Instructions for use of the drug Dibazol, at what pressure and how to take it

pharmachologic effect

The active component has antispasmodic, myotropic, vasodilating and short-term hypotonic effects. The active substance affects the smooth muscles of the blood vessels of internal organs, affects venules and arterioles. The drug is able to reduce the tone of blood vessels, lowering blood pressure and increasing blood flow to those areas of the myocardium that suffer from ischemia and hypoxia , which is observed in coronary artery disease .

Bendazole is able to stimulate synaptic interneuron transmission in the spinal cord, which allows the drug to be used in neurological practice. The active component also has an immunomodulatory effect , because similar to Levamisole , which belongs to a group of medications that stimulate immune processes. The immunostimulating effect of the drug is explained by the ability of bendazole to enhance the production of the endogenous form of interferon .

Composition of "Dibazol"

The active substance is Benzazole. The drug contains auxiliary components in the form of purified microchloride, milk sugar, potato starch, food additives and emulsifiers. All ingredients are safe, they do not cause allergies, they are responsible for a homogeneous composition and enhance the work of the main substance.

Additional components of the injection solution are: hydrogen chloride, which accelerates the absorption process of all components and liquid for preparing the injection solution.

Indications for use of Dibazol

Bendazole- based drugs are prescribed to patients who suffer from spasms of vascular smooth muscle tissue. The medication can be used to relieve a hypertensive crisis . When there is spasm of the smooth muscles of internal organs ( intestinal colic , peptic ulcer , pancreatitis , cholecystitis ), the severity of the pain syndrome decreases due to muscle relaxation.

Indications for the use of Dibazol in neurology:

  • flaccid paralysis syndrome;
  • facial paralysis;
  • treatment of residual effects of polio .

What do Dibazol tablets help with?

The tablet form has found wide application in medical practice: cardiology, neurology, therapy, gastroenterology.

The medication helps reduce blood pressure, relieve spasms and reduce the severity of pain that occurs due to spasms of smooth muscle tissue.

special instructions

During treatment, it is recommended to refrain from driving, as there is a high risk of dizziness.

Since Dibazol can affect ECG parameters, the drug is not prescribed to elderly patients.

During pregnancy, Dibazol can be prescribed for high blood pressure caused by gestosis or another disease, such as hyperthyroidism. The drug is not suitable for daily use; its use is indicated only in emergency cases.

The simultaneous use of Dibazol with drugs such as Clonidine, Reserpine, Phentolamine is not recommended due to a sharp drop in blood pressure.

The use of Dibazol with Papaverine is effective. These drugs complement each other and enhance each other's effects. The condition improves within 10-15 minutes.


Dibazol UBF is not prescribed for individual hypersensitivity to bendazole. In pediatric practice, tablets with a dosage of 20 mg of the active substance are not used.

It is not recommended to prescribe the medication to patients who suffer from arterial hypotension , peptic ulcer of the digestive tract with bleeding , or pathology of the renal system. It is unacceptable to prescribe bendazole to persons suffering from diabetes mellitus , heart failure (severe), or with reduced muscle tone.

Relative contraindications include old age (especially with long-term use). Prescribed with caution to persons whose work requires increased attention and concentration, because Possible loss of coordination and dizziness during treatment.

Release forms

Dibasol is available in tablet form and as a solution in injection ampoules.

Tablets contain 20 mg of active ingredient. Special tablets for children in doses ranging from 2 to 4 mg are also available. There is a blister containing 10 tablets in a cardboard package. The number of bubbles can be from two to four parts.

A clear, flavored injection solution available in 5 mg ampoules. 1 ml of solution contains from 5 to 10 mg of benzene. One package contains 10 ampoules.

Instructions for use of Dibazol (Method and dosage)

Dibazol tablets, instructions for use

20-50 mg 2-3 times a day for 3-4 weeks. Children are prescribed 1-5 mg once a day, the dosage varies depending on age.

Instructions for the use of Dibazol UBF in neurological practice

5 mg per day every other day, course 5-10 days. Treatment is repeated after 3-4 weeks. Further courses can be carried out every 1-2 months.

To relieve hypertensive crisis

Dibazol is used in ampoules at a dose of 30-40 mg. Injections can be given intramuscularly or intravenously. With a significant increase in blood pressure and exacerbation of arterial hypertension, 20-30 mg of bendazole is administered intramuscularly 2-3 times a day. The course lasts 8-14 days.

Description of the drug

These patients, who are hearing the drug “Dibasol” for the first time, are interested to know what case is prescribed, whether it increases or decreases blood pressure? "Dibasol" is used for arterial hypertension. The drug works on the walls of blood vessels. As a result, blood pressure levels decrease.

After taking the drug or injection, there is:

  • Dilation of blood vessels, which accelerates blood flow and oxygen supply to tissues;
  • activation of the spinal cord and brain;
  • lowering the lower and upper limits of blood pressure;
  • weakening of the smooth muscles of internal organs;
  • Production of interferon (hence, the drug has an immunostimulatory effect).

Improvement after taking the tablet is observed within 30-40 minutes after injection for 17 minutes. The effect of the drug is maintained for 3.5 hours.


When taking doses exceeding those recommended by the manufacturer, negative symptoms are recorded:

  • excessive sweating;
  • feeling of heat;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • drop in blood pressure.

A specific antidote has not been developed, so first aid for poisoning is aimed at reducing the absorption of the active drug from the lumen of the digestive tract by inducing vomiting, gastric lavage and prescribing enterosorbent medications such as Smecta, Activated Carbon, Polysorb and others. If a different clinical picture develops, stage-by-syndromic therapy is carried out.

For children, Dibazol for infants

For older children, tablets with a dosage of 4 mg are produced; for infants, solutions are prepared at specialized points in pharmacies. In pediatric practice, the medication is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • Muscular hypotonia , which developed after a difficult birth, as a result of prolonged hypoxia, hereditary pathology of the neuromuscular system, with various chromosomal syndromes.
  • Colic and spasms . The medication has a gentle effect on smooth muscles, relieving babies of pain caused by spasms of the smooth muscle tissue of internal organs.
  • Stress and fatigue . Dibazol is characterized by an adaptogenic effect , which makes it possible to increase the nonspecific resistance of the child’s body.
  • Flu , ARVI , colds . The medication enhances the production of interferon when the virus enters the child’s body.

Combination drugs with Dibazol

Combination drugs are widely used in medicine, including Dibazol:

  • "Papazole" based on papaverine and dibazole, 30 mg. Prescribed for vascular spasms that slightly exceed normal blood pressure.
  • "Theodibaverine" contains 20 mg of dibazole, 20 mg of papaverine and 15 mg of theobromine. It is prescribed for spasm of cerebral vessels.
  • "Andipal" is produced on the basis of phenobarbital 20 mg, dibazol 20 mg and analgin 25 mg. The drug dilates blood vessels, eliminates smooth muscle spasms and reduces pain.

All drugs have the same mechanism of action on the body; they relieve spasms, dilate blood vessels and safely lower blood pressure.

Dibazol price, where to buy Dibazol tablets

The price of the medicine is relatively low. The average cost of the tablet form in Russia is from 30 rubles. The solution costs a little more - about 40 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine


  • Dibazol solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration.
    1% 1ml 10 pcs. JSC Dalkhimfarm 34 rub. order
  • Dibazol-UBF tablets 20 mg 10 pcs. JSC Uralbiopharm

    49 RUR order

  • Dibazol solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration. 10 mg/ml 5 ml No. 10 JSC Dalkhimfarm

    51 RUR order

Pharmacy Dialogue

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  • Dibazol-Darnitsa 0.02 No. 10 tablets PrAT" Pharmaceutical company "Darnitsa", Ukraine
    8 UAH. order
  • Dibazol-Darnitsa 1% 5 ml No. 10 injection solution PrAT” Pharmaceutical company “Darnitsa”, Ukraine

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  • Dibazol-Darnitsa 1% 1 ml No. 10 injection solution PrAT" Pharmaceutical company "Darnitsa", Ukraine

    21 UAH order

  • Analgin-dibazole-papaverine No. 10 tablets INTERCHEM Partnership with additional coverage, Ukraine

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