Hypertension: treatment, symptoms, risk factors

Causes of hypertension

There is no clear reason why hypertension occurs. There is a whole range of circumstances that influence the development of this disease. Stress comes first, since during excitement, adrenaline is released into the blood, which increases blood pressure. If stressful situations happen infrequently, then they do not entail anything terrible. However, when nervous disorders are repeated one after another, vascular spasms become chronic, which leads to hypertension.

Another equally important cause of the disease is an incorrect lifestyle. This concept is very broad and includes many circumstances, including smoking, abuse of alcohol and junk food, as well as a sedentary lifestyle.

Self-medication is extremely harmful, which can also become one of the reasons for the development of hypertension. You should not prescribe any medications yourself, especially chemical ones, as this will not bring any benefit, but only harm. Improper treatment of hypertension causes stroke and heart attack, which is much more dangerous than the disease itself.

Briefly about the main thing:

Many people think: “Well, the pressure fluctuates, it’s okay. The pills “knock down” the blood pressure—everyone takes them!” But this attitude towards hypertension is dangerous. At first, pressure surges are not perceived by the body as something serious. But after a few months, blood vessels and the heart begin to suffer from attacks of hypertension. And very soon the diagnosis of “hypertension” is supplemented with the diagnosis of “IHD” - coronary heart disease. There is a significant risk of developing myocardial infarction or stroke.

It is hypertension that is the very “platform” on which these two formidable diseases develop. Therefore, if your blood pressure has started to jump a little, or you have already been diagnosed with hypertension, this is a reason to seriously think about your health and find a good specialist!

Because “tomorrow” may be too late - you will be chained to the daily use of four or five drugs, each of which, in addition to unobvious benefits, also brings obvious harm. After all, any usual pills have a large list of side effects - just read any instructions for such medications.

Symptoms of hypertension

The initial stage of hypertension often goes unnoticed, since the symptomatic picture is not bright enough. Patients report dizziness, tinnitus, increased sweating, flushing of the face, black spots before the eyes, and slight swelling. These symptoms appear only after physical activity or after taking tonic and invigorating substances, such as coffee and alcohol. After rest, the symptoms described above disappear, but over time, hypertension develops, and attacks become more frequent.

Hypertension progresses if treatment is not taken, and new, even more dangerous symptoms appear. Vascular damage to the most important systems and organs begins, including the heart, kidneys and brain. As a result, a person complains of a significant decrease in the quality of life: weakness in the limbs appears, vision deteriorates, and memory decreases. The saddest outcome of events is disability.


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The material was prepared with the participation of homeopathic physician Elena Yuryevna Sulzhenko. You can find out more about the author at this link.

Treatment of hypertension with classical medicine

In classical medicine there are two approaches to the treatment of hypertension. This is a drug treatment, in which chemicals are prescribed, and a treatment without taking any drugs, which means a change in lifestyle. Most often, both techniques are used in combination.

Treatment without medication

The first thing that the patient clearly needs to do is lead a correct lifestyle. No matter how strong the drugs are, whether homeopathic or chemical, in any case they will not bring the desired effect without changing your lifestyle.

The patient must follow a therapeutic diet aimed at reducing body weight and restoring metabolism. It is best to eat little but often the right foods. The ideal option is to completely give up alcohol or at least reduce its consumption. It is equally important to eat low-salt foods and increase your intake of nutrients such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. They are found in large quantities in fermented milk products and vegetables.

Doctors also recommend stopping smoking and limiting coffee intake. Exercise, including walking, is important.

Drug treatment of hypertension

Today there are many chemical agents that are used to treat hypertension. However, I would like to clarify right away that there is no treatment as such, the drugs only lower blood pressure. The reasons, sadly enough, remain, and medications become addictive over time. In essence, they only temporarily reduce pressure by dilating the main vessels. As a result, chemical medications only soften and delay the onset of the next attack of the disease. Patients who dream of getting rid of the causes of their illness once and for all get tired of constantly taking medications and turn to homeopathy.

Patient reviews

A cardiologist referred me to the Adonis homeopathy center for treatment of hypertension. He says that while the numbers are small, it’s better to get treatment from them. The fact is that at the age of 50 I have a whole bunch of diseases - arthrosis, emphysema against the background of bronchial asthma, ulcerative colitis. That’s why the cardiologist says – for now it’s better to see a homeopath. But what’s most surprising is that not only the blood pressure returned to normal, but also the knees and intestines! Now I’m finishing up my lungs! As they say, there would be no happiness, but misfortune would help!

Nikolay, 48 years old, Moscow

I am an experienced hypertensive patient - I have been taking pills for my heart and blood pressure for almost 12 years now. My liver began to hurt, I had a bitter taste in my mouth... I decided to reduce the amount of this chemistry on my own. A few days later I had a crisis - I almost had a stroke. I started drinking again, as the doctor prescribed. Again the liver, bitterness, constipation... My strength is gone! Then I typed on the Internet: CURE HYPERTENSION WITHOUT CHEMISTRY and saw the Adonis website. I decided to try it. I tried it. Happened! It’s been almost 3 months now that I haven’t taken any chemicals. Blood pressure is 140/85-90, pulse is stable – 78-84. There are no words for how pleased I am! By the way, both my liver and constipation were cured.

Olga I., 52, Sergiev Posad

If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please call! We work daily from 9.00 to 21.00 +7 (495) 120-28-54

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Treatment of hypertension with homeopathy drugs

If hypertension is accompanied by nosebleeds, then Aconite is prescribed in the third decimal, third and sixth dilutions. Aurum Iodatum in the sixth, twelfth and thirtieth dilutions also helps with hypertension.

Barita Carbonica is prescribed in the third, sixth and twelfth dilutions in cases where the patient is either silent and indifferent to his surroundings, or slightly overweight and endowed with suppressed activity (both mental and physical).

Patients suffering from cerebral atherosclerosis and hypertension are prescribed Barita Iodate in the third, sixth and twelfth dilutions.

Magnesium Phosphoricum in the third decimal, third, sixth and twelfth dilutions helps with headaches in hypertensive patients.

When hypertension is accompanied by cervical osteochondrosis and severe pain in the back of the head, Strontian Carbonica is prescribed in the third, sixth and twelfth dilutions.

Plumbum in the third, sixth and twelfth dilutions will help in case of hypertension of renal origin.

If hypertension has gone too far and the patient complains of weakness, memory loss and poor ability to work, then Phosphorus is recommended in the third, sixth and twelfth dilutions, as well as Kalium Phosphoricum in the third, sixth and twelfth dilutions.

If atherosclerotic damage to the peripheral arteries is observed in arterial hypertension, then you should start taking Plumbum Metallicum in the sixth, twelfth and thirtieth dilution.

Short, plump and early aging men suffering from arterial hypertension are prescribed Calcarea Carbonica in the sixth, twelfth and thirtieth dilution.

Homeopathic remedies such as Aurum Metallicum in the sixth, twelfth and thirtieth dilution, Coffea Arabica in the third, sixth, twelfth and thirtieth dilution, Crategus in tincture, third decimal and third dilution, and Gelsemium in the third decimal, third and sixth dilution are good for various types of hypertension and are used depending on what constitutional type the patient belongs to.

For arterial hypertension, Nux Vomica is prescribed in various dilutions, and in addition, Magnesia Phosphorica in the third decimal and third dilutions and Sanguinaria Canadensis in the third decimal, third and sixth dilutions.

When hypertension is combined with bronchial asthma, you should start taking the homeopathic medicine Viscum Album in the third decimal, third and sixth dilution.

The need to take Strontiana Carbonica in the sixth, twelfth and thirtieth dilution is indicated by pain in the back of the head, the causes of which are cervical osteochondrosis and high blood pressure.

Finally, in case of attacks of headache, heart pain and tinnitus during periods of hypertensive crisis, Veratrum Viride is prescribed in the third decimal and third dilution.

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