Scientific facts about the benefits of red wine for heart and vascular health

Disputes about the benefits and harms of alcohol for human health have been going on between scientists and doctors for decades.

In many countries around the world, research is actively being conducted on wine and its effect on the heart and blood vessels.

The French serve as an example of the positive effect of alcohol on the human body. French citizens who drink at least one glass of red wine every day have the lowest rates of cardiovascular disease.

This phenomenon was called the “French paradox” and has repeatedly become the subject of scientific research .

Which wine has the most positive effect?

Drinking red wine is considered one of the unconventional ways to prevent cardiovascular diseases. The French, who have the fattiest diet in Europe, do not like to exercise and are heavy smokers, live significantly longer than other peoples inhabiting the continent. Scientists believe that this is due to regular consumption of wine.

English cardiologist William McCrea has been using this drink as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for a long time in his medical practice. He recommends drinking Cabernet to his patients with cardiovascular diseases. According to research, drinking this drink in limited quantities reduces the risk of heart attacks by 2 times.

Despite the large number of types and varieties of wines, dry red wine is used for the treatment and prevention of heart and vascular diseases. The composition of dark grape varieties is rich in polyphenolic compounds . They stop inflammatory processes in the human body and prevent the development of tumors.

Red wine made from dark grapes contains high levels of resveratrol, antioxidants and proanthocyanidins ( source ). These substances are believed to prevent the formation of blood clots.

Taking 200-300 ml of dry red wine 2-3 times a week improves the elasticity of blood vessels.

During the research, scientists identified a relationship between drink consumption and coronary heart disease. Drinking red wine helps:

  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • reducing blood cholesterol levels;
  • blood thinning;
  • reducing the risk of closing the lumen of the artery;

In a number of studies, scientists have found that dry red wine reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke and coronary artery disease ( source ).
The drink contains a small amount of sugar and a large amount of fruit acids. Thanks to them, blood pressure decreases.

Effects on the brain

In theory, wine improves blood circulation in the brain. But in practice, with frequent abuse of alcoholic beverages, there is a high probability of stroke - rupture of blood vessels due to excessive thinning of their walls.

Doctors say that a small amount of wine will be beneficial for those who suffer from migraines or hypotension . In other cases, you should not abuse it, and most of the beneficial properties of this drink can be replaced with ordinary grape juice.

Potential Harm

Any type of wine has the ability to dilate blood vessels, even in small quantities. This increases a person's heart rate and coronary blood flow. Excessive alcohol consumption contributes to:

  • Heart rhythm disturbances. (As a result of a disruption in the rhythm of contraction of the upper chambers of the heart, blood stagnation occurs in the left atrium. This causes the formation of a blood clot in its cavity and leads to an ischemic stroke).
  • Weakening of the heart muscle. (Leads to cardiomyopathy, which results in heart failure).
  • Increased blood pressure. (Leads to hardening of arterial walls. This increases the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction.)

People suffering from asthma are strictly prohibited from drinking strong drinks.

Causes of pain

Alcohol negatively affects the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system. An imbalance in the functioning of the muscles of the organ leads to chest pain. Muscle fibers are inhibited due to exposure to alcohol, and blood vessels react inadequately. The load on the entire cardiovascular system increases, toxic damage and metabolic disorders occur.

Those who abuse ethanol-containing drinks often complain of chest pain. Such symptoms are caused by spasms of the coronary vessels. The pain can be nagging or aching, of varying degrees of intensity. Sometimes even nitroglycerin does not help reduce the severity of unpleasant sensations.

A characteristic feature of this condition is that the heart may hurt even the next day after drinking alcohol. This also sometimes happens at night. There is heaviness in the chest, difficulty breathing, pinching or aching sensations. Sedatives will help you calm down and relieve pain: motherwort, valocordin or validol.

If, after drinking strong alcohol, your heart begins to pound strongly due to a hangover, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may indicate the initial stage of atherosclerosis and other serious diseases.

Sometimes heart pain can be triggered by other organs. Ethanol has a detrimental effect on the digestive system. Malfunctions of these organs cause unpleasant sensations radiating to the thoracic region.

Daily norm

The standard measure for drinking strong drinks is 14 ml of pure alcohol. Doctors do not recommend that women take more than 1 such dose per day, and men more than 2. The alcohol content in alcohol depends on its strength.

Don’t think that if wine is the safest and most harmless drink for the heart, then you can drink it in bottles. For wine, the daily consumption rate is limited to 300 milliliters. This dose is divided into 2-3 doses. Drinking 150 milliliters of wine before bed helps cope with insomnia. A glass of drink with lunch helps absorb the iron contained in food.

Important! When using dry red wine to treat the heart, you must use only vintage varieties. They do not contain fusel oils that are harmful to the body. The best brands of wine don't have to be very expensive.

About the benefits of beer

Another alcoholic drink that is credited with health benefits is beer. However, we are talking about so-called live unpasteurized beer, which is a rarity today. This drink contains yeast products, including B vitamins necessary for maintaining health, as well as zinc, which is involved in the synthesis of insulin and is beneficial for the skin and reproductive system. In addition, hop components, which are natural analogues of benzodiazepine tranquilizers, have a calming effect, which is enhanced in combination with phytoestrogens - plant analogues of female sex hormones.

The healthy dose of beer is 600 ml per day. However, it should be remembered that daily consumption of an intoxicating drink for several years leads to the formation of a bad habit, including due to the content of tranquilizer analogues. This is especially true for people with fair skin and hair. At the same time, beer addiction is more difficult to treat than addiction caused by stronger alcoholic beverages.

What else should heart patients include in their diet?

Nutritionists say that a properly selected diet can reduce the risk of heart attacks by 80%. To do this, the menu includes a number of products that have the ability to improve the elasticity of blood vessels, strengthen the heart muscle and have other positive effects on the human body.


Fruits are included in the diet to strengthen the heart muscle. The vitamins, minerals and fiber they contain help a person avoid serious vascular problems. Of particular value are 4 types of fruits:

  • Pomegranate - stimulates the blood circulation process, ensures elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.
  • Bananas are included in the menu for anemia.
  • Lemon - eaten for arrhythmia, heart failure, tachycardia and coronary artery disease.
  • Persimmon - the magnesium contained in this fruit helps to dilate the walls of blood vessels. Persimmon relieves tension in the heart muscle.

The vitamins B, A and C contained in fruits are of particular importance for the cardiovascular system.


Scientists have proven that beta-carotene contained in vegetables prolongs human life. Their daily consumption reduces the risk of heart attack. Some of the most heart-healthy vegetables include:

  • Onion. It influences the proper contraction of the heart muscle, dilates blood vessels, clears them of cholesterol, and lowers blood pressure.
  • Peppers. The diet includes sweet and bitter varieties. The antioxidants they contain stimulate the functioning of all internal organs. Peppers cleanse the body of cholesterol.
  • Tomatoes. It is recommended to be included in the menu for angina pectoris, hypertension, atherosclerosis, varicose veins and coronary heart disease.
  • Pumpkin. Normalizes blood circulation, cleanses the body of cholesterol and equalizes the water-salt balance.
  • Garlic. Contains more than 70 substances necessary for the heart. They stimulate blood flow and lower blood pressure, relax the walls of blood vessels and normalize blood circulation. Garlic is recommended for use for arrhythmia.

You can eat vegetables in any form. Vegetable juices are very beneficial for the body.


Fresh berries are extremely beneficial for the cardiovascular system; they fill the human body with vitamins. They play a huge role in boosting immunity. Especially useful:

  • Hawthorn - slows down the process of destruction of the heart muscle, relieves heart attacks, improves the body's oxygen supply.
  • Cranberry - the berry has an effect on the entire body. It improves immunity, stimulates blood circulation, cleanses blood vessels and strengthens the heart muscle.
  • Viburnum - a berry recommended for arrhythmia, nervous disorders and insomnia.
  • Grapes - thanks to this berry, it is possible to solve problems with hypertension and heart failure.

Viburnum and cranberries are perfectly preserved fresh for a long time. Fresh grapes are on sale all year round.


The value of nuts lies in the protein and saturated fat they contain. They help cleanse the blood of cholesterol. Walnuts and almonds are especially beneficial for the body. They contain Omega-3 lipids. Peanuts contain folic acid and resveratrol, which are essential for heart health.

Find the 10 healthiest nuts for your heart here.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits retain a large amount of useful substances. To enhance their effect on blood vessels, it is better to use a mix of dried fruits, consisting of dried apricots, raisins and prunes. Figs and dates are important for the heart.

Also, for the treatment of the heart, a healing remedy is prepared from dried fruits, walnuts and natural honey. One of the most effective remedies is Amosov paste.


The most valuable dairy product for the heart is cow's milk. It contains the lowest percentage of fat. It is recommended to consume only skim milk. The risk of heart pathologies and the development of atherosclerosis is reduced due to the potassium contained in milk. Milk is recommended for angina and hypertension.

Important! In case of vascular calcification, milk can be included in the diet only with the permission of a doctor.

Dairy products that are important for the cardiovascular system include: koumiss, sheep cheese, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurts and butter.


The value of fish is in the polyunsaturated fatty acids it contains. Mackerel, sardines and herring contain up to 30% fatty acids. They normalize metabolism and cleanse the blood of triglycerides. Regular consumption of fish in quantities of at least 100 grams per day can reduce the risk of stroke.

Read more about the effect of fish on the cardiovascular system.

bitter chocolate

Eating dark chocolate increases epicatechin levels in the blood plasma. This substance affects blood vessels and lymph nodes. Thanks to dark chocolate, the development of atherosclerosis stops. Black chocolate has been proven to have beneficial effects on the heart.


The spice has antibacterial properties. The plant is used to treat cardiotoxicity and other heart pathologies. Adding turmeric to food reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, protects against hypertension and toxic poisoning. Turmeric also improves the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

Flaxseed and olive oils

To treat the heart, it is best to use a mixture of oils. It contains substances that prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques and blood clots. Oils normalize blood pressure. It is useful to include them in the diet of people who have had a heart attack, suffer from atherosclerosis, anemia and angina.

Soft drinks

The most important drink for the heart is pure water. Lack of fluid in the human body is the cause of coronary heart disease. You need to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day. Heart-healthy drinks include:

  • juices (grape, pomegranate, tomato, cranberry);
  • green tea;
  • soy milk;
  • natural coffee.

When including these drinks in the diet, it is necessary to take into account their contraindications and permitted consumption rates. For example, it is not recommended to drink more than 2 cups of coffee per day.

How different peoples tolerate alcohol

It is believed that among dark-haired Caucasians with dark skin (with the exception of Mongoloids), alcohol dependence with regular use develops much more slowly than among people with fair hair and skin. This is due to the fact that dark-skinned people have the genes of peoples of southern origin, who were formed in conditions of eating large quantities of berries and fruits, which contain a lot of glucose, grape acid, fiber and pectin. These components undergo alcoholic fermentation in the large intestine, therefore, over many generations, the organisms of representatives of these peoples are adapted to microdoses of ethanol.

At the same time, fair-skinned and fair-haired people are carriers of the genes of northern peoples, who are accustomed to eating animal products and vegetables, which mainly produce fermented milk. For them, ethanol acts as a foreign substance, so addiction to it is formed gradually through other mechanisms. That is why, if you do not want to give up alcohol, fair-skinned people with blond hair are advised to drink less often to avoid addiction. The word “less often” means no more than once a month. At the same time, for dark-skinned, dark-haired people, subject to moderate dosage, the risk of developing alcohol dependence is much less.

Can I drink it to clean blood vessels?

Wine itself only slightly contributes to the cleaning of blood vessels, due to the presence of phytoncides (which improve the elasticity of the walls and reduce the likelihood of the formation of cholesterol plaques on them) and ethyl alcohol (it stimulates the breakdown of lipids that are part of atherosclerotic plaques).

But all this is relevant only when drinking small portions of wine.

Such “cleaning” of blood vessels should not be carried out in the presence of chronic liver diseases.

But this drink can be used in combination with other components , which specifically help cleanse blood vessels. Wine will slightly increase blood pressure and accelerate the breakdown of low-density cholesterol.

Teeth and gums are in perfect order

Spanish researchers have found that plant compounds, polyphenols, which are abundant in red wine, have a good effect on the condition of gums and teeth. I can’t believe it, but from a scientific point of view this is quite understandable. Polyphenols prevent microorganisms from contacting cells, thereby maintaining the health of teeth and gums and preventing the development of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. But to get this effect, you need to hold the liquid in your mouth for about a minute. Polyphenols are also present in some spices (rosemary, sage, thyme), olive oil, tomatoes, hazelnuts, pomegranate, cranberries, raspberries.

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