Sanatoriums with treatment of the cardiovascular system in Russia

Myocardial infarction is an acute ischemic disease of the heart muscle, which causes disruptions in the blood supply to the heart and the supply of oxygen and nutrients to it. In the absence of proper medical care within two hours after a heart attack, the risk of death for a person increases . Heart attack is the most common cause of death in ischemic diseases.

Cost of living

Patient's conditionPrice


Independent, capable of self-carefrom 850 rub.
Those in need of outside helpfrom 1300 rub.
Bedridden and seriously ill patientsfrom 1450 rub.

Improved conditions

Independent, capable of self-carefrom 1450 rub.
Those in need of outside helpfrom 1500 rub.
Bedridden and seriously ill patientsfrom 1650 rub.


Independent, capable of self-carefrom 1800 rub.
Those in need of outside helpfrom 1900 rub.
Bedridden and seriously ill patientsfrom 2400 rub.

Symptoms of a heart attack may include the following:

  • Pain in the heart area;
  • Rapid pulse;
  • Dizziness and loss of consciousness;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Manifestation of general weakness and drowsiness;
  • Nausea.

From the outside, you can notice that the person cannot concentrate and is very pale. Such symptoms should be a reason to immediately call an ambulance . When the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient must be hospitalized in a medical facility.

How to prevent first and second heart attacks

To protect yourself from heart attack and complications, you need to follow simple and well-known conditions:

  • Quit smoking, which causes damage to blood cells and disrupts the function of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Lower cholesterol levels to reduce the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques and the development of atherosclerosis, which causes a heart attack.
  • Pay attention to physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of gradual changes in the arteries, and then the appearance of atherosclerosis.
  • Stick to a diet. Excess weight is accompanied by the accumulation of deposits in the blood vessels and the gradual development of atherosclerosis.
  • Blood pressure control. A sharp change in blood pressure leads to micro-tears in the walls of the artery. They heal and become the site of fatty plaque formation. High blood pressure makes the arteries less elastic, which also increases the risk of atherosclerosis.

Rehabilitation after a heart attack

After a heart attack, in order to normalize the patient’s condition, it is recommended that he spend the first two weeks in a hospital setting, where he will be provided with proper care. Staying in a hospital after such an illness is very important for monitoring the patient’s health. After the condition has stabilized, the patient is discharged and can go home for further rehabilitation.

The main task for proper care of a patient after a heart attack is complete and unquestioning compliance with all recommendations of specialists .
In most cases, the patient is prescribed a considerable list of medications that must be taken according to a specially prescribed regimen. A person after a heart attack is practically unable to carry out any household chores on his own, much less monitor compliance with doctors’ orders. Such responsibilities do not fall on the shoulders of the patient’s relatives.

Sanatoriums in Russia with treatment of the cardiovascular system, how to choose the appropriate option

The main thing for the customer is not to focus on a loud brand or loud advertising, but to identify a list of purely personal requirements that the establishment must meet. And then see what is on the market that meets the stated requirements.

The following factors are most often important:

  • Price level. A kopeck saves the ruble. The question becomes especially important if you go on vacation and for treatment several times a year. In this scenario, using the services of expensive establishments may not be the wisest choice. Although, no one cancels the stereotype, the higher the price, the better the quality. But I still don’t want to overpay for a trip.
  • Programs.

Features of home care

For complete rehabilitation, the patient needs bed rest . For people who have suffered a myocardial infarction, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for a long stay in a supine position.

Also, the rehabilitation course includes mandatory protection of the patient from various stresses and experiences .
It is very important not only to provide high-quality and comfortable conditions, but also to provide moral support to the person so that he does not feel like a burden to his loved ones.

Recommendations on the frequency of the rehabilitation course

Only your attending physician can give precise instructions and formulate contraindications. It is worth understanding that recovery also puts some strain on the body. And it will be important to make sure that this action does not cause harm.

First, remember that after emergency intervention or during an exacerbation, long, grueling trips are generally contraindicated.

Secondly, literally “living” in a health center is also not a good idea. Many procedures are periodic. They can be used two to three times a year in complex conditions. The rest of the time you can stay in the health resort, but just for relaxation.

Having studied our small list, we can conclude that there are a huge number of cardiac sanatoriums where the heart, blood vessels, vascular diseases and other disorders of internal organs are treated in our country. And what is no less interesting is that the quality of their work has now significantly increased compared to ten years ago. Now, for such purposes, there is no point in leaving the Russian Federation; the European level of procedures and service can easily be found in Crimea or the Moscow region. To choose the best place for relaxation and treatment, contact the travel agency “Let’s go and fly” - we will organize your vacation in the best possible way at an inexpensive price.

Rehabilitation after a heart attack is the task of the Eden sanatorium

The modern sanatorium after myocardial infarction “Eden” in Moscow can provide a person after a heart attack with the most comfortable conditions and proper care . Our institutions provide high-quality rehabilitation after myocardial infarction, and provide all services for the patient’s full recovery. You don’t have to change your usual lifestyle to provide your loved one with quality care after a serious illness . Our specialists will do this for you.

Placing a patient for rehabilitation at the Eden sanatorium in Moscow and the Moscow region will provide a number of advantages:

  • The most suitable place for rehabilitation, near Moscow;
  • Clean ecology;
  • Availability of only qualified personnel in the institution;
  • Providing nutritious, healthy nutrition;
  • High-quality medical care and round-the-clock monitoring of the patient’s well-being.

We offer rehabilitation after cataracts to visually impaired people as well. The favorable atmosphere and high level of qualifications of the staff in the Eden sanatorium will allow you to quickly and effectively undergo rehabilitation and fully recover after a heart attack in the most pleasant conditions.

Back to the “Rehabilitation” section

Stages of cardiac rehabilitation: what the program consists of


Assessment of the clinical picture of the course of the disease, concomitant pathology and individual capabilities of the patient. Selection of an individual rehabilitation regime: gentle, gentle-training or training

This part of the program includes:

General clinical examination by the attending physician. Studying the medical history, identifying risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, examination, assessing exercise tolerance, psycho-emotional status, and the presence of complications from an incident or operation.

Functional assessment of the state of the cardiovascular system.

  • 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) to evaluate coronary circulation, rhythm, conduction
  • Echocardiographic examination of the heart (EchoCG) to assess myocardial contractility, central and intracardiac hemodynamics
  • Determination of the patient's functional abilities (stress tests - bicycle ergometry, treadmill test, 6-minute walk test)

Conducting laboratory examination methods.

  • Complete blood count to detect anemia, inflammatory response
  • Biochemical blood test to assess lipid spectrum, glycemic levels, renal and liver function (to exclude renal failure and liver dysfunction)


Management of patients according to an individual program and correction of treatment methods used based on the results of daily monitoring

The second stage includes:

Physical rehabilitation:

Training walking, therapeutic exercises in aerobic mode using a complex of cardio exercise equipment, therapeutic exercises in strength mode, therapeutic massage, swimming in the pool.

Classes are conducted under individual supervision. If necessary, amendments are made to the training regimens, and the patient can be transferred to a higher or lower level of training. In patients with a high risk of cardiovascular complications and concomitant severe pulmonary pathology, training is carried out using an oxygen concentrator.

Restoration of myocardial function, general improvement of the body using various methods of physiotherapy.

  • Magnetotherapy
  • Hardware breathing training
  • The use of balneotherapy (dry carbon dioxide baths, general and chamber baths, hydromassage, fan and circular showers)
  • According to indications, use of the method of external enhanced counterpulsation

Psychological rehabilitation.

Includes individual psychotherapy. Treatment is aimed at developing in the patient a sense of optimism, self-confidence, restoring a holistic internal image of oneself, and drawing the line between oneself and the disease.

The participants in psychotherapy are the attending physician, a psychotherapist, and the environment itself, nature, the rhythm of life and the friendly staff of the sanatorium.


Conducted simultaneously with stage 2.
Prevention of the progression of atherosclerosis (use of programs to combat risk factors for cardiovascular diseases) This stage of the program is very important, since even a minor change in the patient’s lifestyle can significantly improve its quality.

This stage includes:

  • Smoking cessation Methods: limiting the use of tobacco, motivating the patient and his family to quit smoking and not continue it, conducting interviews, using psychotherapy
  • Achieving optimal blood pressure values ​​Methods: correction of the diet, increasing the patient’s physical activity, drug therapy with the selection of drugs individually for each patient
  • Achieving an optimal level of blood lipid spectrum Methods: diet therapy in all patients, increasing physical activity and weight correction. Increasing intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. If necessary, prescribe drug therapy
  • Increase physical activity Minimum 30 minutes 3-4 days a week. Optimal regimen - daily training Methods: training walking on health paths, cardio equipment, swimming in the pool
  • Reducing excess body weight Methods: diet therapy, physical activity and training
  • Correction of carbohydrate metabolism Achieving optimal levels of blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin Methods: diet therapy, administration of glucose-lowering therapy, control of other risk factors (physical inactivity, excess weight, arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia)

When to contact a cardiologist?

You should visit a cardiologist for preventive purposes to prevent the development of irreversible complications. Alarming symptoms for an immediate visit to the doctor:

  • an increase in blood pressure above 140/90 or a decrease in blood pressure below 90/60;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • chest pain, regardless of nature and location;
  • sudden attacks of suffocation at night, shortness of breath;
  • arrhythmia;
  • nausea;
  • too fast or rare pulse;
  • paleness or redness of the skin.

Our cardiological sanatorium in the Moscow region (Solnechnogorsk district, Tolstyakovo village) “Orbita-2” offers a full examination of the heart and blood vessels, and if health problems are identified, undergo effective treatment, including treatment of varicose veins, recovery from past illnesses and after heart surgery.

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