Tincture of pine cones with vodka for health and longevity

Traditional medicine has long used pine cones, pine needles, pollen, branches and shoots in its recipes to prepare healing elixirs. The components have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, cardiovascular system and the entire body as a whole. A special place is occupied by tincture of pine cones. The beneficial properties of the product, indications, and contraindications will be discussed further.

Beneficial features

Often, homemade tinctures are more effective and help cope with illness better than medications, since they are prepared from plants that themselves have beneficial properties and healing qualities. Let's figure out why a tincture of red pine cones made with alcohol or another alcohol base is useful.

  • helps neutralize the release of histamine, which means it helps relieve allergy symptoms;
  • Helps normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • helps to increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and strengthen them - due to this, the blood vessels of the brain are improved and memory is significantly improved, as well as the ability to improve concentration;
  • has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antimicrobial effect;
  • reduces the risk of tumor growth;
  • affects the reduction of blood viscosity, which is very significant in thrombophlebitis;
  • helps improve vision in people with diabetes and hypertension.

Patient reviews

Just recently my husband suffered a stroke. Terrible disease! After the blow, he was paralyzed, his speech and memory deteriorated. In addition to medications, the doctor advised taking pine tincture. Indeed, with her the recovery went faster and more efficiently. I recommend everyone to try this miracle remedy.

Galina, 56 years old

My father died of a stroke, so I know a lot about preventing the disease and improving the condition of blood vessels and arteries. Unfortunately, pine extracts do not work for me. After taking it, gastritis immediately worsens.

Georgy, 59 years old

I had my first micro-infarction when I was 50. I didn’t notice it right away; the diagnosis became clear only during a medical examination. Since then, I regularly drink decoction and infusion of pine cones. Until today, the disease has passed me by.

Victor, 62 years old
Pine is a valuable tree, not to use its medicinal properties would be a crime for health! Doctors advise starting preventive measures to strengthen blood vessels in advance, even in adulthood. Then such dangerous pathologies as stroke or heart attack will bypass you.


First of all, let's look at the beneficial substances that were found in pine cones during research:

  • vitamins C, P, K, and B;
  • trace elements: selenium, iron, manganese, magnesium, zinc, copper, iodine;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids: linoleic and oleic;
  • tannins.

Instructions for use

Research conducted by doctors has shown that tincture of pine cones and vodka, when used correctly, helps in the fight against numerous serious diseases, as well as their consequences.

Initially, this healing potion gained its popularity among patients who were undergoing a healing period of recovery after a serious and insidious illness - stroke. Let's take a look at the list of other diseases for which doctors recommend the use of this miracle tincture:

  • for rehabilitation after stroke and heart attack - the tincture helps stop the death of brain cells and increases the restoration of neural connections;
  • thrombophlebitis and varicose veins;
  • hypertension;
  • swelling of the hands and feet;
  • joint inflammation;
  • decreased immunity;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome, increased fatigue;
  • inability to concentrate, memory impairment;
  • constant severe headaches;
  • diabetes;
  • cataracts and blurred vision;
  • ulcer of the duodenum (period of remission) or stomach;
  • teenage acne (external use);
  • for colds or flu;
  • upper respiratory tract disease;
  • lung disease, including bronchial asthma;
  • oncology and tuberculosis;
  • for the prevention of cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

Combined tincture based on pine raw materials

The ratio of ingredients must be kept at 1:1.


  1. Pine cones and needles - any quantity
  2. Vodka – in proportion

Cooking method

  1. Place pine raw materials in a glass vessel and fill with vodka.
  2. Keep the mixture in the dark for 10 days, strain through a gauze filter.


In addition to its benefits, tincture of pine cones also has contraindications, which you must be familiar with before consuming this elixir. It is strictly prohibited when:

  • lactation and pregnancy;
  • exacerbation of duodenal or gastric ulcers and gastritis;
  • alcoholism;
  • kidney and liver disease;
  • individual intolerance;
  • for tumors without consulting a doctor.

People's experience

  1. An infusion of green pine cones is used for inhalation and rinsing for:
      sore throat, chronic tonsillitis;
  2. laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis;
  3. pneumonia, sinusitis, rhinitis.
  4. The crushed cones are poured with boiled water in a ratio of 1:5. Boil for 30 minutes, stirring, then leave for 15 minutes and filter through three layers of gauze. The result is a brown liquid with a pine smell and an astringent taste. For inhalation, the infusion is heated to 60-80 degrees. And they take 20-30 ml per procedure (for adults);

  5. This remedy helps with pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and laryngitis. Boil 30 g of young shoots or green pine cones in a liter of milk. Strain and drink in 3 doses throughout the day;
  6. Green pine cones can also be used for healing massage. Place them on the bottom of the bath and walk on them for 5-10 minutes. At first your legs will hurt a little, but you will get used to it and want to do it again;
  7. A decoction of cones is good for rinsing with sore throat, tonsillitis, and pharyngitis. For a runny nose and sinusitis, the nose is washed with it. Pour a glass of boiling water over the pine cone, boil for 15 minutes and strain. For the throat - half a glass per procedure. And 5-10 drops in each nostril.


In order to maximize the medicinal properties of pine cone tincture prepared with vodka, it is necessary to use young green cones, the length of which is from 2 to 4 cm.

It is best to collect medicinal raw materials in June-July, however, as a last resort, it is possible to use mature cones that were collected in August.

The fact is that open cones contain significantly less useful substances than young ones. If you were unable to purchase young raw materials, then herbalists recommend adding a few pieces of pine bark.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Wash the cones thoroughly in running cold water, and then lay them out on a flat surface to dry.
  2. Cut the dry cones in half and place them tightly in a glass jar. It is best to use a container made of dark glass, but if this is not possible, then a transparent or light-colored container must be wrapped in a dark, thick cloth. Approximately for a half-liter jar you will need about 8-12 cones.
  3. When the container is filled to the top, fill the raw materials with high-quality vodka, diluted to 45-50 rpm with medical alcohol or homemade moonshine of double distillation and high-quality purification. It is allowed to use alcohol with a strength of 90 degrees, but in this case the recommended doses must be divided in half.
  4. We seal the jar with a tight nylon lid, and then send it to a dark, cool place. Do not place the infusion in the refrigerator under any circumstances. A tincture intended for the treatment of goiter and anemia must be especially carefully hidden from light and protected from air. The fact is that when exposed to light, the iodine and iron contained in the infusion are oxidized, and the liquid becomes red.
  5. Let the infusion stand for at least two weeks, shaking it periodically. Doctors recommend infusing the drug for about a month or even a month and a half.
  6. Filter the tincture through a homemade cotton-gauze filter.
  7. Store the medicine in a dark, cool place. For convenience, the healing liquid can be poured into small glass containers.

Secrets of collection and preparation

Both old and young pine cones are used to prepare the medicine. Preference is given to small fruits up to 5cm. Raw materials collected in July are considered optimal. At this time, the specimens have already managed to collect valuable components, form, and become resinous. If you need to prepare a tincture to prevent stroke, then you need to use fruits collected at the end of summer. By this time, they will have time to accumulate the proper amount of tannin.

Preference is given to small fruits up to 5cm.

Before cooking, the glass container is washed and doused with boiling water. Before placing in jars, the raw materials are washed under running water. To get a more concentrated infusion, the green fruits must be cut into two or four parts.

Note! Herbalists and healers recommend collecting pine cones on Midsummer Day. According to legend, it is at this time that all the healing power is concentrated in them.


I propose to work together to figure out how to take pine cone tincture.

Standard Rules

  • Typically, pine tincture is recommended to be taken in a course that takes 21 days, with a break of one week.
  • The required dose during the prevention period is one teaspoon per day. When treating many diseases, the dose can range from 3-4 teaspoons to 3-4 tablespoons per day.
  • The medicinal potion is taken in the morning or half an hour before the start of the meal. It is also allowed to drink the medicine in the evening, at least 2 hours after eating.
  • After taking the tincture, you should not drink anything for half an hour. Afterwards, you are allowed to drink a herbal infusion with honey, green tea or rooibos .

Did you know? In order to check for individual tolerance, doctors recommend taking an infusion of 10 ml 3 times a day during the first week (30 minutes before meals or 2 hours after meals). People whose weight is above 55 kg are allowed to increase the norm to 50 ml per day. An exception to the rule is patients whose age is over 60 years - the first three days a dose of 3-5 drops per day is recommended, after which it is necessary to gradually increase the dosage to 10 drops.

When treating goiter

  • During the treatment of goiter, the recommended dosage is 1 drop 3 times a day for the first three days, then for one month - 3 drops 3 times a day.
  • The break between courses should be one month.
  • Courses are carried out until complete recovery.

When treating joints

  • During the period of joint restoration, pine tincture can be used both externally and internally.
  • When used externally, the compress is applied every evening until the pain completely subsides.
  • For internal use, it is recommended to completely exclude meat dishes from the diet and eat more vegetables.

For bronchial asthma and pulmonary diseases

Mix in one container:

  • 500 ml of infusion;
  • 100 ml liquid honey;
  • 100 ml of aloe juice (freshly squeezed from the leaves of the plant, which were previously stored in the refrigerator for three days after cutting).

We drink the prepared medicine one tablespoon 3 times a day.

For severe cough

The medicine promotes intensive sputum separation and rapid relief from cough. The process of preparing the medicine:

  1. Melt 20 g of pork fat in a water bath. You can use cocoa butter or regular butter.
  2. Add 10 g of liquid honey there and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  3. Allow the mixture to cool to 35-40°C, then pour in 20 ml of pine tincture.

The patient must drink the drug in one dose, then he must be wrapped in a warm blanket. This medicine is taken for 3-5 days in a row until the condition improves significantly.

For rash

  1. Dilute a small amount of tincture with cold boiled water, based on a ratio of 1:3.
  2. We wash ourselves with warm boiled water mixed with soda, and then treat the affected areas with a cotton swab, previously soaked in diluted pine tincture.
  3. If the skin becomes very tight, then an hour after treatment it should be lubricated with a moisturizer, without touching the areas affected by the rash.

Cream recipe

A cream that you can prepare yourself by mixing the following ingredients can also help get rid of the rash:

  • 50 g of lard, previously melted in a water bath;
  • 20 ml tincture of pine cones.

During rehabilitation after stroke and heart attack

In order to restore the previous mobility of the limbs, doctors recommend not only ingesting tincture of pine cones, but also carrying out a daily massage with rubbing a cream prepared according to the previous recipe into the skin.

How to collect pine cones (with video)

The benefits of the tincture directly depend on the quality of the raw materials.

The process of collecting cones has its own tricks and rules:

  1. For cones they go to ecologically clean areas, to mature pine forests. Park areas are considered only as a last resort. Cones collected near industrial facilities and highways can cause harm to the body.
  2. In the southern zone, cones can be collected as early as May-June, in the middle zone - in July, in the Urals and Siberia - in August.
  3. First, the tree is inspected; it should not be eaten away by insects.
  4. Cones are taken only from the tree; fallen ones are not collected.
  5. They should be green, resinous, dense, and easy to cut with a knife. If you don’t have a knife, you can pick off the bump with your fingernail or bite it. Size no more than 4 cm.
  6. Preference should be given to “female” cones; they are easy to recognize by their ribbed scales.
  7. If you collect more than you plan to use immediately, the excess can be dried or frozen. Most of the nutrients will remain.
  8. Fresh buds must be processed within three days of collection.
  9. Frozen and dried can be stored for up to 2 years.

See also: Strawberry orange smoothie

There is some debate about whether to wash the collected pine cones or not. Some of the resinous substances leave with water. But still, if the collection was not carried out in dense Siberian forests, it is better to wash the raw materials to get rid of potential contaminants and toxins.

Video - when to collect pine cones

Helpful information

  • Be sure to check out the -soothing tincture of 5 tinctures-.
  • It would be useful to find out what ginseng tincture is.
  • Many may be interested in information about calendula tinctures.
  • Get to know the miraculous properties of wormwood tincture.

Now you know about the medicinal properties of pine cone tincture, and you can easily prepare it with your own hands in ordinary home conditions. If you have already used this remedy to fight diseases, then write about your victories in the comments. And if you use this medicine for the first time, be sure to let us know if it helped you. Good luck and don't get sick!

Treatment of lung diseases

I am clarifying the recipe for treating lung diseases with pine tree resin:

  • you need to take 1 liter of milk, put in a piece of resin the size of a small walnut;
  • one or two green pine cones (pre-pierced in several places);
  • one pod of red hot pepper;
  • put in the oven to simmer for an hour or two.

You need to drink a glass hot, before bed, in small sips. Then take good cover. Treatment, depending on the severity of the disease, lasts two to three months.

My grandfather’s lungs were damaged (they were gassed during the German war). And he constantly drank grass, which, as I later learned, is called “common agrimony.” This herb is excellent for treating liver and kidney diseases. Increases immunity, cleanses the blood and restores its formula.

Of course, the grandfather did not know such words, but simply said that he “cleanses the blood.” Me too, I brew it like tea and drink it with honey. This miracle herb is available in pharmacies. Just drink for 2-3 months, and your general condition will improve.

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