Stressful situations in everyday life – is there a way out of the maze?

Depression is a common illness, affecting approximately 20% of people in developed countries. Her therapy includes an integrated approach, including the use of medications. The new generation tranquilizer Grandaxin for depression is prescribed in case of moderately severe symptoms. It has a gentle effect on the patient’s psycho-emotional background, while exhibiting a minimum of side effects.

Corvalol drops: composition

The drug contains mint oil, ethyl bromizovalerianate and phenobarbital.

Peppermint is known for its ability to have a calming effect on the nervous system. In addition, mint helps blood vessels dilate.

Phenobarbital is a special component that enhances the effect of other substances that make up Corvalol. In particular, it contributes to the rapid manifestation of a sedative effect on the central nervous system and the body as a whole. Thanks to phenobarbital, Corvalol makes it easier for a person to go to sleep, which is especially important after suffering stress.

Ethyl bromizovalerate is responsible for the antispasmodic effect accompanied by a strong sedative effect.

Drops contain alcohol as an auxiliary component.

Impact of Grandaxin

The main effect of the drug is manifested in the anxiolytic effect. It helps eliminate feelings of anxiety and fear, reduce emotional stress, anxiety and agitation, both mental and motor.

Tofizopam exhibits vegetative stabilizing properties to a high degree. With him it is expressed to the greatest extent compared to other tranquilizers:

  • normalizes sleep - eliminates insomnia, promotes rapid falling asleep;
  • restores blood pressure;
  • stabilizes heart rate;
  • reduces sweating;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates constipation.

The vegetative stabilizing effect is achieved by establishing a balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.

The stress-protective effect of Grandaxin protects the central nervous system from the effects of a destructive factor. It gives the patient a state of psychological comfort and provides an adequate assessment of what is happening. Protects against the development of unwanted vegetative-vascular reactions: tachycardia, vascular spasms, destruction of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Eliminates excitement.

Tofizopam has a coronary effect to some extent:

  • improves coronary circulation;
  • reduces the need for oxygen in the heart muscle;
  • normalizes metabolism in cardiac tissues;
  • increases the amount of oxygen delivered to the heart.

This ability of Tofizopam is widely used in the treatment of coronary heart disease. The drug stabilizes the functioning of both parts of the autonomic nervous system, and thereby improves the electrical conductivity of the heart muscle.

The psychostimulating effect of the drug helps restore the patient’s mental and physical activity. Helps improve cognitive functions, restores thinking abilities, improves mood. Strengthens the ability to resist the effects of unwanted environmental factors.

Grandaxin is recommended to be included in complex therapy as:

  • enhancing the effect of antidepressants;
  • to eliminate anxiety and panic attacks that can be triggered by starting to take antidepressant medications;
  • in cases where the dosage of antidepressants is insufficient, and increasing it is impossible due to the risk of adverse reactions.

The use of the drug as monotherapy is undesirable.

How many drops of Corvalol to take?

Most often you can find Corvalol in drops. It is sold in glass vials equipped with a dropper. Therefore, the question most often arises of how many drops you need to drink in each specific case. There is an opinion that it is correct to take into account the following calculation: 1 drop per 1 year of life. However, medicine says that this is wrong.

A single dose should not exceed 30 drops. Corvalol concentrate must be dissolved in a sufficient amount of water. The more liquid you take for dilution, the less pronounced the taste of the medicinal solution will be. In special cases, the single dose can be increased to 50 drops.

You can repeat the reception up to three times a day. It is important that the daily dose does not exceed 100 drops.

It is not recommended to take Corvalol as a course without consulting a doctor. Unlike long-term use, a one-time use during stress does not pose a danger to humans, however, constant use of the drug can also have a negative effect on the body.

Stressful situations in everyday life – is there a way out of the maze?

Modern fast-paced life is full of difficult, sometimes unpleasant situations that can throw a person out of his usual rut for a long time. The term “stress” is firmly rooted in the life of modern people and is almost considered the norm. However, despite its widespread prevalence, the insidiousness of chronic stress lies in its invisible and constant negative impact on the functioning of internal organs and systems. That is why this problem is currently receiving close attention from various specialists and scientists. What is stress from a scientific point of view?

Stress is a nonspecific reaction of the body to the action of extreme factors, any difficult or threatening situation.

Stress can be due to both negative events (for example, news of a serious illness) and positive ones (for example, a wedding). Why is this happening?

The fact is that, from a physiological point of view, the body reacts to any emotional or physical situation with the release of “stress hormones,” the most prominent representative of which is adrenaline. However, emotional experiences, the duration of influence of the stress factor and its intensity may vary. This is where the main difference and danger lies.

If the duration of the stress factor is short-term and is not accompanied by deep negative emotional experiences, then such mobilization of the body is beneficial - internal resources are activated, new ideas appear.

The situation is completely different in the case of chronic exposure to an unfavorable situation. The constant action of stress hormones leads to an imbalance of all organs and systems - blood pressure rises, blood glucose levels change, gastrointestinal tract damage is possible (so-called “stress” ulcers), etc. In addition, the psychological state of a person under conditions of chronic stress also leaves much to be desired - insomnia, nervousness, irritability, pathological fatigue, and depression appear. It is very important to recognize the symptoms of stress in time and minimize their impact on the body. It is important to note that treatment approaches for different symptoms vary.

We can conditionally distinguish 3 blocks of the impact of stressful situations on the body:

Excitement, irritability, nervousness

Despite the fact that irritability and nervousness can be independent manifestations of neurosis, fatigue or simply a bright temperament, you should not lose sight of the fact that they can also indicate problems in the nervous system. Increased irritability indicates that a person is overly excitable and his nerves are under constant stress.

It is necessary to help the body cope with this load. Of course, the decisive factor will be to eliminate the cause of nervousness or irritation. But this is not always possible; moreover, in difficult cases you may even need the help of a psychologist. In order to support the nervous system, you can use effective and safe medications that have a mild sedative and sedative effect. One such remedy is Corvalol Phyto. It gets its name from the plant components it contains, such as peppermint and motherwort. As you know, this combination has long established itself as having a “mild” sedative effect. It is important that Corvalol Phyto is a drug that includes a balanced combination of these phyto-remedies. A course of taking the drug Corvalol Phyto can help normalize the emotional background and increase overall stress resistance.

· Trouble sleeping, insomnia

Insomnia is a severe, debilitating condition characterized by insufficient duration or quality of sleep, or a combination of both, over a long period of time.

Insomnia can be a consequence of poor sleep hygiene, consumption of stimulating foods at night (for example, coffee, cola), uncomfortable sleeping conditions, etc. However, the most common cause of insomnia is stress.

The consequences of insomnia can be different - a decrease in concentration during the day, to severe disorders of the nervous system that require the intervention of a doctor, and often hospital treatment.

General recommendations include:

· Maintaining a daily routine

· Maintain food hygiene (do not consume foods and drinks at night that can have a stimulating effect on the nervous system)

· Providing good conditions for sleep: comfortable bed, pillow, ventilated room, coolness, darkness and silence.

· Sufficient physical activity during the day, etc.

However, these measures are often not enough, and there is no time to consult a doctor, while the state of insomnia can be quite painful and dangerous. In this case, products based on herbal ingredients come to the rescue. One of the most interesting is the drug Corvalol Neo. It was specially designed to combat insomnia and stress, and in addition to herbal components, it includes a small amount of diphenhydramine, which not only reduces sensitization of the body, but also has a mild hypnotic effect. It should be especially emphasized that the amount of diphenhydramine in the drug is extremely small - for example, the maximum recommended daily dose of Corvalol Neo contains less than 1% of the maximum daily dose of diphenhydramine.


Tachycardia - an increase in heart rate above 90 beats/min.

There can be many reasons for this phenomenon. Sometimes, tachycardia is a physiological phenomenon - i.e. The heart rate may normally increase during physical activity or emotional experience. In this case, increasing the frequency simply provides the body with an increased need for oxygen at a certain moment.

A completely different situation arises when tachycardia occurs due to the action of some pathological factor. In certain cases, tachycardia is a symptom of a disease (for example, thyrotoxicosis). In this case, tachycardia can be eliminated by treating the underlying disease.

But the most common reason in the life of a modern person is the same stress. The fact is that with prolonged stress in a person, the level of adrenaline is constantly increased, which causes the heart to contract frequently.

Why is tachycardia dangerous?

Firstly, rapid heartbeat reduces the efficiency of the heart, since the ventricles do not have time to fill with blood, as a result of which blood pressure changes (decreases or increases) and blood flow to the organs decreases, which leads to ischemia.

Secondly, the conditions of the blood supply to the heart itself worsen, since it does more work per unit of time and requires more oxygen, which can increase the risk of developing coronary artery disease and subsequent heart attack

It must be remembered that during stress, tachycardia is a symptom, and in order to stop it it is necessary to break the vicious circle of chronic stress and stress hormones. How to do it?

Of course, general measures to combat stress will not be superfluous - normalizing the situation, healthy eating, walks in the fresh air, etc. However, for successful treatment most often these measures are not enough and an integrated approach is required. It is advisable to add “emergency aid” means to support the nervous system to the above mentioned methods. One of these common remedies today is Corvalol. This is a drug that has been successfully used for decades to relieve episodes of “stress” tachycardia. The fact is that the phenobarbital contained in it in small doses, firstly, inhibits overexcited neurons, and secondly, it can reduce the heart rate. Let us emphasize once again that tachycardia can be a symptom of another disease! If such episodes occur periodically, over a long period of time, be sure to contact your doctor to carry out the necessary diagnostic complex.

Despite the advantages of classic Corvalol, it must be remembered that this is not a drug for continuous use. The fact is that regular use may increase the risk of dependence on phenobarbital, as well as increase the risk of side effects. In this regard, as an alternative to classic Corvalol, similar drugs with an improved composition without phenobarbital can be used, as is already practiced in Israel and Germany. These products include Corvalol Phyto and Corvalol Neo. They contain components of plant origin such as motherwort herb and peppermint oil, which have sedative, moderate cardiotonic and antispasmodic effects.


So, in the conditions of the modern busy pace of life, the problem of stress will always be relevant. And therefore, in the complex therapy of stress-associated conditions, it is advisable to include drugs based on herbal components that can affect various symptoms of stress: for example, Corvalol Phyto can be used to combat anxiety, irritability and excessive excitability; for insomnia - Corvalol Neo; for tachycardia caused by stress - as an emergency remedy - classic Corvalol with phenobarbital.


Due to the fact that the drug contains bromine compounds, an overdose can provoke:

  • depression;
  • rhinitis;
  • inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • lack of coordination;
  • drug dependence.

With prolonged use, patients note the appearance of dizziness, increased drowsiness, and the appearance of allergic reactions.

With liver failure, a rash may appear, accompanied by severe itching. Each meal will make the rash worse, even if Corvalol is stopped. Patients with phenobarbital poisoning note the appearance of edema, which indicates an exacerbation of renal failure. If such a reaction occurs, the patient should urgently call a doctor and, if necessary, be hospitalized.

Limitations and adverse reactions

Contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • severe forms of depression - with them there is a high probability of suicidal thoughts and actions;
  • phobias, obsessions - possible increase in aggression;
  • allergic reactions;
  • uncompensated respiratory failure.

The drug is prescribed with caution to elderly people due to their increased susceptibility to it. It is not recommended to use it at this age for too long a time.

The drug is contraindicated for children under 18 years of age. It can be taken only in rare cases after carefully weighing the need and risks. In this case, therapy should be short-term.

Taking the drug in the 1st trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated. It easily crosses the placental barrier and can cause developmental defects in the child. Grandaxin can pass into breast milk, so you should avoid breastfeeding while treating with the drug.

Otherwise, when it enters the child’s body, it accumulates and causes a sedative effect. The newborn's sucking reflex decreases, he cannot suck out milk fully, and loses weight.

Despite the mild effect of the drug, it still exhibits some side effects:

  • headaches, agitation and aggressiveness;
  • sleep problems;
  • confusion;
  • increased frequency of seizures in epileptic patients;
  • breathing disorders;
  • poor appetite, thirst, digestive problems;
  • jaundice;
  • muscle hypertonicity, muscle pain;
  • allergic manifestations.

In such cases, taking the drug is canceled.

Special reactions to the components of the drug

The following negative reactions were observed in patients taking Corvalol:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • constipation;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • increased weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • hallucinations;
  • headaches in the frontal lobe;
  • anemia;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • difficulty breathing.

How to recognize depression

As already mentioned, the drug helps get rid of depression, but not all of its forms. Grandaxin is taken only for mild to moderate disease with moderately severe symptoms.

During the course of the disease, several syndromes are distinguished:

  1. Emotional disorders: low mood, melancholy, anxiety and internal tension, pessimistic attitude; self-flagellation, lack of interest in the world around us, inability to have fun.
  2. Behavioral reactions: solitude, reduced activity; bad habits;
  3. Cognitive functions: inability to concentrate, slow thinking, decreased memory and perception; pessimistic thoughts, thoughts of suicide, low self-esteem.
  4. Autonomic disorders: poor sleep, appetite distortion, weakness and malaise, intestinal dysfunction; discomfort in the heart and other organs, headaches.

A specific indication for the use of the drug is reactive depression. It develops in response to the action of some traumatic factor. The condition is characterized by a consistently reduced emotional background and fixation on the problem.

The patient reproaches and blames himself for what happened, his conversations are aimed only at the problem. And, constantly analyzing it, he seeks support from those around him.

A person is worried about insomnia. And he is fully aware of his condition.

Attacks of despair and demonstrative hysterics are possible. Excitement reaches a state called “melancholic raptus.” At the same time, the person rushes about aimlessly, sobs, screams, and suicide attempts are not ruled out.

This state can be replaced by a depressive stupor, when the patient “freezes” in one position, not reacting to what is happening.

Is it possible to use Corvalol for VSD?

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is not a diagnosis, but this condition well characterizes the well-being of many people. It is accompanied by fatigue, dizziness that occurs with a sudden change in body position, including darkening of the eyes. Dystonia is a condition of blood vessels in which they do not have time to respond to a change from a horizontal to a vertical body position, and also cannot expand in a timely manner to allow more blood to pass through during sports activities.

In this case, the effect of Corvalol is explained by several factors:

  • mint makes blood vessels more elastic;
  • bromine reduces anxiety, which increases the symptoms of VSD;
  • phenobarbital enhances the effect of the other two components, improving sleep.

How to take Corvalol for herpes

The effectiveness of Corvalol against the herpes virus, which manifests itself on the lips in the form of ulcers, has been noted. It is important to use Corvalol at the first sign of a painful sore on the lips. In order to prevent the disease from developing, it is necessary to wet a piece of cotton wool or one end of a cotton swab with Corvalol and apply it to the ulcer. A tingling sensation will indicate that the drug has begun to destroy the ulcer. Alcohol, having a drying effect, will speed up recovery. You need to repeat the procedure several times a day until the tingling stops.

About Corvalol

Today we will talk about the well-known medicine “Corvalol” and its wonderful properties.

This drug is prohibited for use in the USA and Europe, as well as many other countries, since Corvalol drops contain the substance phenobarbital (luminal). It is this component that puts Corvalol on a par with narcotic substances. Phenobarbital belongs to the group of barbiturates, psychotropic substances that can cause addiction with long-term use. However, in the CIS countries Corvalol is still produced and consumed in enormous quantities, especially by older people.

To better understand where such a dual attitude towards this drug in the world came from, we need to start with the history of its creation.

Military doctors in Germany have long been looking for a super drug that will increase the combat effectiveness of the army, relieving soldiers of the fear of the upcoming battle. After much research, a drug was created based on a synthetic drug - luminal. The new remedy had the ability to quickly eliminate anxiety, nervous tension and fear. Germany began mass production of the drug in 1912. And until the 50s, it remained the most popular sedative (sedative) in Europe, and possibly in the world. It relieved spasms in epileptics, it was taken for insomnia, and women calmed their nerves. The drug had many contraindications; it could accumulate in the body, and suicides fell in love with Luminal as a reliable way to commit suicide.

Perhaps that is why the Germans were looking for an opportunity to reduce the harm from luminal while maintaining its beneficial properties. And in 1934, in pre-war Germany, valocordin was created - a composition of phenobarbital, hop and mint cone oil and a bromine compound with valeric acid. All these components had the ability to calm, dilate blood vessels, relieve spasms, give sleep...

After the war, in the 50s, the production of valocordin was restored in the GDR. Apparently, in difficult times, when millions of people were still recovering from the stresses of wartime, it enjoyed great success, which did not pass the attention of Soviet pharmacologists. And in 1960, at the Kiev Pharmaceutical Plant named after. Mikhail Lomonosov began to produce an analogue - the well-known Corvalol. True, the plant itself reported that the author of the drops was their chief technologist. Perhaps it was he who excluded hop cone oil from the “German” recipe so that it would not look entirely like plagiarism.

In united Germany itself, they stopped drinking Valocordin, but now produces it exclusively for the countries of the former USSR.

Currently in Belarus, a prescription is not needed for Corvalol or Valocordin. And this product is inexpensive. With these drugs, older people are treated with everything - heart, kidneys, joint pain, insomnia, hypertension, tachycardia - in general, the whole set that is often found in older people. Of course, phenobarbital does not cure anything. But the pain and discomfort really dulls, besides creating in the user a state of “I’m calm, nothing worries me.” However, this state of calm is temporary, lasting as long as the substance is present in the body. And then, to calm down, you need to take the drug again and again, steadily increasing the dose. And so, systemic use and psychological dependence are gradually and imperceptibly formed.

But often the psychological problems that force one to use Corvalol are much deeper and more serious than it seems to a person at first glance. Depression, panic or anxiety disorder, and dysfunction of the thyroid gland are often behind insomnia, anxiety, tachycardia, heart pain and a lump in the throat. And Corvalol certainly will not cure all these conditions. And in addition to the existing problems, drug addiction will add.

Moreover, once a barbiturate addiction has developed, quitting the substance on your own is extremely difficult and deadly. Barbiturate withdrawal is accompanied by insomnia, tremors, sweating, nausea and vomiting, a drop in blood pressure, as well as seizures and hallucinations.

Therefore, it is very important to understand that if you experience psychological discomfort every day or too often, you should not self-medicate, but go to a psychologist, psychiatrist or narcologist. This way you will receive adequate help and treatment faster. And as a result, maintain your mental health.

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