Varicose veins and pregnancy - causes of development, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Varicose veins and pregnancy... Pregnancy and varicose veins... Why do pregnant women develop symptoms of chronic insufficiency of the venous system? How does pregnant women experience impaired blood outflow from the vascular system of the lower extremities? What is the most common pathology of venous vessels that occurs during pregnancy and childbirth... Good answers to these questions will be given in this article.

Varicose veins and pregnancy

Varicose veins and pregnancy in modern human life turn out to be closely related conditions. Very often, such a pathology as varicose veins occurs during pregnancy and childbirth. The leading symptom of varicose veins is chronic venous insufficiency. According to state medical statistics, the incidence of venous insufficiency in pregnant women and women in labor is 35%, and in half of the patients the first manifestations of venous pathology occur during pregnancy. Varicose veins in pregnant women complicate the birth process and can lead to an increase in the incidence of maternal mortality. Chronic venous insufficiency in pregnant women can develop both against the background of previous traumatic or congenital abnormalities of the structure of blood vessels, and without previous pathological changes in the veins.

Manifestations of varicose veins during pregnancy:

Some women notice aesthetic changes on their legs - the appearance of vascular “webs and stars”, dilation of veins. The feeling of heaviness increases - fullness in the legs, cramps appear, swelling of the legs increases in the evening. These are signs of the manifestation and development of varicose veins. Varicose veins affect 20-40% of pregnant women. In 50% of women, varicose veins appear during the first pregnancy and, unfortunately, do not disappear after the birth of the baby. The number of dilated veins only increases with each subsequent pregnancy and in the first trimester of pregnancy the risk of developing thrombosis increases.

The disease can manifest itself not only on the legs, but also on the external genitalia, vagina, rectum - manifestation and exacerbation of hemorrhoids, pelvic organs, abdominal skin, mammary glands, buttocks. Dilated veins in the area of ​​the labia, vagina, and groin are often unilateral and occur in approximately 4-20% of women, accompanied by a feeling of fullness and sometimes pain in the genital area. After childbirth, as a rule, they disappear completely.

How to prevent the disease?

Pregnant women, regardless of risk factors and venous manifestations, always need lifestyle correction: avoiding standing still, sitting in a low chair, hot baths and sunbathing, adaptive exercises such as light walking, moving your legs while sitting, contrast showers, elevated position of the lower extremities in a state of rest.

And in any case, at the first signs of the disease (spider veins and dilated veins, in later stages - swelling and pain), it is necessary to contact a phlebologist who can adequately assess the condition of the veins and prescribe the correct therapy.

Complications of varicose veins in pregnant women:

Nature made sure that during childbirth the mother did not lose a lot of blood. During pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, blood becomes thicker. Thick blood and venous congestion increase the risk of developing blood clots (thrombosis), resulting in the following complications:

  • dermatitis, eczema of the skin over altered veins
  • bleeding from dilated veins
  • thrombophlebitis (inflammation of superficial veins with the formation of blood clots); manifested by redness, soreness and thickening along the vein, increased temperature
  • deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities; characterized by severe pain, severe swelling and enlargement of the affected limb, increased temperature
  • BODY (pulmonary embolism) – a blood clot from varicose veins enters the branches of the pulmonary artery. It appears depending on the degree of damage. In severe cases: chest pain, increased pulse, drop in blood pressure, increased breathing, sudden loss of consciousness. The skin of the face takes on a bluish tint, and the veins in the neck swell. In mild cases: pain when breathing, cough, possible rise in temperature.

According to statistical data, thrombosis and BODY in pregnant women is observed 5-6 times more often than in non-pregnant women, and after childbirth 3-6 times more often than before childbirth. The risk is especially high after major blood loss during childbirth and caesarean section.

Types of compression garments for pregnant women

There are 4 types of compression hosiery for pregnant women:


Stockings are a sought-after and popular option for pregnant women, necessary for lesions of the veins on the lower leg and thigh. They look beautiful on your feet and can be used with any type of clothing: skirt, dress, trousers. Externally they do not differ from ordinary hosiery. If you have a frequent urge to urinate, stockings do not cause inconvenience when visiting the toilet. The wide elastic band prevents the stockings from slipping and rolling off the legs.

Treatment and prevention of varicose veins in pregnant women:

Varicose veins often regress within three months after childbirth. Pre-existing varicose veins (before pregnancy) become aggravated during pregnancy and do not decrease after it.

  • During pregnancy, daily walking for up to two hours is recommended. When working the calf muscles, blood flow improves and venous congestion decreases.
  • don't lift weights
  • periodically during the day you need to take a lying position with your legs elevated (place a pillow or cushion under your feet)
  • do not wear high-heeled shoes, shoes should be comfortable
  • if you have flat feet, wear orthopedic insoles
  • do not stay in the heat or high humidity for a long time (exclude hot baths, baths, saunas), take a contrast shower
  • wear elastic compression hosiery (tights, stockings, knee socks) as prescribed by a phlebologist. Elastic compression helps compress the veins, reduces congestion and improves blood flow by 4-5 times. A therapeutic effect and prevention of the development of varicose veins is achieved. For maximum benefit, compression stockings should be worn daily throughout pregnancy and for 6-10 weeks after birth.
  • maintain the correct work and rest schedule
  • include a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits high in fiber in your diet, follow a diet aimed at reducing constipation
  • quite effective: physical therapy, lymphatic drainage massage and self-massage
  • Local use of heparin-containing ointments and gels is possible: Tromless, Venolife, Lyoton, Troxevasin, etc.
  • taking drugs orally is recommended only for special indications
  • sclerotherapy and surgical treatment during pregnancy are not recommended. Surgical treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy is carried out only in case of life-threatening complications.

When planning pregnancy, a woman suffering from varicose veins must: consult a phlebologist, conduct a thorough examination, blood coagulation tests and ultrasound duplex scanning of veins as prescribed by the doctor.

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    Tights are a worthy alternative to stockings. They can be safely used in the cool season, without fear for women's health. They protect the veins along the entire surface of the leg, from the ankle to the groin. The special insert in the tights for pregnant women does not put pressure on the stomach and waist. It has the ability to stretch under a growing tummy without interfering with the development of the fetus. More details can be found here “Tights for pregnant women”

    Management of pregnancy and childbirth with varicose veins:

    If a pregnant woman shows signs of varicose veins, it is necessary to consult a phlebologist and carry out all preventive and therapeutic measures to prevent the development of varicose veins and its complications. The method of delivery is determined by the doctor depending on the stage of the disease and concomitant diseases. Preference is given to childbirth through the natural birth canal. If you have varicose veins, it is necessary to undergo tests to clarify the state of the blood coagulation system. If there is hypercoagulation (increased blood clotting), the doctor will prescribe special drugs to correct this condition, as well as drugs that reduce platelet aggregation (sticking together).

    Be sure to wear elastic compression hosiery during pregnancy and childbirth!

    After childbirth, it is recommended to get up as early as possible and start wearing compression stockings to prevent the development of complications. After childbirth and completion of feeding, it is necessary to undergo treatment for varicose veins.

    Why do pregnant women need compression stockings?

    Wearing anti-varicose jersey is the optimal solution for pregnant women.

    What is its use?

    • maintains the tone of the vein walls;
    • protects veins from stretching;
    • normalizes blood circulation;
    • improves the outflow of venous blood;
    • relieves swelling;
    • prevents the formation of blood clots;
    • reduces heaviness and pain in the legs.

    Knitwear is necessary for a pregnant woman to feel good and have a safe birth without complications.

    Buy hospital knitwear for pregnant women →

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    Our vascular surgeons

    • Matveeva Marina Aleksandrovna

      Doctor - surgeon, vascular surgeon, phlebologist, mammologist

    • Kostromin Roman Alekseevich

      Cardiovascular surgeon, phlebologist, laser surgeon, general surgeon

    • Kuznetsov Arseny Mikhailovich

      Cardiovascular surgeon, phlebologist

    • Peshkov Andrey Vladimirovich

      Chief physician of the medical network, cardiovascular surgeon, phlebologist, laser surgeon, candidate of medical sciences.

    • Gasnikov Andrey Alexandrovich

      Cardiovascular surgeon, phlebologist, laser surgeon, doctor of the highest category.

    • Shakirov Marat Khazipovich

      Cardiovascular surgeon, phlebologist, laser surgeon, first category doctor

    • Tyurin Sergey Anatolievich

      Cardiovascular surgeon, phlebologist, laser surgeon, first category doctor, candidate of medical sciences. Chief physician of the OLMED MC clinics in Yekaterinburg and Asbest.

    Price list

    Prices for medical services from April 19, 2021

    Manipulations of a vascular surgeon
    CodeName of medical serviceCost, rub.
    6.1Compression sclerotherapy, session1 500,00
    6.2Laser removal of vascular telangiectasia, 1 square centimeter500,00
    6.3Laser removal of vascular telangiectasia on the face, 1 square centimeter1 000,00
    Vascular surgery
    CodeName of medical serviceCost, rub.
    The cost of the operation includes: restoration of marks on the lower limbs, dressings and three months of observation by a vascular surgeon
    26.1Operation Crossectomy (difficulty category one) on one limb under local anesthesia13 300,00
    26.2Operation of separation of the sopheno-popliteal anastomosis (SPJ) (difficulty category one) on one limb under local anesthesia13 300,00
    26.3Operation local phlebectomy (difficulty category one) on one limb under local anesthesia16 200,00
    26.4Cockett operation on one limb, regardless of their number (difficulty category one) under local anesthesia11 500,00
    26.5Simultaneous Cockett operation on two limbs, regardless of their number (difficulty category one) under local anesthesia16 200,00
    26.6Operation of the 1st category of complexity*** No. 2 on one limb under local anesthesia20 700,00
    26.7Operation of the 1st category of complexity*** No. 3 on one limb under local anesthesia23 100,00
    26.8Operation of the 1st category of complexity*** No. 4 on one limb under local anesthesia26 500,00
    26.9Short stripping operation (second category of complexity) on one limb under local anesthesia26 600,00
    26.10Short stripping operation (second category of complexity) on one limb under spinal anesthesia31 900,00
    26.11Phlebectomy operation (second category of complexity) on one limb under local anesthesia25 500,00
    26.12Phlebectomy operation (second category of complexity) on one limb under spinal anesthesia30 600,00
    26.13Operation of the 2nd category of complexity ****+ 1st category No. 1 on one limb under local anesthesia28 800,00
    26.14Operation of the 2nd category of complexity ****+ 1st category No. 1 on one limb under spinal anesthesia34 000,00
    26.15Operation of the 2nd category of complexity **** + 1st category No. 2 on one limb under local anesthesia32 300,00
    26.16Operation of the 2nd category of complexity **** + 1st category No. 2 on one limb under spinal anesthesia38 000,00
    26.17Operation of the 2nd category of complexity**** on two limbs or in the basins of the great and small saphenous veins on one limb under spinal anesthesia47 200,00
    26.18Operation of the 2nd category of complexity **** + 1st category No. 3 on one limb under spinal anesthesia41 600,00

    Making an appointment with a vascular surgeon

    By clicking the “Sign up” button, I confirm that I consent to the processing of the data I provided in accordance with the Personal Data Processing Policy

    The main simple preventive measures are the following:

    • Wear comfortable underwear;
    • Limit physical activity, while performing simple exercises to keep fit, swimming
    • Monitor your diet by adding more fiber to your diet
    • Sufficient amount of liquid
    • Walking in loose shoes, heels no more than 4 cm, comfortable, non-tight clothing
    • Do not take hot baths, do not visit the bathhouse, sauna
    • Daily ascending contrast shower
    • Active motor mode, avoid prolonged stationary positions, walking for 2 hours
    • Perform special venous exercises
    • Watch your weight
    • Sleep on your left side
    • Wear compression stockings
    • See a phlebologist

    Considering all of the above, our advice for pregnant women with varicose veins:

    • Wear compression stockings at all times throughout your pregnancy.
    • maintain an active motor mode;
    • see a phlebologist throughout pregnancy;
    • strictly follow all recommendations of the specialist;
    • If the first signs of deterioration occur, seek help immediately.

    If you are planning a pregnancy and have varicose veins, have them operated on before pregnancy and protect yourself and your unborn child.

    The article was prepared by a vascular surgeon of the highest category, phlebologist Vladimir Vladimirovich Gerasimov.

    For information about treatment and to make an appointment, call contact: 044 495 2 888 or 097 495 2 888

    Consultation with a phlebologist Prevention of varicose veins

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    Hospital knitwear

    Anti-embolic stockings are recommended to be worn during childbirth (natural or Caesarean) and in the first days after childbirth. They will relieve the formation of blood clots and blood stagnation in the legs. These stockings have their own characteristics related to their appearance and wear time. You can read more in the article “Why are stockings needed for childbirth.”

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