What does blood pressure 170 to 120 mean, what to do, how to reduce high levels?

Hypertension develops for many reasons, but pressure of 170 to 120 is the result of neglect of health. A person constantly experiences unpleasant symptoms and deliberately ignores going to the doctor. Sometimes he doesn’t even understand what this indicator means and what serious consequences it can cause.

What do the numbers 170/120 mean?

Blood pressure 170/120 is a sign of so-called mixed hypertension. The upper indicator indicates the development of stage 2 hypertension, and the lower indicator indicates the presence of stage 3 hypertension.

Permanently high blood pressure increases the load on the heart, which can lead to damage to the integrity of blood vessels, disruption of cerebral blood supply, and strokes.

With a blood pressure of 170 to 120, the likelihood of developing renal hypertension also increases, the consequences of which are severe intoxication of the body and dysfunction of the renal apparatus.

Therefore, blood pressure readings of 170/120 are considered critical and require immediate medical intervention!

Blood pressure 170/120 requires immediate medical attention


Pressure 170/120 mm Hg. Art. is formed solely on the basis of pre-existing hypertension. High rates are caused by factors such as:

  • constant stress and emotional shocks;

  • poor nutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • presence of systemic diseases;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • elderly age;
  • obesity.

Also, the development of hypertension is facilitated by an unfavorable environmental situation and a sharp change in climatic conditions.

The reason for the sudden jump in blood pressure to 170 to 120 mm Hg. Art. there may be a hormonal surge. It is noted by women during menopause and when using oral contraceptives.

Hereditary predisposition plays a huge role in the progression of the disease. If one of the parents suffered from hypertension, there is a 70% chance that the tendency to the disease will be passed on to the child.

If you have a genetic predisposition to hypertension, it is very important to take care of the health of your heart and blood vessels at a young age. Only timely prevention can reduce the likelihood of its development.

Why does blood pressure rise

Doctors identify the following, the most common causes of pressure 170 to 120:

  • Being overweight, obese;
  • Diseases of a systemic nature that occur in a chronic form;
  • The presence of bad habits (nicotine addiction, frequent use of alcoholic beverages, narcotic substances);
  • Age category of the patient, over 60 years old;
  • Improper diet;
  • Tendency to overeat;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • Frequent psycho-emotional shocks and stress factors;
  • Hereditary predisposition.

However, doctors note that blood pressure readings of 170 to 120 are a consequence of the patient’s hypertension, as well as the lack of timely, competent treatment for this disease.

In women, a sudden increase in blood pressure can be caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy, the onset of menopause, and prolonged use of oral contraceptives.

In men, the most common causes of mixed arterial hypertension are bad habits, excess weight, and heavy physical labor.

The high-risk group includes patients suffering from hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, and endocrine disorders.

Possible causes of high blood pressure

Characteristic symptoms

Indicators of 170/120 are accompanied by the following clinical symptoms of high blood pressure, characteristic of progressive hypertension:

  • Rapid pulse;
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Apathy, weakness, decreased ability to work;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Shortness of air and difficulty breathing;
  • Headache;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Sleep disorders, insomnia;
  • Redness and swelling of the skin of the face;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Disorders of urination processes;
  • Ringing and noise in the ears;
  • Decreased visual acuity, midges flashing before the eyes;
  • Ataxia;
  • Decreased sensitivity, coldness of the upper and lower extremities.

If, with a blood pressure of 170 over 120, the patient exhibits clinical signs such as impaired coordination of movements, speech dysfunction, fainting, tremors, panic attacks, then we are talking about a hypertensive crisis, which requires quick and professional medical attention!


If blood pressure rises to 170 to 120, it is impossible not to notice changes in the body. They are accompanied by a characteristic clinical picture:

  • chronic fatigue;

  • sweaty palms;
  • nausea;
  • redness of the face;
  • insomnia;
  • lack of air and shortness of breath;
  • headaches;
  • increased heart rate.

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If the kidneys are involved in the pathological process, the patient suffers from swelling of the limbs and difficulty urinating. With increased intracranial pressure, spots flash before the eyes, it is difficult for a person to concentrate, everything floats, he sees poorly. Gait and coordination of movements are impaired.

In most cases, the patient is not prepared for a sudden attack, and therefore experiences anxiety, fear and panic attacks.

Heart rate indicators

Heart rate is directly related to blood pressure readings. With a blood pressure of 170 over 120, the pulse deviates significantly from the norm.

Young people with hypertension have a heart rate of about 85 beats per minute.

In patients aged 50 to 70 years, the pulse will be about 85-90 beats per minute.

In older people (70 years and older), heart rate can reach 95 beats per minute.

If we are talking about professional athletes, people accustomed to extreme physical activity, then with a pressure of 170 to 120, their heart rate increases to 120 bpm, however, it normalizes relatively quickly.

After stabilization of blood pressure, the pulse gradually normalizes.

High blood pressure also increases your heart rate

First aid for high blood pressure

People with hypertension may experience a sharp increase in blood pressure during the slightest stressful situations. If you have observed this tendency in yourself, you need to know methods that can help quickly prevent pain and pressure surges.

A vinegar compress created in a 1:1 ratio can quickly reduce blood pressure. To do this, take apple cider vinegar and water. A towel is moistened in this compress, the compress is placed on the legs, which must be kept for 10 minutes. Such measures will help to quickly reduce blood pressure to optimal levels and alleviate the patient’s condition. If such manifestations are observed repeatedly, then compresses alone are not enough. You will need immediate medical attention.

What to do if readings are 170/120

A person's blood pressure is 170/120 mmHg. Art. - an alarming indicator that requires urgent stabilization. The patient needs to be provided with competent pre-medical care, and then transferred to the hands of qualified medical specialists.

Urgent Care

In order to urgently reduce blood pressure to 170/120, you can use emergency antihypertensive drugs (for example, Captopril). The hypotensive effect is achieved within 15 minutes to half an hour.

For painful sensations localized in the heart area, it is necessary to place a Nitroglycerin tablet under the patient’s tongue.

In order to relieve anxiety and restlessness, which often arise against the background of high blood pressure, it is recommended to use natural drugs that have a mild sedative effect (Valerian, Motherwort, Valocordin).

It is very important to provide the victim with peace and avoid any type of physical activity. It is recommended to lay the patient down, raising his legs slightly above head level, and free him from constricting clothing.

A warm foot bath or massage of the lower extremities gives a good effect. The patient also needs a lot of oxygen, so you need to open all the windows in the room. To ensure free access to fresh air.

Before doctors arrive, it is necessary to measure blood pressure every 15-20 minutes and record the readings in writing. These records will help specialists assess the situation and take the correct first aid measures.

A warm foot bath at high blood pressure slightly relieves the condition

Breathing exercises

Doing breathing exercises will help normalize your blood pressure. To do this, you need to sit comfortably with your hands on your stomach, inhale deeply through your nose, hold your breath for a few seconds, and exhale slowly (also through your nose). After a minute has passed, repeat the exercise.

The recommended duration of breathing exercises is 10 minutes. During this time, it is possible to reduce blood pressure by approximately 20 indicators, which can significantly improve the general condition of the patient.

First aid

If this is your first time encountering a pressure surge of 170 to 120, you need to know what to do and how to help yourself in such a situation. Many hypertensive patients try to relieve high blood pressure with previously prescribed hypertensive drugs. This should not be done - they will not bring results.

In this situation, emergency medications are needed. Fast-acting Captopril is excellent.

If you feel pain in the heart, place a Nitroglycerin tablet under your tongue.

Emergency medications will take effect within 20 minutes. During this time, no further medications should be taken.

If the patient is very frightened and is in an anxious state, it is allowed to drink valerian or motherwort.

Open the window to allow fresh air into the room, take a position in which your legs are lower than your head. You can massage your limbs or dip them in a bowl of warm water. This will speed up blood flow to them and relieve the load on the heart muscle.

The likelihood of complications and the patient’s further well-being depends on how quickly and correctly first aid is provided.

Further treatment of arterial hypertension

Treatment of arterial hypertension in its advanced form is a rather lengthy process. Effective treatment is complex and includes taking medications, traditional medicine recipes, following a special diet and lifestyle correction.

Antihypertensive drugs

Taking any medications at a pressure of 170 to 120 is allowed only as prescribed by the attending physician. Based on the presenting symptoms, age category, health status of the patient and other features of a particular clinical case, the specialist selects the most effective and safe medications for him and determines their optimal dosage.

For high blood pressure, the following medications are used:

  • Medicines with neurotropic action (tablets Moxonidine, Clonidine);
  • ACE inhibitors (Candesartan, Captopril, Losartan);
  • Diuretics (Furosemide, Indapamide);
  • Calcium channel blockers (Verapamil, Amlodipine);
  • Alpha-blockers, beta-blockers (tablets Carvedilol, Doxazosin, Tonocardin).

With a blood pressure reading of 170 to 120, we are talking about an advanced form of arterial hypertension, requiring lifelong use of medications prescribed by a doctor!

Traditional medicine recipes

Folk remedies for blood pressure cannot cure hypertension, but they help increase the effectiveness of drug therapy, strengthen the immune system, and have a general healing effect.

A mixture of kiwi pulp and celery juice gives a good result in terms of lowering blood pressure. This product can be used without restrictions throughout the day.

A recipe based on cranberries and lemon will be effective. To prepare the medicine, you will need to grind the citrus with a grater and then mix it with cranberries. The resulting mixture should be poured with alcohol (100 g) and consumed 1 tsp before meals.

Cranberries and lemon have a diuretic effect, so they are effective for hypertension


In drug therapy, doctors use drugs from several groups. Depending on the intensity of symptoms, as well as other characteristics of the patient’s body, the doctor combines them and determines the appropriate dosage. With regular increases in blood pressure to 170 to 120, the following medications may be prescribed:

  • ACE inhibitors – Captopril, Enalapril, Losartan, Candesartan;

  • calcium channel blockers – Amlodipine, Diltiazem, Verapamil;
  • alpha and beta adenoblockers – Doxazone, Tonocardin, Carvedilol;
  • diuretics - Indapamide, Furosemide;
  • neurotropic drugs - Clonidine, Moxonidine.

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Each of these drugs has a unique principle of action, but together they can reduce critical blood pressure, remove excess fluid from the body and restore normal heart function.

The patient must be prepared for the fact that he will have to use the drugs prescribed by the doctor for the rest of his life. Return to previous levels of 120 to 80 mmHg. Art. It won't work anymore.

Folk remedies

Herbs and tinctures are not able to cure hypertension, but they increase the body's sensitivity to synthetic drugs, and also enhance its protective properties.

To lower blood pressure, you can use kiwi pulp and celery. The juice of the plant is mixed with the pulp of one fruit and consumed throughout the day. Celery cleanses the walls of blood vessels and improves their elasticity, and kiwi helps normalize blood flow.

Cucumber juice with parsley can also lower blood pressure. Fresh cucumber juice has a diuretic effect, which allows you to remove excess fluid from the vessels and stabilize blood circulation. Parsley normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands. It also restores elasticity to blood vessels and cleanses them of harmful cholesterol.

Lemon and cranberry give a good effect. Grate the citrus together with the zest and add a spoonful of chopped fresh cranberries. The resulting slurry is poured with 100 g of vodka or alcohol and taken 1 teaspoon before meals.

Other treatments

Breathing exercises have a very good effect on the patient’s well-being. It's very easy to do. With regular exercise, a hypertensive person's blood pressure normalizes, insomnia goes away, the diaphragm is trained, and intestinal function is stimulated.

The following exercise is recommended for at least 10 minutes every day: sit on a chair with your back straight, hands on your knees. Take a deep breath through your nose and hold your breath for 5 seconds. Exhale through your nose as well. As you exhale, you must hold your breath for 7 seconds.

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Some hypertensive patients feel dizzy while doing breathing exercises, but at first this is normal. After a few practices everything will get better.

First, you will be able to reduce your blood pressure by 15-20 units, and after a few months you can achieve the optimal level and reduce the likelihood of a hypertensive crisis by 70%.

Preventing pressure surges

In order to avoid sudden changes and increases in blood pressure, you must follow the following rules:

  • Get enough sleep;
  • Eat right, avoiding salty, smoked, fatty and fried foods;
  • Monitor your own weight;
  • Avoid stress and exciting situations;
  • Refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • Do breathing exercises;
  • Do exercises regularly, with a moderate degree of physical activity;
  • Systematically take medications prescribed by the doctor and follow other medical recommendations;
  • Regularly undergo preventive examinations.

High blood pressure 170/120 is an indicator of advanced arterial hypertension, which cannot be completely eliminated. However, proper treatment, proper nutrition, and adherence to the regimen will eliminate unpleasant symptoms, prevent unwanted consequences and improve the quality of life!

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