Who should wear anti-varicose stockings and how to choose them?

Any significant event in our lives becomes overgrown with myths over time. People tend to be confused about what is happening. The advent of compression hosiery, as well as the treatment of varicose veins with its help, was no exception. The spread of myths and misconceptions disorients buyers, so we decided to inform you and share the reality about compression hosiery.

What are anti-varicose stockings for?

Anti-varicose stockings are very popular. Experts are of the opinion that if you wear this item of clothing constantly, not forgetting about taking medications and the necessary exercises, you can completely get rid of varicose veins.

Anti-varicose stockings are made of compression knitwear and are strictly for medical purposes. These stockings are able to support blood vessels without allowing them to stretch. It should be noted that today anti-varicose stockings are recognized as one of the most effective methods of combating varicose veins and a way to prevent this disease.

In addition to all this, specially created anti-varicose jersey prevents the formation of blood clots and has a positive effect on metabolism.

anti-varicose jersey

As prescribed by a doctor, even girls wear anti-varicose stockings starting at the age of 18, and sometimes earlier. Wearing stockings helps them to completely recover from vein diseases and avoid surgical intervention.

Recommendations for selection

The criteria for selecting compression tights are the following factors:

  • strict adherence to the phlebologist’s recommendations regarding the selection of underwear according to the degree of compression;
  • mandatory compliance of the product with the European RAL standard, the presence of which sign guarantees the necessary qualities in terms of material composition, compression properties, strength and elasticity of knitwear, etc.;
  • the presence of characteristic markings indicating not the density (as is the case with conventional hosiery), but the pressure level in mmHg;
  • price from 1500 rubles, which serves as confirmation of the quality of the product;
  • the appropriate size of compression garments - stockings or tights.

Anti-varicose stockings for pregnant women

During pregnancy, taking care of yourself and your health for the expectant mother comes to the fore. The safest way to stop the progressive development of the disease is to use anti-varicose jersey.

In the third trimester, the maximum load falls on the ankle and lower leg. Anti-varicose stockings, both during childbirth and pregnancy, can provide maximum compression to these areas.

However, before buying anti-varicose stockings, you should carefully read the tips on choosing compression stockings.

Features of the effect of compression tights on varicose veins

The therapeutic effect of the underwear is achieved thanks to the correct distribution of pressure on the areas of the legs. Since more effort is placed on the area under the ankle, it is this part of the tights that has the maximum degree of compression. Towards the top of the product, the compression gradually decreases, which stimulates the active movement of blood without stagnation.

IMPORTANT! Selecting the correct pressure will remove excess stress from the legs, promoting the natural expulsion of venous fluid from the vessels.

How to choose anti-varicose stockings?

You should know which compression class underwear is indicated for you:

  • the first with light pressure, suitable for prevention and at the first symptoms of the disease;
  • the second class of compression is used for severe varicose veins, frequent swelling, as well as after drug treatment of trophic ulcers and thrombosis;
  • the third class is used after treatment of serious trophic ulcers and after drug treatment of thrombosis;
  • The fourth class of compression is prescribed for more severe cases of the above diseases and for lymphedema.

If you have decided on the compression class of stockings, you need to choose the right size. All you need to do is take your leg measurements at home. First of all, this is the circumference of the shin above the ankle. It is worth remembering the size of the hip circumference (measure 25 cm from the knee if you are of average height, and 30 cm if you are tall).

1st class compression stockings

In addition, it is important to know the size of the calf circumference, both at the widest part and below the knee. It is also recommended to measure the length from the knee to the foot.

Types and classes of compression pressure

Anti-varicose tights are distinguished by purpose and degree of compression.
It is the analysis of these features that will tell you how to choose compression garments for varicose veins. Depending on the purpose, orthopedic products can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Preventive - used to prevent the development of pathologies with blood vessels in the legs. Recommended for wearing by pregnant women (especially in the second half of gestation), professional athletes, as well as people whose lifestyle is sedentary or, on the contrary, is associated with increased loads on the legs;
  2. Medicinal - used at different stages of varicose veins. Their effectiveness has been proven when worn already in the early stages of the disease - with the appearance of the first signs of a problem with blood vessels in the legs. They relieve the main symptoms of swelling and fatigue, and also help stop the progression of the disease;
  3. Hospital - used during medical procedures carried out in a medical institution:
      before and after operations;
  4. during prolonged bed rest or during a stay in the intensive care unit;
  5. at the time of childbirth.

The degree of pressure or compression level indicated on the product will also tell you how to choose compression stockings for varicose veins.

The following exposure classes are distinguished:

  • 1st: compression is 18-22 mm Hg;
  • 2nd: pressure within 23-32 mm Hg;
  • 3rd (high): 33-46 mmHg;
  • 4th (super strong): pressure from 46 mm Hg.

All medical tights should be selected according to the recommendations of a phlebologist.

IMPORTANT! An incorrectly selected level of compression will not only not give the desired therapeutic effect (if you choose a weaker pressure), but can also provoke a worsening of the disease, creating additional barriers to normal blood circulation by excessively strong compression of blood vessels.

Prophylactic tights have the lowest degree of pressure - 10-15 mm Hg. They can be purchased independently if you have the first symptoms of problems with blood vessels in the legs or as a preventive measure during periods of increased physical activity.

How do anti-varicose stockings work?

For those who suffer from varicose veins, products such as women's compression stockings are simply irreplaceable, because the special technology used to create such products allows you to regulate blood circulation in the legs. And this, in turn, makes it possible to feel comfortable throughout the day.

Despite the fact that the only method of treating varicose veins in most cases is surgery (removal of damaged sections of veins), compression anti-varicose stockings and tights for those suffering from this disease are a must-have item of clothing.

After the first day of wearing, you will understand why anti-varicose stockings are needed: swelling in the legs will be much less, and fatigue will be lower.

How long can you wear compression stockings?

You need to put on compression stockings in the morning immediately after waking up, before your legs are swollen. Wear until evening, and remove before hygiene procedures and bedtime. The higher the compression class, the harder it is to put on such jersey. Experts advise that when purchasing stockings of class 2 and higher, immediately purchase special rubberized gloves. They make it easier to put on and take off, and also prevent damage to the product by nails or jewelry. Stockings must be regularly looked after, washed in moderately warm water with mild soap, and dried naturally without the use of heating radiators and preferably horizontally, laid out on a flat surface.

Timely washing not only helps maintain hygiene, but also preserves the compressive properties of the linen. Under such conditions, the same stockings can be worn for up to six months.

Anti-varicose jersey as a preventive measure

For preventive purposes, you can wear anti-varicose stockings to work or for a walk, especially if you wear high-heeled shoes. As you know, wearing such shoes often causes varicose veins.

Wearing compression garments will minimize the risk, because it is no secret that every second woman who spends all day on her feet feels incredibly tired in the evening.

For sedentary work that is not characterized by high physical activity, preventive clothing will also not be superfluous. Why do you need anti-varicose stockings in this case? The fact is that stagnation in the veins can occur not only with concomitant diseases and excessive stress. Lack of activity leads to swelling, and thanks to the physiological pressure gradient created by the stockings, blood circulation improves.

Another category of women who need anti-varicose stockings are overweight women. Their legs are overloaded, and preventive stockings help prevent swelling.

Who else should use anti-varicose stockings:

  • auto lady;
  • business women who fly frequently;
  • during recovery after surgery.

Although the risk group is mainly women, men are also prescribed compression stockings. Anti-varicose stockings will be useful to many, so do not neglect them.

What is the essence of compression hosiery?

The essence of the action of knitwear is to prevent stagnation of blood in the veins. Compression jersey creates a certain pressure on different parts of the leg: 100% at the ankle level, 70% at the upper third of the leg, 40% at the upper third of the thigh. Thus, the work of muscles is simulated, the propulsive ability of the muscle-venous pump of the lower leg is increased, and venous blood is returned to the heart. The functioning of the venous valves improves, which increases the speed of venous blood flow. Thus, knitwear prevents blood stagnation in the veins, prevents the formation of edema and blood clots, and relieves heaviness and fatigue in the legs.

Special devices to make donning easier

Do you want to know how to make wearing and dressing compression hosiery ? Use one of the popular devices.


Cares for the skin, moisturizes it and relieves pain during the first stages of use.

  • Shake the bottle so that the emulsion is homogeneous.
  • Turn the compression stocking inside out.
  • Spray the liquid at a distance of 25 cm.
  • Repeat the procedure before each dressing.


Choose medical gloves strictly according to the size of your palm. They should have a slightly rough surface. Gently lift the jersey with your fingers and begin to gradually distribute it along the entire length of the leg. Due to the increased grip between gloves and compression garments, the latter will slide much easier.


The device is used by patients who have difficulty bending over or have difficulty reaching their feet. There are specimens with standard and extended handles, collapsible and stationary for bedridden patients.

The device has a design of several arcs with durable bases. Made of metal.

How to wear compression hosiery using Butler?

  • The product is lowered with its toe down between two arches.
  • The elastic band is carefully pulled over the arches and the stocking is lowered to the very base.
  • Pull the stocking until the heel area is at the top of the device.
  • Gradually place the stretched sock on your foot, moving the butler higher and higher on your leg.
  • Carefully remove the device, leaving the underwear on the limb.
  • Use gloved hands to smooth out possible wrinkles.

Length of the product

Knitwear is produced in the form of golf, stockings, tights. The choice of model depends on the affected area of ​​the legs - places where stars are present, vascular networks, and deformed vessels. If the problem is in the ankles, you can use any product. If varicose veins are on the popliteal fossa, you will have to buy tights or stockings. In case of pathological changes on the hips, in the area above the knee, you should give preference to high tights that end at the waist.

Note : The upper edge of the stocking should be at least 5-10 cm above the affected area.

What is the difference between compression underwear and regular tightening tights?

Compression hosiery does more than just compress the soft tissue of the legs. The pressure it exerts is carefully calculated and strictly dosed, which is ensured by the use of special materials with a special weave of threads and composition. According to the RAL-GZ 387 standard, tights and stockings cannot be transparent, translucent, colored or patterned.

An important characteristic of compression hosiery is the pressure gradient - its gradual decrease as it rises from the level of the ankle joint to the thigh. Moreover, these changes correspond to the physiological characteristics of the peripheral veins and the nature of blood flow.

The greatest pressure is in the supramalleolar region. Compression begins in the upper third of the foot, involving the ankle joint - it is here that the great saphenous vein originates on the medial side and its main tributaries are located. Approximately at the level of the transition of the belly of the calf muscle to the Achilles tendon, the pressure exerted by stockings (tights) is already about 65–70% of the supramalleolar pressure. At the knee it is about 50%. And in the lower third of the thigh - 40% of the original.

The gradient acts in a dosed manner on the peripheral superficial veins of the lower limb and creates a blood flow close to physiological.

How to care for the products?

Having figured out how to wear and put on compression hosiery , you also need to understand the intricacies of care. Monitoring the condition of compression products will allow them to last much longer.

  • Cleaning is carried out as the knitwear becomes dirty. Delicate hand washing is allowed at a temperature not exceeding 30C. Use a slightly alkaline shampoo as a detergent.
  • After removing dirt, rinse the stockings in warm water and wrap them in a towel and wring them out lightly.
  • Dry in a room with cool air. Stockings should lie horizontally on a towel.
  • Do not dry the product in direct sunlight or near heaters.
  • If your stockings have silicone stripes, keep them away from water. To clean, wipe the silicone inserts with a cloth soaked in ethyl alcohol.
  • Never pull too hard on the top edge when putting it on, as this may damage the weave!

It is most convenient to purchase two pairs of stockings, which will be changed as they get dirty. Average service life is 6-8 months.

And now the bonus promised at the beginning of the article! When placing an order, enter the promotional code “ movement ” and receive a nice discount on your first order!

Open or closed toe

Compression stockings are made with two types of toe. However, the products may not differ in class. An open toe is more comfortable when wearing sandals, when you sweat a lot, in hot weather, and when you need to frequently care for your toes. Knitwear with such a toe is recommended for patients with type II diabetes who are forced to control the skin in this part of the feet.

Stockings with open toes are preferable for heart problems, wearing products during and after surgical interventions. The free toe allows doctors to monitor the patient's condition based on the color of the nails.

Knitwear with an open toe is more comfortable to wear. But not everyone likes wearable models. The advantages of closed-toe stockings are that there is no risk of the knitwear slipping off the foot and gathering into folds, and it reduces heat loss in cold weather.

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