How I got rid of high blood pressure forever in 7 days

You need to read Sytin's Mood with faith and conviction.

The greatest prospect of life is normal blood pressure

Mood Text

“In my kind, angelic, Divine soul from God is the greatest prospect of life for many centuries. In my Divine kind, angelic soul from God there is the greatest prospect of constant strengthening and strengthening of health - for many centuries. In my Divine kind, angelic soul from God is the greatest prospect of a young 18-year-old life - for many centuries.

God moves time from the date of my birth to the future at the speed of real current time. The distance from me to the date of my birth remains constant, unchanged - 18 years. For many centuries I will live a cheerful, joyful, happy life. Over the course of many centuries, my body has been reviving its youthful, 18-year-old structure. For many centuries, with the brightness of lightning, I see myself as a young, cheerful, wonderful beauty, full of health and strength (for men - young, cheerful, etc. - editor's note). And this fills me with victorious, triumphant joy.”

Persistent normal young blood pressure – 120/80

Titanically stable, normal blood pressure – 120/80. No matter what I do, the cheerful spring circulation remains. Throughout the body there is divinely free, young, fast, cheerful blood circulation. All blood vessels of the head are divinely expanded along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the head, blood flows in a spring, free, wide stream, like a cheerful spring river in flood, in a wide flood.

The blood circulation of the head is cheerful, spring-like, free, wide. There is infinite space in the head - just like in the Universe. The whole head is brightly light throughout. There is a bright, bright light in the eyes. The whole body lives a full-blooded, young, cheerful life. Throughout the body there is divinely free, cheerful, rapid blood circulation. In the tips of the toes of both feet and both hands the pulse is full and strong. Divinely free, cheerful, spring blood circulation. With titanic fortitude, with titanic fortitude, young, normal blood pressure is maintained – 120 to 80, 120 to 80.”

Mindset for spinal health

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How to get rid of pressure

Drug treatment, of course, helps and should not be neglected. But, unfortunately, it does not cure. They have been suffering from hypertension for years. Some people would like to get rid of the disease, but they have little knowledge, determination, or will to take responsibility for their health. Others grab onto all the recipes they heard from friends, risking causing irreparable harm to themselves.

I will share my experience of using an effective and safe method of healing from this disease. I have always strived to maintain my health at the proper level. “A healthy mind in a healthy body” - it’s not without reason that they say. I don’t know what hypertension is, probably because I studied this problem in advance and tried to avoid it.

Hypertension is insidious, develops unnoticed, and has many causes that I will not describe now. My goal is different - to help you avoid illness or get rid of it.

If you really want to have blood pressure like an astronaut, then it is not so difficult, I assure you.

“If a person wants to be healthy, medicine is powerless”

Firstly, we need to engage in prevention, not to let things develop into obvious manifestations of the disease. And you can apply the healing method described below, even if your health is still normal.

Measures to prevent the development of arterial hypertension.

The impact of stress on human health

Scientists have proven that the body of people who are constantly exposed to stress wears out 40% faster than those of those people who live in peace. Frequent stressful situations cause the following symptoms:

  • Redness of the skin, various rashes;
  • Feeling tired and exhausted even after a full sleep;
  • Loss or gain of body weight;
  • Constant feeling of anxiety;
  • Tremor (shaking) of the limbs;
  • Stool disorder.

If you do nothing, there is a high chance of developing the following pathological processes:

  • Panic attacks;
  • Depression;
  • Heart failure;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Hypertension;
  • Anorexia;
  • Stress can also cause a decrease in sex drive in both women and men.

Who invented the SOEVUS method

I want to talk about a great man who gave health to thousands of people, whose legacy you can use to restore lost health or to prevent diseases. This is Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin.

Georgy Nikolaevich lived to be 95 years old. Unfortunately, he passed away on November 21, 2021. This is the greatest scientist, a doctor from God. Based on the teachings of I.P. Pavlova about speech as a second signaling system, its connection with the subconscious, Sytin created a scientific method of healing from various diseases by reading texts. He compiled them himself after studying the influence of sound combinations of words on the physiological state of human organs and systems.

The effectiveness of mood against hypertension

Patients and doctors note that conventional medical therapy is more successful when using attitudes. Recovery in most cases occurs faster, the patient ceases to suffer from high blood pressure. After listening or reading the scientist’s speeches aimed at improving health, patients note the following positive changes in their body:

  1. Tissues, muscles and internal organs are enriched with oxygen, the person begins to feel more energetic.
  2. The blood supply system begins to function correctly, and the patient ceases to feel changes in blood pressure.
  3. A positive attitude raises overall tone, strengthens the nervous system, and eliminates irritability.

Many women note the benefits of verbal moods during menopause, when blood pressure rises due to hormonal changes.

As studies have shown, the effect of reading or listening to the sentiments of Academician Sytin in the treatment of hypertension can appear almost immediately if a person takes the psychological effects seriously and wants to be cured as soon as possible.

It is recommended to read and listen to texts for medicinal purposes only from the age of sixteen, when a person’s brain is fully formed and he thinks consciously.

How I used G. Sytin’s moods

In my personal library there are two books by Georgy Nikolaevich. I read the sentiments from them in healing practice, helping other people. But while voicing texts for others, I also heard and perceived them. Therefore, my health improved.

Now I am 66 years old, but my blood pressure is normal.

Photos of my personal books by G. Sytin.

What attitudes did I read to normalize blood pressure (for women) from the book “Life-Giving Power”:

  1. The first mood “For the stability of the nervous system” (the first option of two)
  2. Next - “To relieve cardiac excitement”
  3. Third “On the stability of blood pressure.”

If the pressure is elevated at the time of reading, the third I read was the mood “To reduce high blood pressure (first option).

Usually the pressure drops quickly. As soon as the pressure dropped to normal, I read for stability.

All three moods must be read aloud without stopping in a row once every day.

How the attitude works

Georgy Nikolaevich’s treatments for hypertension are quite in demand today. Researchers analyzed the lifestyle of modern people and came to the conclusion that most often negative emotions, irritability and fatigue cause a surge of hormones in the blood, which often increases blood pressure.

The above-described state can be normalized using words. When drawing up moods, Georgy Nikolaevich used the method of the research scientist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, who believed that human speech is capable of creating many things, it can affect the entire body. It is not for nothing that people have long turned to higher powers for help, reading various conspiracies, spells and prayers.

Sytin’s speeches were based on words, when pronouncing which a person should focus only on their positive meaning, pass them through his brain, delve into and absorb the positive meaning. During therapy, the patient should not be distracted by anything.

Today, the academician’s technique is actively used in psychiatry as an auxiliary therapy with the main methods of treating hypertension.

The academician’s healing speeches were based on the following principles:

  1. Normalization of the activity of all organs and processes in the body.
  2. Health promotion for a disease of any complexity, including when it is considered incurable or difficult to treat.
  3. Increasing the effectiveness of traditional drug therapy.
  4. Support for physicians who must also think positively when prescribing therapy or treating a difficult patient.

My healing result

Now I occasionally undergo medical examinations; such a free service is available in clinics. People ask me what my working blood pressure is, and I always answer 120/80. The doctor looks at me with disbelief, because I’m over 60, but they measure it and it’s exactly 120/80. They always tell me joyfully that I’m doing great. And it’s not me who’s great, but Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin.

This result has been stable for 28 years.

I read the moods every day for a week and that’s it!! Never repeated it again.

For the past 28 years, blood pressure has been 120/80. You may not believe it, but this is the result of many to whom I once read these sentiments.

Sytin's recommendations for using healing attitudes

Georgy Nikolaevich himself recommended reading the moods like this:

  • Out loud or silently, trying to imagine everything you read about.
  • You need to read accurately, without changing the word order, style and punctuation of the texts.
  • You cannot shorten or change the text.
  • Punctuation marks are of particular importance; they must be intoned.
  • The author advises reading at least three moods in a row, reinforcing each other.

It’s difficult to read Sytin’s moods; at first I couldn’t read even half of one mood – I fell asleep with the book in my hands. There was a feeling of extreme fatigue. It gets easier to read each time.

It’s hard not to get lost because the words in the text are repeated many times, and you have to force yourself to concentrate and read on. You need to read confidently, at a calm pace, without much expressiveness, but observing punctuation.

The assimilation of attitudes occurs only during their reading, listening, and pronunciation. You need to make a strong-willed effort to remember the mood, to actively imagine what will be discussed.

If you read the mood for another person, you must first read the mood “To strengthen the health of a doctor” for yourself.

Indications for use

One of the signs of a developing disease is numbness in the fingers.
In general, high blood pressure appears and develops slowly. A person feels weak in the body, dizzy when bending sharply. Later, poor sleep appears, fatigue when performing simple tasks, numbness in the fingers, rushes of blood to the head and pulsation. All pathological processes begin in the brain, blood circulation in the organs is disrupted, and if measures are not taken, this leads to heart attack, stroke and other conditions with impaired consciousness. Sytin offers 2 types of settings for the treatment of blood pressure diseases. The duration of therapy using suggestion is calculated in days or years. It depends on the degree of the disease, the rehabilitation stage and the possibility of full recovery.

Sytin's mood is used for the treatment of high blood pressure, as an additional remedy in parallel with medication. The technique promotes:

  • Renewing the strength of the whole body.
  • Normalization of health in case of difficult-to-treat diseases of the vascular system or in case of fatal diagnoses.
  • Establishing moral balance during diets and exercise therapy.

My experience in reading moods and recommendations

I know from experience that after reading the moods it makes you sleepy, so it’s better to read it in the evening before going to bed. If it’s difficult for yourself, ask your loved ones to read it. To relieve the numbness that sets in, it is better to walk around the room while reading or listening. Sitting or lying down, you will fall asleep without listening to the end.

When I read moods for people, I took into account the peculiarities of perception. I read at a certain speed, observing the person’s reaction. Everything is strictly individual, so I don’t think I should give my audio recording of my mood here.

There are many audio and video recordings of moods on the Internet. However, I think it's best to make your own recording. Don’t forget, Georgy Nikolaevich said that the text cannot be changed, it must be preserved in the author’s edition.

By creating an audio recording yourself, you will be sure that your intonation fully corresponds to the punctuation marks placed by the author. Your unique images will appear in your mind.

For the same reason, I do not recommend watching videos of moods with pictures of nature performed by different readers.

If you want to gain health and have good results, work hard yourself so as not to receive a “disservice.” Because the actor’s interpretation of the texts available on the Internet is not the best option.

Meditation and psychotherapy, their impact on health

Meditation is a great way to cope with depression and stress without medication.

The effect of meditation on the body is:

  • Improving brain function. It has been scientifically proven that a course of meditation helps restore brain cells;
  • Reducing the risk of developing heart disease;
  • Eliminate feelings of anxiety;
  • Developing mental resistance to stress;
  • Increasing immunity and strengthening the body's defenses.

Scientists from Washington conducted an interesting study. 15 colleagues from one enterprise voluntarily took part in it. Before the rehabilitation course, each of the volunteers underwent a stress resistance test. It turned out that 14 out of 15 workers live in constant stress and cannot effectively cope with nerve-wracking situations.

The workers completed an eight-week meditation course under the supervision of a specialist - and a repeat test showed that the workers became much calmer and learned to control their emotions. Psychotherapy also shows good results - it helps solve problems and combat anxiety.

What will be your result

The method helps even when pills do not help, and complements traditional drug treatment.

The use of settings is absolutely harmless and has no contraindications.

You will see that gradually you will need less and less medical assistance and you only risk losing your disability. I am convinced that a person can cure himself of an illness. The doctor helps, but is unable to solve the problem if the patient does not have the will to recover.

How Amosov himself performed these exercises

The author of the method performed each exercise at the maximum pace 100 times, but this does not mean that you need to strive for such a result, especially if you have already been diagnosed with arthrosis of the knee or other joint. In general, Amosov spent about half an hour on the complex, while his pulse remained within 110-120 beats per minute.

A healthy person may be able to reach the same figure, but it will definitely not be right away. If your age is approaching seniority, do not strive to repeat such records: practice for your own pleasure and in accordance with your strengths.

Nikolai Amosov himself performed this gymnastics - 100 times each exercise

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