Chicory: beneficial medicinal properties and contraindications

Coffee and tea are not suitable for everyone. The caffeine contained in these drinks limits their use by people with high blood pressure, nervous system excitability, pregnancy and many other situations. Fortunately, there is an adequate replacement that will not only allow you to enjoy a pleasantly velvety taste close to coffee, but also have a good effect on your health. We are talking about chicory, this article is about the medicinal properties of its root, how it is beneficial for the body and weight loss, and how to drink it for the best results.

What is chicory

This flower from the fire family is a sensitive one called roadside and blue medicinal dandelion. It has a rigid staircase covered with blue and pink flowers. It grows everywhere except high and rocky places.

There are several varieties of this plant, some flowers grow individually, others create inflorescences consisting of 2-3 flowers with a diameter of 3-4 cm. The shape of the petals is Chinese.

Only two types of it are used for preparing dishes - general and salad. Regular Chicory root has greater nutritional value and is better enriched with vitamins and minerals. Grew up to prepare a toning drink. The leaves, as the name suggests, are used as a spicy addition to salads and garnishes.

The main component of the dried, roasted and ground root of this plant is Inulin. Regular use with this:

  • It works as a whole to the body, increases resistance.
  • Prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Improves metabolic processes.
  • Low glucose levels.
  • It has a cooling effect.
  • Supports kidney and pancreas function.
  • Shows anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Accelerates wound healing.
  • This reduces the risk of malignant and lung tumors.
  • Feel the nervous system.
  • It improves vitality.

Although this instant drink works a bit like coffee beans, it is caffeine-free. This is its main advantage, and moderate intake will not lead to hyperactivity and nervous breakdown.

Since we have already learned the properties of chicory, we will tell you how it affects blood pressure and what is known.

What are the benefits of instant chicory?

After drying, heat and other processing, the soluble product contains vitamins A, group B, C, E, K and nicotinic acid. The composition of microelements is even greater, which includes:

  • Potassium and magnesium, essential for muscle myocardium.
  • Calcium and phosphorus, which improve bone structure.
  • An iron that raises hemoglobin levels.
  • Zinc, which improves brain function, supports the regeneration of damaged tissue, and improves the appearance of the skin.
  • Sodium, which helps normalize fluid balance, improves the functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands.
  • Manganese is an antioxidant, an auxiliary element for the body of other beneficial substances involved in protein synthesis, improves muscle reflexes and memory, and prevents nervousness and irritability.
  • Copper is an important helper for the liver.
  • Selenium, which improves the structure and appearance of the skin by stimulating the production of collagen by epidermal cells.

Attention! The drink should not be used as a disease medicine, although the effect of chicory on the human body is beneficial. This herbal medicine can be used as a prophylaxis or as an adjunct to treatment. It is sold in pharmacies and grocery stores.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties

Increased pressure can occur for various reasons. During drug therapy, drugs are prescribed that differ in the mechanism of their effect on blood pressure. Chicory, having a rich chemical composition, has a complex effect:

  • polysaccharide inulin - belongs to the group of dietary fibers, stimulates the growth and vital activity of intestinal microflora;
  • glycoside intibin - an organic compound reduces the load on the heart, eliminates signs of arrhythmia, improves blood flow, helps reduce blood pressure;
  • vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, carotene, ascorbic acid - the effect is similar to antidepressants: they improve the functioning of the nervous system, stabilize the psycho-emotional state;
  • phenols - eliminate the symptoms of arrhythmia, reduce the load on the heart, improve oxygen metabolism, lower high cholesterol, inhibit the development of atherosclerosis;
  • tannins – give chicory a characteristic astringent, slightly bitter taste, relieve inflammation, accelerate regeneration;
  • macroelements: sodium, potassium, magnesium – eliminate swelling, improve blood vessels, reduce capillary permeability, lower blood pressure;
  • microelements: selenium, manganese, copper - improve the functioning of the liver and brain.

Chicory is a strong diuretic. By reducing the amount of fluid in the body, it lowers renal pressure, which often causes hypertension.

How chicory works, causing pressure changes

We suggest how chicory affects blood pressure. It does not decrease significantly and does not increase blood pressure, but only normalizes them. This effect is the result of the comprehensive influence of drinks on the health of the body:

  • Helita Microflora, its balance is an indicator of overall health. To keep the digestive system in good condition, the body needs the INULIN organism, which is found in large quantities in the root of the planted plant. There is a direct correlation: a healthy gut means a great immune system.
  • Good metabolism is necessary to maintain the correct balance of microflora. Constipation can cause poisoning of the body with the help of rolled masses. The Chicory loading operation allows you to set the bowels for regular cleansing.
  • Phenolic resins protect against cancer and lung tumors by actively scavenging free radicals from the body. Phenols are also necessary to normalize the heart and reduce arrhythmic heart disease.
  • The complex of substances contained in the drink reduces the content of lipoproteins in the body, which improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Chicory has an analgesic effect on muscles and joints. Relieves inflammation, recommended for arthritis and muscle changes.
  • The initial stages of gallstone formation may go unnoticed when taking chicory regularly, since this herbal remedy dissolves small stones and prevents bile stagnation.
  • The drink has diuretic properties and prevents swelling. Excess water is eliminated from the body naturally.
  • People who drink chicory are less likely to suffer from gingivitis. The tannins in the root of this plant have an antiseptic effect on the oral cavity. Streptococcal sore throat and other inflammations of the throat and gastrointestinal tract also disappear.

Warning. For people suffering from type 2 diabetes, chicory is the best substitute for morning coffee. This drink doesn't even require any sweetener. A natural component of natural raw materials, inulin has a sweetish taste, which makes the drink pleasant to the taste.

Eating chicory instead of natural instant or brewed coffee is the first point of a therapeutic diet that promotes weight loss. Inulin in combination with oligofructose reduces the feeling of hunger.

In addition to internal use, traditional healers recommend using brewed chicory as a medicinal ingredient for baths, rubbing, and compresses. As an analgesic and wound-healing agent, chicory is used for medicinal purposes in tinctures and rubbing liquids.

What causes the properties of chicory to have a positive effect on the body?

Even after all stages of preparation: washing, drying, frying, chicory has a unique, rich composition:

  • Vitamins A, C, E, K.

  • B vitamins.
  • A nicotinic acid.
  • Binders (tannins).
  • Ethers.
  • Protein of plant origin.
  • Inulin.
  • Organic acids.

Microelements of chicory:

Important elements for maintaining the performance of the heart muscle are potassium and magnesium.

- Gives strength to bone tissue - phosphorus and calcium.

- Enriches the composition of the blood and prevents the development of anemia - iron.

- Positively affects brain activity, restores damaged tissues, improves the appearance of the skin, gives elasticity - zinc.

— Sodium controls water balance and normalizes kidney function.

  • Does ginger affect blood pressure: does it increase or decrease it, what recipes are recommended for the heart?

— Manganese will help to gently remove toxic compounds and toxins, as well as absorb beneficial nutrients.

— Copper will provide good support for liver function.

— An element that promotes the production of collagen, carefully cares for the condition of the skin, and imparts turgor — selenium.

Chicory during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Women who have to give up coffee are wondering whether it is possible to drink chicory during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If chicory is considered a sedative, its consumption is less harmful to health than medications. A cup of this drink will help you relax in the evening and fall asleep easier. Morning chicory "coffee" will revitalize the mind and body.

Uncontrolled consumption of this drink can cause premature birth or miscarriage.

One cup of drink in the morning and evening will only improve the well-being of a pregnant woman and her baby. Drinking this drink will help remove toxins, eliminate regular bowel movements and heartburn that are common during pregnancy.

The use of chicory should be avoided when feeding infants. This drink can make your baby excitable and reduce lactation.

Why can blood pressure decrease when taking chicory?

Since hypertensive crises, as well as systematic increases in blood pressure, can occur for various reasons, various drugs are used in treatment. In some cases, this plant has a similar effect on them.

  • If blood pressure rises due to a person’s sharp reaction to external stimuli, it means that he needs to calm the nervous system.
  • The pressure in the kidneys will drop, which is almost impossible to break with pills; as the amount of fluid in the body decreases, inflammatory processes in the kidneys are relieved.
  • Heart disease and narrowing of blood vessels also increase blood pressure. When fighting this disease, it is necessary to relieve the symptoms of arrhythmias and improve the supply of oxygen to the brain.
  • Back injuries can also lead to chronic high blood pressure. The fight against ailments caused by injury will require relieving back pain and relieving stress.

Hypertensive patients often ask whether it is possible to drink chicory for hypertension. Doctors answer in the affirmative if there are no other contraindications to taking this drink. Whether it is an infusion or a instant drink does not matter.

Sometimes the doctor cannot immediately determine the nature of the disease. Before choosing a suitable remedy, the patient must undergo a series of tests. The most difficult cases are when several factors contribute to an increase in blood pressure at the same time.

You can cope with the disease with the help of treatment, and chicory will help enhance the effect of the latter.

Indications for use

Thus, the main indications for use include the following:

  1. Hypertension or symptomatic arterial hypertension.
  2. Diabetes mellitus type II.
  3. Atherosclerosis and associated conditions (coronary heart disease, hypoxic brain damage, etc.).
  4. Atonic constipation (lack of stool for more than 3 days).
  5. Dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, heartburn, bloating). Chicory is indicated for a duration of more than 2 days.
  6. Chronic inflammatory lesions of the joints (rheumatoid arthritis).
  7. Edema syndrome of any origin, with the exception of renal.
  8. Decreased immunity. Recommended for frequent acute respiratory viral infections, sore throats, stomatitis (more than 1-2 times a year).

Other properties can be found in this photo:

Expert commentaryKardash Anton Borisovich

Therapist, cardiologist. Doctor of the highest category.

You should not take chicory as the only drug to treat any disease. Most of the supposed effects have not been proven by science. It is recommended to combine the plant with other medicinal products.

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