How to choose and wear compression garments correctly?

How happy it is to think that spring is just around the corner. And for spring, like for any other season, you should prepare in advance.

Warming weather and a change in wardrobe are a great reason to think about stockings and tights again. If you haven’t worn skirts for a long time due to problems with veins and blood vessels in your legs or are thinking about purchasing special compression products, our article will help dispel all doubts in this regard.

We'll talk about why special ORTO stockings and tights are better than regular ones, why you should definitely buy compression tights, and how to choose them correctly.

Why are compression stockings needed for varicose veins?

Varicose veins are associated with impaired blood flow and the inability of the valves to perform their task, which leads to overstretching of the venous walls. Compression knitwear supports blood vessels, preventing them from stretching, restores normal blood circulation, eliminating congestion.

Stockings do not just squeeze the limbs, but do it in each area with different strength:

  • in the ankle area the maximum pressure is reached - 100%;
  • on the shins the compression is 70%;
  • on the hips - no more than 40%.

As a result, blood is correctly pushed through the veins, the vessels are not pinched anywhere, and the risk of blood clots and inflammation of the walls is minimized.

Basic mechanisms of action of elastic compression.

  • Due to the compression of soft tissues, additional support is created for diseased veins, preventing their further expansion.
  • The diameter of the superficial veins decreases, the speed of blood flow accelerates, significantly reducing the risk of thrombosis.

  • By increasing tissue pressure, the development of edema is prevented
  • Under the influence of compression, the diameter of the vessels decreases - the valve flaps come closer together, the flow of venous blood is normalized (from bottom to top).

Compression jersey for pregnant women

They say that “pregnancy is not a disease.” But such a special period in a woman’s life is associated with the mobilization of all organs and systems aimed at bearing the fetus. The natural growth of the fetus and uterus and the increase in the volume of blood circulating in the body lead to strong pressure on the pelvis and lower limbs. Excessive stress can cause a variety of health problems, including varicose veins. This is why a woman may need special tights or stockings during pregnancy. You don't have to wear them all the time. Much depends on the gestational age, the health of the expectant mother, and other factors.

Some doctors recommend using underwear only during childbirth, especially if the woman is at increased risk of blood clots. The therapeutic effect is achieved by reducing the density of the linen - it will be maximum at the bottom, and in the upper sections it is almost halved. Doctors consider the pressure created to be a physiological norm that ensures the prevention of blood clots. Just a few years ago, this role was played by elastic bandages, but stockings have made a real revolution in this area. Not every woman in late pregnancy, much less during childbirth, is able to independently wrap bandages with the required degree of pressure, but stockings easily and simply solve this problem.

What is the therapeutic effect based on?

The principle of the therapeutic effect of stockings made of compression material is based on creating pressure of varying strength on certain areas of the lower extremities. In this case, the maximum compression force is applied to the part of the leg in the supramalleolar region. This nuance is due to the fact that the greatest effort is required for the blood to flow upward from the lower part of the leg. As the blood flows upward, the load on the veins gradually becomes less. The upper part of the shin takes on 70% of the pressure inherent in the stocking, and the thigh accounts for only 40%. The principle of compression stockings is that the material fits tightly around the leg, thereby squeezing the veins and helping to push out stagnant blood, improving blood flow.

Due to this even distribution of the load, the blood flow, which invariably goes to the heart, returns to normal. The type of compression built into the stocking is similar to the load that is created by the work of muscles during natural human movements. People who use compression stockings claim that at the end of the day their legs are much less tired than before using the stockings, and swelling is almost completely absent.

Doctors say that systematically wearing therapeutic stockings:

  • Provides protection of veins from expansion.
  • Helps normalize blood flow in the lower extremities, which significantly improves the supply of oxygen and essential nutrients to all tissues of the body.
  • It is an effective measure for the prevention of thrombosis.
  • Exerts stable and correct pressure on the surface of the legs.

Compression stocking classes

Therapeutic knitwear has 4 compression classes. A prophylactic one with the lowest degree of compression can be purchased independently for the purpose of prevention, but a therapeutic one must be selected on the recommendation of a doctor. The thing is that such underwear can be both beneficial and harmful to health. With insignificant compression it will not be possible to obtain the desired effect, and too much compression can damage the veins.

4 compression classes:

  1. Class 1 is characterized by a pressure of 18-22 mm Hg. Art. These stockings are recommended for people at the initial stage of varicose veins. If spider veins begin to appear under the skin here and there, swelling in the evenings, fatigue and heaviness bother you, especially after prolonged physical activity, then it makes sense to purchase a product of this class.
  2. Class 2 is characterized by a pressure of 22-32 mmHg. Art. Doctors recommend wearing such knitwear to those patients whose vein problems are pronounced, and they periodically provoke complications. We are talking about swelling, cramps in the legs at night, pain in the area of ​​overstretching of the venous walls. If the vessels are noticeably deformed and bulging, then stockings of this class should be worn constantly, especially if there are signs of thrombophlebitis.
  3. Class 3 is characterized by a pressure of 32-46 mm Hg. Art. Wearing such underwear is prescribed to patients with advanced varicose veins. For those who have trophic ulcers, persistent edema, deep vein thrombosis, postthrombophlebitic syndrome.
  4. Class 4 is characterized by pressure over 46 mmHg. Art. The main indication for wearing such underwear is lymphedema, as well as severe vein pathologies.

The most widespread were stockings of the first two classes. You can purchase them yourself in a specialized store, but products of classes 3 and 4 are usually made to order, and their operation without outside help is problematic.

How to choose the right compression stockings

First of all, you need to remember that compression stockings are a specific type of knitwear. You can't buy them in a regular lingerie store. You need to go to a specialized store or pharmacy after taking the following measurements:

  • circumference of the lower leg in the narrowest place, that is, in the ankle area;
  • circumference of the lower leg at its widest point;
  • thigh circumference;
  • the distance from the heel to the hip, that is, from the floor to the subgluteal fold.

Experts recommend taking such measurements in the morning, when the legs have not yet had time to swell. The obtained data must be checked against the table on the packaging of the selected product and thus decide on the purchase. Experts recommend paying attention to the quality of the material. Typically, such underwear is made from cotton, lycra, nylon, microfiber, and most often a mixture of two or more threads. High-quality knitwear has a marking that indicates the manufacturer’s data, material, compression class, size, and laundry care requirements. There is no fundamental difference between underwear for men and women; differences may relate to design and color.

A little history

The founders of scientific medicine described in their works methods for healing trophic ulcers using various bandages and pressure bandages. That is, compression therapy has been around for many years. The history of industrial production of knitwear with compression properties began back in the distant 29th year of the last century in eastern Thuringia. At that time, Thurangia was the only place where medicinal knitwear was produced. Today, various products made from this material can be purchased in any city in the world. Naturally, compression underwear in general and compression stockings in particular are not a panacea for all problems, but such “clothing” significantly improves health, provides freedom of movement, reduces pain, and also promotes speedy recovery in the postoperative period. Compression stockings make the patient’s life more comfortable, so you shouldn’t ignore the advice of doctors, you need to try everything that can help cope with varicose veins!

How to determine which class of compression stockings is right for you

As already mentioned, stockings of the first two classes were most widespread. But you should not purchase such knitwear without consulting a phlebologist. Only he will be able to select the degree of compression that will not allow the veins to be compressed and will have the desired effect. Experts give the following recommendations:

  1. It makes sense to purchase class 1 stockings at the first signs of varicose veins - swelling, heaviness in the legs, spider veins. Sometimes there is a need for temporary wearing - during pregnancy, on a hiking trip, during long and frequent flights. People with sedentary jobs also often buy such knitwear, especially if they are overweight.
  2. Class 2 stockings are indicated for those who have more pronounced varicose veins, areas of swollen veins, and severe swelling and pain. Doctors often prescribe products of this class to their patients after surgery.

Wearing compression class 3 and 4 stockings should only be prescribed by a doctor. It should be remembered that there are pathologies for which wearing compression garments is contraindicated. This applies to serious skin wounds.

Quality Standards

Special standards have been developed, based on which you can verify the safety and correctness of the composition, quality of compression, elasticity, and durability.

Common standards:

1. German RAL – GZ387 guarantees high quality and excellent healing properties.

2. International ISO 13485 and Oeko-Tex Standard 100. The second is a guarantee of environmental friendliness and hypoallergenicity of the material.

3. European CE mark. Indicates compliance with EU requirements.

4. Domestic PCT. Such a mark is proof of compliance with the requirements of Russian standards.

How long can you wear compression stockings?

You need to put on compression stockings in the morning immediately after waking up, before your legs are swollen. Wear until evening, and remove before hygiene procedures and bedtime. The higher the compression class, the harder it is to put on such jersey. Experts advise that when purchasing stockings of class 2 and higher, immediately purchase special rubberized gloves. They make it easier to put on and take off, and also prevent damage to the product by nails or jewelry. Stockings must be regularly looked after, washed in moderately warm water with mild soap, and dried naturally without the use of heating radiators and preferably horizontally, laid out on a flat surface.

Timely washing not only helps maintain hygiene, but also preserves the compressive properties of the linen. Under such conditions, the same stockings can be worn for up to six months.

The best brands

The products of the medi company (Germany) are considered to be of the highest quality, because the company is one of the world leaders in the development of compression hosiery. Compression jersey from medi is not only comfortable and elegant, but also stylish. High-quality medi knitwear is presented in a large assortment - stockings, tights and knee socks of various shades and colors, also differing in transparency and matteness, and in design. Everyone will find the right underwear that matches not only the problem, but also your style.

Compression jersey from the Ergoforma brand is produced from special high-quality raw materials using Italian equipment. This knitwear also has a special weaving technology, which increases its wear resistance. Ergoforma compression underwear has a modern look, is super elastic and comes in a wide range of models that differ in color, shape, density, etc.

Lingerie from the Latvian company Tonus Elast is also presented in a wide range - from golf to tights for pregnant women. The products have all the necessary certificates, are of high quality and affordable. Anti-varicose tights are perfect for preventive use; you can also choose therapeutic knitwear with the desired level of compression.

Prevention of varicose veins

Stockings by themselves cannot eliminate varicose veins. They can only alleviate the patient’s condition and prevent the development of severe consequences, so the prevention of varicose veins comes to the fore, which consists of giving up bad habits and normalizing weight if there is a problem of obesity. It is very important to avoid heavy physical activity. Static veins are also harmful to the health of veins, so people with sedentary work need to get up and stretch more often. Women need to stop wearing high-heeled shoes all the time, leaving them only for special occasions.

Still have questions about compression stockings?

Free consultation with AngioClinic specialists


Salmina Daria Vladimirovna

Geneticist. Graduated from the Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy. She completed an internship at the Northwestern State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov.

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