Instructions for the drug Normolife, price and reviews about it

Hypertension has become one of the serious problems of humanity. Statistics show that persistent blood pressure occurs in a third of the world's population. Medical luminaries are constantly dealing with the problem of hypertension, conducting research, trying to create new medicines. One of the newest developments is Normolife, a drug that contains only herbal ingredients. The price of this product is affordable for many patients with an average annual income, but the reviews are quite contradictory. The opinions of clients and doctors are different: some consider Normalife, a remedy for hypertension, to be a panacea and a real medical drug, while others tend to think that it is just another dietary supplement that is of absolutely no benefit.

Let's look at the main characteristics of the normallife product, its composition, and help the reader understand the instructions for use and reviews from customers who have already used normalife. Is this another scam or a really useful blood pressure medicine, Normolife? Where to buy this drug so as not to fall into another scam on the Internet, and why is it not in pharmacies? How much does this medicine cost if you order it online.

Why does hypertension need to be treated?

Is hypertension as dangerous as doctors say? Some people do not pay enough attention to their health; for a long time they do not even know why they often have headaches. Such patients consider themselves to be completely healthy people, just tired from prolonged stress. This is where the danger of hypertension lies. It develops gradually, and then makes itself known with a whole bunch of health problems. But the worst thing is that as a result of hypertension, a person may suffer a heart attack or stroke. And these conditions often cause the death of patients.

What signs may indicate high blood pressure? If a person is often bothered by a headache, palpitations, or has problems with his vision: it has worsened, black floating spots have appeared in the field of vision, then it’s time to buy a tonometer and you need to regularly measure your blood pressure. People suffering from hypertension become irritable, they can break down and start screaming for no reason. Drowsiness, desire to sleep longer, increased sweating during any physical activity, swelling of the face and limbs - all these symptoms also indicate problems with blood pressure.

Constantly high blood pressure leads to clogged blood vessels and the heart works harder. If you do not take any measures and do not carry out constant supportive treatment, you can develop a cerebral hemorrhage. It is precisely because of the dangerous complications of hypertension that it should be treated at an early stage, before irreversible damage occurs in the body. The use of drugs and dietary supplements is simply necessary to support the body.

What do the doctor's say?

Customer reviews about Normolife

Numerous positive reviews about Normolife indicate its relevance and popularity. Thanks to a unique antihypertensive drug, thousands of people got rid of hypertension and prevented the development of cardiovascular complications. Regular use of Normolife guarantees long-term results, so most buyers note a stable remission. They recommend the drug to everyone who has been struggling with arterial hypertension for a long time and with varying success.

We present to your attention the most informative and interesting reviews about the new product, collected on various forums on the Internet:

21.06.2019, 16:29Answer: How to quickly cure hypertension


Registration: 04/08/2017 Messages: 245

After forty years, my health gradually began to deteriorate sharply. I began to suspect the onset of early menopause and sought medical help. Everything turned out to be much simpler - moderate hypertension was diagnosed. Pharmaceutical drugs, including very expensive ones, helped only for a while. I was looking for information on the Internet and read a lot of good reviews about Normolife on a popular women's forum. I immediately placed an order on the official website.

I used Normolife in accordance with the instructions and did not take breaks in treatment. A week later, my condition improved significantly - I didn’t feel dizzy, and the numbers on the tonometer only made me happy. The painful palpitations, which often led to panic attacks, disappeared. After completing the therapeutic course, I feel not only completely healthy, but also rejuvenated.

Disappointed with the result...

06/24/2019 from Marina

I have been suffering from changes in systolic pressure for many years. I’ve tried all sorts of medications, what kind of physical procedures I haven’t attended... Once you get a little nervous, the blood rushes to your face, and you feel like you’re short of air when you inhale. At first I was scared of this state, but then I even got used to it. At the next appointment, the cardiologist recommended a new product - Normolife, and gave a link to the official website.

But I was lucky because I immediately opened a page on the Internet where the drug was sold at half the price. I took Normolife correctly, but my blood pressure also jumped non-stop. There was no result, so a month later I called the official website with a complaint. And they told me that only they sell the original product, and I obviously purchased a fake.

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Reputation +631

Russia, Saratov

An excellent remedy for hypertension


Both my mother and grandmother suffer from hypertension, so I have known about my predisposition for a long time. But I never expected that the disease would manifest itself before the age of 40. After stress or physical activity, the pressure rose sharply, and the heart began to “jump out” of the chest. After taking the medications, I felt lethargic, exhausted, and had only one desire - to sleep. It’s good that on one thematic site I read about the natural remedy Normolife. I was especially impressed by the lack of negative reviews.

Not really believing the result, I ordered a package. But Normolife took it and stabilized the pressure in just a couple of days. I couldn’t even believe my eyes when I saw the treasured numbers 120/80 on the tonometer display. I really regret that I have not heard of such an effective remedy before. My family and I would not have wasted so much time and money.

Review recommended:


June 23, 2019


Very high quality product

Treatment of chronic hypertension was problematic, uncomfortable and, unfortunately, completely ineffective. The situation was aggravated by the presence of diabetes, for which the use of many medications is prohibited. The cardiologist just shrugged his shoulders, then prescribed another remedy. Suspecting that the doctor was experimenting on me, I began to independently search for salvation on the Internet. It was there that I learned about Normolife with a natural composition that has no contraindications at all.

Indeed, throughout the entire treatment, not a single adverse reaction occurred. Blood pressure stopped jumping several times a day after a week of regular use of Normolife. And a month later I completely forgot about hypertension. A persistent decrease in blood sugar levels was also a pleasant bonus.

207 37 38


Nizhny Novgorod
Registered: Jul 19, 2017 Messages: 347
Re: Normolife - a scam or not?

My hypertension manifested itself with all possible symptoms. My head was pounding, my heart was pounding, and I was especially worried about sleep disturbances. In the morning I felt broken, tired, my performance was zero. I shared my problem with a colleague, and she recommended Normolife, which helped her. She praised it so much that she couldn’t resist and ordered a couple of packages at once.

At first I was afraid of divorce, but soon I became convinced from my own experience that Normolife was not a scam. It didn’t even take taking it for a long time for the excruciating headaches to disappear. Sweating normalized, pulse stabilized, and sleep improved significantly. Now I recommend this drug to all my friends and acquaintances who suffer from high blood pressure.

24 Jun 2021, 14:17

What are the advantages of Normalife?

Pharmacy shelves are filled with products designed to bring blood pressure back to normal. But each of the drugs synthesized by the chemical industry can cause a lot of side effects. It turns out that treating one problem causes other, even more serious ones. The liver and kidneys suffer, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract appear.

The medicine for hypertension normalife consists entirely of natural ingredients. Its invention is the work of Russian medical scientists from the PhleboState Center, who are involved in its production and improvement. The drug Normolife is a natural biologically active agent that can gently restore blood pressure in a sick person. Unlike pharmaceutical tablets, normalife has virtually no contraindications, which expands the possibilities of its use in various categories of patients.

Normolife against pressure acts gently in 3 directions:

  • Thanks to the special components of natural origin included in the drug, there is a gradual decrease in blood pressure. At the same time, there are no sudden changes or sudden drops in pressure, which has a beneficial effect on the general well-being of the patient;
  • after a course of taking Normalife for hypertension, vascular tone is restored, they acquire their former elasticity and the ability to withstand blood pressure;
  • the mild effect of the normalife drug on the human body can lead to normalization of the cardiovascular system in a fairly short period, even if the disease was in an advanced form.

Reviews about Normolife indicate that the drug really works and helps restore health. It is quite difficult to come across negative reviews about normalife. There are people for whom the drug helps quickly, and they write rave reviews about Normolife, and there are those who tried it, but did not immediately notice the result. There is a third category of people who do not buy any funds over the Internet and believe that this is all just another scam. Once deceived, a buyer stops trusting online sellers, but, fortunately, such cases of unfair trading are becoming a thing of the past.

Go to the official website

General information

Among the drugs that normalize blood pressure and improve heart function, the drug Normolife has already proven itself on the positive side, although it is a new product on the domestic medicine market. Prevention of cardiac abnormalities, venous insufficiency, developed hypertension - this is only a small part of the indications for the use of this drug.

Normalife is a Russian-made homeopathic medicine consisting of components of natural origin. Designed to regulate blood pressure and normalize vascular tone. Available in the form of clear or yellowish drops in a 10 ml dark glass bottle. Has a convenient dropper dispenser.

The product is packaged in a red-burgundy cardboard box. The presence of a hologram on it will protect the buyer from purchasing a fake. Also, the authenticity of the purchased medicine can be confirmed by entering the verification barcode indicated on the box on the manufacturer’s official website.

Components included in the drug

The manufacturer in the instructions for normallife indicates that the composition of the dietary supplement is 100% natural and does not contain components that are harmful or hazardous to human health. You can purchase this medicine without fear, because natural ingredients cannot harm your health, but they can cleanse blood vessels and restore them to their former elasticity and strength.

You can read a lot of information about the drug normalife on various websites, but it is better to visit the official website, where each reader has the opportunity to familiarize himself with the instructions about the drug, its main purpose, and the full composition.

The drug Normalife acts on the cause of the painful state of the body, it cleanses the walls of blood vessels, thins the blood, restores its chemical composition, and helps strengthen the vascular walls.

Let's look at the main components (bud):

  • chestnut extract has venotonic properties, helps restore vascular tone, and prevents the appearance of a venous network;
  • St. John's wort extract helps cope with nervous tension, which has a beneficial effect on the body, increasing its immune strength;
  • Larch cleanses blood vessels and protects them from clogging with blood clots. The composition of the drug includes not only the bark of this medicinal plant, but also its resin;
  • bee venom has warming properties, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps relieve muscle spasms;
  • An extract from deer antlers fights cholesterol. It is responsible for the prevention of thrombus formation, which means it protects against a possible heart attack or stroke. This component also has immunomodulatory properties;
  • An additive in the form of an extract from white willow protects against the onset of diabetes. Its extract helps normalize blood sugar;
  • Gingko biloba improves metabolism, increases cerebral circulation, and helps normalize the patient’s weight.

Find out the price

Normallife instructions for use

The drug Normalife (Normalife) - blood pressure is normal from the first use and forever. The drug affects the cause of the disease, reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack to zero! Normalizes blood pressure in the first 6 hours thanks to bioflavonoids. Restores vascular tone and flexibility in 1 course. Safe at any age. Effective for stages 1, 2, 3 hypertension. The drug Normalife (Normalife) eliminates the 5 main causes of hypertension: nervous overload (stress, insomnia). The drug Normalife (Normalife): - eliminates anxiety because it contains chestnut extract, St. John's wort; waste in vessels. - improves heart function, cleanses blood vessels of toxins thanks to bioflavonoids from larch bark and resin; varicose veins and blood clot formation. — improves venous outflow, breaks down blood clots, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, because it contains antler concentrate and bee venom; increased blood sugar - reduces the amount of sugar in the blood, prevents diabetes thanks to larch and white willow extracts; excess weight. – promotes weight loss, improves metabolism and kidney function with the help of ginkgo biloba extract. The composition of the drug Normalife includes the following components: - white willow and larch extract, which reduce blood sugar levels, which prevents the development of diabetes mellitus in humans; - St. John's wort and chestnut extract, which act as a natural sedative, and they also contribute to the natural cleansing of blood vessels. In addition, extracts promote better blood flow to the brain. - antler concentrate and bee venom - strengthen the walls of capillaries and blood vessels, help improve blood flow in the veins, preventing the formation of blood clots. - Ginkgo biloba extract, which is aimed at improving the functioning of the intestines, kidneys and stomach. It normalizes metabolic processes in the body, preventing the development of obesity. - bioflavonoids obtained from larch resin and bark. They are also necessary to cleanse the blood and blood vessels of accumulated toxins and toxic substances. Bioflavonoids are aimed at improving the functioning of the heart muscle, as well as normalizing blood circulation. Indications for use: The drug Normalife (Normalife) is intended for use for the treatment of hypertension, eliminating the main symptoms of the disease: - Frequent attacks of headaches; — Chronic weakness, fatigue, malaise; - Insomnia and associated daytime sleepiness; — The appearance of irritability or apathy; - Swelling on the face; — The appearance of black dots (floaters) before the eyes or blurred vision at the time of the attack; — Development of arrhythmia (rapid heartbeat); - Increased sweating. The drug is prescribed not only for treatment, but also as a prevention of such conditions. It can be taken when the functions of the immune system are weakened, since the natural ingredients included in its composition help strengthen the body's defenses.

Directions for use: Taking the drug Normalife (Normalife) - 10 drops 2 times a day. Recommended course is 30 days.

Side effects: Taking the drug Normalife (Normalife) does not cause side effects or actions.

Contraindications: Normalife (Normalife) is contraindicated for persons prone to allergic reactions. Since the drug contains bee venom, the use of the medicine is not recommended if you are hypersensitive to bee products. Unlike chemical drugs, Normalife has a minimum of contraindications for hypertension; this drug cannot be taken in the following cases: - Individual intolerance to the components of the drug; — Arterial hypotension (low blood pressure)

Pregnancy: During pregnancy and breastfeeding, Normalife (Normalife) can be taken with precautions and under the supervision of a physician.

Storage conditions: Store in original packaging at a temperature of +4 to +25 ° C, in a place protected from light, keep out of the reach of children.

Release form: Normalife (Normalife) - drops for oral administration. Bottle: 10 ml.

Composition: Normalife (Normalife) contains: white willow and larch extract, St. John's wort and chestnut extract, antler concentrate and bee venom, ginkgo biloba extract, bioflavonoids obtained from larch resin and bark.

Instructions for the drug

Although the drug Normallife consists of natural ingredients, it can be hazardous to health if taken incorrectly. Each box of drops comes with instructions from the manufacturer.

How to take the drug? The recommended course of treatment is 25-30 days. Doctors offer 2 appointments (in the morning and evening). Single dose – 10 drops. During treatment you are required to abstain from alcohol and nicotine.

It should be remembered that any medicine has contraindications, normalife also has them, but judging by the reviews about it, they are minimal. The drug is not used to treat people with hypotension, or during pregnancy or breastfeeding. The components of the drug may cause an allergic reaction in some patients, in which case treatment is stopped.

Review of reviews about the drug

What do doctors and customers say about normalife? Reviews on forums and websites confirm the effectiveness of the product. The drug has no analogues, so you can only buy a fake at the pharmacy. Officially, normallife is sold only on the manufacturer’s website, the price changes periodically, and there are promotional offers. Therefore, there is no need to stand in line at the pharmacy; you just need to fill out the order form and decide the terms of delivery with a sales consultant over the phone within half an hour. In order not to worry that this is a scam, you can choose delivery by mail with payment for the goods upon receipt, or courier delivery (in Moscow and large cities).

Cardiologist from Kyiv, A.G. Willman about normalife:

Having observed patients with hypertension for many years, it became clear that all pharmaceutical drugs, except for lowering blood pressure, lead to the appearance of other, no less dangerous diseases. After the advent of Normallife, many patients independently decided to buy non-official honey. drugs, namely this herbal dietary supplement. The price for Normalif was quite reasonable, and the effect amazed me and many of my colleagues. The drug does not cause side effects and increases the performance of the cardiovascular system. It can be prescribed instead of some official medications for hypertension.

Neurologist Vadim Vasilievich:

also advises to pay attention to normallife. After all, the naturalness of the product is a guarantee of its safety. He says that in addition to lowering blood pressure, this dietary supplement relaxes the nervous system and helps put it in order.

Anna V., 48 years old, Stavropol:

I suffered from blood pressure since I was young, and already at 45 I realized that I couldn’t last long on pharmaceuticals, because the lists of prescriptions were quite long. This drug was recommended to me, but I didn’t know where to buy it. The product was not sold in pharmacies, so I had to turn to the Internet. First, I studied the doctors’ reviews, because I already had a bitter experience with Herbalife. The price for Normalif did not seem scary, so I ordered this product for myself. After the first course I noticed an improvement in my condition. I plan to continue to use it.

Vyacheslav G., 65 years old, Moscow:

Having taken a course of this remedy, I realized that all previous official treatment was in vain. I recommend purchasing at least 1 bottle to form your own opinion about the drug. The price of the drug is not so high as to ruin your health with cheaper chemicals.

Alla S., 35 years old, Novgorod:

I was in no hurry to purchase the Normallife product, because I heard that you couldn’t buy it at the pharmacy. But the attending physician said that the drug has a fairly good composition and few contraindications. I ordered on the website, received it and started treatment. Within two weeks I realized that I no longer needed many of the medications. My health began to gradually improve, my blood pressure dropped to normal levels. I think that Normallife is an excellent alternative to pharmaceutical products. I will continue treatment with them.

How does Normallife work?

After taking the drops, a tendency towards a decrease in blood pressure is observed within the first ten minutes; the effect of the drug is gentle and mild. The blood pressure returns completely to normal 20 minutes after using the medicine.

The duration of the preventive action of the drug Normolife lasts for six hours after use, maintaining the stability of the achieved result. Such a prolonged period of time between doses of the drug is convenient if the patient needs to leave home for a long time. In addition, the liquid form of the medicine acts faster than tablets; if the situation with a pressure surge is critical, it urgently needs to be stopped.

The homeopathic bioactive supplement Normallife is indicated for absolutely all age categories of patients; it has no side effects due to the absence of chemical and synthetic elements in the composition. The only contraindication is the content of bee venom for people who are allergic to bee products, or individual intolerance to any plant element. If an allergic reaction develops, you should stop taking the dietary supplement, take an antihistamine, and consult your doctor.

Due to the small quantities of the dietary supplement produced, it is still difficult to find it on the open market. You can purchase Normallife with a guarantee in a network of specialized homeopathic pharmacies or by ordering through the manufacturer’s website. It should be remembered that there are no imported or domestic absolute analogues (generics) of this drug; beware of buying a counterfeit. In terms of their therapeutic results, medications such as Captopril, Enalapril, Ramipril, Enap, etc. are as close as possible to Normolife.

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