Hemorrhoids - description, stages, symptoms, treatment

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Hemorrhoids are a common proctological disease, which is characterized by dilation of blood vessels in the anus. Vessels are deformed and injured. A violation of the functionality of internal organs is diagnosed. The disease is developing rapidly, so you should contact a proctologist as soon as possible to make a diagnosis and begin treatment.

According to medical statistics, hemorrhoids are diagnosed in every fourth patient. The disease develops in both young and elderly people. With age-related changes, the functioning of internal organs and the digestive tract is disrupted. In most cases, patients turn to a proctologist only when the condition has worsened and their usual way of life has been disrupted.

For effective treatment, suppositories, ointments and gels, and traditional medicine are used, which are also effective for hemorrhoids. Procedures are carried out after which the tumors die. In the final stages, drug treatment does not make sense. Surgery will be required to prevent the disease from developing. There are four degrees of hemorrhoids, which carry different dangers.


Hemorrhoids are varicose veins of the intestines. The human anus is considered the entrance to the rectum. The length of the intestinal section is 14–18 cm. Hemorrhoids are located around the anus.

The hemorrhoid consists of mucous membranes, cavities, veins and arteries, which are interconnected. When pathological expansion of the veins is observed, hemorrhoids develop. Based on location, hemorrhoids are divided into internal, external and combined.

Internal viewAppearanceCombined view
It is characterized by a pathological enlargement of hemorrhoids in the rectum. It is difficult to diagnose in the early stages. External hemorrhoids are easier to identify even during the initial examination and palpation. Hemorrhoids are located under the soft tissue around the anus. Accompanied by a violation of the outflow of blood in both external and internal hemorrhoids. The rehabilitation period will be longer than with the above types of pathology.

By nature, proctologists distinguish acute and chronic forms:

  1. The acute form of hemorrhoids is accompanied by bleeding from the anus, severe pain, and an increase in the size of the hemorrhoids.
  2. The chronic form or remission is practically asymptomatic and has no manifestations.

Each form or phase of proctological disease requires special attention and an individual approach.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of combined hemorrhoids is carried out using the same methods that detect individual forms of this disease. Differential diagnosis is carried out with the expectation that the symptoms of this disease may be similar to other pathologies, including cancer. Therefore, only a qualified specialist can diagnose mixed hemorrhoids, based on the symptoms when examining the patient. If necessary, the proctologist may prescribe other examination methods in order to clarify the pathology. Self-medication should not be practiced under any circumstances; a person can unintentionally complicate the course of the disease.

Hemorrhoids 1st degree

The initial stage of hemorrhoids is asymptomatic and does not bother the patient. In some cases, itching and burning appears in the anus. Impurities of blood, pus and mucus form in the stool. Drops of blood are visible on the toilet paper. At the early stage of proctological disease, patients rarely seek medical help. It is extremely important to contact a medical specialist in time to begin treatment at the first stage and avoid complications.

Advanced forms of the disease are much more difficult to cure. At stage 1 of hemorrhoids, the patient is prescribed rectal suppositories or medications. They eliminate the inflammatory process, kill harmful bacteria, and improve blood flow in the vessels. Traditional medicine is used. Potato suppositories will help improve blood circulation in the anus and make bowel movements easier.


The main signs of hemorrhoids are bleeding from the anus, as well as pain, itching and discomfort in the rectal area. The severity of symptoms differs depending on the form of the disease (acute or chronic), as well as its stage (neglect).

Signs of chronic hemorrhoids

The nature of the symptoms is determined by the stage of the disease:

Symptoms of acute hemorrhoids

The acute form of hemorrhoids occurs against the background of complete or relative well-being, when there were no hemorrhoidal formations at all or if the disease was asymptomatic. The transition to the acute stage is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • sudden sharp pain, most often occurring during bowel movements;
  • heavy bleeding as a result of rupture of a venous vessel;
  • severe itching and discomfort that does not disappear even after completion of the bowel movement;
  • the appearance of visible and severely inflamed hemorrhoids - if these have not been observed before.

Hemorrhoids 2nd degree

This stage is accompanied by pain during defecation. Exertion and physical stress also occur with discomfort. Bloody discharge from the anus appears on the underwear. The patient notices bloody clots even in the absence of bowel movements and in a calm state. After a bowel movement, you feel like you have an empty bowel.

Stage 2 hemorrhoids require special attention and urgent treatment. If the patient misses time, then conservative treatment will not help cure the disease in the future. The proctologist prescribes hemostatic drugs and rectal suppositories. Minimally invasive treatment methods are carried out, including sclerotherapy using special injections. The injection is injected into the base of the blood clot and promotes its death.

Infrared coagulation is also performed. Accompanied by cauterization of hemorrhoids using laser radiation. In case of complications, the patient is referred for latex ligation. The blood vessels of the anus are compressed with a latex ring, after which the pathological neoplasm dies and disappears. There is no blood flow, so the node comes out of the anus.

Traditional medicine is also effective in this case. The patient is given microenemas of rosehip or sea buckthorn oil. The doctor prescribes baths with a decoction of chamomile, oak bark, birch, and potassium permanganate. A special anti-hemorrhoidal collection is also used.

Treatment of second stage hemorrhoids

For second-stage hemorrhoids, the doctor may treat it conservatively, or the doctor will suggest minimally invasive manipulations - sclerotherapy, ligatures (suture ligation or ligation with latex rings). The question of choosing the most effective therapy is decided individually after examining the patient.

In the acute phase of the disease, only conservative treatment is carried out. Drug treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms of the disease and reducing inflammation. Anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, analgesic, hemostatic suppositories and ointments that improve local blood flow are used locally.

Patients with hemorrhoids are prescribed a special diet to normalize intestinal function, and are also recommended to adjust their lifestyle, physical activity, normalize weight, and give up bad habits, which will help avoid relapse of the disease.

On the medical basis, diagnosis and treatment of all forms of hemorrhoids are carried out using modern methods of therapy in proctology. Modern diagnostic equipment and specialists with many years of experience guarantee impeccable treatment results.

You no longer need to endure pain and experience constant discomfort. Contact a multidisciplinary medical center and our specialists will solve your delicate problems as quickly, tactfully and painlessly as possible. You can make an appointment by phone: +7 or using the online registration form on the website.

Hemorrhoids 3rd degree

This stage is considered dangerous to human health. Surgical intervention rather than conservative treatment is used. The operation is performed if drug therapy does not bring the desired effect. The size of hemorrhoids is rapidly increasing. The formations fall out of the anus, the patient cannot put them back inside without the help of a medical specialist.

The help of a qualified doctor is required, since repositioning of the nodes inward is required after defecation. This procedure will help avoid discomfort and pain, and not cure the pathology. The use of medications at stage 3 of hemorrhoids is effective only to alleviate the condition and eliminate pain. Treatment of third-degree hemorrhoids with folk remedies makes no sense.

Hemorrhoids grow daily, so invasive treatment methods are used. If you avoid treatment and visiting a proctologist, third-degree hemorrhoids develop into rectal cancer and pose a serious threat to the health and life of the patient.

Infrared photocoagulation method

In this case, treatment of the hemorrhoid is carried out by cauterizing it at several points at the base (from two to six). The duration of the session is very short, only 10-15 seconds.

The patient does not experience any particular discomfort or pain. During the procedure, he lies on his side on the couch with his knees pressed to his chest. His body is covered with special proctological underwear, in which a hole is left for inserting an anoscope. This is an important point, because eliminates the tightness that occurs in some patients.

Point cauterization of the base of the hemorrhoidal node deprives it of adequate nutrition, which subsequently leads to the complete death of the node. To prevent pain during the procedure, the patient may be given local anesthesia using special gels.

Infrared photocoagulation is a gentle technique that does not cause excessive bleeding. No sick leave is required, the recovery period is minimized.

Hemorrhoids 4 degrees

The patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating. Stage 4 hemorrhoids require immediate surgical intervention and removal of hemorrhoids. The advanced disease is characterized by pain when walking and even while sitting. Reduction of tumors into the anus is impossible.

Bleeding becomes profuse. As a result, anemia or anemia is diagnosed. The patient feels severe weakness, loss of strength, and lack of appetite. Blood clots form in the cavernous veins, which negatively affect the blood circulation process. Hemorrhoids become inflamed, thereby provoking the appearance of suppuration and necrosis, dead areas of soft tissue. Harmful bacteria spread throughout the body and worsen the condition.

Treatment methods

The following methods are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids:

Hemorrhoid stageTreatment
FirstCreams, gels, rectal suppositories, drugs, sclerotherapy, photocoagulation, Bicap diathermocoagulation
SecondHardening of nodes, medications, photocoagulation, latex ring ligation, thermal probe, Ultroid current
ThirdDrug therapy, latex ring ligation, Ultroid current, hemorrhoidectomy
FourthHemorrhoidectomy, phlebotropic drugs

In the early stages of hemorrhoids, traditional medicine using herbs, decoctions and mixtures is also used.

Treatment of combined hemorrhoids with folk remedies

Treatment of hemorrhoids only with folk remedies is unacceptable, but together with drug treatment it will significantly speed up the patient’s recovery. It is important to remember that without consulting a highly qualified specialist, it is undesirable to take measures on your own, even using herbs and infusions.

Also, many patients are hostile towards traditional medicine, but there are several truly effective recommendations that help alleviate the patient’s condition:

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  • Taking a cold bath. This method is often used if it is necessary to stop bleeding from the anal canal and also reduce pain. This method is very simple, you need to pour ice water into a basin and sit in the container for a short time (about 2-3 minutes). It is recommended to do this procedure no more than once or twice a day.
  • Using red beets. Red beets are grated with shavings on a fine grater. Finely grated beets are spread evenly on gauze, then the resulting compress must be applied to the sphincter area. This method quickly relieves itching and accompanying pain.
  • Candles made from chamomile infusion. It is necessary to pour a tablespoon of dried herb (chamomile) into a small vessel and fill it with a glass of water. Place the vessel on the stove and boil it for about 10 minutes. After you have cooled the broth, strain it and pour it into small molds, the size of which should not exceed the size of pharmaceutical suppositories. After freezing the broth in molds, the prepared candles must be inserted into the anus. The remedy is simple, but very effective. It will help to quickly relieve inflammation of hemorrhoids, itching, burning and pain in the sphincter area and anal canal.
  • Candied honey is poured into molds, the size of which is similar to pharmaceutical suppositories. After the honey has hardened, the resulting candles are inserted into the anal canal in the same way as pharmaceutical candles.

Folk remedies can significantly alleviate the course of the disease, but only on the recommendation of a qualified specialist, and also together with medications. Without concomitant treatment, traditional medicine is unable to relieve a patient of hemorrhoids of any form or degree.

Reasons for development

Why do hemorrhoids develop? In some cases, the disease appears due to a genetic predisposition. In people who are prone to the appearance of hemorrhoidal cones, the blood vessels in utero are weak, worn out, and intra-abdominal pressure increases. Ultimately, the blood stagnates in the body, and the cavity expands. The influx of arterial blood exceeds the outflow of venous blood, which should not be the case.

There are other reasons for the development of the disease, including:

  1. A low-active lifestyle includes office workers, drivers, and salespeople at risk.
  2. Excessive physical exertion, work associated with lifting weights, playing professional sports.
  3. Disrupted daily routine and lack of adequate sleep.
  4. Poor nutrition, excessive consumption of baked goods, spicy and salty foods.
  5. Alcohol abuse: Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages increases intra-abdominal pressure.
  6. Pathologies associated with bowel movement.
  7. Malignant and benign formations.
  8. Pregnancy during gestation produces strong pressure on the abdominal organs, the uterus puts pressure on the internal organs, and blood volume increases.

In young children, hemorrhoids are diagnosed much less frequently. The cause is considered to be congenital dilatation of the cavernous veins. The child often cries, as a result of which the blood flow to the cavernous formations increases. Stagnation and blood clots form. Also, infants develop hemorrhoids if they often sit on the potty, thereby trying to push.

In adolescence, proctological disease develops as a result of frequent masturbation. Blood circulation is disrupted in the pelvic organs. The disease is most common among older people. Physical activity in old age gradually decreases, and a sedentary lifestyle appears. Other diseases of the digestive tract are also diagnosed. Patients are forced to take a large number of medications, disrupting intestinal motility. Side effects of the drugs provoke poor circulation in the pelvic organs and an increase in hemorrhoids.

We care about your health

Hemorrhoids in women are a fairly common ailment that requires urgent treatment. Its symptoms coincide with a similar disease in men. However, according to statistics, women suffer from this unpleasant disease much more often. This is explained by the lifestyle and structural features of the body of representatives of the fairer sex.

Let's take a closer look at the symptoms and causes of hemorrhoids, treatment of this disease in women and preventive measures.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in women

The disease does not appear immediately, but develops gradually. Symptoms vary widely and depend on the stage of the disease.

Signs of hemorrhoids in women most often include the following:

  • sensation of a foreign body in the anal canal area;
  • burning and itching in the anus;
  • bleeding from the rectum;
  • prolapse of hemorrhoids;
  • severe pain in the anus;
  • heaviness in the stomach, bloating;
  • lack of sensation of complete bowel movement.

With the development of severe inflammation, an exacerbation of the disease occurs, which is accompanied by high fever and blue discoloration of the hemorrhoids.

Causes of female hemorrhoids

Female hemorrhoids can be caused by many factors. Let's look at the most common causes that contribute to the onset of the disease.

  • 1. Pregnancy and childbirth. The uterus enlarges during pregnancy and puts strong pressure on the vessels, causing blood stagnation. During childbirth, stagnation increases, pushing is accompanied by increased blood flow to the pelvic veins. This contributes to the development of hemorrhoids.
  • 2. Menstrual cycle. During menstruation, a large volume of blood flows to the pelvis, as a result of which the blood vessels become overfilled - there is a risk of hemorrhoids.
  • 3. Poor nutrition. The lack of plant fiber in the body and eating disorders can lead to constipation, and this disrupts natural intestinal motility. The result is the development of hemorrhoids. A big risk factor can be a variety of diets that disrupt the diet necessary for the body.
  • 4. Profession. Professional activities associated with prolonged sitting or standing positions disrupt the circulation of arterial and venous blood in the pelvic area, which leads to blood stagnation.
  • 5. Stress. The occurrence of the disease largely depends on psychological reasons. Women are more likely to be exposed to stress, endure it much more severely and experience severe emotional stress.
  • 6. Increased physical activity, lifting weights that do not correspond to the body’s capabilities.
  • 7. A sharp decrease in body weight.
  • 8. Unconventional sex.

This is not a complete list of the causes of hemorrhoids in women. By adopting a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, you can avoid the development of the disease.

Types of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids in women can be divided into several types. Each type has its own symptoms and requires specific treatment.

Interior. The disease manifests itself in inflammation of the veins inside the anal canal and develops painlessly. This is explained by the fact that there are no pain receptors in this place.

External. The veins in the anus become damaged, which causes severe pain and itching. In such cases, medical intervention is required.

Combined. It is a combination of internal and external views. The disease may be accompanied by anal fissure, prolapse or thrombosis of hemorrhoids, and this can cause severe bleeding. In such cases, treatment of hemorrhoids in women cannot be delayed - try to see a doctor immediately.

Stages of hemorrhoids in women

In medical circles, there are four stages of hemorrhoids in women.

At the first stage, a slight compaction is felt at the entrance to the rectum. After defecation, itching and burning appear in this place. If you see a doctor right away, the disease can be cured in two to three weeks.

The second stage manifests itself in an increase in hemorrhoidal cones. They become dense and cause pain. When defecating, the lumps may come out and then come back. Discharge in the form of blood or inflammatory fluid appears from the rectum, which is accompanied by unbearable itching and discomfort.

At the third stage, nodes fall out. This happens when visiting the toilet, strenuous physical activity, or lifting heavy objects. Pain haunts a woman constantly: when she sits, walks and even lies.

The fourth , advanced stage is accompanied by severe bleeding during bowel movements, lumps of different sizes on the inside and outside of the anus, the inability to reduce hemorrhoids, and the appearance of blood clots.

The first stage of the disease is treated at home without hospitalization. On the second and third, hospital treatment will be required. The fourth stage of the disease can only be cured with surgery.

Treatment of the disease

Diagnosis and treatment of female hemorrhoids is carried out by a proctologist. He conducts an examination, prescribes therapy and provides advisory assistance.

In the initial stages, ointments, rectal suppositories, and gels help. They relieve pain, irritation, itching and tingling. For oral administration, tablets are prescribed to make it easier to go to the toilet, painkillers, antibiotics (if a bacterial infection is detected), phlebotropic drugs, etc.

For the treatment of female hemorrhoids, special procedures are very effective:

  • infrared coagulation - the effect of infrared radiation on hemorrhoids (cures the disease in the initial stages);
  • sclerotherapy - the introduction of a sclerosing drug into the inflamed nodes (effective in the treatment of internal hemorrhoids);
  • minimally invasive methods - treatment of the disease through latex ligation (when enclosing each node in a ring leads to the falling off of the lump in two to three weeks), ligation of hemorrhoidal arteries (HAL procedure), etc.;
  • Hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical operation to remove nodes.

You should not try to diagnose or self-medicate on your own. Hemorrhoids can easily be confused with another serious rectal disease and cause irreparable harm to the body.

Prevention of hemorrhoids in women

To protect yourself from hemorrhoids, follow simple rules for its prevention:

  • eat foods rich in plant fiber;
  • minimize spicy and spicy foods, alcohol;
  • lead an active lifestyle;
  • avoid strong strain during bowel movements;
  • sit only on hard chairs;
  • take breaks during sedentary work;
  • Walk more during pregnancy.

Preventing the disease will help avoid unpleasant consequences. A timely visit to a doctor will allow you to cure hemorrhoids quickly and without any complications.

Disease prevention

Even in the absence of symptoms, it is extremely important to follow preventive measures to avoid the appearance of hemorrhoidal cones and an increase in their size. To do this, you should visit a proctologist every six months for diagnostic tests. At home, it is recommended to do baths and microenemas, and use rectal suppositories, which have a positive effect on the microflora and the condition of soft tissues. In a hospital setting, cauterization of blood vessels is performed.

It is important to follow a diet, include fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables in your diet, and drink plenty of clean water. To improve the functioning of the esophagus, avoid excessive consumption of caffeine and alcoholic beverages. Spicy seasonings and sauces irritate the intestinal mucosa.

Every day you need to walk in the fresh air and do physical exercise. This prevention is especially important for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Squats will help relax your muscles and improve blood flow in your veins and arteries.

Proctologists advise limiting heavy lifting and excessive physical activity. Try to minimize muscle tension. To activate blood circulation in the anus and avoid enlargement of hemorrhoids, you can rinse the anus with cool water using herbal remedies.

To avoid irritating the soft tissue of the anus, you should purchase damp toilet paper. Only with a timely visit to a proctologist can complications and the development of proctological diseases be avoided. To make an appointment, call the number listed on the official website. An employee of the private medical clinic “Proctologist 81” will call you back and confirm the selected time. Prices for diagnostic tests and procedures are posted on the website. The cost depends on the stage of the disease and the presence of concomitant pathologies.

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