Composition of monastery tea for the heart and blood vessels: how the composition affects the body, contraindications and side effects

The heart is an organ that pumps blood and delivers it to all organs and tissues of the human body. The heart plays a key role in the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system. The functioning of the entire organism depends on the work and condition of this important organ. If previously heart disease mainly affected older people, today this problem increasingly affects the younger generation. The occurrence of various pathologies is possible due to the deterioration of the environment, poor nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, the presence of frequent stressful situations, excessive use of certain drugs, as well as the presence of bad habits.

To prevent heart problems, especially at a young age, it is recommended to take infusions of medicinal herbs. The ideal choice of such teas is monastery cordial tea. It not only improves heart function, but also has a positive effect on the nervous and circulatory system. It is also recommended to be taken by doctors in the presence of arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, heart failure, hypertension, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction and vegetative-vascular dystonia. In these cases, tea enhances the effect of medications taken to treat these diseases.

The heart can't keep up with time

The modern rhythm keeps our generation in constant combat readiness: family, work, training in the gym, dacha. Everything requires time, which is sorely lacking. In an effort to make up for lost time, a person subjects the body to monstrous loads.

A sedentary lifestyle has also become a scourge of time: in the office - at the computer, when traveling - behind the wheel of a car, at home - in front of a laptop or smartphone.

As a result, the cardiac system cannot withstand it. Statistics show the following bleak figures: over 90% of the world's population over the age of 35 have problems with the cardiovascular system. Humanity should think about solving such problems. Otherwise, the time allotted for life will be reduced, or most of us will become disabled.

An effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of these ailments is monastery tea or tea for the heart.

To help the heart

Monastic tea “Heart” has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. All the ingredients included in the drink will help relieve vascular problems and strengthen the heart.

What effect does the drink have on the body:

  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Helps fight sharp pains and eliminates them. Tea reduces the risk of heart attack.
  • It has a cumulative effect, and therefore has an extremely delicate effect on the cardiovascular system. Improves blood circulation and nourishes the entire body.
  • It has a calming effect, reduces cortisol levels and thereby reduces internal tension and stress.
  • Tones the entire body and helps cleanse blood vessels.
  • Eliminates swelling.
  • Promotes sleep. Restores the body in sleep mode.
  • The decoction improves immunity and reduces inflammation.

Unlike synthetic products, which have a large number of side effects and contraindications, the use of folk remedies has virtually no negative consequences. Problems can only arise if a person suffers from allergies.

Monastic tea for hypertension can be used as an addition to conservative heart therapy. The drink enhances the effect of traditional medicines and helps restore the body after long-term treatment.

The effect of herbal infusion on the cardiovascular system

No panacea has been invented for all heart diseases. But the facts show that monastery tea for the heart and blood vessels helps to cope with many similar diseases.

Let's give an example. Five years ago, an experiment was conducted in one of the clinics: 100 people who had heart “sores” of varying complexity drank this drink for 3 weeks. The results exceeded all expectations and amazed cardiologists: 93 study participants felt improvement, and many got rid of their diseases.

Having summarized the experience of using the drug, medical experts came to the conclusion that this collection helps against the following diseases:

  1. tachycardia and arrhythmia;
  2. angina pectoris and atherosclerosis;
  3. ischemia and high blood pressure.

This herbal mixture alleviates the condition of people who have had a heart attack. Observations and test results showed that while taking monastery tea, patients experienced the following changes:

  • blood circulation improved;
  • blood thinning occurred;
  • the walls of the canals became stronger;
  • the action of the heart muscle has stabilized;
  • blood pressure normalized.

The general condition of the patients improved: normal sleep appeared, the nervous system became calm, and vitality increased. Using a professional expression accepted in medicine, consumption helps to “clean the blood vessels.”

The absence of contraindications, the ecological purity of the natural medicine makes it possible to use the healing agent as a prophylaxis. The effect of its use is noticeable within three to four days: pain disappears and well-being improves.

This is a way to combat the “king of diseases” of recent years: myocardial infarction.

Beneficial properties and healing effect

You can use the monastic heart collection both for existing problems and as a preventive measure. It has the following effects:

  1. Blood pressure and heart rate are normalized, pain in the heart area and tingling sensation are eliminated.
  2. The heart muscle is nourished, its blood supply and the circulatory process as a whole are improved, oxygen and nutrients are better supplied to the tissues.
  3. The nervous system is strengthened, nervous irritability and anxiety are eliminated, stress resistance and the level of calm are increased.
  4. Blood vessels are cleansed and toned, their walls are strengthened, and the removal of toxic and harmful substances is improved.
  5. Swelling goes away, due to which heaviness in the lower extremities disappears, sleep normalizes.
  6. Inflammation of the heart muscle is eliminated.
  7. The cardiovascular system is saturated with all necessary and beneficial substances.
  8. The immune system is strengthened.

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Composition of monastery tea

Let's look at the components that are included in the assembly:

  1. valerian root, an excellent sedative;
  2. peppermint. Promotes normal blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure, alleviates cardiac pain syndromes;
  3. motherwort is also a good sedative. Stabilizes heart rhythm, counteracts neuralgia;
  4. hawthorn. The berries of this plant neutralize arrhythmia and bring calm.
  5. spiraea. Improves circulation in the heart vessels, nourishes the human “engine” with important microelements;
  6. rose hip. Saturates the system with vitamin C, improves taste;
  7. horsetail. Anti-inflammatory component, improves the quality of vascular walls;
  8. lemon balm. Reduces blood pressure and heart rate.

The effect of using the drink is due to the combination of these herbs, composed in certain proportions. All plants, as declared by the manufacturer of the collection, are collected in the high mountainous region of Abkhazia, where nature itself helps to cleanse our body.

Basic information

The majority of health problems are associated primarily with various heart pathologies.

Heart problems are a reason for decisive action.

Attention! The statistics are frightening; more than 90% of the world’s adult population (over 35 years of age) suffers from heart disease.

Among the dangerous pathologies of the cardiovascular system are:

  • damage to the membranes of the heart;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • acquired heart defects;
  • heart attack;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • ischemic disease.

The statistics pose another danger. Many patients do not suspect the presence of pathology because it occurs in a latent form or do not attach much importance to its symptoms.

Diseases are detected during a preventive examination; such an attitude towards one’s own health is unacceptable. It is important to remember the consequences of diseases - disability and death.

The provoking causes of the development of the disease may be different, but prevention of the occurrence of such ailments is required for all patients without exception. Some people are opposed to the use of medications, thinking that such drugs have a direct harmful effect on the body.

This opinion is not without reason, but there is a way out for supporters of alternative therapy methods. For example, Evalar bio tea for the circulatory system can significantly improve the patient’s well-being and has a positive effect on the main organ of the system. The advantage of this product is its composition. The tea meets all quality and safety criteria.

Medicinal tea from the company Evalar is an inexpensive but effective substitute for monastery fees.

Attention! You should beware of fakes; the video in this article will tell you where to buy a quality collection and what you should pay attention to when purchasing. The price of an original product cannot be low. A photo of the original packaging is presented.

A special recipe has survived to this day from the monks of the St. Elisabeth Monastery, and the final recipe for preparing the composition is kept as a secret. Everyone knows what tea is good for the cardiovascular system, but you should familiarize yourself with all its positive qualities.

Laboratory research

Numerous laboratory tests confirm that Evalar tea for the heart and blood vessels helps in the fight against various pathologies that cause damage to the body.

Laboratory studies confirmed the effectiveness of the phytocomposition.

Attention! In 2013, the medical institute conducted its own study in which more than 100 volunteers took part. They agreed to take this decoction according to the suggested recommendations for 3 weeks. The effectiveness of cardiac collection caused loud exclamations and admiration from leading specialists in the field of cardiology.

100% of subjects confirmed the effectiveness of the drink. All reported an improvement in heart function, patients suffering from arterial hypertension confirmed a stable decrease in blood pressure.

The first positive results from using the composition were noticeable on the first day:

  • the patients' heart rate returned to normal;
  • the stabbing pain in the heart area disappeared;
  • migraine did not bother the patients during the entire course of therapy.

A steady improvement in well-being was observed in 95% of patients; their pathology simply receded. In advanced cases, rapid progress was observed. No drug can compare with the effectiveness of healing tea.

Patients should pay attention to the fact that cardiovascular herbal tea should be consumed not only for medicinal, but also for preventive purposes. Of course, before using the composition, the patient must be examined by a doctor; only a specialist can assess the need for the drug and predict its interaction with the main drugs of therapy.

The effect of monastery tea

Tea for the heart and blood vessels, brewed according to the recipe of ancient monks, has a positive effect on various factors that ensure the normal functioning of the heart muscle.

The process of brewing a medicinal composition.

When consuming the healing composition in a course, the following is observed:

  • normalization of the heart muscle;
  • a steady decrease in blood pressure in hypertension;
  • elimination of pain in the left side of the chest;
  • elimination of pain and inflammation;
  • normalization of the circulatory system;
  • decreased excitability and irritability;
  • removal of toxic decay products from the body;
  • increased vascular tone;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • improvement of general well-being;
  • replenishment of essential microelements in the body.

Herbal tea for the cardiovascular system is approved by leading medical institutes of the Russian Federation. The product has gained the trust of patients who were previously disappointed with the quality of pharmacological products. A rating from a buyer is the highest measure of recognition, which is why the drink is rightfully a recognized component of therapy.

The effectiveness of the drug is confirmed not only by doctors, but also by their patients.

Main advantages

Herbal tea for the heart and blood vessels is a natural drink that contains only natural ingredients. All medicinal herbs collected for the preparation of the composition are environmentally friendly.

The undoubted advantage of the composition is its naturalness; unlike many pharmacological agents, herbal tea does not contain harmful components and does not provoke unwanted reactions.

The price of the drug is quite high, but this disadvantage is explained by the large expenditure of resources for harvesting. All herbs grow in ecologically clean regions and are collected by hand.

This therapy guarantees excellent results

Among the list of advantages presented to the patient who purchased the composition are:

  1. The opportunity to undergo a course of therapy in a comfortable, home environment, provided that you receive greater benefits than from therapy in a hospital setting.
  2. All herbs are collected and dried using special technologies, and this allows you to preserve all the benefits of medicinal plants.
  3. The tea contains only natural ingredients, so it can be used to prevent various diseases.
  4. The product has been certified in the Russian Federation, so the conclusion about its safety is justified.
  5. The composition of the collection is formed in such a way that all its components actively complement each other’s healing qualities.
  6. The finished mixture has a distinctive pleasant smell and taste, so you can take the drink instead of the usual black tea.

The patient should be aware of the availability of an inexpensive alternative to this drink - Evalar bio tea for the heart and blood vessels. the composition of both additives is not fundamentally different, but it should be remembered that monastery tea is prepared under special conditions. The drink from Evalar does not have so many well-deserved regalia, but can still be used to combat cardiovascular pathologies.

Composition of the miraculous collection

Tea for the cardiovascular system can be taken without any special restrictions. It contains plants and herbs grown in special conditions. The plant mixture does not have a negative effect on the human body.

Various herbs included in the medicinal collection.

The following table will help you understand the composition and beneficial properties of the herbal medicinal mixture:

Teas for the heart and blood vessels, its beneficial properties and composition
Collection ingredientMedicinal abilities
Valerian rootIt has an analgesic effect, calms, and has a positive effect on the activity of the heart muscle. The component is part of many medicinal complexes used for diseases of the cardiovascular system.
PeppermintIt has the ability to dilate blood vessels and this makes it necessary to take it for atherosclerosis. Calms, has a positive effect on blood flow in the body. Affects all life processes. Used to stabilize blood pressure.
Meadowsweet colorImproves blood circulation and nourishes the heart. The component is used for the treatment and prevention of many cardiac pathologies.
Hawthorn fruitsThey have a positive effect on the heart rhythm, normalize blood flow in the coronary vessels, eliminate insomnia, and relieve nervous tension.
Melissa officinalisIt has a calming effect, strengthens blood vessels, relieves tachycardia, and normalizes heart function. Significantly reduces blood pressure.
MotherwortUsed to combat neuralgic disorders. Relieves pain in the area of ​​the heart muscle. Stabilizes blood pressure values.
Rose hipHelps replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals in cells.
HorsetailImproves metabolic processes and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Returns tone to the walls of blood vessels.

The instructions for using all kinds of cordial teas and mixtures warn patients that the mixture must be prepared strictly following the dosage. Exceeding recommended doses can cause a significant decrease in blood pressure and heart rhythm disturbances.

Brewing correctly

The benefits of using this infusion can be obtained if the brewing technology is followed. Let's list the stages:

  1. a teapot made of porcelain, ceramics or earthenware should be rinsed with hot water;
  2. depending on the capacity of the dishes, the proportions are based on 200 ml of filtered or spring water per teaspoon;
  3. the liquid is infused for half an hour. At this time, it is advisable to cover it with a towel without covering the spout of the teapot.

The brewed potion must be drunk within three days, otherwise the healing properties will disappear.

Product Description

For the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, there is a special heart tea, the recipe for which is kept in one of the Belarusian Orthodox monasteries.

It consists of simple herbs and fruits, well known to every inhabitant of the middle zone. Many of them are included in pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of diseases of the nervous, vascular and other systems.

Monastic heart tea collects a lot of positive reviews from doctors and patients. They are based on many years of observation of the condition of patients and personal experience. In addition to simple reviews, there is official information about research on tea and its effect on the body.

The experiment involved about 1,000 people suffering from heart and vascular diseases to varying degrees. These are arrhythmia, coronary disease, heart attack, hypertension and others. For three weeks, patients took 2 cups of heart tea per day. After just a few days, many noted the disappearance of pain in the heart area and under the shoulder blade, the feeling of anxiety and insomnia disappeared. By the end of the reporting period, many symptoms disappeared completely, many had stabilized blood pressure, heart rate normalized, and emotional irritability decreased.

Heart diseases are getting younger and affecting people after 30

The official product description states that tea rarely causes side effects and most often they are associated with individual intolerance to the components and allergies to herbs. The indications for use of the collection include the following conditions and diseases:

  • heart failure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • IHD;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • myocardial infarction.

These diseases rarely manifest themselves with a clear therapeutic picture. They develop and increase over the years, affecting a person in old age. Thus, heart failure can signal its development with mild attacks of shortness of breath. A person attributes this to walking too fast, climbing stairs, or fatigue.

Arrhythmia can manifest as irregular heartbeats. At first, the rhythm may be active, indicating tachycardia, later passive, signaling bradycardia. Changes in heart rate respond very well to herbal treatment.

Coronary heart disease is a prerequisite for the development of a heart attack, which in turn often leads to the development of hypertension, and in severe cases, death. Any heart disease is easier to prevent than to treat. That is why, even with minor changes in well-being, you can drink a preventative course of tea prepared according to the monastery recipe. This will strengthen the heart muscle, improve the functioning of the vascular system and prolong a person’s life.

How to drink?

It should be consumed twice a day: morning and evening regularly for two weeks. Then take a break for the same period. At this time, it is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages, carbonated water, or coffee.

You should also not dilute the drug with water or put granulated sugar or xylitol in it. For those who have a sweet tooth, you can add a little honey.

All about the qualities of heart tea

This is a 100% natural product, which is collected exclusively in places where all conditions for the growth of medicinal herbs are created. Mixing herbs is carried out strictly according to the recipe. Only the most useful components are used in the collection, which only enhance the effect of each other.

The drink has not only a pleasant aroma, but also an amazing taste. Also, as already mentioned, it has only one contraindication for use, and to improve the result it can be taken along with your usual medications.

For the purpose of prevention, herbal tea will begin to have an effect already 2 weeks after the start of administration. It is easy to brew, and it is recommended to take it with you even to work or on vacation.


Svetlana Alekseevna: I bought cordial tea from the Siberian Health company. After 1 week it became much easier. Previously, I suffered from frequent pain in the heart area at night. As always, there is not enough time for examinations. I just decided to take folk advice and experience the power of healing herbs. I drank a whole course of this drink, I will repeat it in a couple of months.

Olga: I bought tea from Belarus for my mother while I was at an Orthodox exhibition. I took it in the hope of helping her treat hypertension. Mom is a skeptic, she trusts medicine more, but she drank tea, not in the right dosage, but still. It seemed to me that she became calmer, stopped getting up often at night, and didn’t touch the bottle of valerian. I hope there will be other more significant improvements.

Anastasia Pavlovna: I don’t feel any significant changes yet, although the course is coming to an end. They say that herbs tend to accumulate in the body and only then manifest their properties. Perhaps it will be so.

Konstantin: I have chest pain, apparently it’s neuralgia. I read in the instructions that tea is also indicated for this disease. Hope it helps.

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