What does a blood pressure of 120 over 70 mean - is this normal and what to do with such indicators?

The level of blood pressure characterizes the functional state of the whole organism. Indicators can change throughout the day, which is associated with food intake, medication and emotional state. These fluctuations are considered physiological norms. However, tonometer values ​​differ among people of different age groups and genders, so some have normal low values, while others have higher values. Thus, a pressure of 120 over 70 is the standard indicator at which normal health should be maintained. But in some cases, with these values, patients experience severe headaches, increased heart rate, and spatial orientation disorder. What does a blood pressure level of 120/70 mean and can they cause pathological symptoms?

What does a blood pressure level of 120/70 mean?

Blood pressure of 120 over 70 is considered an ideal diagnostic indicator, reflecting the condition of the vascular system and myocardium, in patients aged 17 to 50 years. However, each person has his own “working” pressure, a deviation from which by 10-15 units causes a significant deterioration in well-being, manifesting itself in symptoms of diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is possible to determine whether these tonometer readings are normal only after an examination, during which daily monitoring is carried out to determine the individual limits of the norm.

The systolic pressure indicator (120 mmHg) characterizes the work of the myocardium during the period of its contraction, when blood is released into the vessels. During the measurement, the numerical indicator is at the maximum permissible level. The value of diastolic pressure (70 mmHg) reflects cardiac activity during the period of relaxation, therefore the numerical indicator is at a minimum level.

What does BP 120/70 mean in a healthy person? It is within normal limits because it meets the following characteristics:

  • Systolic (heart rate) is within normal limits. Values ​​less than 110 are considered low, and values ​​greater than 135 are considered high, which is a sign of hypertension.
  • Diastolic fluctuates between 60-80 mm. rt. Art., therefore 70 mm. rt. Art. ideal.
  • Pulse pressure. The difference between the systolic and diastolic readings should be 35-55 mm. rt. Art. Thus, the pulse difference is 120-70 = 50 mm. rt. Art., which is normal for a healthy body.

Important! A pressure of 120 over 70 is considered slightly elevated during hypotension, since the optimal values ​​are in the range of 100-65 -110/70. A slight increase in tonometer values ​​causes hypertensive syndrome. For patients with pressure within 130/90, decrease the values ​​by 10-15 mm. rt. Art. provokes symptoms of hypotension.

Blood pressure ranges

In our country, we adhere to the standards of the European Society for the Study of Hypertension, and there are also recommendations from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 2021, which established the following ranges of numbers:

  • Normal - systolic blood pressure less than 120-129 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure less than 80-85 mmHg.
  • Highly normal - systolic blood pressure 130-139 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure 85-89 mmHg.
  • 1st degree – 140-159/90-99 mmHg.
  • 2nd degree – 160-179/100-109 mmHg.
  • 3rd degree – more than 180/110 mmHg.

Note: The diagnosis must be confirmed by a doctor. Hypertension is a disease or diagnosis, and hypertension is the very fact of increased blood pressure. Your doctor may also evaluate any unusually low blood pressure readings and associated symptoms.

Normal pressure

  • Optimal blood pressure is SBP less than 120 mmHg. Art. and/or DBP less than 80 mm Hg. Art.
  • Normal blood pressure is pressure in the SBP range of 120–129 mmHg. Art. and/or DBP 80–84 mm Hg. Art.

If your results fall into this category, stick to heart-healthy habits such as a balanced diet and regular exercise.

High blood pressure

High blood pressure is when the readings are consistently in the range of above 140 mmHg for systolic and for diastolic more than 90 mmHg. Art. Measures must be taken to control this condition.

Hypertension 1st degree

Stage 1 hypertension is when blood pressure constantly fluctuates systolic between 140–159 and/or diastolic above 90–99 mmHg. Art. During this stage of high blood pressure, doctors may recommend lifestyle changes and may consider taking blood pressure medications. What you do next depends on your risk and risk factors for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), such as heart attack or stroke.

Hypertension 2 and 3 degrees

Stage 2 hypertension is when blood pressure is constantly at the level of 160/100 mmHg. or higher. During these stages of high blood pressure, doctors may prescribe a combination of blood pressure medications and recommend immediate lifestyle changes.

Hypertensive crisis

This stage of high blood pressure requires medical attention. If your blood pressure reading suddenly exceeds 180/120 mmHg. Art., wait five minutes, and then check your blood pressure again. If your readings are still unusually high, contact your doctor immediately. You may be experiencing a hypertensive crisis.

If your blood pressure is above 180/120 mmHg. Art. and you are experiencing signs of possible organ damage, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, back pain, numbness/weakness, changes in vision or difficulty speaking, do not expect pressure relief. Call 103

Dependence of pressure on pulse rate

Why does the number of heartbeats affect blood pressure levels? In the bloodstream, the level of blood pressure is determined by arterial tone, peripheral resistance, and myocardial contractile activity. The optimal ratio of pulse and pressure is observed at values ​​of 120 to 75 mm. rt. Art., at which the pulse is 65-80 beats/min. A change in heart rate affects the circulating volume of blood in the vessels, which changes blood pressure.

Change in heart rate depending on blood pressure level:

What does pressure 110 over 60 mean?

  • A pulse of 60 beats/min is considered to be a manifestation of bradycardia, however, with normal pressure, a slowing of the pulse can be functional in nature, which is associated with the time of day, emotional state, and medication use.
  • A pulse of 80 beats/min is within normal limits at any blood pressure level.
  • A pulse of 90 beats/min is rapid. With normal blood pressure values, this indicates the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia, intoxication, and hyperthermia.
  • A pulse of 100 beats/min with normal tonometer values ​​indicates a disease of viral etiology, heart pathologies, disruption of the endocrine glands, and hormonal imbalance.

Experts say that tachycardia and bradycardia can be detected with normal blood pressure, being a sign of the development of pathological conditions in the body. With frequent registration of changes in heart rate against the background of normal tonometer values, diagnostic measures are required.

What is upper and lower blood pressure?

Blood or arterial (hereinafter referred to as blood pressure) is the pressure of blood on the walls of blood vessels. In other words, this is the pressure of the fluid of the circulatory system, exceeding atmospheric pressure, which in turn “presses” (impacts) everything that is on the surface of the Earth, including people. Millimeters of mercury (hereinafter referred to as mmHg) is a unit of measurement for blood pressure.

The following types of blood pressure are distinguished:

  • Intracardiac or cardiac , occurring in the cavities of the heart during its rhythmic contraction. For each part of the heart, separate normative indicators have been established, which vary depending on the cardiac cycle, as well as on the physiological characteristics of the body.
  • Central venous (abbreviated as CVP), i.e. blood pressure of the right atrium, which is directly related to the amount of venous blood returned to the heart. CVP indicators are of utmost importance for diagnosing certain diseases.
  • Capillary is a value that characterizes the level of liquid pressure in the capillaries and depends on the curvature of the surface and its tension.
  • Blood pressure is the first and, perhaps, the most significant factor, by studying which a specialist makes a conclusion about whether the body’s circulatory system is functioning normally or whether there are deviations. The value of blood pressure indicates the volume of blood that the heart pumps in a certain unit of time. In addition, this physiological parameter characterizes the resistance of the vascular bed.

Since it is the heart that is the driving force (a kind of pump) of blood in the human body, the highest blood pressure values ​​are recorded at the blood outlet from the heart, namely from its left stomach. When blood enters the arteries, the pressure level becomes lower, in the capillaries it decreases even more, and it becomes minimal in the veins, as well as at the entrance to the heart, i.e. in the right atrium.

Three main indicators of blood pressure are taken into account:

  • heart rate (abbreviated HR) or pulse;
  • systolic , i.e. upper pressure;
  • diastolic , i.e. lower.

What does a person's upper and lower blood pressure mean?

Upper and lower pressure indicators - what are they and what do they influence? When the right and left ventricles of the heart contract (i.e., the process of heartbeat occurs), blood is pushed out in the systole phase (the stage of the heart muscle) into the aorta.

The indicator in this phase is called systolic and is recorded first, i.e. is essentially the first number. For this reason, systolic pressure is called upper. This value is influenced by vascular resistance, as well as the frequency and strength of heart contractions.

In the diastole phase, i.e. in the interval between contractions (systole phase), when the heart is in a relaxed state and filled with blood, the value of diastolic or lower blood pressure is recorded. This value depends solely on vascular resistance.

Let's summarize all of the above using a simple example. It is known that 120/70 or 120/80 are the optimal blood pressure values ​​for a healthy person (“like astronauts”), where the first number 120 is the upper or systolic pressure, and 70 or 80 is the diastolic or lower pressure.

Causes of headaches with normal blood pressure

In most cases, headache is observed at values ​​of 125 to 70 in patients for whom these parameters are not normal. One of the causes of pain can be hypoxia, when brain cells experience oxygen deficiency, aching pain localized in the occipital and temporal regions.

Headaches can be a manifestation of hypertonicity of the cervical muscles, which causes spasm of the blood vessels that supply nutrition to the brain

In hypertensive patients, headache occurs against the background of vascular spasm and circulatory disorders. The pain syndrome is shooting and aching in nature with localizations in the occipital, frontal and temporal regions with irradiation to the bridge of the nose.


In hypotensive people, blood pressure 120 over 70 can be caused by weather dependence, severe stress, abuse of coffee and salty foods. Since the upper figure is too high for them, you need to reconsider your diet and calm down.

In people with hypertension, a sharp decrease in blood pressure can be caused by the use of potent medications. As a rule, such a significant change in indicators is short-term in nature and is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.

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In healthy people, changes in blood pressure of 10 units up or down are considered normal and do not require seeing a doctor. Sometimes this is caused by taking antispasmodics or alcoholic beverages.

What does blood pressure 120/70 mean during pregnancy?

Monitoring blood pressure is an integral part of monitoring the condition of a pregnant woman, which is carried out already from the 12th week of gestation. Many women experience fluctuations in blood pressure, which is associated with changes in hormonal levels. Thus, the first trimester is characterized by a slight decrease in indicators. Then it increases, reaching a level of 122/75 mm. rt. Art., and lasts about 3 months. The second trimester is characterized by activation of placental blood circulation, which causes increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. If your blood pressure level is 140/90 mm. rt. Art., then it is regarded as normal.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, indicators of 120/70 are regarded as slightly reduced. If a woman suffered from hypotension before pregnancy, then these values ​​may be elevated for her. Warning signs are:

  • severe headache, dizziness;
  • tinnitus, spots before the eyes;
  • weakness;
  • lack of coordination;
  • feeling of lack of air.

If pathological symptoms appear, you must immediately seek medical help to clarify the cause of the disorder.


Hypertensive and hypotensive patients feel changes in blood pressure differently:
In a person with constantly low blood pressure, a reading of 120 over 70 causes throbbing pain in the head, redness of the skin on the face and dizziness.

Hypertensive patients report nausea, confusion and decreased performance. Some people complain of spots in front of their eyes, which make it difficult to concentrate and impair their vision. A headache with a decrease in blood pressure also torments, but the unpleasant sensations are not pulsating, but cause a burning sensation in the back of the head.

Frequent migraines may be a sign of incipient hypertension.

What to do to normalize the indicators?

Minor deviations in blood pressure that negatively affect the human body can be associated with stress, nervousness, and changes in weather conditions. The result is tachycardia, bradycardia, and headache. Treatment in this case is prescribed with the aim of normalizing the functioning of the nervous system.

The following treatment regimen is used:

  • B vitamins (strengthen the walls of arteries, serve as the prevention of heart and vascular diseases).
  • Sedatives (to normalize sleep, take at night).

To maintain stable blood pressure, additional magnesium intake is prescribed, which helps strengthen the nervous system.

A blood pressure of 120 over 70 is considered normal for some people, but for others it brings a feeling of discomfort due to the development of negative symptoms. A specialist will help assess the normal limits by determining not only the recorded level on the tonometer, but also identifying risk factors and the presence of chronic diseases.

What do the indicators mean?

When measuring pressure, you can notice two indicators on the dial of the tonometer:

  • upper - displays the condition of blood vessels and heart function;
  • the lower numbers indicate kidney function.

If the tonometer shows 120 to 70, you can rest assured that you are in excellent health. According to statistics, this is normal blood pressure for middle-aged men and women. A qualified doctor can tell you what this blood pressure means. The norm for each person is determined individually, taking into account his age, weight and lifestyle.

As the body ages, everyone’s blood pressure increases and this is also considered normal. For example, overweight people with a pressure of 120 over 70 have a headache and a number of unpleasant symptoms appear. For them, this figure is considered slightly reduced.

For teenagers aged 12-13 years, a pressure of 120 over 70 can be considered somewhat too high and indicate the initial stage of hypertension. At the age of 15-16 years in adolescents, blood pressure levels begin to catch up with adult figures, respectively, 120 over 70 is the norm.

During pregnancy, women experience a mild stage of hypertension, especially in the early stages. This situation is due to the increased load on the heart. Diastolic pressure at 120 over 70 is low for a woman during this period. Closer to childbirth, total blood pressure decreases slightly and the indicator is considered normal.


Unpleasant symptoms can bother both hypertensive and hypotensive patients, especially if the pulse changes. In a healthy adult, a pulse of 60-70 beats per minute is considered normal. If, along with a surge in pressure, there is an increase in the number of heartbeats of more than 90 per minute, tachycardia is diagnosed. This condition is accompanied by:

  • trembling in hands;
  • tinnitus;
  • overexcitement;
  • redness of the face.

If the number of heart contractions is less than 60, this is bradycardia. A person develops a semi-fainting state, his eyes darken, apathy and pale skin are noted.

Bradycardia and tachycardia can occur with normal blood pressure. This condition is a concomitant symptom in the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

What to do with such blood pressure?

If we consider the situation as a whole, then the indicator of 120 to 70 fits within the framework of average statistical norms. Accordingly, there is no need to use antihypertensive drugs to return the usual pressure to hypotensive or hypertensive patients. Treatment will be aimed at normalizing the functioning of the human nervous system, since surges in blood pressure most often develop against the background of neurological disorders.

To normalize the condition and prevent changes in blood pressure, hypotensive and hypertensive patients are recommended to consume:

  • B vitamins - strengthen the immune system and increase overall tone, maintains normal vascular elasticity;
  • sedative medications - allow you to stabilize a person’s condition, reduce the load on the heart muscle, and normalize blood flow through the vessels. Among the drugs in this group, Corvalol, alcohol tinctures of peony or valerian have a good effect.

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Taking Ascorutin will not be amiss - it strengthens blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots. The use of drugs containing magnesium is also recommended. They increase the body's resistance to stress and negative environmental influences.

Medications can only be prescribed by a doctor. Do not try to diagnose yourself and carry out corrective therapy. You will not only worsen your condition, but also complicate the doctors' work. You will have to get rid of the consequences of your rash decisions in a hospital setting.

Traditional methods of treatment

To normalize blood pressure and eliminate associated symptoms, you can use traditional medicine methods. Herbal recipes have no contraindications and are suitable for people of different age categories. The only limitation may be individual intolerance to plant components.

A remedy made from fresh lemon pulp, honey and viburnum berries has a very good effect on the body of both hypotensive and hypertensive patients. All ingredients are crushed and mixed together. The resulting slurry is infused for two hours in a warm place and consumed 4 tsp. three times a day. This recipe allows you not only to normalize your well-being, but also significantly increases the protective properties of the body.

Hypertensive patients who are faced with a blood pressure of 120 to 70 are recommended to eat cranberries with powdered sugar.

For hypotensive patients, a mixture of carrot, beet and horseradish rhizome juice will help restore normal blood pressure. Mix the juices in equal proportions and add 3 tsp. liquid honey. Take 50 g before meals 2 times a day.

Whichever therapy method you choose, remember, if there is no effect within 3 days, seek help from a doctor. He will determine the cause of changes in blood pressure and, if necessary, prescribe corrective therapy.

Symptoms of high blood pressure

Very often, the increase in pressure does not manifest itself for a long time. This is the insidiousness of hypertension. It is not for nothing that the disease is called the “silent killer” - for many years the pathological process progresses in the body: the heart, blood vessels, kidneys are destroyed, but the person feels well, so he does not go to the doctor.

Over time, the patient develops fatigue, headaches of varying degrees of intensity, decreased performance, and sleep disturbances. Damage to target organs causes pain in the heart, blurred vision, irritability, and decreased performance.

Signs of high blood pressure:

  • Hypertensive crisis is a dangerous condition caused by a sharp increase in blood pressure to high numbers (190/120 mm Hg).
  • Symptoms of a hypertensive crisis:
  • A sharp headache, mainly in the occipital region.
  • Tachycardia, shortness of breath, feeling of lack of air.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Visual impairment.
  • Dizziness.

Trying to lower your blood pressure on your own can lead to myocardial infarction or stroke. If symptoms indicating high blood pressure appear, you should immediately call an ambulance and urgently take measures to reduce the pressure.

Before the medical team arrives:

  1. Sit the patient down and place pillows under his back.
  2. Check pressure every 15 minutes.
  3. Hot foot bath for blood flow to the lower extremities. For this purpose, mustard plasters are also applied to the calves of the legs.
  4. An antihypertensive tablet under the tongue - Andipal, Capoten, Captopril.
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