Use of a mixture of tinctures for the heart and blood vessels: indications and contraindications


Author of the article: Marina Dmitrievna


27 157

Folk remedies

No matter how hard people try to maintain health until old age, at some points they are affected by negative external factors that destroy the heart and nervous system. There are folk ways to protect the body from irritants, maintain a calm state, help with the appearance of neuroses, pressure changes, cardiac arrhythmia, vascular congestion, get rid of sleep disorders and stop taking random events in life to heart.

An effective mixture of pharmaceutical tinctures

Herbal components of a mixture of tinctures
A common and effective mixture of tinctures to support the functioning of the heart and nervous system consists of 5 tinctures of beneficial herbs:

  • Hawthorn (100 ml).
  • Valerian (100 ml).
  • Motherwort (100 ml).
  • Peony (100 ml).
  • Mint (50 ml).

You can add eucalyptus tincture in an amount of 25 milliliters.

Mix the pharmaceutical preparations, pour them into a dark bottle, add a few dried cloves. Leave for 5-10 days, stirring occasionally.

The medicine is taken five times a day 20 minutes before meals. The recommended dose is 25 drops. You can drink the mixture with a small amount of water. For non-acute symptoms or a healthy heart, it is not necessary to drink the drug daily for prevention. Can be used in case of stress, heart pain or nervous shock.

Taking the mixture

Admission rules

You need to take this heart cocktail three times a day every day. Dilute 30 drops of tincture in 50 ml of water. Drink half an hour before meals.

The duration of the therapeutic course may vary, it all depends on your condition. The standard course is 14 - 30 days .

There are no restrictions on the duration of use as such, but you should not get too carried away, since there is a high probability of developing addiction or an allergic reaction.

IMPORTANT! Before starting the course, you should consult with your doctor, since the tincture has contraindications for use.

Beneficial properties of the tincture mixture

A cocktail of tinctures has a lot of useful properties:

  • Brings blood pressure back to normal.
  • Calms.
  • Relieves cramps and spasms of blood vessels.
  • Effectively fights varicose veins.
  • Eliminates congestion in the veins.
  • Helps improve blood circulation in the brain.
  • Prevents the development of blood clots in blood vessels.
  • Enhances hematopoiesis.
  • Serves as a preventive measure against tumors.

The use of a mixture of herbal tinctures to strengthen blood vessels and the heart with Corvalol helps patients calm down, fall asleep in case of insomnia, relieve stress, and overcome nervous overexcitation. The composition regulates the tone of the heart muscle, can strengthen the vascular system and lower blood pressure, improves blood supply to the brain, and prevents the formation of blood clots. The remedy is recommended after nervous experiences and stress, during the rehabilitation period after heart surgery, strokes, heart attacks, with frequent shortness of breath, hypertension.

The benefits of a mixture of herbal tinctures for the heart and blood vessels are due to the fact that it consists of useful ingredients, which individually have an excellent calming effect on the body. Therefore, their complex gives an enhanced effect.

Super food for a super heart

Regular and nutritious nutrition plays an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. If you are not worried about cardiac problems, experts recommend eating 3-4 times a day. But if there are deviations in the operation of the “engine” (or “pump”), doctors advise eating fractionally – at least 5 times a day.

Preservatives, GMOs, refined foods, fried, smoked - all this is included in the list of foods harmful to the heart. It doesn't hurt to limit your intake of sugar and salt. But if we talk about what is needed for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, we cannot fail to note the following.

  • Calcium: important for transmitting impulses along nerve pathways, incl. from organs to muscles; participates in the process of muscle contraction and hormone synthesis, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Potassium: is a regulator of heart contractions.
  • Magnesium: a lack of this element leads to rapid heartbeat and irregular heart rhythm.
  • Zinc: regulates the flow of calcium ions into the heart muscle cells.
  • Selenium: prevents heart attacks, stimulates hemoglobin synthesis, normalizes hormone metabolism.
  • Vitamins: vitamins A and P strengthen the walls of blood vessels; B vitamins improve the tone of the heart and blood vessels, reduce the risk of arrhythmia, atherosclerosis and hypertension; Vitamin F normalizes cholesterol metabolism.
  • Coenzyme Q10 and omega-3 acids: reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, reduce total lipid levels, strengthen blood vessels, slow down the aging of the heart muscle.

The listed vitamins and elements are not all that the heart needs. And their significance is not limited to a brief description

It is important to understand that in the absence of these beneficial substances, cardiac problems will not be long in coming. Keeping a list of heart-healthy supernutrients in mind will help you enrich your diet with healthy foods.

Let's simplify the task even further by offering a list of healthy foods that should be in your diet. Eat them to never find out the way to the cardiology department of the hospital.

Valerian tincture

The plant was used for therapeutic purposes 2 thousand years ago. At that time, valerian root served as a diuretic and helped against suffocation. And during the Middle Ages, the plant was used as a heart remedy to help calm the nerves.


Modern doctors have experimentally proven that valerian helps relieve spasms of smooth muscles and reduces excitability. Therefore, it is so actively used as a sedative for stress, painful anxiety, nervous overexcitation, and sleep disorders.


This product can be used to combat free radicals that negatively affect the cardiovascular system and cause cancer. This is facilitated by a special substance found in mushrooms - ergotianine, which neutralizes free radicals. In addition to this valuable quality, mushrooms are able to increase immunity and reduce cholesterol levels, and their properties are not lost even after cooking. Mushrooms contain the following substances:

  • Plant fiber,
  • Plant proteins,
  • Vitamins of groups B, D,
  • Microelements: selenium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, iron.

Hawthorn tincture

The drug is useful for the functioning of the heart, as it increases the diameter of the heart vessels, ensuring normalization of the heart rhythm, activating its oxygen saturation. Taking hawthorn helps to overcome chest pain, eliminate symptoms of tachycardia and arrhythmia, reduce dangerous cholesterol levels in the blood, reduce excitability, and improve metabolism.


Hawthorn is recommended for people who often experience dizziness, shortness of breath, sleep poorly, and for women during menopause as an element of drug treatment.

Sedative herbs

For cardiac and vascular pathologies, sedative herbs are recommended in the form of dietary supplements, which are available in the ready-made Leovit collection. Taking the drug can reduce the excitability of the nervous system, but the duration of use should be at least one month.

Dietary supplement, which includes a complex of sedative plants

The drug contains medicinal herbs that have the following properties:

  • Motherwort (spasmolytic, calming effect).
  • Melissa officinalis (painkiller, sedative effect).
  • Valerian officinalis (improves blood circulation in the myocardium).
  • Coriander (has antispasmodic properties).
  • Hawthorn (improves heart activity).

Regular use of the drug helps stabilize blood pressure, restore heart rhythm, and eliminate pain in the heart area.

Motherwort tincture

Motherwort is one of the best tinctures for reducing blood pressure. The effect is in many ways similar to valerian preparations and even surpasses them. Strengthens the effect of the remaining components of the mixture. Motherwort tincture normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, has a positive effect on the heart, and helps in the treatment of heart defects, neuroses, and neuralgic pathologies. Recommended for fighting cough.


All herbal tinctures are sold at the pharmacy. They are inexpensive and not in short supply.


All 5 heart tinctures can be purchased at the pharmacy. The recipe for this product is as simple as possible:

  1. All the tinctures you take need to be poured into a glass container (you can choose a bottle for this). The components must be taken in equal shares.
  2. Add a little clove to the mixed tinctures (10 kernels will be just right).
  3. We close the drug with a lid or stopper and leave it in a dark place to infuse for 14 days.
  4. Do not shake the mixture under any circumstances!
  5. A hearty cocktail made from pharmaceutical tinctures is ready.

Cooking process on video:


Since the mixture contains alcohol-based tinctures, it is strictly forbidden to give them to children. The drugs are not recommended for people suffering from alcohol addiction, breastfeeding and pregnant women.

Without fanaticism, the product should be used by people who often drive, or those whose profession requires keen attention. After all, sedative tinctures have a pronounced sedative effect.

Important! Since medications made from hawthorn fruits and motherwort herbs have a lowering effect on blood pressure when used long-term, these medications should not be used frequently or for a long time by people suffering from hypotension.


Almonds and walnuts contain polyunsaturated fats, the most valuable of which is Omega-3 lipids, which regulate cholesterol levels and have a positive effect on the heart.

The use of foods with preservatives, genetically modified additives, and growth hormones, on the contrary, increases the risk of exacerbations of cardiovascular diseases, the development of atherosclerosis, thrombosis and other pathologies of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels. There are practically no useful substances in such food.

To avoid the harmful effects of such products on the body, you need to avoid eating processed foods and try to purchase organic farming products. The healthiest ways to cook food are boiling, stewing, baking in the oven or grilling. The most harmful ways to process food are frying, smoking and deep-frying.

Following the principles of a healthy diet, using natural products and home-cooked dishes will allow you to retain the maximum amount of vitamins and microelements in them, as well as save your finances.

Taking care of your heart will definitely make you feel great!

Author of the article:

Education: Diploma in Cardiology received from Perm State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenova (2015). Here I completed my postgraduate studies and received a diploma in Cardiology.

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What diseases most often affect blood vessels and the heart?

Atherosclerosis of metabolism, improper absorption of cholesterol and its deposition on the inner surface of blood vessels.

There are three stages of development of atherosclerosis:

  • spots and stripes;
  • atheromatosis (formation of plaques with a mushy substance and fibrous cap) – there is a high probability of plaque rupture and the formation of thrombotic masses;
  • atherocalcinosis – deposition of calcium salts on the inner surface of the vessel and on atheromatous plaques.

Hypertension is a long-term, constant increase in pressure in blood vessels, of the arterial type.

The increase in pressure is due to various factors:

  • vasospasm;
  • impaired elasticity of the vascular wall due to thickening and gealinosis.

Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury. The norm is considered to be pressure in the arteries during systole (contraction of the heart muscle and maximum ejection into the aorta), from 139 mmHg and pressure during relaxation of the heart muscle or diastole up to 90 mmHg.

These two pathological conditions, as a rule, accompany each other and aggravate the course of the disease.

Coronary heart disease is a pathology whose mechanism is based on insufficient oxygen supply to the myocardium relative to its needs. High risk of sudden cardiac death.

Clinical forms:

  • chronic oxygen starvation (in combination with hypertension, the lumens of blood vessels decrease, atherosclerotic masses develop on the inner surface) - with increased physical activity, an attack of insufficient oxygen supply to cells occurs.
  • acute oxygen starvation - the formation of an area of ​​necrosis of the heart muscle, as a result of complete blockage of the lumen of the vessel by a detached atherosclerotic plaque and thrombus or a sharp sustained spasm of the vessel.

Arrhythmia is a group of lesions of the cardiac conduction system. Characterized by irregular, irregular electrical impulses.

Depending on the clinical manifestations of arrhythmias, there are:

  • change in automaticity towards a slower rhythm (bradycardia);
  • change in automaticity towards increased rhythm (tachycardia);
  • change in the excitation of the electrical impulse (extrasystole);
  • changes in the conduction system of the heart;
  • decreased conductivity;
  • increased conductivity.

Myocarditis-inflammatory disease of the heart muscle:

  • infectious-toxic;
  • allergic;
  • other types.

Pericarditis - inflammation of the connecting heart sac:

  • spicy;
  • chronic.

Hypotension is a disease predominantly of young people, characterized by a periodic decrease in blood pressure below 100/60 mmHg:

  • acute form (fainting);
  • chronic form (long-term, usually secondary).

Why is it important to eat dried fruits for heart health?

Scientists have proven that dried fruits contain more vitamins and microelements than fresh fruits. If you give preference to foods such as prunes, raisins or dried apricots, then you don’t have to worry about your heart health, since these dried fruits contain substances that improve its functioning. In addition, these dried fruits strengthen the heart muscle.

Fruit mixtures are pleasant to the taste and contain many enzymes for an active lifestyle and longevity of a person.

Therefore, there should be no doubt about the benefits of dried fruits.

It is important to write down recipes correctly and follow the prescribed dosage so that they are truly beneficial.

A little about our circulatory system

Blood makes up about 7% of a person's total body weight and is the body's main transport system. The main “engine” of blood is the heart. Damage to blood cells, blood vessels, or the heart can cause serious health problems throughout the body.

What does the cardiovascular system consist of?

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In general, the cardiovascular system consists of 4 components: the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries. All of these components of the vascular system differ in structure. Arteries are vessels used to transport blood from the heart to active tissues. Blood is pumped from the heart under very high pressure into the arteries, which, due to their pronounced muscle layer, are able to withstand heavy loads. The lumen (diameter) of the artery is very narrow, which maintains blood pressure until it reaches the tissues.

Valvular veins transport deoxygenated blood (that is, blood without oxygen) from tissues back to the heart. The closer to the heart, the lower the pressure in the veins - this is what allows blood to return back. Due to the contraction of the muscles of our body, the blood gradually moves from places with higher pressure to the chambers of the heart where the pressure is minimal. And the presence of valves in the veins prevents reverse blood flow.

Finally, capillaries are small and tiny vessels that penetrate into tissues and organs. Due to their thinnest wall, they provide tissues with nutrients, oxygen and remove unnecessary metabolic products.

Products that increase the strength of blood vessels

The most beneficial products for the heart and blood vessels can be used to make a variety of tinctures. Products made with lemon are useful. Citrus fruit has antioxidant effects. Lemon helps improve lymph outflow and increases the strength of the walls. This fruit is especially effective in combination with honey or olive oil.

A mixture of garlic and onions helps replenish cholesterol levels and provides the body with useful microelements. In this case, the garlic should be infused in olive oil, and the chopped onion should be mixed with honey.

Walnuts are considered to be a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and minerals that improve blood circulation. When preparing various products, it is recommended to mix them with raisins and dried apricots.

Juices not only help cleanse blood vessels, but also stimulate the removal of toxins and restoration of full lymph circulation. It is recommended to give preference to the following juices:

  • apple;
  • birch;
  • orange;
  • beetroot with honey.

To increase the strength of blood vessels, you can mix 20 grams of valerian root with a small amount of dill seeds and honey. The resulting product is poured into 200 ml of boiling water. It is recommended to take 10 grams of the product before meals three times a day.


The benefits of such a nutritious product as berries in preventing aging are beyond doubt. Potassium, which is certainly present in all types of berry crops, is necessary for the proper functioning of the heart muscle. It actively resists edema, removing excess water from the body. Complete treatment of arrhythmia and heart failure is impossible without additional administration of potassium to the body.

Magnesium found in berries has similar properties. In addition to removing excess fluid, it helps lower blood pressure by dilating blood vessels.

Vitamin C helps protect and strengthen vascular walls, and vitamin P protects the capillary network, reduces its permeability and fragility of blood vessels. The fiber in berries helps quickly remove toxins and lower cholesterol levels.

Useful properties of berries:

  • Strawberries - contain pectins, tocopherol, folic acid, vitamins C, P, K, microelements (iodine, copper, zinc, manganese, iron, potassium). Eating strawberries helps lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, clear atherosclerotic plaques and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Effective in the treatment of anemia, gastritis, diabetes, stomach ulcers, and metabolic disorders.
  • Cherry – contains vitamins C, B2, B6, microelements: iron, fluorine, magnesium, potassium. With regular consumption of cherries, this allows you to significantly strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce blood pressure and blood clotting, and calm the nervous system.
  • Cherry - has vascular strengthening properties due to its composition, which contains vitamins C, A, P, pectin, glucose, nicotinic acid, iron, phosphorus, potassium.
  • Black currant is the leader in the amount of vitamins. For example, the content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in this berry is 15 times higher than in apples. In addition, black currant berries contain vitamins PP, K, E, B1, B2, B6, D, which are actively involved in the process of hematopoiesis and tonic the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Red currant - the exceptional property of this berry is the content of oxycoumarin, which allows you to regulate blood clotting. Reducing blood viscosity is an excellent prevention of heart attacks and strokes.
  • Raspberry - its berries allow you to normalize blood clotting and strengthen the blood vessels of the heart without the use of drugs. This is possible due to the rich composition of raspberries; they contain tannins and organic acids, pectin and trace elements (iodine, iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus), carotene, vitamins C, PP, B1, B2.

Who is it suitable for?

Of course, the remedy is not a panacea, and in cases of severe neuroses, serious disorders and pathologies of the central nervous system, it will not give a positive result. Here we need “heavy artillery” in the form of serious sedative synthetic drugs that are aimed at treating specific, serious pathologies.

A “cocktail” of herbal tinctures will not work for mild disorders and some emotional lability. If you get a little (just a little!) emotional while watching a movie, this is normal and such a state most often does not require taking sedatives. As a last resort, you can drip yourself a little of one herbal tincture.

A mixture of soothing tinctures will be a salvation for those who are exhausted by constant stress, for anyone who cannot sleep for a long time, for those whose emotional state ranges from irritation and aggression to apathetic and depressive states.

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