Hawthorn tincture: instructions, use and preparation methods

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Herbal preparation. Crataegus plant includes organic acids (caffeic, oleanic, citric, crategusic, ursolic, chlorogenic), flavonoids (hyperoside, hyperin, quercetin, vitexin), carotenoids, fatty oils, tannins, triterpene glycosides, flavone glycosides, sugars, pectins, choline , beta-sitosterol and vitamins .

The active components of the drug reduce the excitability of the nervous system and myocardium, enhance the contractility of the latter, stimulate coronary and cerebral blood flow, and eliminate dizziness . Tincture of Crataegus flowers helps normalize heart rhythm, which is caused by a mechanism of action similar to that of class 3 antiarrhythmics.

Due to the presence of flavonoids and triterpene compounds, the drug has an antispasmodic effect, selectively relaxing the blood vessels of the brain and heart; hypotensive effect; helps regulate venous pressure, increases the reaction of vascular walls.

Research has revealed that hawthorn herbal preparations alcohol tincture and triterpene glycosides have a strong anti-atherosclerotic effect.

Tinctures of Peony, Hawthorn, Motherwort , Valerian have a similar effect.

Instructions for use of the drug

The main components of the tincture: the alcohol part and extracts of plant materials in the form of berries, dried herbs, leaves or stems. The most popular are formulations with chestnut, ginseng or rosehip. Advantages of the product:

  • availability;
  • ease of use.

Patients' adherence to herbal medicines is explained by their opinion about safety, in comparison with traditional pharmacological medicines. However, the use of hawthorn tincture requires special instructions.

It is preferable to use medicine from an official manufacturer, purchased at a pharmacy. When preparing the infusion yourself, you must follow the instructions and storage rules.

In what cases is it used and what are the indications?

The main indications for taking the tincture: functional disorders of the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous system.

In combination with medications, hawthorn drops are prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • neurocirculatory (vegetative-vascular) dystonia;
  • pronounced astheno-neurotic syndrome;
  • depressive disorder with hypotension, sleep disturbance, insomnia;
  • dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system;
  • disturbances of heart rhythms (paroxysmal tachycardia);
  • cardialgia in women during menopause (menopause);
  • attacks of migraine, dizziness and weakness;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome combined with frequent heart pain and general poor health.

Mechanism of action and beneficial properties

The alcoholic infusion of hawthorn has a complex effect on the body, normalizing the psycho-emotional state and strengthening the cardiovascular system. Useful properties of the medicine:

  • improvement of blood circulation in the arteries and veins of the brain, heart and great vessels;
  • increasing the sensitivity of the heart muscle to glycosides, which is effective in the treatment of pathological arrhythmia;
  • decreased excitability, increased contractility, due to which the heart rhythm is normalized;
  • elimination of vascular spasm, which improves cardiac and cerebral circulation;
  • moderate reduction in pain (effective for cardialgia - pain behind the sternum);
  • strengthening the protective properties of the nervous system, reducing irritability, increasing stress resistance;
  • helps eliminate dizziness, headaches, migraines.

Due to the alcohol composition, the effect after administration occurs quickly - within 15-30 minutes. The tincture is well absorbed and does not cause side effects if the instructions are followed.

Rules for preparing and storing tincture

Method for obtaining tincture:

  1. Prepare herbal ingredients: ripe dried fruits and hawthorn leaves. It is better to collect food in the summer: flowering in July, berries in August. Raw materials should be stored in tightly sealed bags made of thick paper or fabric to avoid insects or rotting.
  2. Take alcohol 70 degrees or alcohol 40% concentration (vodka), glassware. It is not recommended to use other drinks (cognac or liqueur).
  3. Mix in a concentration of 30 grams of pure dry raw materials to 100 milliliters of liquid. There are recipes that combine dried hawthorn in a ratio of 1 to 10 (alcohol).
  4. The resulting solution is infused in a dark, cold, dry place for 10 - 15 days.
  5. After straining, the resulting liqueur is poured into bottles and stored in the refrigerator. You can add honey to improve the taste.
  6. The drink should be consumed in the amount of 15–25 drops per glass of water, 2–3 times a day. The course lasts up to 2-3 weeks, depending on the disorder and severity of symptoms.

In practice, an aqueous analogue of the infusion is often used. The difference between these drops is their shorter shelf life. They use dry berries and flowers purchased at the pharmacy and independently prepared.

Water infusion recipe:

  1. In the morning, pour boiling water over 1 tablespoon of dry ingredients with a glass of water and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Strain and cool to room temperature.
  3. Store strictly in the refrigerator throughout the day.
  4. Take 20–40 milliliters before meals. For no more than 10 – 15 days.
  5. After a break (7-10 days), repeat.

How to take the medicine?

According to the instructions for the tincture, hawthorn drops are taken:

  1. Before meals, add the infusion to half a glass of water.
  2. Adults take 20-25 drops three times a day.
  3. Contraindicated for children under twelve years of age.
  4. After 12 years, the dosage is taken into account according to age, a drop of tincture for one year of life.
  5. The initial dose is 10 – 12 drops up to three times a day.

The duration of the course is determined by the doctor. In complex therapy, it is recommended to take hawthorn for up to 2–4 weeks.

Side effects

The main adverse reactions when taking hawthorn tincture are associated with individual intolerance to the drug or errors in preparation technology or violations in dosage calculations.

Characteristic manifestations:

  • allergic reactions, redness and itching of the skin, the appearance of a rash on the body or face;
  • general weakness, hypotension (low blood pressure), dizziness;
  • decreased potency;
  • drowsiness after a night's rest;
  • slow heartbeat (bradycardia), chest discomfort;
  • pain in the upper or middle abdomen, stomach or intestines;
  • unpleasant bitter taste in the mouth;
  • nausea, vomiting, belching.

If these side effects occur, you should stop taking the drops and consult a doctor immediately. Self-treatment is accompanied by the risk of undesirable consequences. Before using the tincture, you should consult a specialist.


Level 4 ATC code matches: Vasonate

Hawthorn fruit



Angiosil Retard


Lily of the valley tincture





Triductan MV

Trimectal MV





Tivortin Aspartate


Hawthorn (tablets) , Doppelherz Active Cardiovital, Cardioplant, Plantiscardio, Hawthorn Forte Evalar.


Hawthorn tincture is an auxiliary medicine used for the treatment and prevention of disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The herbal preparation has a general strengthening and tonic effect, improves blood circulation, general and psycho-emotional state. The therapeutic effect is observed when taken as a course. The remedy cannot be used as self-treatment for any already diagnosed pathology - use it only if it has been recommended to you by a doctor. Neglecting to take the necessary protocol medications will significantly worsen the condition, as will replacing them with tinctures.

Price of Hawthorn Tincture, where to buy

The price of Hawthorn Tincture 25 ml is approximately 14 rubles in Russia, and 3.5 hryvnia in Ukraine.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine


  • Hawthorn tincture 25ml Flora CaucasusFlora Caucasus OJSC
    24 RUR order
  • Hawthorn tincture fl. 25ml No. 1Kirovskaya f.f.

    60 rub. order

  • Hawthorn tincture 25ml JSC Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory

    20 rub. order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Hawthorn tincture (flask 25ml)Flora of the Caucasus

    23 RUR order

  • Hawthorn tincture (flask 25ml) Kirovskaya FF

    62 RUR order

  • Hawthorn tincture (flask 25ml) MFF

    21 rub. order

  • Hawthorn tincture (flask 25ml) Hippocrates

    16 rub. order

show more


  • Hawthorn tincture 100 ml PAT "Khimpharmzavod" Chervona Zirka", Kharkov, Ukraine
    9 UAH. order
  • Hawthorn tincture 100 ml PrAT FF "Viola", Ukraine

    9 UAH order

  • Hawthorn tincture 100 ml TOV DKP Pharm.Fabrika, Ukraine

    11 UAH order

  • Hawthorn tincture 100 ml PRAT "Fitofarm", Ukraine

    9 UAH order

  • Hawthorn tincture 100 ml PAT "Lubnifarm", Ukraine

    9 UAH order

special instructions

The list of diseases for which taking hawthorn drops is contraindicated:

  1. Patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer, enteritis), liver, gall bladder. The alcohol infusion irritates the mucous membrane and intensifies the inflammatory process.
  2. Women planning or already during pregnancy, as well as those who are breastfeeding. 40% ethyl alcohol and any alcohol in the composition disrupt the process of fetal ripening and easily penetrate into milk.
  3. Alcohol-containing products are contraindicated for transport drivers and persons whose work requires a quick reaction. Taking drops causes drowsiness, weakness, and decreased concentration.
  4. After traumatic brain injury, stroke.

The benefits of the herbal remedy that are written about:

  • natural composition;
  • vitamins A, C, E and B, fatty acids and microelements;
  • quick onset of action and effectiveness when taken regularly;
  • general strengthening, tonic effect on the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous system;
  • with a combination of alcohol drops and beta-blocker tablets - an effective reduction in blood pressure (for hypertension), at a high risk of hypotension.

The tincture can be harmful to health if it is used incorrectly from pharmaceutical products, or if it is prepared at home in violation of the recipe. Do not exceed the dosages indicated in the instructions or extend the course. If the condition worsens or one of the side effects develops, you should contact a physician, cardiologist or neurologist.

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