Treatment of high blood pressure using the Neumyvakin method with hydrogen peroxide

The number of people suffering from hypertension ( arterial hypertension ) is increasing every year. Today, the disease can be found not only among pensioners, but also among young people.

There are many ways to solve the problem, ranging from medications to traditional ones. One of the most effective methods for combating high blood pressure is considered to be the original method of Dr. I. P. Neumyvakin, which has been successfully used for the treatment of hypertension for decades. The main feature of the therapy is the use of hydrogen peroxide.

What is the Neumyvakin method

The founder of this technique is the famous Russian scientist Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin. For a long time, the main focus of the doctor’s work was the creation of a system that would be responsible for medical care in space. For many years, Neumyvakin studied the human body, which allowed Ivan Pavlovich to develop a first aid kit specifically for astronauts. Thanks to the efforts of the professor, a new discipline emerged - space medicine.

Using the above medicines, a person could receive professional medical help at any time, even while outside the atmosphere. The scientist founded a health center to strengthen and restore health, where thousands of patients are treated annually. Neumyvakin wrote a series of books based on many years of experience studying the human body. One of these publications is devoted to describing the therapeutic properties of hydrogen peroxide.

The book contains a lot of useful information about the options for using the substance for medicinal purposes. According to the professor, this remedy can help get rid of many ailments, for example, hypertension. Ivan Pavlovich advises using peroxide not only externally, but also taking it internally. During research, the doctor found that a small amount of the substance is produced by the body to fight bacteria and viruses. However, this is often not enough for the patient to recover, so it is necessary to ensure the supply of peroxide from the outside.

The benefits of peroxide, according to Professor Neumyvakin

The professor studied hydrogen peroxide for many years and came to the conclusion that the substance not only has the ability to disinfect organs and systems, but also stabilize blood pressure and alleviate the symptoms of hypertension.

With the right concentration, peroxide helps rid the body of slagging, cleans blood vessels and strengthens their walls. Hydrogen peroxide is a good blood thinner. This makes it possible to lower blood pressure, eliminating the signs of hypertension.

Peroxide actively removes fatty plaques from the walls of blood vessels and arteries, filling the blood with oxygen, which is vital for any living organism.

The substance helps lower blood pressure, preventing the risks of strokes and heart attacks.

The professor himself and his entourage use hydrogen peroxide to combat various ailments and take it to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Treatment of hypertension according to Neumyvakin

One of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system is hypertension. Jumps in blood pressure are observed in absolutely all people, but in some patients the pathology becomes systematic. Lack of timely medical care often leads to the development of complications in the heart or blood vessels. The disease can be diagnosed by the following symptoms:

Medicines for the treatment of hypertension!

  • dizziness;
  • noise in ears;
  • “flies” before the eyes;
  • loss of balance;
  • headache.

If the above manifestations are detected, you should immediately consult a specialist. Delayed therapy sometimes causes disability or death. The modern pharmacological market offers a wide selection of expensive drugs for hypertension, but even professional medical products are not always able to help.

Russian scientist Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin created a simple and effective method for combating hypertension, which is available to every person. With age, all people experience a deterioration in the permeability of the circulatory system, which leads to the development of hypertension. Other factors also contribute to the development of the disease, for example, heredity, destructive lifestyle, poor environment, stress, etc.

Capillaries tend to accumulate waste, which clogs and stretches the walls of blood vessels. To reduce blood pressure, it is necessary to increase blood flow rates, so the professor recommends that patients use hydrogen peroxide. The substance destroys pathogenic microflora by saturating the body with oxygen.
According to reviews on the Internet, treatment using the Neumyvakin method really brings results.

Neumyvakin's exercises to reduce blood pressure

The Neumyvakin method for blood pressure involves physical exercise. According to the doctor, with the help of squats using his technology, pathological deviations of the cardiovascular system can be stopped. In addition to hypertension, due to its comprehensive effect on the body, this technique is recommended for preventive purposes for people suffering from diseases such as:

  • heart attack/stroke;
  • prostatitis;
  • obesity;
  • constipation;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • cellulite;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • varicose veins

Exercises for arterial hypertension according to Neumyvakin are also very useful for disorders in the musculoskeletal system. Numerous reviews indicate that with the help of such exercises, many managed to stop coxarthrosis, arthrosis, and arthritis at the initial stage. The lesson plan is as follows:

  • The exercise is performed exclusively near a vertical support (tree, railing post, pole, etc.).
  • Grasp the support with your hands at the level of the navel, place your legs close to the support, tilt your torso slightly back without bending your spine.
  • While inhaling, perform a squat, but there is no need to strain.
  • As you exhale, slowly rise up.

The author's technique is in the video below.

It is very important to follow the recommendations:

  1. At first (1-2 weeks) do shallow squats no more than 15 cm in depth.
  2. Then gradually go deeper to the maximum - without fanaticism.
  3. The first time, do the number of squats according to your capabilities, but preferably at least 30 times in 1 approach.
  4. In 2-3 months you need to accumulate 100 squats per day.
  5. A prerequisite is to do the exercises every day.
  6. At the initial stages, you can do it in several approaches - do it, rest a little, do it again.
  7. There is no specific duration for this course of therapy. Those. You can do such squats all your life, which will only bring benefits.

Considering the reviews about this health-improving gymnastics, we can confidently talk about a positive effect. Thus, many followers indicate that such activities:

  • train the knee/hip joints;
  • strengthens the gluteal/thigh muscles;
  • qualitatively work out and strengthen the back/abdominal muscles;
  • form correct posture;
  • promote weight loss.

The scientist explains this effect on the body of seemingly ordinary squats simply. The human heart is its engine, which pumps blood every second with the help of 500 muscles. So to speak, the heart is a kind of “pump”. For many people, it functions malfunctioning, for example: 100 ml of blood flows to the lower extremities, and 90 ml returns back. Lost 10, with delay in the limbs, provoke thrombophlebitis, swelling and other painful sensations. In addition, at a certain moment, these 10 ml may not be enough for the heart to function properly, hence the decrease in pressure and other unpleasant factors. But by using the method of squats for hypertension according to Neumyvakin, all this can be avoided.

The essence of the technique

Doctors are convinced that to normalize high blood pressure, it is necessary to use antihypertensive pills and other medications against arterial hypertension. However, the famous scientist I.P. Neumyvakin experimentally proved that peroxide is a universal remedy for all diseases. Medications have a lot of side effects that undermine the health of patients. Peroxide is a strong antiseptic, which is found in small quantities in the body of every person.

Subject to strict dosage control, this substance is absolutely safe for people. Treatment of hypertension using the Neumyvakin method requires careful study of all recommendations and contraindications, but this does not make the method any less effective. The professor believes that any disease can be cured with hydrogen peroxide, since the solution has many therapeutic properties:

  • eliminates pathogenic agents;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • improves blood viscosity and composition;
  • increases immunity;
  • normalizes blood pressure.

Peroxide should be taken orally according to a specially designed scheme, which involves a gradual increase in dosage (the amount of the substance taken should increase every day). Treatment of hypertension with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin is always carried out in a standard manner without drawing up any individual programs, since the solution is considered a panacea for any ailment. Adherents of traditional medicine speak negatively about this technique. Most doctors are convinced that peroxide is not intended for oral administration.

What is H2O2?

Hydrogen peroxide is a clear liquid with a faint odor, used to treat cuts and purulent wounds. The popular substance is found in almost every first aid kit. But not everyone knows that, in addition to treating wounds, H2O2 can be taken orally. Many people report improved health after treatment with all available and inexpensive substances.

Hydrogen peroxide has a therapeutic effect:

  • fights fungal and viral infections;
  • used for the prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • improves memory;
  • inhibits the growth of various tumors;
  • treats bleeding gums and whitens tooth enamel;

But if a healing substance does not give 100% results, according to Professor I.P. Neumyvakin, the whole point is that the body is heavily polluted. Therefore, before H2O2 therapy, cleaning should be done.

The healing properties of hydrogen peroxide

Professor Neumyvakin suggests using hydrogen peroxide for blood pressure; the course of treatment helps to successfully fight hypertension at any stage of the disease. For several decades, the doctor studied the properties of peroxide, which helped him create a unique therapy method. Hydrogen peroxide is a clear liquid with a slight odor that is used in traditional medicine as a disinfectant for wounds. Ivan Pavlovich recommends that patients use the substance internally, since the solution has many healing properties:

  • strengthens vascular walls;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • relieves bleeding gums;
  • destroys viruses and fungal infections;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • prevents the proliferation of tumor cells;
  • cleanses the body of waste and toxins;
  • reduces the risk of acute cardiac conditions;
  • improves immunity;
  • saturates the blood with oxygen.

Compared to expensive, ineffective hypertension pills available in pharmacies, hydrogen peroxide is a simple and affordable remedy for combating high blood pressure. Neumyvakin believes that the solution can be used as a prophylaxis against diseases such as heart attack or atherosclerosis. After a month of daily use of peroxide, patients notice the first improvements, the symptoms of hypertension gradually disappear. The substance also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Neumyvakin about the causes of high blood pressure

Hypertension (hereinafter referred to as arterial hypertension, essential hypertension) is a serious and rather intractable disease of the cardiovascular system. Thousands of people of all ages face it every year. Professor Neumyvakin identifies a number of risk factors for arterial hypertension:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • age and gender;
  • excessive consumption of table salt;
  • hypocalcium diet;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • diabetes and obesity;
  • high levels of triglycerides and atherogenic drugs;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • mental overstrain under the influence of psycho-emotional factors (frequent stress).

Many people have been treated for arterial hypertension for years, but do not achieve high-quality results.
It is obvious that today it is very problematic to find effective ways to get rid of this disease through traditional medicine. According to the WHO classification, hypertension is primary and secondary.

  1. Primary. Hypertensive syndrome (hypertension) mainly affects the cardiovascular system. Among all cases of disability and mortality, it is one of the most common causes.
  2. Secondary. Hypertensive syndrome (arterial hypertension) is mainly formed against the background of diseases not related to the heart. It has a different etiology and is quite difficult to respond to traditional treatment.

Using hydrogen peroxide internally

To cleanse the circulatory system, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin developed a special treatment method, which consists of a complex effect on the patient’s body. Based on many years of experience, the professor divided the course of therapy into two stages. The scientist suggests first drinking a course of soda to cleanse blood vessels, combining it with special exercises. This approach allows you to normalize a person’s health and minimize the risk of hypertension in the future.

The doctor believes that soda and blood pressure are closely related, because the substance helps get rid of salt deposits. Recommends taking one teaspoon of the product in the morning. The procedure is performed half an hour before meals; the soda must be diluted with warm boiled water. Treatment of hypertension using the Neumyvakin method involves the use of salt compresses to normalize the functioning of blood vessels. To do this, salt is dissolved in water and applications are made 3-4 times a week. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, compresses are applied in the evening or before bedtime.

The professor recommends putting a small load on the body every day to tone the blood vessels and stimulate the blood circulation process. Squats are best suited for these purposes. Neumyvakin advises performing the exercise in small approaches; the total number of squats per day should be at least 300-400 times. Alcohol and cigarettes have a destructive effect on blood vessels, so you should definitely give up all bad habits. Late meals provoke the accumulation of fats; you need to have dinner 4 hours before bedtime.

Reception scheme

To treat hypertension using the Neumyvakin method, a 3% solution is used. Peroxide in stronger concentrations can harm human health. The substance must be diluted with 50 ml of boiled water. It is recommended to drink the resulting liquid in the morning on an empty stomach. Upon reaching the maximum permitted dosage, the volume of water can be reduced to 40 ml. The course of therapy must be carried out strictly according to the developed scheme.

Ivan Pavlovich recommends starting treatment with one drop of hydrogen peroxide per day, the solution should be drunk at a time. Over the next ten days, the patient should gradually increase the amount of the substance, adding one drop daily. As soon as the volume of the solution taken reaches ten drops, it is necessary to take a temporary break for a week. At the end of seven days, the person must resume treatment, but according to a different regimen.

Next, the patient takes ten drops for three days in a row, followed by a three-day break. Therapy continues until the symptoms of hypertension disappear. The doctor believes that children can also be treated with peroxide. The dosage for children is selected individually and depends on the age of the child. Children under 5 years old are allowed to take one drop per tablespoon of water, patients from 5 to 10 years old are prescribed 2-5 drops. For adolescents from 10 to 14 years old, 5-8 drops are recommended; the rest can switch to an adult dosage.

Professor Neumyvakin’s favorite hobby. (From the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH”).

Thursday, June 07, 2012 14:27 + to quote book

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Ivan Pavlovich NEUMYVAKIN is not only well known to our readers - for many he became, as it were, the straw with the help of which they managed to get out of illness. Today is another meeting with the professor, but first I will allow myself to quote some letters and entries in the Book of Reviews from the Neumyvakins’ health salon.

Gennady Romanov, 63 years old, Dubna:

“My wife brought me by the hand - cerebrovascular accident, atherosclerosis, vascular parkinsonism.

After treatment, the condition improved, he gave up the cane, began to walk straighter, without a cane, the reaction to surrounding events intensified, and his appetite improved. We took peroxide - 1 course, virtually without drugs - the condition improved noticeably.”

Galina Konstantinovna, 69 years old, Moscow:

“Since I was 35 years old, I have been suffering from hypertension (160/100 and above), arrhythmia, thrombophlebitis with constant swelling of the legs. After a bone marrow puncture, she was plagued by sciatica for 20 years; she was treated, but she still walked like a question mark. Started drinking H2O2

After the first 10-day course, I didn’t notice anything special. But after the second ten days, truly miracles began to happen to me. The arrhythmia disappeared, the blood pressure became 120-130/90, the pastiness and swelling of the legs, where there were signs of thrombophlebitis, also disappeared. But, surprisingly, my back straightened and my hair began to turn black.”

Svetlana Tarasova, 61 years old, correspondent of the newspaper “Country and Kaliningrad”, Kaliningrad:

“Lyme disease - I didn’t get out of bed for 9 months. All joints were swollen, muscles atrophied. On March 20, 2002, I began taking hydrogen peroxide according to the regimen described by Ivan Pavlovich in “Healthy Lifestyle” No. 5, 2002. The pain went away, and movement in the joints was restored. I take H2O2. I apply peroxide to painful areas with my hand.

All joint tumors have disappeared, I move almost like a young woman. Thanks for the technique, but I’m surprised: why was nothing known about hydrogen peroxide and its properties for 40 years? How many people in the USSR could have been saved over these years.”

Well, and so on. There are many letters and testimonies that speak of the great benefits of health measures “according to Neumyvakin”.

— Ivan Pavlovich, I would like to return to what Tarasova is complaining about. Why haven’t we heard anything about the medicinal properties of hydrogen peroxide, other than as an antiseptic for external use?

— But I started working with hydrogen peroxide a long time ago. By the way, the other day I read in one magazine that specialists from the Burdenko Research Institute of Neurosurgery proposed the drug Parkon, based on ordinary H2O2, for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.

- Wait a minute, Ivan Pavlovich, I didn’t finish the question. Recently I received a letter from the USA, more precisely, from California. Its author - for some reason he hides under the pseudonym ENGE - writes the following:

“It’s very good that you started talking about hydrogen peroxide. More than 20 years ago, many popular brochures on this topic were published in America. Unfortunately, they can no longer be found now. But if you take a bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide from a pharmacy, then on the sticker you can read the recipe written in small print: “To cleanse your mouth, you should dissolve the contents in a 1:1 ratio with ordinary water and rinse your mouth with the solution for at least one minute, then spit it out.” .

By the way, in American pharmacies a bottle of peroxide is quite expensive - more than a dollar. One cannot but agree that in the United States they give preference to tablets, which are many times more expensive than many simple and, alas, forgotten for the sake of commerce means.”

So, is it not commerce that is to blame for the fact that we only recently learned about peroxide in its new purpose?

— I think that in relation to Russia it’s not a matter of commerce. Today though. To a greater extent, this is the problem of our blinkered healthcare. There are no instructions - that's all. I repeat, I have been working with peroxide for a long time.

— Many people ask about the method of intravenous use of H2O2. Some people, by the way, are already using this option. Do you have any advice?

No. Intravenous option - only under medical supervision. Some - however, very few - carry out such a procedure at their own peril and risk. I can only advise readers to look for such doctors.

— Ivan Pavlovich, the publication in the 3rd issue about the role of the gastrointestinal tract in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases caused a huge amount of mail. Are you confident in the proposed method?

- Absolutely. At the same time, I did not claim and do not claim that the proposed set of measures cures the diseases you named. But I am confident that the patient’s condition will be alleviated. By the way, in the treatment regimen, which is given in the 3rd issue of “Healthy Lifestyle”, I accidentally left out one significant feature: we prescribe hydrogen peroxide not only internally, but also suggest instilling it into the nose at the rate of: 10 drops per 1-2 tablespoons of water .

Pipette and insert into one and then the other nostril. After a few days, you can take one cube of peroxide solution into a plastic syringe and do the same. Repeat 2-3 times a day. Naturally, do not swallow the liquid. In one patient, hand tremor practically disappeared after 2 days.

As an additional procedure, it is very good to take an infusion of flax seeds: pour 1/3 cup of seeds into 1 liter of water, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 2 hours, and let it simmer overnight in a thermos. Strain and drink 1/3 cup of the decoction on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. Drink for 2 weeks, then repeat after 2-3 months.

What else would I like to draw the attention of patients suffering from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: spastic colitis, constipation? The enemas they often use are ineffective, since they are not able to eliminate intestinal atony (immobility), further aggravating its condition. The following recipe will help “start” the intestines: dried apricots, raisins - 100 g, prunes - 400 g, figs - 200 g, rosehip seeds - 200 g (extract - 100 ml), honey - 200 g, senna grass - 50 g Pass the first five ingredients through a meat grinder, dissolve the honey so that it is liquid, and mix. Grind the senna herb and gradually add it to the mixture and stir. Keep in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. spoon on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. And it will be satisfying, and you will get rid of a serious illness. Just don’t forget that the entire functioning of the gastrointestinal tract depends on the condition of the muscles of the abdomen, back, pelvis and diaphragm. The main exercise here is “walking on your buttocks”!

- Wait, Ivan Pavlovich, what does constipation have to do with it? We talked about multiple sclerosis and parkinsonism.

“But I advise all patients of this kind, I repeat, to pay attention to the gastrointestinal tract. And not only. The neck is an even more difficult problem. The fact is that cervical osteochondrosis - and who doesn’t have it these days? - catastrophically affects the functioning of the brain, blocking access to nutrients through all channels. What do I advise you to do? Take two basins. One has hot water, the other has cold water. You also need two towels. Soak one in hot water, squeeze a little and vigorously, with effort, rub your neck, then obliquely over your shoulder, upper back. Do the same, soaking another towel in cold water. Repeat changing temperatures several times.

— I understand that there can be a lot of advice. You just always have to start somewhere. So, for starters, I think that's enough.

- Maybe so. But I once again want to draw the readers’ attention to the material in the 3rd issue of “Healthy Lifestyle”. The scheme that I proposed there is useful for all those suffering from chronic illnesses.

By the way, an interesting observation. I noticed that recently more and more young people have been turning to me with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. In addition to the general slagging of the body, they have one common feature. Their parents sought to make them child prodigies. The body was not prepared for enormous loads. As a result, overstrain of the entire nervous system against the backdrop of a haphazard diet: dry food, refined foods, smoked meats; poor chewing of food.

- Well, we are back again to your favorite gastrointestinal tract.


Medical and preventive salon of Professor Neumyvakin:

Moscow, metro station "Sviblovo", bus. 61 to the stop. "Reserve"; tel. 180-94-18 from 12.00 to 20.00, except Saturday and Sunday.

We emphasize that this is only a clinic - there is no housing for those who come from afar.

Series of messages “Swelling”:

Treatment of hypertension according to Neumyvakin

Professor's advice

Professor Neumyvakin’s method helps not only sick, but also healthy people to increase immunity and improve well-being. Before starting treatment using hydrogen peroxide, Ivan Pavlovich advises cleansing the body of waste and toxins. Otherwise, the therapeutic effect of taking peroxide will be greatly reduced due to slagging of the blood vessels. In order for the course to proceed without complications, the doctor advises following several recommendations:

  1. Peroxide should only be dispensed using a pipette.
  2. Peroxide should be taken on an empty stomach in the morning. Use at other times of the day is allowed, half an hour before or two hours after a meal.
  3. The first few days after starting treatment, your health may worsen. If symptoms such as dizziness, weakness or fatigue appear, there is no need to stop therapy. The above symptoms quickly go away on their own.
  4. During the entire treatment period, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol or blood thinners, as this combination can lead to the development of a stroke.

Supporters of official medicine do not recognize Ivan Pavlovich’s treatment regimen, since it refers to folk remedies. According to doctors, treatment of hypertension requires the use of scientifically proven medications. However, the number of people who have improved their health thanks to the Neumyvakin method is growing every year. Numerous positive reviews from patients are the best proof of the effectiveness of the technique.

Precautionary measures

When resorting to the use of traditional medicine, you should remember precautions. Dr. Neumyvakin’s health center employs a huge staff of qualified specialists, under whose supervision patients receive individually developed treatment regimens. Each of the therapy methods, be it fasting, massage or walking in the fresh air, requires permission from a doctor.

By self-medicating, you can get a completely unexpected reaction from the body to a standard course of therapy, so an experienced therapist should always supervise the treatment process. Professor Neumyvakin gave a list of recommendations that should be followed when consuming peroxide. By strictly following the rules below, you can protect yourself from the development of unexpected health problems:

  1. per day you are allowed to take no more than 30 drops of peroxide diluted with water;
  2. increase consumption of foods rich in vitamin C;
  3. During treatment, avoid alcoholic beverages and aspirin;
  4. observe a half-hour break between taking medications and peroxide;
  5. You must eat food two hours before or half an hour after using the solution.

Positive changes in the patient's condition will be noticeable approximately one to two months after the start of therapy. The long-term lack of results is due to the need for accumulation of the substance in the human body. This period may vary for each patient, but after a couple of months there will be no trace of the symptoms of hypertension. The complete absence of a therapeutic effect for six months indicates a strong slagging in the body.

How to strengthen your immune system?


Hardening is, in essence, training the immune system. The main principle of hardening: moderation, gradualness and regularity.

Start small: walk more, ventilate the apartment more often, walk around the house barefoot, wipe yourself with a sponge or towel moistened with cool water, wash your face with cool water. Then you can move on to more serious procedures: dousing with cold water, contrast shower. Contrast showers, by the way, are very useful for training the cardiovascular system, improving skin condition, and preventing cellulite. Just remember to be careful and gradual! If you already have problems with the cardiovascular system, consult your cardiologist first.

The regularity of hardening procedures and the absence of long breaks between them are very important.

You can start hardening procedures only if you are completely healthy. Ideally, after consulting a doctor.


To strengthen the body, you need a balanced diet rich in vitamins and microelements. In order for you to receive all the necessary substances and microelements, your diet should be as varied as possible. Every day, all main food groups should be present in the diet: dairy, starchy, vegetables, fruits, sources of complex carbohydrates, protein and fats. Complex carbohydrates are found in cereals, pasta, potatoes, bran bread and unleavened whole grain breads. They take a long time to digest, unlike simple carbohydrates, which are found in sugar, cookies, cakes and other sweets. A person also needs indigestible carbohydrates - fiber or dietary fiber. They create a feeling of fullness, and, in addition, are useful for digestion. Such carbohydrates are found in oatmeal and wholemeal bread.

In addition, our body needs fats, since they help absorb vitamins A and E. If there is not enough fat in the body, the skin looks worse, the liver suffers, and sex hormones cease to be produced. Fats are saturated and unsaturated. The latter are better absorbed and, accordingly, they are more useful. They are good to get from fatty fish, avocados, almonds, and olive oil. Of course, the consumption of foods containing hidden unhealthy fats, such as mayonnaise, sausage, and cakes, should be limited.

Sources of protein are fish, meat, dairy products, eggs, legumes, nuts, mushrooms.

Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible, preferably in thermally unprocessed form for greater preservation of vitamins.

Vitamins and probiotics

Numerous studies show that in Russia, and in other countries too, the vast majority of people suffer from hypovitaminosis - a lack of vitamins. As is known, vitamins are not formed in the human body, with the exception of vitamin D and vitamins synthesized by intestinal bacteria, and therefore must be constantly present in food. But even with the most rational diet (and let’s be honest, most of us have a far from perfectly balanced diet), the human diet today is “understaffed” with vitamins by 20–30%. The absorption of vitamins from “artificial” preparations is often higher than from regular food.

Accordingly, it is necessary to take multivitamin preparations regularly. During periods of illness, stress, depression, increased workload, pregnancy, smoking, alcohol abuse, and taking antibiotics, the need for vitamins increases. The duration of taking multivitamins is determined by your doctor and is usually 1–3 months; it is advisable to repeat the course 2–4 times a year. Vitamins are better absorbed if the daily dose is divided into several doses; it is better to prescribe the main dose in the first half of the day, since in the evening and at night the metabolism in the body slows down. Since a person has always received vitamins from food, it is better to take vitamin preparations with meals, so they are absorbed more fully.

In addition to vitamins, probiotics are important to strengthen the immune system. Probiotics are medications or biologically active food additives that contain live microorganisms that are representatives of the normal human microflora. They are designed to restore the disturbed balance of microorganisms inhabiting various human mucous membranes, and therefore are used for the treatment and prevention of immunodeficiency, dysbacteriosis and related diseases.

Probiotics stimulate the immune system at all levels, which has been proven in numerous clinical studies. Probiotics and vitamins should not be prescribed to yourself; it is better if a doctor does it.

Regime and physical activity

For the normal functioning of the entire body and a person’s well-being, a regimen is very important.

Try to get up and go to bed at the same time and get enough sleep. Rest more, walk in the fresh air. It is necessary to play sports and do exercises.

Regular physical activity has a beneficial effect on the immune system. During active physical activity, the overall tone of the body increases, mood improves, which contributes to greater activity and a surge of energy, the blood is enriched with oxygen, sleep and appetite improve. Physical activity helps relieve stress; the body produces endorphins (“happiness hormones”).

And be sure to walk in the fresh air. Weather permitting, try to spend at least an hour a day outside. Ideally, during daylight hours, because the sun is necessary not only for the production of vitamin D, but without sunlight the level of serotonin (another “happiness hormone”) in the blood, which is responsible for our good mood, decreases. In autumn and winter, the problem of lack of sunlight is especially relevant - we get up in the dark and leave work after sunset. Take advantage of every opportunity to catch daylight: walk during your lunch break, be sure to plan walks on the weekend.

Rejection of bad habits

Bad habits - smoking, alcohol, drug and drug abuse - greatly weaken the body's immune system, impair the functioning of many organs, destroy blood vessels, the brain, lungs, and increase the risk of developing diseases. In fact, if you constantly poison yourself with smoking, alcohol, etc., it is difficult to expect good condition from your body. Alcohol and nicotine suppress the immune system, as a result of which it ceases to perform its protective functions. By the way, many medications can weaken the immune system, so, firstly, you should not thoughtlessly take pills without a doctor’s prescription, and secondly, if you are taking medications, strengthen measures to strengthen the immune system.

Positive life attitude

People have a close relationship between the physical and emotional components. If life does not bring joy and pleasure to a person, then biological mechanisms of self-destruction are triggered. Be positive, enjoy every day - there is always a reason for this. The ability to positively perceive any reality is, without exaggeration, the key to health and longevity.

We hope that our tips will help you become healthier, and the upcoming autumn-winter season will bring you only joy, not illness!


According to the professor, hydrogen peroxide and hypertension are an uncharacteristic combination for the human body. Due to active saturation of blood with oxygen, some patients experience a sharp deterioration in their health. An overdose often occurs due to a sudden change in the usual amount of a substance, so it is very important to strictly follow the treatment regimen developed by Ivan Pavlovich. The following manifestations are considered characteristic signs of peroxide food poisoning:

  • redness or change in skin color;
  • pain in the throat, mouth, or esophagus;
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • nausea;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • vomit.

The body's reaction to a solution largely depends on the concentration of the substance. The most severe negative symptoms occur after consuming 9% hydrogen peroxide. Dr. Neumyvakin categorically prohibits the use of this substance internally to treat hypertension or other ailments, but some patients have suffered due to carelessness. If you have any of the above symptoms, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

To remove excess amounts of peroxide from the body, special preparations are used that are not available in a regular first aid kit. Ignoring the recommendations leads to the very rapid formation of atomic oxygen, the bubbles of which clog the blood vessels. The process of stopping capillaries is accompanied by severe pain throughout the body, and gas embolism often develops against the background of an overdose.


Once in the blood, H2O2 breaks down into oxygen and water, so its use has no contraindications other than individual intolerance. However, to avoid an overdose, complications may occur:

  • drowsiness, fatigue;
  • nausea;
  • skin rashes;
  • diarrhea.

In case of overdose, symptoms are often similar to colds. If you feel discomfort after taking peroxide, you need to reduce the dose of the substance. Peroxide should also not be used together with other drugs. It is necessary to adhere to a strict treatment regimen created by Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin.

Before treating hypertension with non-drug means, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

Contraindications and side effects

In his books, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin writes that hydrogen peroxide can have a healing effect on the human body. Thanks to dosed consumption of the product, immunity improves and all metabolic processes in the body are normalized. However, some people should not use peroxide. This category includes patients with hemophilia, cappilarotoxicosis, thrombocytopenic purpura, afibrinogenemia, and disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome. Sometimes the following side effects occur during treatment for hypertension:

  • fainting;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • drowsiness;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • heartburn;
  • prostration;
  • irritation of the gastric mucosa;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea.

A negative reaction of the body in most cases is associated with accidental or intentional excess of recommended doses. If problems arise, Neumyvakin advises stopping treatment with peroxide for a while. Resumption of therapy is possible only after consultation with a doctor. Followers of traditional medicine believe that after any side effects appear, you should immediately go to the hospital. Hydrogen peroxide poisoning requires the use of detoxification therapy.

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