High upper blood pressure: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Tablets and drugs for high blood pressure

A sharp increase in systolic pressure can pose a great danger to human health and life. But how can you reduce it?

  • In this case, ordinary mustard plasters will always come to the rescue. They are placed on the calf muscles, on the shoulders and in the lower part of the neck. The vessels will acquire a normal shape from the action of heat. It takes about 20 minutes to warm up. During this period of time the pressure will decrease.
  • Apply a compress to bare feet, prepared from 6% vinegar. The duration of the compress is 20 minutes.
  • But the most effective method is an injection of magnesium sulfate. The required dose is 20 mg.
  • If the blood pressure has increased due to stress, the person needs to calm down and take an infusion of peony and motherwort.
  • You can also apply a compress made from salt.

Blood pressure medications
Among the most common medications, the following are considered:

  • Andipan (pressure indicator leaves 180 mm)
  • Papazol (pressure reading is 150 mm)
  • Bisoprolol
  • Cordafen
  • Adelfan
  • Clonidine

Systolic and diastolic: what is it?

A person’s blood pressure is considered one of the most important indicators, which reflects the performance of the circulatory system. This indicator is formed by the heart, blood vessels and the blood itself moving through the vessels. There are two categories of blood pressure:

  • The first is the upper (systolic) pressure.
  • The second is the lower (diastolic) pressure.

In a healthy person, normal pressure has the following indicators: upper - 120, lower - 80. However, depending on the person’s age, normal indicators in some cases vary, for example, in children very often the pressure is slightly lower than these indicators. If we take older people, it is considered normal for them to have higher blood pressure.

Let's look at the average performance of people of different ages:

  • People aged 15 to 21 years have the following pressure: upper - 100, lower - 80.
  • People aged 21 to 40 years have the following pressure: upper – 120, lower – 80.
  • People aged 40 to 60 years have the following pressure: upper - 140, lower - 90.
  • People aged 60 and older have the following pressure: upper - 150, lower - 100.

If there are any pathologies in the mechanism that maintains a normal level of pressure tone, they will undoubtedly increase blood pressure. This, of course, will cause a lot of negative consequences for a person and his health.

Maximum upper blood pressure: when does it occur?

Very often, a person’s upper blood pressure increases very sharply and can reach its maximum level. In such situations, he may experience the following symptoms:

  • The head begins to hurt severely, usually in the occipital region.
  • Feels dizzy.
  • Breathing becomes difficult.
  • Nausea appears.
  • “Floaters” begin to flash before your eyes.
  • Lips, nose, ears turn blue.
  • The lips may still dry out, and severe thirst arises.

High blood pressure causes headaches.
Often, blood pressure increases to the maximum due to diabetes, high body weight, and kidney disease. Also, indicators may rise in stressful situations or high air temperatures. If you regularly take medications and are hypertensive, then this situation may occur if the pills are taken at the wrong time or not taken at all.

How to lower upper systolic pressure at home?

Among the folk remedies that reduce upper blood pressure are the following:

  • Pollen diluted with honey normalizes blood pressure. Equal portions of these components are mixed, and the resulting composition is consumed 3 times in 1 day for a month.
  • Liquid honey combined with walnuts. The proportion is as follows: nut (100 g) and honey (100 g). Used daily for 60 days.
  • Lingonberry is considered the most popular plant that reduces upper pressure. This berry contains a large number of components that stabilize blood pressure and have a positive effect on human health in general.
  • A remedy made from ordinary honey, lemon juice and beets in equal quantities will also help reduce blood pressure.

Folk remedies to reduce blood pressure

  • Chokeberry also normalizes systolic blood pressure. You need to drink 1 tbsp at a time. of this drink, the proportions with water are 1 tbsp of berries per 1 glass of water. The treatment period ranges from 10 to 14 days.
  • Among the most common remedies was a remedy made from hawthorn. But it doesn't help immediately. The effect usually comes after 2 months.
  • An excellent option that lowers upper pressure is not very strong tea. You can add a little honey and lemon juice to it.
  • This also includes fruit juice, which is prepared from cranberry and lingonberry berries. Drink a glass of the drink for 2 weeks.

Prevention methods

Low blood pressure can be either congenital or acquired. In young people, hypotension is often caused by stress, poor diet, and vitamin deficiency (especially A, C and E). In order to maintain the health of the cardiovascular system and prevent most dangerous diseases, it is enough to follow a few simple advice from doctors:

  • spend less time in stuffy rooms - this leads to oxygen starvation of cells and tissues;
  • ensure proper rest - daily sleep of at least 7-8 hours is important for restoring the body after a working day;
  • regularly engage in sports at an amateur level - the muscular layer of the vascular walls and myocardium also need constant training;
  • eat well, get enough vitamins;
  • Every morning, do a little exercise to improve blood circulation before getting up - this will help prepare the cardiovascular system for the start of the day and avoid sudden stress.

Often a headache with low blood pressure is a dangerous symptom. Doctors at the Clinical Institute of the Brain recommend not to self-medicate, since hypotension is often chronic and can progress. It is important to undergo an examination in time and select medications that will strengthen blood vessels, improve blood circulation, relieve headaches and prevent the dangerous consequences of the disease.

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