Drops to raise and lower blood pressure: first aid for hypertension and hypotension

Blood pressure is considered one of the main indicators of the body’s condition, as it reflects the functioning of the cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems, kidneys, and hematopoiesis. The increase in blood pressure may be episodic or persistent. There are no universal medications for high blood pressure in older people - drugs must be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the clinical picture and individual characteristics of the patient.

Hypertension happens:

  • primary, when high blood pressure is the leading symptom;
  • secondary, when it accompanies diseases of the kidneys, endocrine and nervous systems. In this case, high blood pressure is one of the symptoms.

Hypertension is a chronic disease that can progress and therefore requires constant therapy. To maintain blood pressure within normal limits, you need a good drug. You can choose it only after diagnosis, according to the recommendations of a specialist.

Safe and effective medications for low blood pressure (hypotension).

May 2, 2021



  • How to choose medications for low blood pressure?
  • Caffeine
  • Ekdisten
  • Gutron
  • Caffeamine
  • Apilak

With hypotension, a person feels dizziness, malaise and deterioration in general well-being. Low blood pressure is a condition when blood pressure numbers fall below normal values.

We speak of low blood pressure when its value is about 90/60. Some people feel great with this pressure (no treatment is required), while others experience unpleasant symptoms. If you feel unwell with hypotension, be sure to consult a doctor to determine the cause of this condition and get the right treatment.

How to choose medications for low blood pressure?

Medicines for hypotension are rarely prescribed. Usually, to improve the condition, it is enough to change your lifestyle: adjust your daily routine, eat right, drink more fluids and increase the amount of salt.

If drug support for low blood pressure is needed, drugs that increase the volume of blood circulating in the body or drugs that spasm peripheral arteries are prescribed. This helps increase blood pressure because blood will flow through narrower vessels under greater pressure.

All medications for low blood pressure are prescribed only by a doctor, having previously ruled out pathological causes of low blood pressure. Usually, drugs of synthetic or plant origin are used - tonics and vasoconstrictors.

Here are the safest and most effective pills for low blood pressure.


This drug is sold both in tablets and in a solution for subcutaneous administration. Caffeine is a natural nervous system stimulant that stimulates the nervous system, increases vascular tone, improves blood circulation and increases blood pressure. “Caffeine” is prescribed for moderate hypotension, decreased performance, general malaise, vascular headaches, and drowsiness.

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It is believed that “Caffeine” is a safe medicine, but there are contraindications to its use: the body’s sensitivity to its components, age under 12 years, severe heart disease (cardiosclerosis, coronary artery disease, heart attack), mental disorders, hypertension, arrhythmia, insomnia, depression. It is prescribed with caution to those who suffer from glaucoma and other vision problems.

Side effects from taking Caffeine include rapid heartbeat, sweating, nausea, trembling, and dizziness. After the effects of caffeine wear off, a person may experience weakness, inhibition of the nervous system, or general malaise.

JSC "Tatkhimfarmpreparaty", Russia; Borisov medical plant drugs, Belarus; PrJSC Pharmaceutical Company “DARNITSA”, Ukraine; Novosibkhimpharm OJSC, Russia; JSC Dalkhimfarm, Russia; "Moskhimfarmpreparaty" named after. N. A. Semashko, Russia; PJSC Scientific and Production Center "Borshchagovsky Chemical Plant", Ukraine

A drug whose range of uses includes: Diseases accompanied by depression of the central nervous system, functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems (including poisoning with opioid analgesics, infectious diseases), cerebral vascular spasms, decreased mental and physical performance, drowsiness.
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Fast-acting drugs

Fast-acting drugs are prescribed to older patients with heart disease - after myocardial infarction, stroke, various defects, myocarditis, and arrhythmias. The medications act quickly and reduce blood pressure within 15 minutes, preventing the occurrence of increased stress on the myocardium. The duration of the therapeutic effect is no more than six hours.

Indapamide helps to quickly reduce blood pressure levels

In this group of drugs, the following have proven themselves best: Indapamide, Hydrochlorothiazide, Ramipril, Perindopril, Bisoprolol. In addition to normalizing blood pressure, medications improve the condition of the walls of blood vessels and the myocardium.

It is necessary to take medications from this group strictly as prescribed by your doctor, as they can cause serious side effects. The most common include dizziness, nausea and physical weakness. Unpleasant sensations disappear after complete absorption of the medicine taken.

After normalization of blood pressure, in order to maintain the obtained indicator, the person is prescribed a constant intake of “weaker” medications. The following drugs are most often used in a maintenance dosage of 2.5 - 5 mg: Hartil, Tritace, Gopten, Mavik. They must be taken daily and for life.


This is a herbal medicine that comes in the form of tablets and powder sachets. The active substance of the drug is a plant extract from the rhizomes of Leuzea safflower. "Ecdisten" improves overall metabolism, vascular tone, stimulates protein synthesis, and has a weak anabolic effect.

This drug is prescribed for low blood pressure, general asthenia, to improve performance and for weather dependence.

Contraindications include: age under 18 years, allergies to drug components, hypertension, nervous disorders with agitation, epilepsy, stomach ulcers. Ecdisten should be prescribed with caution to those with diabetes or thyroid disease. Alcohol is contraindicated while taking Ecdisten.

Wifitech/Vilar, Russia

The drug Ecdisten is used in adults as a tonic: asthenodepressive syndrome (associated with a weakening of protein synthesizing processes: during prolonged intoxication, infections), neurasthenia. And also as part of combination therapy - arterial hypotension, intense training (dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, especially with pronounced signs of myocardial overstrain and increased protein catabolism), as a drug that increases speed and strength qualities during the period of preparation for competitions.

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Preparations with herbal ingredients

And there is also a group of drugs that increase blood pressure, based on components of plant origin. What can you take from this group of medications? The list of medications is quite extensive and includes:

  • Chinese lemongrass;
  • Eleutherococcus;
  • lure tincture;
  • ginseng tincture;
  • tincture of radiola rosea;
  • pantocrine

Adaptogens are plant components that are used to increase blood pressure.

Chinese lemongrass

The product is part of a group of drugs that have tonic and adaptogenic properties. Its use helps to increase blood pressure. It is forbidden to drink the tincture if the following conditions are diagnosed:

  • acute period of any disease;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, liver;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • epilepsy, tendency to seizures;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • severe overexcitation of the central nervous system, accompanied by insomnia;
  • mental disorders;
  • allergy to the components of the product.

The tincture must be taken in a course. Its duration is two weeks.


In the treatment of hypotension, a liquid infusion from the roots of the plant is used. The plant is widely known for its restorative, tonic and adaptogenic effect. The product improves mental abilities, performance, memory, vision, and also enhances immune defense and overall tone of the body.

The tincture can be used for both medicinal and preventive purposes. In the latter case, you need to drink 20 drops twice a day. If it is necessary to carry out a course of treatment, the dosage is increased to 30 drops, and the frequency of administration is 3 times a day.

Important! The tincture should be taken after meals.

The duration of treatment is 15–30 days. Then you need to take a two-week break and repeat the dose if necessary. If the duration of therapy is more than two calendar months, then the development of side effects is possible.

Treatment of hypotension

These include increased irritability, poor performance, increased blood pressure, sleep disturbances, increased anxiety, impaired digestion, and weight gain.

Eleutherococcus tincture should not be taken in the evening. Otherwise, the development of insomnia is possible. And also, hypertensive patients should avoid using the drug, since it helps to increase blood pressure.

Signs of overdose: disturbances in the digestive system, insomnia, poor performance, allergic reaction. If such conditions occur, the drug should be stopped. If necessary, symptomatic therapy can be carried out.

Tincture of enticement

Tincture based on bait is used not only in folk treatment. It is also recognized by traditional medicine. The drug has general strengthening and adaptogenic properties. Course use of the drug helps to increase blood pressure and overall body tone, restore reserves of vitamins and microelements.

The main indications for use of the tincture are:

  • asthenic conditions;
  • hypotension;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

It is necessary to drink the drug in the first half of the day, as it has a powerful tonic effect. The latest hour before which you can drink the tincture is 6 pm. The total duration of the course is a full calendar month.

The daily dosage is calculated individually and depends on the desired result.

Ginseng tincture

What else can you drink if you have hypotension? Tincture based on ginseng root has proven itself well. It has a general tonic effect and is recommended for use in cases of hypotension, asthenia, neurasthenia, etc. The composition should be taken three times a day, half an hour before meals. Single dosage – 40 drops.

During treatment, the development of the following side symptoms is possible:

  • headache;
  • attacks of nausea, vomiting;
  • sleep disturbances due to a strong tonic effect;
  • increased nervousness;
  • tachycardia;
  • diarrhea;
  • allergic reaction;
  • nervous overexcitation;
  • nosebleeds.

The use of the tincture should be avoided in childhood and during the period of bearing/breastfeeding a child.

Rhodiola rosea tincture

Rhodiola rosea has powerful adaptogenic properties. Take the product 30 minutes before meals twice a day. A single dose is 20 drops. The duration of the course is a full calendar month.


The drug is a biological stimulant, the basis of which is the extract of forest deer antlers. Dosage regimen: 1 tablet per day. The duration of the course is two weeks.

Herbal-based drugs that raise blood pressure cause much less harm to the body and central nervous system than drugs of chemical origin. In addition, they can be taken exclusively for preventive purposes.

Hypotension is no less serious a disease than hypertension and also requires treatment. But before starting to take any medications, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pathology by contacting a specialized specialist.


This drug for the treatment of hypotension is available in drops and tablets and is sold by prescription. The active substance of the drug is midodrine (a group of adrenergic agonists that tone blood vessels).

“Gutron” is prescribed for hypotension, orthostatic hypotension (a sharp decrease in pressure when a person takes a horizontal position), and for weather dependence. The medicine moderately constricts blood vessels, improves their tone, which increases blood pressure and removes blood stagnation in the veins.

Contraindications include: high blood pressure, overactive thyroid gland, severe kidney disease, urinary retention and prostate adenoma.

When taking Gutron, the following side effects are possible: skin rash, tachycardia, nausea. This drug should not be taken with alcohol.

Takeda Pharmaceutical Company, Japan

Gutron is a remedy for increasing blood pressure, and is also recommended for use in patients with urinary incontinence caused by bladder dysfunction.
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Recommendations of Dr. Shishonin

Alexander Yuryevich recommends that every home always have ammonia on hand. After all, this substance reflexively improves blood circulation in the nasal cavity. Ammonia is a fairly strong toxic substance. As a result of its use, a hypertensive reflex appears, that is, the pressure rises so that the kidneys can remove this substance from the body.

In cases where the pressure drops significantly, for example 80/40 mm. rt. Art., A.Yu. Shishonin recommends using Cardiamine. This medicine is good for lowering blood pressure. People of normal build should take no more than 30 drops of this drug. For obese patients, the dose can be increased to 40 drops.

If Cardiamine is used according to the instructions, it will never provoke the development of a hypertensive crisis, that is, it is not a dangerous drug. Doctors often prescribe it to normalize blood pressure.


Only an experienced specialist can answer why the blood pressure of a hypertensive patient has dropped; his competence includes prescribing treatment.

If you have neither Cardiamine nor ammonia at hand, then you can use the knowledge of Eastern healers to increase blood pressure. Thanks to the effect on reflex points, blood pressure is normalized. To carry out this procedure you will not need any medications.


It is located on the little finger immediately behind the periungual fold at the root of the nail on the side of the ring finger. With strong compression of the little finger, cardiac activity is activated, which leads to normalization of blood pressure.


This is the point of general stimulation. In Eastern medicine it is also called the He-Gu point. It is located in the center of the triangle, which is placed between the thumb and forefinger. This point needs to be stimulated on both sides using your fingers.


It is located between the upper lip and nose. You need to stimulate the indicated point for 10 to 15 seconds. With a slight decrease in pressure, 5 seconds is enough.

All of the above methods provide 100% therapeutic results. It should also be noted that there are never any failures when working on these points.


This drug for increasing low blood pressure is available in tablets and is sold by prescription. Belongs to the group of combined psychostimulants, the active substances are caffeine and ergotamine. “Caffetamine” tones the nervous system and constricts blood vessels.

This medicine is prescribed for migraines, hypotension and intracranial hypertension.

Among the contraindications: allergic reactions to the components of the drug, age under 18 years, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, pregnancy and breastfeeding, insomnia, glaucoma, psychosis, serious heart disease, advanced age of the patient. Side effects: nausea, increased sweating, agitation, tachycardia.

KRKA-RUS, Russia

The drug is used for: Vasoparalytic form of migraine;
arterial hypotension; as a means of lowering intracranial pressure in vascular, traumatic and infectious lesions of the central nervous system. from 151

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ACE inhibitors

Medicines from the category of ACE inhibitors practically do not cause side effects when compared with drugs from the group of beta blockers and diuretics.

Important! The use of ACE inhibitors in an elderly person significantly reduces the risk of myocardial infarction.

Treatment is carried out using the following medications:

  • Ramipril. Used to stabilize and maintain blood pressure at an acceptable level, depending on the age group.
  • Captopril. Often used for high blood pressure in older people, as it reduces it gradually.
  • Enalapril. Quickly penetrates into the general bloodstream. Its maximum concentration is observed an hour after taking the tablet. The effect of lowering blood pressure is achieved by reducing the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.


This low blood pressure medicine comes in the form of sublingual tablets and ointment. "Apilak" belongs to the group of natural stimulants for the complex treatment of asthenia, neurotic disorders, and hypotension. Apilak contains a complex of biologically active substances, minerals and vitamins. The active substance is royal jelly. "Apilak" improves vascular tone, tones the nervous system and stimulates the body as a whole.

Contraindications include: allergies to bee products, age under 18 years, Addison's disease, hypertension.

Emergency medications

Elderly hypertensive patients need to have in their medicine cabinet products that can provide a rapid hypotensive effect. This:

  • Clonidine. A decrease in blood pressure occurs 30 minutes after taking the tablet. Duration of action – 8 hours. Recommended for use in hypertensive crisis.
  • Nifedepine. It starts to work very quickly. The tablet must be placed under the tongue.
  • Nitroglycerine. The tablet should be placed under the tongue when pain occurs in the heart area.
  • Capoten/Captopril. They reduce blood pressure quite quickly. Intended for sublingual use.
  • Adelfan. It doesn’t work immediately, but it also works quite quickly.
  • Moxonidine. A gradual decrease in blood pressure begins half an hour after taking the dose.
  • Propronalol. A decrease in blood pressure occurs 30 minutes after taking the drug. The recommended dosage is 50 mg. The pressure remains stable over the next six hours.
  • Furosemide. Has a powerful diuretic effect.

Emergency medications can be taken at any stage of hypertension.

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