"Valocordin": indications, instructions for use, where to buy, reviews


  1. Story
  2. Action
  3. Phenobarbital
  4. Contraindications and complications
  5. Consequences of excessive use
  6. Signs of addiction
  7. The dangers of addiction

Valocordin is one of the most popular medications used to quickly restore peace of mind and improve heart function. It is sold without a prescription and can be found in almost any medicine cabinet. Meanwhile, it is not as harmless as it might seem. The product contains a serious substance with psychotropic effects - phenobarbital. If you take Valocordin excessively, the consequences can be disastrous, since it is addictive and sometimes provokes serious complications.

Harm of Corvalol.

With a single dose, the harm of Corvalol can only consist of possible allergic reactions, increased inhibitory effects of other medications taken, and overdose when taken in large doses. The main danger lies in cases of long-term and constant use of Corvalol. In such cases, the nervous system suffers: toxic encephalopathy develops with sleep disturbances, memory loss (even dementia), polyneuropathy; when Corvalol is withdrawn, convulsions and a withdrawal state with psychosis may develop. Long-term use of Corvalol is harmful with a high risk of developing mental and physical dependence, because, as written above, it contains two strong psychoactive substances: ethyl alcohol and phenobarbital. Treatment of encephalopathy and addiction caused by Corvalol may require hospitalization.

In conclusion, I would like to point out that medications should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous!

Corvalol contains two strong psychotropic components: ethyl alcohol and phenobarbital. With constant use, it causes dependence and the need to take larger and larger doses, and after stopping its use or reducing the dose, withdrawal syndrome develops. Be careful with Corvalol and you will be healthier!


Valocordin is a medicine that was created in Germany. Widespread sales began in 1934. After some time, the drug became available in the USSR, and then domestic specialists, based on it, created a medicine with a similar composition and almost similar effect - Corvalol. Currently, the medicine is no longer produced abroad, but is still popular in Russia due to its availability, low price and rapid onset of effects. It can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription.


Many people believe that Valocordin is a medicine for treating heart disease. Actually this is not true. The drug has a moderate sedative effect, calms and relaxes. Due to the depressing effect on the central nervous system, the state of the whole organism changes. Blood pressure decreases and heart rate decreases. But these effects are significant only for small deviations from the norm and do not eliminate any violations in the presence of serious pathology.

In addition, thanks to its calming effect, the drug helps against insomnia and eliminates excessive nervousness. In large doses, it relieves intestinal and stomach colic, but is practically not used for this purpose, since the consequences of an overdose of valocordin exceed the benefits of normalizing the functioning of the digestive system.

To improve the condition with a single dose, only 15–30 drops are enough, the result is noticeable within 15–20 minutes. With constant use, the required dose increases, the effects become less pronounced, which facilitates the use of large quantities of the drug. Along with this, another unpleasant effect is observed - valocordin does not cure, but only temporarily eliminates the symptoms. The person does not go to the doctor, but “suppresses” the disease, which continues to progress, destroying the body.

"Valocordin": composition, description

"Valocordin" is a drug containing 2 active ingredients;

  • phenobarbital;
  • ethyl bromoisovalerate.

Additional ingredients include water, ethyl alcohol, mint and hop oil. They give the product a characteristic smell.

Available in the form of drops that are taken orally. The bottle is glass, dark, the volume can be 20 or 50 ml. Has a sedative effect, reduces blood pressure. May have a slight hypnotic effect. The product is not produced in tablets.

The container can be stored at a standard temperature of no more than 25 and no less than 15 degrees Celsius. The place should be dark. Access for children is prohibited. The shelf life of the drug is 5 years.

The active components of Valocordin lead to a decrease in the intensity of excitation processes in the nervous system. Due to this, the person calms down, and sleep can come faster due to natural physiological reasons. In addition, the drug acts as an antispasmodic, counteracting sudden compression of blood vessels. Due to this, it slightly reduces blood pressure.


The seemingly harmless, easily accessible “penny” drops contain a substance from the barbiturate group, which has a pronounced psychotropic effect. The main consumers of valocordin are elderly people who are accustomed to trusting familiar things and often do not know or do not take into account the fact of the presence of phenobarbital in a medicine known since childhood. Meanwhile, barbiturates can be addictive.

Another category of Valocordin “lovers” are drug addicts who want to enhance the effects of other drugs or to more easily endure withdrawal symptoms in the absence of the right drug. They are well aware of the composition of the drops, which is why they are purchased and taken in doses many times higher than therapeutic ones.

Contraindications and complications

Failure to follow the recommendations when taking medication can lead to dangerous consequences. To prevent this, you should read the instructions before starting treatment. The medicine should not be taken if you have kidney or liver failure, or while pregnant or breastfeeding.

After using the product, it is better to refrain from driving a car or operating dangerous machinery, as it slows down the reaction and impairs the ability to concentrate. If you take Valocordin and alcohol at the same time, the consequences can be tragic . These substances are incompatible - the medicine makes ethanol more toxic, as a result of which severe alcohol poisoning occurs even when drinking a moderate dose of alcohol.

Instructions for use "Valocordin"

The drug is taken orally before meals, washed down with water. Single and daily dosage is established by the doctor depending on the gender, age, and condition of the patient. The instructions for the drug say that Valocordin should be taken 15-20 drops, with the maximum number of such doses being 3 times a day.

If the main goal of treatment is to eliminate sleep disorders, the dosage can be increased to 30 drops. Take it the night before bedtime. Simultaneous use with alcohol, caffeine and other psychostimulants is prohibited.

Excessive use

Taking large doses can provoke complications from the central nervous system and internal organs. Negative effects can be divided into three groups , corresponding to the degrees of phenobarbital poisoning.

  • Easy. Characterized by weakness, passivity, drowsiness, slow speech, decreased ability to concentrate. Digestive disorders and the development of allergic skin reactions: swelling, redness, rashes may occur.
  • Medium-heavy. There is marked muscle weakness, hypotension, and slight hyperthermia. The person falls into deep sleep lasting from 1 to 2 days. Awakening is impossible or difficult and ineffective due to inhibition and inability to make productive contact.
  • Heavy. Depression of the respiratory center results in respiratory and cardiovascular disorders. A barbiturate coma with the development of acute heart failure and pulmonary edema cannot be ruled out. There is a serious threat to life, and in the absence of urgent medical care, death is possible.

With regular, long-term use, addiction develops - a person begins to take Valocordin not to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but for pleasure and relaxation.

Indications for use

The drug is used to relieve symptoms of various pathologies of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, including:

  • cardialgia;
  • sinus type tachycardia;
  • regular problems falling asleep;
  • excited states with a strong vegetative reaction;
  • anxiety, increased anxiety;
  • constant state of fear;
  • neurosis;
  • irritability.

Signs of addiction

The following symptoms indicate the development of pathological addiction:

  • constant use of drops under any pretext and even in minor stressful situations;
  • ritual behavior: a sense of the importance of the action, careful preparation for the reception, priority over other matters;
  • a person's inability to sleep or calm down without medication;
  • gradual increase in dose, noticeable by the number of bubbles in the first aid kit and in the trash;
  • the tendency to create a stock by buying several pieces at once;
  • restlessness, depression and irritability when the drug runs out or is unavailable.

The dangers of addiction

If a patient constantly uses Valocordin, the consequences may include:

  • Decreased cognitive function. The intellect suffers, memory deteriorates, the person becomes distracted and unable to concentrate.
  • Mental disorders. The development of depressive and anxiety disorders, panic attacks and paranoid moods is possible. People suffer from increased drowsiness or, on the contrary, insomnia.
  • Overdose. The accumulation of phenobarbital in the body, combined with the habit of choosing a dose “by eye,” can cause an unexpected overdose, which in older people is often complicated by respiratory disorders and can cause death.
  • Accidents. Lethargy, drowsiness, slow reactions and inattention lead to unpleasant and sometimes tragic incidents. People forget to turn off the water, gas or electric stove, do not lock the door, fall or get hit by a car.

Absent-mindedness and forgetfulness should not be attributed to age or fatigue. If you or a loved one taking Valocordin have similar symptoms, you should see a doctor to understand the reasons.

Overdose: main symptoms

In case of overdose, increased drowsiness, dizziness, and decreased performance are observed. In case of severe overdose, more severe consequences may occur:

  • pressure drop;
  • coma;
  • respiratory system disorder;
  • vascular dysfunction;
  • decreased manifestation of peripheral reflexes.

In this case, you should immediately seek medical help. Before the ambulance arrives, the patient must be laid down, ensuring complete rest. If possible, give several tablets of activated carbon and drink them with plenty of water.

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