Atheroclephitis as an antiatherosclerotic agent for the treatment of cardiovascular pathology

Red clover, also known as clover (meadow), is a honey plant - in folk medicine it is used for many diseases, as well as in the prevention of their treatment. The plant has antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antitumor effects.

Now the risk of diseases such as hypertension, stroke, and heart attack is increasing. People suffer from cardiovascular diseases and cerebral atherosclerosis. Scientists have conducted studies that have proven that red clover increases the level of high-density lipoproteins in the blood and reduces the level of triglycerides, which has a good effect on cleansing blood vessels.

The plant is used to prepare tinctures and decoctions, and red clover inflorescences infused with alcohol are used to cleanse the blood vessels of the brain.

a brief description of

Trifolium (Latin name for clover) is a perennial plant that has:

  • The leaves are trifoliate;
  • Red, white or multi-colored moth-type flowers;
  • Fruits – beans for one or two seeds;
  • A fibrous root system that tends to become woody.

Due to its aroma and structural features of the flower, the plant is very attractive to bees, and therefore belongs to the category of honey plants.

You can find clover everywhere, but open fields, areas brightly lit by sunlight and low neighboring vegetation are more desirable for it.


Red clover (a tincture for cleansing blood vessels on an alcohol or water-alcohol basis is also no exception) is considered a mild and safe remedy. Therefore, side effects are usually not observed when taking therapeutic doses.

However, according to recent studies, long-term consumption of red clover has revealed several side effects: muscle pain, headache and gastrointestinal discomfort. And fermented plant extracts can cause bleeding.

What is the chemical composition?

The unpretentiousness of clover has not reduced the usefulness of its properties and the richness of its composition. The leaves and stems contain many oily components (essential and fatty origin), glycosides, and organic acids, including salicylic, n-coumaric, and ketoglutaric acids.

Availability confirmed:

  • isoflavones (so-called phytoestrogens - substances similar to human estrogens);
  • phytosterols (substances similar in molecular structure to cholesterol);
  • resins;
  • rich set of vitamins.

Valuable biological substances such as protein, carotene, and amino acids in a free state were found in clover. There is fiber, as well as calcium and phosphorus salts. More than 40% of the specific gravity is accounted for by nitrogen-free extractives.

Any part of the plant is useful. The experience of traditional medicine confirms this. It is recommended to use medications based on it for diseases of infectious, allergic, oncological nature, metabolic disorders, endocrine disruptions, and also as a preventive measure for vascular atherosclerosis. The prepared products strengthen the body, normalize the activity of its organs and systems, help cope with stress and overcome a decrease in the immunological response.

Prevention of cerebral vessels

In practice there is primary and secondary prevention. The first works to prevent vascular disease in healthy people. Second, for those who are at risk it is:

  • Wrong lifestyle, which includes (alcohol, smoking, sleep disturbances);
  • Diabetes;
  • Excess weight;
  • Instability to stressful situations;
  • Heredity.

Pay attention to unpleasant symptoms such as tinnitus, constant headache, visual hallucinations. If these symptoms occur, you should make an appointment with a doctor.

Start eating right, which should avoid foods rich in fat (fatty meats and trans fats).

A healthy lifestyle will help maintain a good mood, and physical exercise will strengthen the spirit and body.

Cholesterol metabolism: how to clean the vascular bed?

Blood circulating through the vascular bed can support the viability of all tissues of the human body, revive or, on the contrary, inhibit the functioning of any tissue elements. This depends on the quality of its passage through the vessels, the presence of obstacles along the way, so-called cholesterol plaques.

That is why it is so important to regulate the processes of cholesterol absorption and removal of excess components. With its chemical composition, the green mass of clover infused with alcohol (clover tincture with vodka) can cleanse blood vessels, make them easily passable, which significantly improves the condition of tissues experiencing hypoxic changes.

Is red clover listed in the Red Book: photo of the plant

In Russia, clover grows in meadows and forest edges. And in neighboring Ukraine, it is listed in the Red Book. This plant can reach 30 cm in height. Clover's stem is thin and straight. The original leaves of the plant consist of three fused obovate leaflets. They have white tick marks. This is one of the differences between this type of clover and medium clover.

Photo of the plant

The plant blooms in spherical inflorescences with a wrapper. The flowering of this plant begins in late spring and ends in September. In addition to being used for medicinal purposes, clover flowers and leaves are also used as cattle feed. For this purpose, clover is grown on an industrial scale. This plant produces very tasty honey.

How to prepare clover tincture with vodka?

Preparatory actions

The usefulness of clover tincture with vodka will be due to:

  • the quality of the raw materials used (where collected, at what time of year, how it was dried and under what conditions it was stored);
  • quality of the alcohol component (vodka or alcohol diluted with water);
  • proportion of preparation;
  • compliance with the exposure time (infusion);
  • accuracy of following directions for use.

You can prepare a clover tincture with vodka from either freshly collected parts of the plant or from dried ones. The main thing is that it needs to be collected during the period when ripening is already completed. The appearance of flowers is evidence that the plant is gaining all its beneficial properties. This usually happens between June and August. You should not be tempted by the proximity of clover meadows to public roads: in this case, fuel combustion products and exhaust gases may accumulate in their pulp.

Which alcohol element to take? It's better to stick with regular industrial vodka. This way you will protect yourself from counterfeit products, possibly with a high content of fusel oils, which poison the body and carry a lot of negative consequences.

So, here is a more detailed recipe for preparing clover tincture with vodka for cholesterol.


Measure out 40 g of clover flowers and grass (if they are fresh, you should first soak them in cold water for 10-15 minutes to wash them from small insects);

  1. Transfer the mixture (without water) to a dark glass container and pour half a liter of vodka;
  2. Seal tightly and place in a dark place at room temperature;
  3. Withstand at least a day, maximum - three;
  4. Carefully strain and separate from the pulp.

Pour the prepared clover tincture with anti-cholesterol vodka into a pre-prepared glass container. The medicine is completely ready. It should be taken according to the doctor's recommendations. The dose and frequency of administration are not always the same. Recommendations read in various sources may be general, average, and not take into account the individual characteristics of each person.

There is another recipe for making clover tincture with vodka for cholesterol. For it you need to take 250 g of flowers with grass and pour half a liter of vodka. In this case, insist for two weeks. Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals for two months. This composition is more concentrated, and therefore has more contraindications. You need to decide with your doctor which concentration is right for you.

special instructions

Clover preparations should be taken with great caution or avoided altogether in some cases.

  • You should stop taking red clover two weeks before your scheduled surgery because it may increase bleeding.
  • The herb is not recommended for use simultaneously with hormonal contraceptives.
  • Nothing is known about the interaction of red clover with other herbs, but it has been reported to interact adversely with some medications. For example, the use of clover together with drugs that have an anticoagulant effect (in particular, heparin, ticlopidine and warfarin) is strictly prohibited, as the likelihood of bleeding increases.
  • Since the main form of use of the plant is vodka tinctures, it is not recommended to use these drugs for people who are intolerant to alcohol.

What are the usual indications for use?

Natural cleaning of blood vessels is a long process. You should not expect that the effect will occur after a week of use. Since cholesterol metabolism is of particular relevance today (various types of diets, self-administration of medications by people who care about their health), the administration procedure should be discussed in more detail.

Before preparing clover tincture with vodka, you need to decide whether alcohol products are indicated for you. They are not recommended for use by persons with intestinal ulcers, those suffering from hypertension, pregnant and nursing mothers, persons with poor blood clotting, those suffering from varicose veins and a number of others.

If there are no contraindications, take a tablespoon of clover tincture with vodka for cholesterol before meals (or an hour after meals, which is more gentle on the mucous membrane). The reception should be carried out for at least a month, after which you need to take the same break. If necessary, the course can be re-assigned.

You can drink clover tincture with vodka or improve its taste with honey, lemon, or plain water (by dilution). Those who don’t have time to do their own preparation or have nowhere to collect raw materials can contact a pharmacy chain and purchase an industrially produced tincture. In this case, before treatment, read the instructions for use provided by the manufacturer on the packaging and strictly adhere to the period of its recommended use.

Red clover is a valuable biological raw material that will help a person cope with many health problems. However, you cannot follow the recommendations of naturopaths without caution. After all, each human body is an individual, and its reaction to this or that drug is unpredictable. Today, in a sea of ​​allergic reactions and increased individual sensitivity to certain drugs, the main thing is not to overdo it and not harm your health. Be attentive to it and use all natural helpers according to the degree of your readiness.

Review of 5 drugs based on it

Today, you can buy clover-based medicines in pharmacies to treat many diseases. But it is better to consult with your doctor before using them and strictly follow the instructions for use. Preparations in tablet or liquid form:

  1. Feminal . It has an analgesic and bactericidal effect on the body. Improves memory, normalizes emotional state.
  2. Femiwell . Helps cope with irritability, reduces the symptoms of a woman's menopause, and normalizes blood pressure.
  3. Atheroclephitis . Reduces cholesterol levels and strengthens blood vessels. Helps normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Red clover capsules . Dietary supplement to food, one of the components of which is clover. Serves as a source of nutrients that have a positive effect on the body as a whole.
  5. Pharmacy tincture . Used to maintain the body's strength, for insomnia, to restore hormonal levels and cleanse blood vessels.

Carefully! Self-medication is dangerous, even if herbal preparations are used. A doctor's consultation is required!

Red clover face masks: recipes

Clover can also be used as cosmetic masks. A universal remedy of this type based on this plant is the following mask:

  1. Grind fresh clover flowers and leaves using a food processor or meat grinder
  2. To the resulting mixture (1 tablespoon), you must add liquid honey (1 teaspoon), kefir (1 tablespoon) and an egg (1 pc.)
  3. The ingredients are mixed until smooth and immediately applied to the face for 15-20 minutes.

You can use this mask 2 times a week.

You can relieve redness on the skin using this recipe:

  1. Fresh clover needs to be chopped into pieces and pour boiling water over it.
  2. Soak several folded gauze in the infusion and apply it to the affected area.

This mask is good for sunburn, acne and other skin problems.

Red clover for breast enlargement: recipe for use

The hero of this article is rich in isoflavones and anticoagulants. Among other things, these substances are responsible for regulating the level of female sex hormones. These are the compounds that affect appearance and attractiveness. And as we know, one of the standards of female beauty is large and firm breasts.

In order to increase the volume of this part of the female body, you need to prepare a decoction of red clover (2 tablespoons of dried flowers per 500 ml of water). You need to use it one tablespoon three times a day.

This decoction can also be used externally, rubbing it into the bust with light circular movements.

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