Does eating chocolate increase or decrease blood pressure?

Almost everyone loves chocolate, and 99 percent of people consume it on a regular basis. Another percentage has a dislike for cocoa-based products, but, for sure, they sometimes buy a bar of this delicacy in the store. Chocolate desserts, hot cocoa drinks, sweet bars of milk, white or bitter - all this has long become a part of the life of the average person. Despite its undoubted popularity among the population, this product is controversial.

Eating chocolate

Some attribute positive properties to it and recommend consuming it in excess quantities and as often as possible, others believe that it has a negative effect on the body and advise completely eliminating it from your daily diet. Both of these statements are fundamentally wrong, because they address two directly opposing opinions without considering the “golden mean.” Consuming cocoa in too large quantities can indeed lead to health problems, but it would be wrong to completely give it up - its consumption has many positive effects, and, moreover, it tastes good. Of course, we do not recommend eating chocolate to people with diabetes or those who have been diagnosed with a cocoa allergy.

One of the questions that fans of this product ask is how chocolate affects blood pressure and what happens to blood pressure when consuming sweet cocoa bars.

The effect of chocolate on blood pressure

Many people need to know exactly how chocolate affects blood pressure in order to eat this product without fear. Despite the abundance of information on this matter on the Internet and medical reference books, the opinions of ordinary people still differ. One popular theory is that chocolate increases blood pressure. This is not entirely true. It normalizes blood pressure, and its regular use can permanently stabilize tonometer readings. The sweet treat is suitable for hypertensive and hypotensive patients. If you do not have any additional contraindications, in small quantities it will not cause any harm to your health. Quite the contrary: thanks to its numerous beneficial properties, a cocoa-containing product will have a positive effect on the internal systems of the body, and will also raise your energy level and improve your mood.

When should hypertensive patients with high blood pressure not eat chocolate?

In addition to chronic hypertension, chocolate should not be consumed for a number of other diseases:

  • allergy to cocoa beans;
  • diabetes;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • regular headaches;
  • tachycardia.

Thanks to the beneficial properties of dark chocolate, it can be consumed even if you are overweight, because it improves metabolism. But you should not abuse this opportunity: the sugar contained in the bar is a carbohydrate that slows down the process of losing weight.

How does chocolate affect blood pressure?

The effect of chocolate and cocoa on blood pressure

For those whose blood pressure is higher than normal, a cocoa-containing product will help normalize their levels, and for those who suffer from low blood pressure it will not cause harm. A sweet treat only affects high blood pressure, which is far beyond the normal range. It does not change blood pressure in people with normal blood pressure or in hypotensive people, so the latter should not be afraid of a sharp decrease in levels after consuming cocoa bars.

For hypotension

If you have low or slightly low blood pressure, chocolate will also be very beneficial. But in this case, the increase in blood pressure is facilitated by the elimination of the causes that provoked its decrease. This rule only applies to natural causes of a drop in blood pressure. Chocolate is unable to affect blood pressure levels if they are normal.

Also, there will be no further reduction in the already initially low blood pressure. To stabilize and raise the indicators to “working” levels, hypotensive patients need to eat a piece of sweetness weighing 20–30 grams. This effect is due to the presence of caffeine in cocoa beans, so chocolate raises blood pressure. An additional effect is the elimination of headaches typical of hypertensive pathology.

Beneficial properties of the product: why you should eat products containing cocoa

The effect of chocolate on the body has been well studied by scientists from all over the world. It is worth noting that when we talk about the beneficial properties of chocolate, we mean dark dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 50 percent or more. It is this product that contains the largest amount of useful elements, the use of which has a positive effect on the human body.

  1. Every time you eat a product containing cocoa powder, your body produces serotonin. It is converted from a substance called tryptophan, which is found in cocoa beans. Due to its high content in cocoa, serotonin is actively produced in the body. In turn, the formation of serotonin helps to improve mood, calmness, and cheerfulness.
  2. Chocolate stimulates mental activity, increases concentration and, in general, is recommended for consumption before an important test or exam, because it causes a surge of energy and increases brain activity.
  3. Cocoa powder products help normalize blood pressure. They are recommended for people with high blood pressure, because, contrary to the well-known myth, this delicacy does not increase blood pressure, but lowers it.
  4. Chocolate is taken to prevent heart and vascular diseases. It increases vascular tone, prevents the development of heart diseases and disturbances in the functioning of this body system. Heart failure can also be prevented by regular consumption of cocoa bars in small quantities.

The beneficial properties of chocolate are not limited to those listed, but they are the most important.

Which chocolate bars are healthier for the cardiovascular system?

What the effect of the treat and the body’s response will be depends on the composition . Various ingredients of raw materials and finished products a positive effect The typical cocoa aroma only appears after the cocoa beans are roasted. Ready-made natural chocolate also contains a natural flavoring – vanillin.

A source of nutrients for the heart and blood vessels is grated cocoa. Other ingredients: cocoa butter, powdered sugar. Milk chocolate contains milk powder or cream. Cheap bars, inexpensive candies are mostly milk fat, malt, barley extract, artificial flavors.

What harm does eating chocolate cause?

Chocolate causes dental problems

There is no such product, the excessive consumption of which would not harm a person. Chocolate is no exception. Everyone knows that you should eat chocolate regularly, but in small portions. One of the main harmful properties of a sweet product is its sugar content. Cocoa bars promote the development of caries and are also contraindicated for diabetics and allergy sufferers. It is very important what kind of chocolate you eat. White, milky, with coconut or hazelnuts are not suitable for those who would like to lower blood pressure or improve the condition of their blood vessels and heart. For these purposes, only bitter varieties of this delicacy are suitable. Its negative effects most often appear only when overeating.

In general, if you control yourself and can stop yourself from throwing bars into yourself one by one, you will not face the negative consequences of consuming a cocoa-containing product.

Potential health hazards

Chocolate, despite all its beneficial properties, can cause some harm to the body. Sweets belong to the group of high-calorie foods, therefore they can:

  • provoke weight gain up to the development of obesity;
  • cause an allergic reaction, especially in childhood;
  • due to the high fat content, cause disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • provoke heartburn and attacks of nausea, which is due to the presence of caffeine in its composition.

When purchasing sweets, you should give preference to well-known large manufacturers who monitor the quality of the product. Cheap analogues may contain coconut or palm oil, which contributes to the formation of atherosclerosis, obesity and, in exceptional cases, provoke the formation of a cancerous tumor. Chocolate will be equally useful for both low and high blood pressure. The main thing is to choose the right variety and not get too carried away with sweets.

Does cocoa blood pressure increase or decrease?

Probably, this question is the most important for people with high and low blood pressure. Many of them are real sweet tooths and big fans of cocoa bars. However, they have to regularly question whether they can have the cocoa powder contained in the sweet treat. The question of whether chocolate actually raises or lowers blood pressure is more pressing than ever for those who have already begun treatment for vascular or heart disease and would like to include a dark chocolate bar in their diet as a healthier alternative to other sweet treats.

If you have high blood pressure, chocolate is not contraindicated. On the contrary, it is recommended to eat it. When this product is taken orally on a regular basis, blood pressure can steadily drop by 5 or even 10 millimeters of mercury, bringing it closer to normal levels. Let us remind you that only black cocoa-containing products have this effect. Other versions of the bars do not contain enough cocoa powder, which is the key to lowering blood pressure. The cocoa content in the product should exceed 50 percent - this is when it will be beneficial for hypertensive patients to eat a few pieces of the sweet delicacy.

How dessert came to the attention of doctors

There are links between the consumption of cocoa products and blood pressure. Thus, researchers have found that the indigenous inhabitants of the islands of the Caribbean archipelago are little susceptible to hyper- and hypotension. Regardless of age, the subjects' blood pressure was within normal limits. The favorite drink of the natives is chocolate.

Studying the diet of Caribbean residents was not enough to determine the nature of the effect of confectionery ingredients on blood pressure. Australian scientists conducted a large-scale study of the effects of dark chocolate on the cardiovascular system.

The subjects in one group consumed 100 g of the sweet product daily. Participants in the control group did not receive confectionery products. bitter/dark chocolate works or whether it fails to affect blood pressure.


  • Over 18 weeks, it was found that the first group of subjects with high blood pressure showed an average reduction of 2-5 mmHg. Art./day.
  • The hypotonic effect was felt daily for at least 30 minutes.
  • If the participants’ blood pressure was normal, then after eating chocolate the condition hardly changed.

The ability of cocoa products to dilate arteries and help with hypertension is confirmed by other studies. Scientists from Portugal in 2021 found that daily moderate consumption of chocolate improves vascular function, normalizes pulse , as well as pressure in the central brachial artery in young people 18–27 years old.

The benefits of dark chocolate

The question of what benefits dark chocolate has, whether it increases or decreases blood pressure, is often asked by lovers of milk or white chocolate. Dark tiles also have their fans, but not everyone likes them because of their bitter taste. However, this is the product that will be useful and is used to treat hypertension and cleanse blood vessels. It is used in the prevention of vascular disease and heart disease.

The beneficial properties of dark chocolate are a direct consequence of the high content of grated cocoa in its composition. The white product contains cocoa butter, but does not contain cocoa powder itself. That is why the dark version of this delicacy is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases. Cocoa powder contains flavonols. They normalize blood pressure and optimize metabolic processes. It is thanks to their presence in chocolate that this product is suitable for consumption by hypertensive patients.

The benefits of dark chocolate and cocoa, their positive effect on the cardiovascular system

Cocoa and dark chocolate contain polyphenols, the dietary intake of which has been associated with beneficial health effects. Cocoa and dark chocolate polyphenols have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. In addition, they induce the release of nitric oxide (NO) through activation of endothelial NO synthase, which in turn is responsible for vasodilation (a medical term used to describe the relaxation of smooth muscle in the walls of blood vessels) and cardioprotective effects. In light of the properties described above, a number of clinical studies have been conducted based on the consumption of cocoa and dark chocolate in healthy people, as well as in various categories of patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Information about the cardioprotective effects of polyphenols has been published for a long time. Since then, a series of studies have been conducted confirming the protective effect of cocoa and chocolate intake on the cardiovascular system. First of all, there is strong evidence that consuming flavanol-fortified cocoa results in beneficial effects in healthy individuals. The study confirmed that vasodilation was the main effect observed due to the release of nitric oxide (NO) after cocoa consumption. In this regard, improvement in endothelial function was greater in older (>50 years) than in younger (<50 years) healthy individuals, as assessed by measuring flow-mediated dilatation (FMD).

In the picture: the main effects of cocoa and dark chocolate on the cardiovascular system. In response to cocoa and dark chocolate intake, a cascade of events occurs involving nitric oxide (NO) and cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-induced vasodilation and prostacyclin-mediated anti-inflammatory effects.

Dark or white chocolate: which is healthier?

In one study, dark chocolate was more effective than white chocolate in lowering blood pressure (BP). In the second phase of this study, consumption of sugar-free cocoa resulted in a significant reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure compared to placebo. Similar studies have determined the effects of solid dark chocolate consumption on endothelial function in healthy individuals. A significant increase in LOD was observed in individuals who consumed high flavonoid dark chocolate (46 g) compared to individuals who consumed low flavonoids once daily for 2 weeks. Shiina et al. found an increase in coronary flow rate reserve after consumption of 45 g of flavonoid-rich dark chocolate compared to flavonoid-free white chocolate.

On the other hand, in individuals at risk of developing CVD, cocoa consumption resulted in clinically relevant outcomes such as increased amounts of nitrosylated and nitrosated species and POD. The same results were obtained in smokers who consumed cocoa drinks for 7 days. Also, in diabetic patients, chronic consumption of cocoa three times daily for 30 days, containing 321 mg of flavanols, resulted in a higher increase in ADL compared to the low-flavanol group of cocoa. Conflicting results have been obtained in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). For example, in a study of 40 patients with coronary artery disease who consumed a candy bar and cocoa drink containing 444 mg of flavanols for 6 weeks, there were no significant differences in endothelial function and determination of high-sensitivity CRP, oxidized LDL, lipids, glucose and insulin compared with patients receiving placebo. Conversely, in another study, 16 patients with coronary artery disease were divided into 2 groups, one receiving flavanol-rich cocoa (375 mg), and the other consuming flavanol-limiting cocoa (9 mg) twice a day for 30 days. Greater results were observed in the high-flavanol group compared with the low-flavanol group in terms of increases in both POD and mobilization of circulating angiogenic cells and reduction in BP. In addition, two other studies clearly demonstrated the effects of daily chocolate consumption on coronary circulation. In heart transplant recipients, ingestion of 40 g of dark chocolate resulted in an increase in coronary artery diameters and endothelium-dependent coronary vasomotion 2 hours after ingestion of flavonoid-rich dark chocolate, with a significant decrease in platelet aggregation.

Regarding the mechanisms of action of NO on endothelial function, there is evidence that it causes arterial vasodilation in healthy individuals, while in individuals at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, the NO response is not reduced, and oxidative stress is increased. In addition, NO has an anti-inflammatory effect by reducing the recruitment of leukocytes and platelet aggregation. In this regard, studies have convincingly shown that healthy human peripheral monocytes are excellent producers of NO when stimulated in vitro with red wine polyphenols. Then, in addition to endothelial cells, which are another source of NO, monocytes also contribute to NO-mediated vasodilation and cardioprotection.

Taken together, this evidence makes it clear why polyphenols, even those from cocoa and dark chocolate, can improve endothelial function.

Regarding the mechanisms of NO release, all polyphenols, regardless of their sources, are capable of activating endothelial NO synthase (eNOS), which leads to the formation of NO.

Once released, NO is able to activate soluble guanylate cyclase in smooth muscle cells and platelets with an increase in cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). The subsequent inhibition of calcium flux and decrease in cytosolic calcium concentration leads to relaxation of smooth muscle cells and inhibition of platelet aggregation. In addition, cGMP is able to enhance cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), which in turn activates prostacyclin. Interestingly enough, prostacyclin acts as a vasodilator in synergy with NO, thus promoting protection against thrombosis. In addition, the anti-inflammatory and vasoprotective properties of prostacyclin are enhanced by its ability to reduce plasma leukotrienes.

Based on available evidence, it is suggested that a diet based on cocoa and dark chocolate may be beneficial in improving cardiovascular health in older adults.


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Recommendations for choosing treats for hypertensive patients

If you have high blood pressure, this is one of the good remedies to lower your blood pressure. It is extremely difficult to choose the right product that suits your taste and quality. You just need to follow a few simple rules and you can easily find something you like.

Chocolate with 75% cocoa content

  1. Choose only black cocoa containing product. Bitter cocoa bars are exactly what you need. If you have hypertension, milk or white chocolate is not suitable for you - the cocoa powder content in them is too low, and your health may worsen.
  2. Choose a product that contains cocoa powder and cocoa butter, with no additional ingredients. The presence of additional ingredients in the treat reduces the therapeutic effect of the bar. The composition should not contain any other oils or fats.
  3. It is recommended to choose a product with a high powder content. Any chocolate with a cocoa percentage greater than 50 percent will do. However, if you can choose between 50 percent and 75 percent sweetness, choose the latter.
  4. The tiles should not contain artificial additives. For example, marmalade or caramel in most cases will not pass the naturalness test. But nuts, dried fruits, cinnamon or vanilla are quite suitable.

Choose only chocolate that meets the stated criteria. It will act as a treatment for hypertension while you enjoy its pleasant sweet taste.

Are there any benefits to milk and white chocolate?

The main difference between white and milk chocolate and black chocolate is the noticeably lower content of cocoa beans and their processed products. Otherwise, the composition of the products does not differ much.

The absence or lower content of chocolate tree fruit affects almost all the characteristics of milk and white chocolate, including taste. In fact, these products are more of a delicacy and a supplier of fast carbohydrates, without bringing much benefit other than pleasant emotional sensations. Although they do contain a certain amount of vitamins and microelements.

Likewise, milk and white chocolate, unlike dark chocolate, have virtually no effect on blood pressure. But the latter should be discussed separately and in detail.

Is it contraindicated for hypotensive patients?

Hypotonic people wonder whether chocolate is contraindicated for low blood pressure. The clear answer to this question is no. Those who suffer from low blood pressure can also spend time eating the treat. It does not raise, but lowers the pressure, but there will be no harm from it. If you are wondering whether cocoa increases blood pressure during hypotension, then the answer will also be negative. A cocoa product cannot sharply increase or decrease blood pressure, since its beneficial properties only apply to pathologically high blood pressure. If you find out that you suffer from hypotension, dark chocolate should not be one of the foods you want to remove from your menu. On the contrary, cocoa bars improve your mood and make a great snack during the workday or between classes.

Chocolate for hypertension

However, sweet treats are contraindicated to consume in large quantities in case of vegetative-vascular dystonia. It is especially not recommended to eat it at night. Excitation of the nervous system and cerebral cortex may increase, which can lead to negative consequences for your body.

In general, if you have hypotension, you can and should eat cocoa products. The main thing, as with everything, is not to overdo it with their quantity. If it is necessary to change the tonometer readings upward, there are other products that increase blood pressure.

The chemical composition of cocoa and its effect on the body

The main component that gives vigor is theobromine, which, in combination with flavonoids, can make thick blood less saturated, while strengthening the cardiac myocardium. Phenolic elements have a preventive effect on diseases such as cerebral stroke and cardiac ischemia.

In addition, the benefits of regular consumption of the drink are as follows:

  • epicatene reduces the likelihood of heart attack, stroke and diabetes;
  • In addition to the above qualities, flavonoids reduce weather dependence;
  • cocoa butter reduces the likelihood of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques;
  • the presence of a complex of antioxidants slows down the aging process and strengthens anti-cancer immunity;
  • serotonin and phenylethylamine improve mood and help calm down after an emotional outburst, so a cup of warm drink is very important during stress;
  • Cocohil accelerates regeneration processes.

Important. It is customary to drink cocoa with milk. The fatter the latter, the higher the calorie content and the greater the negative impact on atherosclerosis.

Dark cocoa powder is better quality

Sweet help for hypertensive patients

Chocolate is very useful for people with high blood pressure. If you take it regularly in small quantities, your blood pressure will soon return to normal. Sweet cocoa bars, the amount of sugar in which should be as small as possible, are consumed for high blood pressure or chronic symptoms of hypertension. It helps reduce blood pressure due to the presence of special compounds that clean blood vessels. It lowers blood pressure only at abnormally high levels, so those whose blood pressure is within the normal range do not have to worry about a sharp drop in blood pressure. In addition, cocoa contains many other beneficial elements. Magnesium, for example, improves heart function. Sodium and potassium even out the frequency of its contractions, and iron raises hemoglobin.

However, we must remember that cocoa product in large quantities is far from the best remedy when you are being treated for a hypertensive crisis. Along with coffee, cheese and other products, many pieces containing cocoa can negatively affect your body. Remember that everything needs moderation.

Consultation with your doctor

People suffering from high blood pressure should consume no more than 25 grams of chocolate per day. But even these 25 grams will be a good long-term assistant in the treatment of hypertension, especially in combination with comprehensive treatment prescribed by a doctor. In any case, we recommend that you contact your doctor, who will tell you for sure whether it is advisable to consume cocoa in your particular case, based on your medical history and individual characteristics of the body.

Use for hypertension

Recently a question arose: does chocolate increase blood pressure or not? The first was successfully refuted! Its composition, on the contrary, normalizes the functioning of the heart, prevents the clogging of blood vessels and the occurrence of neoplasms. But we are talking exclusively about bitter species. Neither the popular milk version, nor especially the white version, have any effect on the body, but only increase the calorie content of the diet.

Attention! Daily consumption of chocolate (25 g, 70% cocoa liquor) can reduce blood pressure by 10 mmHg.

With high blood pressure, chocolate can and should be consumed, however, it is naturally impossible to cure a hypertensive crisis in this way. Sweetness is an excellent adjuvant, but is by no means the main therapy, so you need to carefully monitor your condition and also consult with your doctor so that hypertension does not worsen.


Low blood pressure is not considered life-threatening. However, it greatly reduces people's quality of life.

Hypotension manifests itself in the form of a decrease in vascular and muscle tone, which causes increased fatigue, lethargy and depression.

Certain physical activities, proper rest and sleep patterns, and nutritious nutrition, including the necessary complex of vitamins and minerals, help to cope with low blood pressure.

A proven way to normalize blood pressure and improve condition during periods of low blood pressure are caffeine-containing and tonic drinks (coffee, tea, ginseng, eleutherococcus, lemongrass, ginseng).

Along with them, dark dark chocolate or hot chocolate (cocoa) is an indispensable aid in increasing blood pressure.

Thanks to the high content of tryptophan, which turns into serotonin (the hormone of joy), the overall well-being of a person improves and performance increases.

With low blood pressure, drinking dark chocolate slightly and briefly raises blood pressure; its effect is equivalent to the effect of a cup of coffee on blood pressure.

Low blood pressure can be the result of stress and troubles. In this case, the chocolate treat will have a positive effect: it will invigorate, lift your spirits, improve vascular tone and patency.

Chocolate bars are not only a favorite treat for children and adults; with moderate and constant use, it can bring invaluable benefits to the human body.

Dark chocolate improves a person’s positive mood and helps overcome depression, which is the main criterion in the fight against blood pressure surges.

Due to the increased iron content, it increases hemoglobin, and magnesium reduces the risk of arrhythmia.

But people with low blood pressure still should not use chocolate as a remedy for raising blood pressure. It will not replace medications. This is only an addition to the prescribed treatment.

Rules for choosing chocolate

Only a natural product that contains a lot of flavonoids (we are talking about dark chocolate) is useful. Chocolate bars containing milk, cream, and cookies are just sweets with a lot of glucose and fats.

Pay attention to the composition of the tiles:

  1. Cocoa butter should be the only fat. There should be no other vegetable oils. The inscription “confectionery fats” in the composition indicates an unsuitable product.
  2. The healthiest bar has a simple composition - cocoa butter and cocoa powder.
  3. Choose only dark chocolate. The packaging may be marked “dark chocolate” or “extra dark.”
  4. Cocoa content – ​​at least 70%.
  5. The tile must be hard and brittle (easy to break and crumble). If production is not done without stabilizers and thickeners, the chocolate will not crumble.
  6. There should also be no flavorings (except for lecithin and vanillin).

When consuming a healthy chocolate bar, the risk of developing fat deposits is completely eliminated. But for people who are overweight, their own consumption rate is recommended - no more than 25 grams per day.

5 / 5 ( 1 voice )

How chocolate came into our lives

Over the course of a thousand-year history, chocolate has undergone many deformations, going a long way from a spicy, bitter drink to a familiar hard bar. When the conquistador Hernán Cortés brought cocoa beans to Europe from Latin America in the 16th century, it became a real sensation. Europeans began to study the strange product in detail and discovered many useful properties in it.

In the Middle Ages, the foamy drink could be found on pharmacy counters as a general tonic. It was used during depression and as an aphrodisiac.


When consuming chocolate, remember that it is not a medicine, but only an auxiliary method. Therefore, it is not suitable as a main product that increases blood pressure. To maintain your condition, you need to take medications prescribed by your doctor.

In addition, a large amount of chocolate eaten can lead to:

  • the occurrence of allergic manifestations;
  • sensitization of the body;
  • excess weight;
  • an increase in blood sugar levels, which in turn leads to excessive load on the pancreas.

A very interesting article, read: – Chocolate for potency.

In moderation, daily consumption of chocolate has a beneficial effect on the health of patients with hypertension by normalizing blood pressure. For healthy people, the treat is also useful, as it will prevent the development of hypertension.

Other non-drug ways to lower blood pressure

People with hypertension (above 140/90) should be seen by a cardiologist and take certain medications: this fact should not cause doubt in anyone. However, lifestyle and dietary habits should not be discounted either.

If you also want to use natural (i.e., drug-free) ways to lower your blood pressure, the following recommendations will be helpful:

  • do brisk walking;
  • reduce salt intake;
  • practice meditation;
  • eat potatoes;
  • listen to classical music;
  • Drink alcohol in moderation.

In addition to chocolate, olive oil, wine, and many fruits and vegetables are also rich in polyphenols. These foods should be included in your daily diet.


The first and most obvious conclusion that can be drawn from the article is that consuming high-quality dark chocolate can bring a lot of benefits!

The second is that one of the very positive aspects is the reduction in pressure that occurs in most cases. This nuance will especially please those with hypertension, the number of which is very large.

The third and most unexpected conclusion is the following: in some cases - when consumed by hypotensive people - dark chocolate can temporarily increase blood pressure, which has an extremely beneficial effect on the human body. It is important to understand that consuming a product, even the highest quality one with a high content of cocoa beans, is not taking medication, but only an additional means to improve your well-being and enjoy the pleasant taste of the delicacy.

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