Vitamins for veins and blood vessels: nutritional rules for maintaining health

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I would, of course, like to start with something encouraging, but no, the statistics do not: according to their data, the most common cause of death is diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Such disappointing information comes not from anyone, but from the World Health Organization, which all the more makes you think seriously and take yourself and your health into your hands. Moreover, this needs to be done as soon as possible, since this group of diseases now appears not only in older people, but also in young people and even in those who live in rural areas.

About healthy and diseased vessels

Healthy vessels are elastic, they respond to changes in the intensity of blood flow and, if necessary, expand or contract. If the vessels remain narrowed, then all other organs and tissues will receive less blood than needed, and, consequently, their nutrition will be disrupted. Also for this reason, the pressure “jumps”, since its normalization depends on the elasticity of the arteries and veins.

In addition to elasticity, the smoothness of the vascular walls is very important. If cholesterol plaques appear on the walls, blood flow will be disrupted, blood clots and other very serious consequences will appear.

Everyone probably knows about the consequences. These include:

  • cardiac ischemia;
  • cerebrovascular diseases;
  • diseases of peripheral arteries (supplying blood to the legs and arms);
  • rheumatic heart disease;
  • thrombosis (threatens further pulmonary embolism);
  • heart attacks;
  • strokes.

Vitamin K is the new black

There is also a certain fashion for laboratory research.
And if a couple of years ago omega indices were in the top, and recently vitamin D took the leading position, today our patients are increasingly being tested for vitamin K. In the USA and Canada, vitamin K is routinely prescribed to all children immediately after birth. Why is this trend only coming now, and when should you really get tested for vitamin K? Let's figure it out together with clinical laboratory diagnostic doctors Dr. Q.

What causes vascular disease and how to avoid it

In fact, there are quite a few reasons: excess weight, bad habits, a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, and excessive stress on the body. But I would like to pay special attention to nutrition, because those people who do not have the necessary minerals and vitamins for blood vessels in their diet most often suffer from various diseases.

In order to avoid the appearance of many of the ailments of the cardiovascular system already listed above, it is necessary to limit the consumption of fatty foods that contain large amounts of cholesterol: eggs, fatty meats, canned food, chocolate, butter. The emphasis should be on plant foods and low-fat foods, and if necessary, resort to dietary supplements or synthetic vitamins that strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Vitamins for cleaning and strengthening blood vessels and veins

  • P is effective for fragility of blood vessels, as it strengthens their structure and reduces the permeability of the walls. Based on this vitamin, many healing gels and ointments are created that are designed to reduce pain and relieve tension.
  • Group B - this vitamin strengthens the walls of blood vessels and maintains their tone. It also prevents muscle weakness and helps get rid of swelling.
  • B5 - with its deficiency, muscle spasms and pain appear in the arms and legs.
  • C – is responsible for maintaining the functioning of the immune system and stabilizing iron levels in the blood.

Now that you already know what vitamins are needed when blood vessels burst, weakness and swelling appear, you can consider a separate list of substances necessary for the health of brain vessels.


  1. Kodentsova, V.M., Namazova-Baranova, L.S., Makarova S.G. National program to optimize the provision of vitamins and minerals to Russian children. Brief overview of the document. Pediatric pharmacology, 2021. - T. 14 (6). — pp. 478–493.
  2. Sokolova, N.G. Pediatrician's Handbook. - M.: Astrel, 2013. - 480 p.
  3. Shikh, E.V., Makhova, A.A. Possibilities of regulating cognitive function in children using vitamin-mineral complexes, 2012. - No. 24. - P. 1188.
  4. Chambial, S., Dwivedi, S. Shukla, K. et al. Vitamin C in Disease Prevention and Cure: An Overview, 2013. - Vol. 28(4). P. 314–328.

B vitamins are mainly responsible for normal cerebral circulation.

  • B1 – deficiency of this vitamin is characterized by the rapid onset of fatigue, sleep disturbances and coordination of movements, depression, numbness of the arms and legs.
  • B2 is necessary during increased mental and physical stress, as it is responsible for providing energy to brain cells.
  • B3 is a vitamin that strengthens the blood vessels of the brain and is necessary for its normal functioning, eliminating the feeling of constant fatigue and memory problems.
  • B5 – activates mental activity, memory functions and helps normalize sleep.
  • B6 is responsible for the normal functioning of the entire nervous system, so it is included in almost all vitamins for veins and blood vessels.
  • B9 – if it is deficient, memory functions are impaired, frequent apathy and fatigue occur, and mental abilities decrease.
  • B12 - the main signs of its deficiency are: depressive states, senile dementia, increased excitability, aggressiveness, visual impairment and memory function. In order to maintain the health of the eyes and nervous system, it is necessary to consume this vitamin additionally for the period prescribed by the doctor, as well as when changing lifestyle and time zones.

Having looked at what vitamins are needed to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the functioning of the brain, let’s now find out what minerals and fatty acids are necessary to maintain the health of the cardiovascular system:

  • Copper ions of this metal are necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, which is the main protein in the blood. Copper deficiency leads to disorders of hematopoiesis, fat metabolism and phospholipid synthesis.
  • Zinc – helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels in the brain and lower extremities, as well as normalize blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Calcium – balances the nervous system and helps ensure healthy and restful sleep.
  • Magnesium is responsible for regulating blood pressure, the heart rate cycle, and also reduces the sensitivity of blood vessels in the extremities.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids – thanks to them, nerve impulses are transmitted from cell to cell. These polyunsaturated fats contribute to normal brain function, improved memory, and physical and mental performance.

Why is vitamin K needed?

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin and exists in two forms:

(1) Vitamin K, (phylloquinone), which is the plant form of the vitamin. The main sources are dark green leafy vegetables and vegetable oils.

(2) vitamin K2, which is a series of compounds synthesized by bacteria with unsaturated side chains of varying lengths; all these compounds are called menaquinones. Part of vitamin K2 is synthesized in the large intestine. Under the influence of bile acids, it turns into lipoprotein, which is delivered to the blood.

Its main functions:

  • ensuring normal blood clotting;
  • bone tissue formation;
  • maintaining blood vessel function.
  • Maintaining carbohydrate and lipid metabolism

The metabolic role of the nutrient is due to its participation in the modification of bone tissue proteins and the blood coagulation system. When starting coagulation processes, menaquinone acts as a stimulator of the biosynthesis of enzyme structures necessary for the formation of active forms of thrombin and thromboplastin. It also activates osteocalcin (a non-collagenous bone protein), which is involved in the construction of bone and joint tissue.

We solve the problem comprehensively

In order to prevent the occurrence of many dangerous diseases associated with disorders of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to influence your body in a comprehensive manner:

  1. stop the harmful hobby of smoking and alcohol;
  2. change a sedentary lifestyle to an active one;
  3. include mandatory physical exercise in your daily routine;
  4. improve your diet;
  5. use vitamin complexes for blood vessels.

All this can have a balanced effect on the body, which will help cleanse the blood vessels and restore their elasticity and smoothness.

All these rules should especially be followed by those people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle, the elderly (over the age of 50), as well as those who have an appropriate medical diagnosis, genetic predisposition, or suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Vision - the safest vitamin complexes for strengthening blood vessels

Of all the possible types of vitamin complexes that exist on the pharmaceutical market, Vision vascular vitamins have the most optimal characteristics for human health. You can safely include them in your individual “Program for the fight for vascular and heart health.”

And here, in fact, are their characteristics:

  1. they are made from environmentally friendly raw materials;
  2. 100% natural, absolutely safe and completely (98%) absorbed by the body.
  3. retain all beneficial properties thanks to the unique technology of cryogenic drying and crushing of plants - Arkopharma;
  4. their quality meets strict GMP and ISO22000 standards;
  5. each product is certified and tested by the Ministry of Health of many countries around the world;
  6. Methodological recommendations for their use have been developed from specialists from the Moscow Academy of Medical Sciences. DI. Sechenov
  7. they deserve only positive reviews from buyers and doctors in many countries that consume Vision products.

All vitamins for blood and blood vessels from Vision can be consumed without any fear for your health, since they will not cause the slightest harm to the body, will not cause an overdose and will not aggravate the disease.

Treatment of varicose veins with modern methods

Conservative or, in other words, non-surgical methods of treating varicose veins on the legs are used in cases where varicose veins are detected in the early stages and there are no consequences.

Conservative methods include taking specialized medications, wearing compression garments, following a specialized diet, as well as regularly performing the necessary set of physical activities.

Compression methods for treating varicose veins.

Special hosiery with varying degrees of compression, as well as elastic bandages, are used as compression underwear. Thanks to the special material, you can choose the degree of compression that is necessary in each individual case. Compression garments are worn during the day and removed only at night. It is important to follow all recommendations for wearing compression garments; for example, it is recommended to wear them in the morning, without getting out of bed. Only in this case can good results be achieved in the treatment of varicose veins.

An alternative to specialized types of compression garments is an elastic bandage. In order for an elastic bandage to replace compression garments, you need to master its correct winding. The bandage must be wound in a spiral, starting from the foot, with each new turn of the bandage half covering the previous turn. It is worth noting that an elastic bandage is not a complete replacement for specialized compression garments, as it cannot always provide the necessary degree of compression to improve blood flow in the legs.

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Treatment of varicose veins with leeches.

Hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) is one of the methods of alternative medicine in the fight against varicose veins. When leeches bite the skin and then suck, they produce a special substance, hirudin, which is a natural heparin.

Hirudin helps thin the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots. Currently, pharmacists are actively using hirudin in medications that avoid the use of leeches.

Sclerotherapy is the non-surgical removal of varicose veins.

The only way to cure varicose veins is to remove the affected veins. Until recently, only surgical intervention could get rid of varicose veins. The essence of the method is that the phlebologist injects a special medicine - sclerosant - into the affected vein using a thin needle. The drug creates a kind of plug that blocks the blood flow, which leads to degradation of the vein.

Thus, knowing the properties of different products and following the rules for creating a healthy menu, you can easily achieve a regular intake of substances that are beneficial for the heart, veins and arteries. This will help prolong youth, activity and vigor of body and spirit for many years.

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