lid;
  • set aside in a cool, dark place;
  • Shake the jar every 10 days.

After 2 months the composition is ready. The finished tincture is filtered and stored in a cool, dark place. Its strength is 25-30 degrees. To lower blood pressure, take half a teaspoon once daily.

A decoction is prepared from fresh or dried rowan berries. Required:

  • Glass of raw materials;
  • 500 milliliters of water.
  • Fill the rowan with water;
  • Bake covered in a water bath for 30 minutes;
  • Cool and strain.

For cooking, use glass or ceramic dishes.


Properly prepared jam is a blood pressure lowering remedy and an exquisite dessert. Required:

  • fresh black chokeberry - 2 kilograms;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • lemon acid;
  • zest of 1 orange;
  • cloves - 5-6 buds;
  • cherry leaves - 6 pcs.
  • Prepare syrup from sugar and water;
  • pour the cooled syrup over the collected, washed, dried chokeberries;
  • leave for an hour (the berries should be soaked in sugar);
  • add orange zest and citric acid;
  • add cloves and cherry leaves;
  • Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes;
  • Remove from heat and cool;
  • repeat the last 2 points three times;
  • remove cherry leaves;
  • Place the hot jam into sterile jars and close.

This dessert is stored at room temperature. It is added to ice cream, creams and sauces. The daily dose to normalize blood pressure is a tablespoon.

Reviews about therapy

Valery, 33 years old : “Mom is hypertensive, and to improve her condition she drinks chokeberry infusion. He says that this medicine is much healthier, safer and more effective than pharmaceutical tablets. By the way, she is 71 years old.”

Daria, 29 years old : “I have always been for alternative medicine, and when my dad was diagnosed with first-degree hypertension, I advised him to drink chokeberry remedies. To stabilize the indicators, he drinks a decoction. I'm pleased with the effect. Doesn’t take medications.”

The fruits of chokeberry and medicines made from them will help stabilize blood pressure, eliminate the manifestations of hypertension, and improve the quality of life. The main thing is to take medications correctly and after prior consultation with a doctor.

Rules for the use of rowan

Knowing recipes for products with black rowan is not enough. First you need to assemble them correctly. Berries are more saturated with useful substances in the autumn, namely, in the second half.

It is recommended to collect it at the end of October, preferably after the first frost.

During this period, the taste of the berries is most pronounced.

For berries to be healthy, they also need to be stored correctly:

  • The first method is freezing. First you need to wash and dry the fruits separated from the branches. For the freezing process, place all the berries in one layer. This way they should freeze evenly. Only after this can they be poured into bags or containers.
  • The second way is to dry the berries. This is best done under the influence of sunlight, but you can also dry it in the oven, just so that the temperature does not exceed 600C.

You also need to dry the berries in the oven correctly, since otherwise there will be no benefit from these berries. To begin with, the temperature in the oven should not exceed 400C, and then gradually increase it to 600C. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the color and, in general, the condition of the berries. They should not change color to brown or red. If the color does change, then this is direct evidence that there are no more useful substances in the rowan. Properly dried berries do not change, and when squeezed, no juice will be released from them.

These methods are needed to prepare the berries for future use. When the berries are ripe, they can still be eaten fresh. In this case, a person will receive maximum benefits from the berries.

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