First Aid Points for Heart Problems: Pericardial Channel - First Aid for the Body

What is the heart meridian

The meridian (channel) of the heart is a meridian of the Yin type, part of the system of the primary element “Fire”. The meridian is paired, that is, it passes to the right and left in the human body.

Paired with it is the Small Intestine Meridian, which also belongs to the “Fire” primary element system, but belongs to the Yang meridians.

Both meridians are very closely connected and have a great influence on each other. This indicates the interdependence of the digestive system with the cardiovascular system in the human body.

The meridian is designated by the Latin letter C; there are 9 acupuncture points on it - C1, C2, ..., C9.

The peak activity of the heart meridian ranges from 11 to 13 hours. Minimum channel activity from 23 to 01 am. That is why you need to sleep during this period.

What are the benefits of acupressure for arrhythmia?

The first treatment session should be conducted by a specialist to demonstrate the technique and relieve psycho-emotional stress. In the future, you can do massage without any help.

Stimulation of biologically active points (BAP), which are directly connected to human energy channels, has a calming effect on the central nervous system and relieves negative symptoms. Acupressure is recommended to be performed daily for 2-3 weeks. Also, the ancient Chinese Su-Jok technique, based on stimulation of BAP of the palms, feet and ears, can be used if it is necessary to quickly reduce the pulse. For serious pathologies, acupuncture may be prescribed. However, acupuncture cannot be performed independently, as the risk of infection is high. Direct impact on the damaged organ, achieved through massage movements, gives the following positive effects:

  • heart rate stabilization;
  • normalization of respiratory processes;
  • relieving nervous tension;
  • improvement of microcirculation of blood and lymph;
  • relief of headaches;
  • normalization of metabolic processes in the body.

Key points

There are only 9 acupuncture points on the heart meridian. You can view a list of them in this file - Meridan of the Heart. Let's take a closer look at two of them.

Point C7 Shen Men

In China it is called the “Gate of the Spirit”. Recommended by Chinese specialists for replenishing human vital energy (QI energy) along with other main points.

The point is located on the anterior metacarpal fold at the intersection of the imaginary line between the little finger and ring finger.

Point C7 is indicated for use in the following diseases:

  • Pain in the heart area.
  • Heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Hypertension.
  • Vascular diseases.
  • State of anxiety, stress, emotional overload.
  • Hypotension.
  • When recovering from a heart attack.

In addition, it is used as one of the points in the treatment of hepatitis and cholecystitis.

You should work on the C7 point for 1 minute on each hand, 3 – 5 times a day for a month. After a heart attack, it is necessary to massage for up to 2 – 3 months.

Stimulation of the C7 point helps to regulate and absorb the microelements Calcium and Selenium, as well as vitamins E and B12.

Point C8 Shao-Fu

The point is located on the palms of both hands. When you clench your palm into a fist, the tip of your little finger will point to this point.

It is used for pain in the heart and to improve the psycho-emotional state.

The point should be kneaded for 30 to 60 seconds on each hand several times a day.

Features of proper massage

Today, there are many techniques used to treat various heart ailments. But first we should consider the simplest of them, aimed at general relaxation of the body and pain relief.

When performing this massage, it is necessary to prepare the patient for the procedure. The main requirement here is relaxation. Therefore, you should give the patient a sedative (ordinary valerian or motherwort will do), and then put him to bed.

Once relaxation is achieved, the patient sits in a comfortable chair. Next, perform the following steps:

  1. The patient needs to take a deep breath and then hold his breath.
  2. The collar and belt are unfastened. Tightening clothing should be removed so as not to compress the blood vessels.
  3. The patient places his hands palms up.
  4. To relieve pain and normalize heart rate, it is necessary to massage the points at the base of the thumbs. Circular movements are performed.

Experts advise performing massage with hard objects, for example, a pencil. By influencing the points described above, you can control the heart rate. So, to speed up the pulse, you need to make circular movements clockwise. Reversing the direction of rotation will help achieve the opposite effect.

Similar active points are located on the feet. They should be looked for by stepping back 3 cm from the big toe towards the center of the foot. The impact is carried out using the same circular movements.

Which organs does it affect?

The heart meridian is primarily responsible for the state of the cardiovascular system. The endocrine system and digestion also depend on it.

In addition, meridian points are recommended to be used for diabetes mellitus and hypertension.

Excess or lack of bitter can provoke diseases of the heart, small intestine and endocrine system. Therefore, you should pay attention to your diet, make it balanced and eat quality foods.

Bitter-tasting foods include coffee, tea, cocoa, wine, thyme, basil, and sesame seeds. These products are few in number, but they are important for human health.

Benefits of breathing exercises for the heart

Technically correct performance of breathing exercises for arrhythmia brings the heart rhythm back to normal. The body is also saturated with the required amount of oxygen, and cardiac function is normalized. Breathing exercises can be as follows:

  1. half squats or full squats;
  2. work with inhalations: close the right nasal sinus with the fingers of your right hand, and move the opposite hand to the side and inhale slowly. Repeat the same with the other hand;
  3. do the previous exercise, but in a sitting position;
  4. alternately and slowly inhale and exhale 4 times.

Such a breathing complex should be completed by repeating it completely, but at the same time, each time you inhale and exhale, as if pronouncing the letter “U” with your lips.

What Causes Heart Problems

The presence of stress and strong emotions such as anger, fear, anxiety, sadness, and depression can trigger the development of heart disease, vascular damage, hypertension, etc. Problems.

Modern medicine has in its arsenal a large range of medications to help with such diseases.

But these drugs usually have a number of side effects that can cause problems in other human organs and systems.

Therefore, the methods of oriental medicine have an advantage in this regard. After all, they do not cause side effects. This is not a call to abandon the use of modern methods of treatment, but a way to draw your attention to alternative methods of treatment and recovery.

In acute conditions, modern medicine methods will be more effective. But in the prevention of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and any other human organs, the approaches of oriental medicine are no less effective, but safer.

What to do in case of pressure changes

Sudden surges in blood pressure can significantly worsen a person’s quality of life. They are typical manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia and are often present in patients suffering from heart disease.

Such pressure drops can occur due to a number of reasons due to weather, experiences and other factors. They result in dizziness, sudden weakness, darkening of the eyes, etc.

In such cases, a targeted effect on certain areas located on the legs will be useful. They are also called “first aid” points. You should press them quite hard (until pain appears) for 15 minutes.

They are located in the following places:

  1. Near the base of the nail of the second toe. It should be massaged at the root of the finger, pressing firmly, which will help prevent possible fainting and dizziness by increasing the pressure.
  2. Just below the popliteal fossa there is a zone, the impact of which contributes to an increase in pressure. It should be massaged on both legs twice a day, twenty times. This allows you to raise your blood pressure levels.
  3. There is a point on the plantar cavity just below the big toe that should be massaged in a circular rubbing motion until slight pain appears.

Help with heart pain

What to do if you or your loved ones have pain in the heart area or behind the sternum?

Pain is a spasm, a contraction of the heart muscles, and this pain can be relieved in the following ways:

  • Use of medications.
  • Impact on the little fingers.
  • Influence active points that affect the functioning of the heart.
  • Massage of areas corresponding to the projection of the heart using the Su-Jok method.

Your family or local doctor will tell you how to provide assistance with medications. But we will describe in more detail how to relieve fights in the heart area with the help of a massage of the little fingers.

General recommendations

What to do if you have heart problems:

  • Drink something calming.
  • Turn off all external stimuli: phones, TV, radio, computer.
  • Calm down, lie down, close your eyes.
  • Call an ambulance.
  • Before the ambulance arrives, help yourself by applying pressure to your little fingers.

Impact on the little fingers

The meridians of the heart and small intestine are literally interconnected and are a continuation of each other. Therefore, massage of the little finger will be the procedure that balances the energy between these channels.

Every hour, knead the terminal phalanges on the little fingers of both hands. The duration of the massage is 1 – 2 minutes for each finger. To consolidate the results, it is recommended to do the technique for 3 to 4 weeks.

Pain may occur in your fingers, so massage without fanaticism, lightly. The pain should be light and healing.

This technique will help you calm down and normalize the flow of energy in your heart. As a side effect, it will improve digestion.

How to reduce and how to increase pressure with acupressure

How to reduce blood pressure with massage? Look at Figure 1. The point is located in the depression at the base of the earlobe. The points are massaged on both sides simultaneously.

If you go down from point 1 in a straight line, then right above the collarbone you will find a very painful point 2, when pressed it simply pierces with electricity. With light movements of your fingers you need to massage the line shown in the figure, up and down and vice versa: 10 movements down and 10 movements up.

How to increase blood pressure with massage? The required points are located at the base of the skull (see Fig. 2), on both sides of the spine. Massage the points with pressure, vibration, tapping.

To increase pressure there is also a point on the stomach; measure from the navel along the midline of the abdomen the width of 4 of your fingers. This is where the desired point is located. Also apply pressure, stroking, and vibration to this point.

The danger of inaction

Arrhythmia without proper treatment can lead to serious consequences or death. First, a noticeable lack of oxygen in the body is accompanied by loss of consciousness. Advanced disease causes heart failure, angina attacks and even pulmonary edema. In this case, without urgent hospitalization, the patient may die. Another dangerous consequence of arrhythmia is stroke.

Important! Patients with cardiac arrhythmia should constantly monitor their health status.

nuts traditional medicine


  • A mixture of beet, carrot and radish juices in a 1:1:1 ratio is useful to drink daily for several months for any type of heart disease.
  • arrhythmias and heartbeat, it is very useful to eat any fig in its form or chew the rind. Useful.
  • Mix lemon juice with motherwort pentaloba in a 1:1 ratio to vodka. Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals, palpitations, tachycardia, arrhythmias and neuroses. Possible. hearts, take dry herb powder at the tip of 1 g (per motherwort knife) 3 times a day.
  • For ischemic, arrhythmias, heart disease, palpitations, hypertension, mix the tincture of blood-red hawthorn fruits in a ratio of 1:1 to propolis. Take 25 drops 3 times a day.
  • Peppermint is one of the most effective remedies used for heart rhythm disturbances, interruptions and freezing of the heart muscle. 1 tsp. crushed dry mint leaves, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour in a warm place. Drink up. Strain in small sips in the morning half an hour before infusion. Drink breakfast every day, without missing a single meal, for a long time.
  • Stir 1 tbsp. l. honey in 1/2 glass of beet juice and drink 3 times a day before meals for up to an hour (the product also relieves blood pressure well).
  • Baked potatoes are very healthy. It should be baked entirely over a fire or (at home) in the oven.
  • Valerian officinalis root – 1 tbsp. l., watch leaves trifoliate - 1 tbsp. l., peppermint leaves - 1 tbsp. l. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Strain. Drink 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals 3 times a day.
  • Flowers of blood-red hawthorn, meadow clover flowers, meadowsweet herb, lemon balm herb, rose flower petals, yarrow herb, elecampane rhizome, rowan flowers, wild raspberry shoots, oat straw, wild rosemary shoots, roots of safflower leuzea - ​​pores well . Pour 6 g of the collection into 300 ml, leave to boil in a thermos for 4 hours, strain. Take warm, every 50 ml for 4 hours.
  • Flowers and fruits of bloodthorn hawthorn, red sweet clover, flowers of lily of the valley, lemon balm, fruits of dill rhizome, elecampane, blackberry leaves, oat straw, silver birch leaves, medicinal cap herb, fruits of coriander - equally. 6 g of powder in a crushed collection, pour 300 ml of boiling water, heat in a water bath in a sealed container for 10 minutes, leave in a warm place for 2 hours, strain. Take 50 ml warm every 4 hours.
  • The given fees can be used by everyone for cardiac arrhythmias in the absence of conduction disorders. Constant monitoring of the pulse frequency is necessary, especially if the composition of the collection includes foxglove leaves, hellebore rhizome, Adonis herb, or leaves of May lily of the valley flowers. If the pulse rate is less than 60 beats per minute, the daily dose should be reduced by 1.5–2 times, and if the pulse rate is less than 50 beats per minute, stop taking it for a few times.

days of rhythm disturbances should be practically continuous. To eliminate the addictive effect, alternate herbal mixtures every 1.5–2 months. Traditional healers advise for any arrhythmias - There is little by little, as a full stomach irritates the vagus nerve, in turn, the function of the sinus nerve in which cardiac impulses arise in the node. - Avoid static loads (lifting weights), as they cause an increase in blood pressure, leading to increased work of the heart, which can cause disturbances in the rhythm and heart rate of contractions. — Take liquid extract of hawthorn drops 30–40 per day before meals. First aid for any arrhythmia: the patient must be provided with emotional and physical peace and put to bed. Give any sedative (tincture or tincture tablets, valerian, motherwort, Corvalol, etc.) and call a doctor. In some cases, you can force the patient to take a maximum breath, then hold his breath, pinch his nose with his fingers and ask him to simulate a maximum exhalation without exhaling air from the lungs. In this case, the patient must strain quite hard (the face will turn purple, but this is not dangerous). After several such straining of the heartbeat, the attack often stops.

Biologically active points for arrhythmia

The table shows the main biologically active points:

LocationDuration, min.
Inner side of the wrist, under the arch of the thumb1—2
Inside the wrist, under the little finger3
In the elbow bend, on the inside3—4
On the inside of the hand, 3 fingers above the wrist2—3
On the sole of the foot, in the central fossa below the toes3—5
4 fingers below the knee on the outside2—3
3 fingers above the ankle from the inside1

To enhance the effect of the massage, you can influence the BAP by applying mustard plasters and pepper plasters. However, if severe itching, redness of the skin and painful sensations occur, it is necessary to rinse the area with warm water. Also effective is moxotherapy, which is based on cauterizing the points with wormwood cigars. It is prohibited to practice the technique yourself at home due to the high risk of burns.


There are different types of arrhythmias: with increased heart rate (tachycardia) or bradycardia (slowdown), premature (extrasystole) or atrial fibrillation (chaotic arrhythmia), etc. Patients with this may feel: - palpitations; - unpleasant areas in the sensations of the heart; - increased shock in the area or heart, its fading; - general weakness; - Some. dizziness types of arrhythmias are not accompanied by any unpleasant or subjective sensations and are detected only by pulse examination and/or electrocardiogram analysis. Normal REFERENCE heart rate in most healthy adults is 60–90 beats per minute at rest (in the morning, lying down, on an empty stomach, in comfortable temperature conditions). You should measure your heart rate no less than 30 minutes after drinking a cup of coffee or strong tea. Before the measurement, the person must relax and rest for 5 Tachycardia minutes.


Extrasystolearrhythmia Atrial fibrillation

What to look for?

These types of massage can be carried out using one of the known methods of influence.


  • based on leisurely stroking and sliding of pads over the body;
  • vibration pressures - use your thumb or index finger to make rhythmic pressures;
  • pinching is done by grasping muscle tissue and skin with your fingers; improves blood flow;
  • pressing with rubbing is performed with vigorous movements while simultaneously applying pressure to the points;
  • presses intermittently are performed with pulsating pressure with the elbow, hand or fingers on selected areas;
  • high-speed rotation (circular massaging) is performed by the inner parts of the hand, fingers, and ribs of the palm;
  • impulsive tapping is performed with the fingers to improve muscle tone.

It is necessary to act slowly and thoroughly. For better results, it is advisable to alternate treatment methods during therapy. If, when pressed, the patient feels internal numbness, aching, or slight pain, then the point is chosen correctly.

A few simple rules

things you need to know to conduct AM:

  1. Hands and massaged areas should not be cold. This is possible, for example, after frost outside. Upon entering the house, you need to fully warm up.
  2. To avoid skin irritation, you should lubricate your hands and points of contact with cream. Any fatty person will do.
  3. Avoid damage to the skin, such as scratching with nails, excessively sudden movements, jerking.
  4. Do not apply excessive pressure to pressure points.
  5. Perform no more than 3 sessions per day.
  6. The massage series should not exceed 10 days. After this you should take a break.

Is it possible to cure cardiac arrhythmia: treatment methods

Currently, there are two ways to eliminate heartbeat disorders:

Drug treatment;

It is carried out using different groups of drugs. Complex therapy is mainly used, including sodium, potassium and calcium channel blockers, and beta blockers. All of them are aimed at stabilizing heart cells, reducing the influence of the sympathetic nervous system on the myocardium, increasing oxygen supply, and restoring normal heart contraction. Drug treatment helps eliminate arrhythmia and forget about atrial fibrillation forever. But the drugs must be used as prescribed by a doctor and for a long time.

Is it possible to treat arrhythmia surgically? It is used only for serious pathological changes that threaten death. Radiofrequency ablation, pacemakers, and a cardioverter-defibrillator are mainly used. After installation of artificial devices, interruptions in heart rhythm are quickly eliminated.

Qigong exercise: how to get rid of arrhythmia?

The essence of Eastern practice

With heart disease, the patient experiences a lack of vital force Qi, which leads to an imbalance in the internal balance and the accumulation of negative energies. According to ancient practices, a person can use the energy of the external environment through qigong breathing and physical exercises. Chinese practice teaches a person to control Qi and start the process of regeneration of damaged organs.

General rules

In case of cardiac arrhythmia, the following basic recommendations should be followed:

The load must be selected carefully.

  • The load should increase gradually.
  • If you experience pain or shortness of breath, you should immediately stop exercising and consult a doctor.
  • Before training, you should not eat for 2 hours.
  • During practice, you should constantly monitor your pulse. The permissible maximum is 120 beats per minute.

Classic complex for strengthening the heart muscle

Qigong for cardiac arrhythmia includes the following techniques, which can be performed in any order:

  • Normalization of internal Qi balance.
      In a standing position, your feet are shoulder-width apart and your arms are relaxed. You should breathe calmly.
  • The palms, arms, shoulders and torso are shaken alternately. It is necessary to mentally imagine how negative energy flows out of the body.
  • Perform circular movements with the hands.
  • The elbows and shoulder joints stretch upward and then drop sharply.
  • You need to freeze for 5-10 seconds.

Waves to release negative energies. You need to stand straight and spread your legs wide. The arms are spread out to the sides, with the palms facing the ceiling. The lower back arches slightly. Inhale slowly and tilt the body forward. Palms drop to the waist. Exhale slowly. The body moves smoothly.

Opening of the chest. In a standing position, the legs are shoulder-width apart, the arms are relaxed. Straight arms are raised to chest level, palms facing outward. In this case, the little fingers are directed towards the ceiling. The arms are bent at the elbows, forming a ring. After taking a deep breath, you need to put your hands behind your back and stick your chest forward

It is important that your little fingers point towards the ceiling. As you exhale, return to the starting position. The exercise is done until heat appears in the chest area.

Restoration of the cardiac channel. In a standing position, the legs are shoulder-width apart, the arms are connected at chest level. Circular movements of the arms are performed, accompanied by deep inhalations and exhalations.

Mudra "Saving Life"

This arrangement of the fingers will help normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

According to the practice of qigong, the special position of the fingers can redirect the qi energy in the right direction. The “Life Saving” mudra is effective for attacks of arrhythmia and can even help with a heart attack. Thanks to it, blood vessels dilate and heart rhythm normalizes. Technique:

  1. The index finger is bent and pressed against the palm.
  2. The tips of the index, thumb and middle fingers are connected together.
  3. Little fingers straightened.
  4. The mudra is performed with both palms simultaneously.

Biologically active point massage (BAP)

The qigong technique includes not only breathing practices, but also a direct effect on the BAP. To relieve arrhythmia, massage the inner side of the wrist 2.5 cm above the wrist fold. To achieve the relaxation effect, you need to apply gentle but deep pressure with your fingers and make circular movements clockwise. The procedure lasts until the arrhythmia stops. When finished, the area needs to be rubbed.

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