Pressure 120, 125 to 90, 95 - good or bad

When measuring blood pressure, the indicators of upper and lower blood pressure are taken into account.

Pressure of 120/90 and 125/95 indicates some functional changes in the arterial vessels.

In some situations, such indicators are an individual norm and do not bring discomfort to a person, or may be the result of emotional or physical stress. But sometimes such numbers can signal a certain disturbance in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Is this pressure good?

Minor deviations from the norm when measuring blood pressure may be temporary, without external signs of pathology. In this case, it is enough to rest or get a good night's sleep. Consistently elevated levels are an alarming signal and require medical intervention.

Considering the reference values, it should be noted that the upper blood pressure is 120 mm. rt. Art. - this is a normal indicator that indicates the correct process of contraction of the heart muscle. The norm of lower pressure is 80 mm. rt. Art.

An increase in blood pressure by 10-15 units in a person at complete rest is a pathological phenomenon. Increased diastole causes the development of hypertension and cardiovascular failure.

It is important to distinguish a pathological condition from a physiological one. Pathological development has a clear clinical picture, especially in the absence of treatment. The physiological state is characterized by short duration, for example, with chronic fatigue or changes in hormonal levels. In both cases, correct diagnosis is important.

Blood pressure 120/90 with altered pulse

Blood pressure level and heart rate are two interrelated parameters. Thus, when blood pressure fluctuates, the frequency and rhythm of the pulse changes. A pulse of 100 beats/min at normal pressure indicates the development of an attack of tachycardia.

A rapid heartbeat at values ​​of 120/90 may be a physiological phenomenon due to stress, physical exertion, mental stress, or drug overdose. This disorder is temporary, since after the provoking factor is eliminated, the pulse independently returns to normal parameters.

Pathological causes causing tachycardia:

  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathologies of the pulmonary system.

If palpitations are accompanied by pain in the heart area and are persistent, the patient should consult a cardiologist to determine the cause of the disorder.

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Normal blood pressure by age

A person’s blood pressure depends on many parameters: age, gender, bad habits, puberty and gestational period.

Don't tolerate high blood pressure

Now hypertension can be cured by restoring blood vessels...


Taking into account all the data, a classification of normal blood pressure values ​​was invented.

  • From birth to 12 months, normal values ​​are 95/65 mm. rt. Art., the gender of the child is not taken into account.
  • Until the age of 10 years, systole values ​​vary from 100-105 mm. rt. Art., diastole – 65-70 mm. rt. Art. Gender is not important.
  • From the age of 10 until the age of 16, blood pressure in boys is 125/75 (+- 2 units), in girls it is 118/70 mm. rt. Art. From 16 to 20 years of age, the indicators do not have critical differences, but increase slightly with the appearance of bad habits and addictions.
  • Between the ages of 20 and 40 years, men’s upper pressure levels are 125–130 mm. rt. Art., lower – 77-80 mm. rt. Art. In women, 120/75 and 125/78.
  • After 50 years, there is an increase in systolic values: female - 137/84, male - 135/83.
  • At the age of 60 to 80 years, the normal values ​​for women are 153/85 mm. rt. Art., in men it is lower – 147/82. Due to age-related changes, there is an increase in blood pressure - this is a physiological phenomenon.
  • From 80 to 90 years, the lower values ​​decrease. In both sexes, diastole does not increase more than 80 mm. rt. Art. (fine). A woman's systolic pressure is 150, a man's is 145 mm. rt. Art.

With acceptable values, there are no signs of the development of pathology, however, with minor deviations, the clinical picture may be erased. Pathologies can be detected only with frequent blood pressure measurements.

How does a person feel?

Symptoms characteristic of elevated lower values ​​(but not more than 90 mm Hg) with normal upper values:

  • general malaise;
  • fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • nervousness;
  • headache.

It is important to note that the upper readings of 120 and 125 for older adults are an indicator of hypotension. They experience noise or ringing in the ears and lightheadedness.

Clinical picture with a pressure of 125/95 in young people:

  • increased heart rate;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea.

Unlike more mature people, young people have mild symptoms and no pronounced pathological manifestations.

Possible symptoms

Isolated arterial diastolic hypertension is more often determined by chance, since it does not cause obvious symptoms. The main complaint of patients with this ratio is headache, which becomes constant. Headaches often occur when weather conditions change; depending on the intensity, they are accompanied by dizziness.

Patients also report pain and a feeling of heaviness in the chest area. These sensations lead to difficulty breathing, which causes rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath.


The ideal blood pressure is 120/80 mm. rt. Art., taking into account the permissible number of pulse contractions. Lower value hypertension develops for several reasons:

  • hypertonicity of vascular walls;
  • kidney diseases;
  • excess body weight;
  • diseases of the vascular system (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis);
  • caffeine addiction;
  • poor nutrition;
  • “sedentary” profession;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • chronic diseases of the internal secretion organs.

In old age, age-related changes are observed, the vascular walls lose their elasticity and remain in a tense state. The irreversible process is aggravated by smoking, consumption of ethyl alcohol and its derivatives.

Alcohol dependence leads to hypertension in diastolic pressure, as well as hypertension.

The reasons for such indicators may be overwork, insomnia, physical activity or taking non-alcoholic energy drinks.

Pregnancy as a cause of diastolic hypertension

During pregnancy, hormonal levels change. The adrenal glands intensively produce hormones, which is perceived by the body as a pathological condition of the organ. In addition, the principle of operation of the endocrine gland changes.

A complex of physiological changes leads to an increase in lower pressure. If blood pressure rises to 95 mm. rt. Art. - the process is not pathological.

Does anything need to be done?

Having considered all possible variations on the theme of blood pressure 120 over 90, we can conclude that in the vast majority of cases such indicators do not pose any danger to humans. A slight upward deviation in diastolic pressure (albeit towards a borderline value) is not critical and, as a rule, does not cause discomfort.

If discomfort is still present, how should you feel about the pressure of 120 to 90, what to do with the “lower” value - lower it or increase it to the usual levels? Cardiologists advise not to rush and make do with symptomatic therapy.

  1. If you have a headache, then you can take any painkiller, for example, an analgesic or an analgesic + antispasmodic. Antispasmodics slightly dilate blood vessels, so a slight decrease in diastolic pressure can be expected.
  2. If you feel dizzy, then you need to lie down and rest, providing fresh air. Perhaps it was the disturbance of cerebral circulation that caused the disorder of the vestibular apparatus.
  3. If a hypertensive patient experiences pain in the chest, and the pressure continues to drop rapidly, then you should call a doctor without hesitation.

And if a hypotensive person’s blood pressure is already 120 over 95, what does this mean, what to do at home in this case? The main thing is not to panic; increasing diastolic pressure may indicate overwork or stress; try to calm down, take a comfortable position, and relax.

Manifestations of isolated hypertension are often accompanied by rapid heartbeat, so you can drink something sedative - valocordin, valerian (preferably in tablets) and try to rest. A short rest, as a rule, quickly returns blood pressure to normal.

How to normalize

Minor deviations from reference values ​​may be the beginning of a severe pathological process. Lack of diagnosis and treatment often leads to sclerotic changes in blood vessels and organs.

To normalize blood pressure it is necessary:

  • establish a clear wakefulness and sleep schedule;
  • completely stop drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • normalize body weight with the help of special diets high in macroelements and fiber;
  • adhere to a salt-free diet;
  • If possible, avoid stressful situations and depression;
  • lead an acceptable active lifestyle;
  • To breathe fresh air.

Sometimes it is enough to change your lifestyle to achieve normalization of your lower blood pressure. In addition, these guidelines can be used at any age in individuals at risk of developing hypertension.

In more severe processes, it is impossible to normalize the indicator without the use of medications. The tactics and treatment regimen are determined by the doctor.


Complications with high lower blood pressure, 125 over 95 may be just the beginning, can be very serious. If the diastolic arterial value is high for a significant time, the process of sclerotic changes may begin:

  • connective tissue grows;
  • replaces organ cells;
  • the functioning of the organ is impaired.

Such a process in the heart can lead to myocardiosclerosis. As the disease progresses, stagnation of blood circulation occurs, which leads to cardiovascular failure.

Problems of blood stagnation in the systemic circulation lead to:

  • swelling;
  • ascites.

Cardiovascular insufficiency in the small circle can cause:

  • shortness of breath;
  • pulmonary edema.

Complications can affect the brain:

  • problems with intelligence;
  • memory impairment.

A high lower value may contribute to the development of diseases. Problems with kidney function can develop into kidney failure.

Therapy with a doctor

Most medications have a generalized effect on blood pressure, that is, they reduce both indicators at once, so the treatment of hypertension should be entrusted to a specialist. The drug treatment method is characterized by a visible therapeutic effect and is carried out in all cases to improve the patient’s condition.

Specialists use medications such as:

  • diuretics in combination with aldosterone blockers;
  • ACE inhibitors in combination with diuretics or calcium channel antagonists;
  • adrenergic blockers;
  • pharmaceutical infusions of sedative action (Corvalol or Valoserdin).

The most popular drugs for reducing diastolic readings are:

  • Atenolol;
  • Losartan;
  • Enalapril;
  • Furosemide.

Drug therapy allows not only to normalize blood pressure levels, but also to relieve the patient of unpleasant symptoms. Therapy is unacceptable for women expecting a new addition to the family.

Can I feel dizzy or sick?

As already mentioned, the patient’s well-being serves as the main guideline for determining the optimal pressure of 120 to 90. What does it mean if you have a headache and spots appear before your eyes? This is usually due to poor blood circulation, which irritates the innervation of the brain. But is it possible for the body to react this way to such a minor deviation? Yes, it is possible if this organism is “accustomed” to completely different blood pressure indicators.

It is not surprising that hypotensive patients with a blood pressure of 120 over 90 show signs of hypertension, while hypertensive patients with a blood pressure of 120 over 90 feel dizzy and drowsy. Any negative reactions of the body to a pressure of 120 over 90 indicate that such blood pressure is a deviation for it.

Home treatment

The use of non-traditional methods of treating hypertension should be carried out in consultation with a cardiologist or therapist. Folk remedies are acceptable if:

  • the lower pressure value does not tend to increase further;
  • there are no obvious clinical signs of hypertension.

Home treatment consists of preparing infusions that have a diuretic effect and means for restoring the structure of arterial vessels.

At a pressure of 125/95 mmHg. Art. Light recipes are acceptable:

  • Freshly squeezed cranberry juice is mixed with liquid fresh honey in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is mixed and consumed for 14 days in the amount of 1 spoon three times a day. Honey in combination with cranberry juice enriched with vitamins has a positive effect on the vascular walls of the arterial system.
  • Rosemary decoction promotes increased urination with a pronounced hypotensive effect. The filtered drink is consumed during the day in the amount of 1/4 liter.
  • No less popular is a remedy made from baked garlic, which is a seasoning for food. You should eat 1 head of baked vegetable per day.

At a pressure of 120/90 mm. rt. Art. You can drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices, for example, beetroot, cucumber or carrot. Rosehip decoction helps well, but elderly patients should take it in limited quantities.

What does pressure 120 to 90 mmHg mean? Art.?

Since the indicated blood pressure is so ambiguous, what does a pressure of 120 over 90 mean if we consider it as a pathology? And in what cases does this mean a pathological deviation?

  1. For children and adolescents, a blood pressure of 120 over 90 with a pulse of 80 or 90 beats per minute is elevated. Most likely, this is a symptomatic manifestation of some disease of the internal organs, which means that the child should be shown to a doctor.
  2. For hypotensive people and people prone to hypotension, a blood pressure reading of 120 over 90 is also not normal. What does this mean? In this case, we can talk about the development of isolated diastolic hypertension, that is, a unilateral increase in blood pressure (diastolic only) to the borderline level.
  3. For hypertensive patients, such a drop in blood pressure, when the systolic reading falls “faster” than the diastolic reading, may mean that the heart does not have time to adapt to the lower readings and, as a rule, reacts to this by increasing the heart rate.

Paradoxically, hypertensive patients can feel all the signs of hypotension with a pressure of 120 over 90, a pulse of 90 and above. What should such patients do? Probably, together with the attending physician, reconsider the treatment regimen for hypertension and make serious adjustments to it (which means it was overly intense). Better yet, be examined for the functioning of cardiac, renal and brain activity.

Blood pressure standards according to WHO classification

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