Are hemorrhoids a life sentence or a delicate problem that can be solved?

“A disease of intellectual people”, “a royal disease” - hemorrhoids are called as many different names as possible. Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, Boris Godunov, Russian Tsars Alexei Mikhailovich and Peter the Third suffered from this disease.

Currently, hemorrhoids have become especially common; both men and women are equally susceptible to it. Many people suffer from hemorrhoids, but are embarrassed to admit it to themselves, let alone see a doctor.

How to prevent the occurrence of this disease? How to choose effective remedies for hemorrhoids? How to treat hemorrhoids correctly? What methods of treating hemorrhoids are most effective today? We will answer all these questions in this article.

Hemorrhoids are a chronic progressive disease. To prevent the development of complications of hemorrhoids, you need to know the reasons for its occurrence. You can learn about this and much more from this video.

Hemorrhoids are a chronic progressive disease. To prevent the development of complications of hemorrhoids, you need to know the reasons for its occurrence. You can learn about this and much more.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

In order to prevent hemorrhoids, it is necessary to eat right, improve bowel function and increase physical activity. However, these measures are not enough to treat an already manifested disease. Treatment of hemorrhoids may include conservative methods of treating hemorrhoids (treatment of hemorrhoids without surgery) and surgical methods.

Treatment of hemorrhoids without surgery

It is important to know that it is impossible to completely get rid of the “royal disease” through only conservative treatment of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are a chronic disease, progressive and dangerous with complications. Ointments or suppositories for hemorrhoids can reduce pain and temporarily “relieve” symptoms, but do not cure the disease. In any case, we recommend that you abandon self-medication and consult a proctologist who will offer you the most modern methods of treating hemorrhoids and select the most effective drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Conservative treatment of hemorrhoids is used:

  • to relieve pain during exacerbation of the disease;
  • to prevent complications and bleeding;
  • for the prevention of exacerbations in chronic hemorrhoids;
  • for preparation before surgery;
  • for the rehabilitation of the patient in the postoperative period.

Therapeutic treatment for hemorrhoids can be used in the early stages of the disease. Non-surgical treatment of hemorrhoids includes the use of painkillers, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, venotonic, hemostatic drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids. In addition, local remedies are used - suppositories for hemorrhoids, microenemas, baths and ointments for hemorrhoids.

Drug therapy includes drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids, aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and pain, increasing the tone of the veins and improving blood circulation.

To relieve pain, you can take some analgesics in injections and tablets.

The use of phlebotonic drugs (escusan, detrolex, etc.) helps strengthen the tone of the venous wall of hemorrhoids. These same drugs are used not only in the treatment of hemorrhoids, but also in the treatment of varicose veins in the legs.

When treating complicated hemorrhoids, for example, bleeding, homeostatic or hemostatic drugs may be prescribed. In this case, you cannot take some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, because they themselves reduce blood clotting.

If there is an anal fissure along with hemorrhoids, then it is also possible to use ointments that relieve spasm of the anal sphincter.

Heparin ointment reduces blood clotting and the risk of blood clot formation. This ointment can be used if there is a risk of hemorrhoidal thrombosis.

Which specialist should I contact?

As you can see, the diseases are very different, and accordingly, the methods of examination and treatment of hemorrhoids are required in each case differently. In this situation, a proctologist surgeon will understand and provide assistance. The specialty “surgeon” does not at all mean that the treatment is necessarily surgical; the earlier the patient applies, the greater the chance of effectively treating hemorrhoids using a conservative method, that is, using tablets, ointments and/or rectal suppositories. And in the case of tumor diseases, it can save lives. But only a proctologist should determine this.

Surgery for hemorrhoids

MedicCity uses innovative technologies and the latest methods of treating hemorrhoids, including the following:

  • hemorrhoidectomy;
  • latex ligation of hemorrhoids;
  • disarterization (hemorrhoidal disarterization);
  • sclerosis of hemorrhoids;
  • coagulation of hemorrhoids (laser treatment of hemorrhoids).

Preparation for surgery includes:

  • consultation with a colonoproctologist;
  • laboratory and functional diagnostics;
  • refusal of blood thinning pills;
  • purgation.


Hemorrhoidectomy is the radical removal of pathological hemorrhoids with ligation of blood vessels. For many years, hemorrhoidectomy has been the gold standard for removing existing hemorrhoids, but hemorrhoidectomy surgery is not a minimally invasive procedure.

Hemorrhoidectomy surgery is used:

  • with constant prolapse of the patient’s internal nodes;
  • with frequent exacerbation of hemorrhoids in middle-aged patients;
  • for stage 3 hemorrhoids complicated by thrombosis of hemorrhoids;
  • for hemorrhoids stage 4;
  • at stage 2 of hemorrhoids, complicated by fistulas and chronic fissures.

Hemorrhoidectomy is performed using a scalpel, coagulator or laser. There are open hemorrhoidectomy and closed hemorrhoidectomy.

Open hemorrhoidectomy or Milligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy was named after the two doctors who first performed this operation in 1935.

Open hemorrhoidectomy is so called because the operation involves healing the edges of the wound in an open manner.

Possible complications with open hemorrhoidectomy

The following complications may occur after hemorrhoidectomy:

  • bleeding associated with poor hemostasis or the fact that after electrocoagulation the crust sealing the vessel has fallen off;
  • temporary urinary retention (more common in men who have undergone epidural anesthesia);
  • delayed bowel movement;
  • anal fissure, which occurs as a result of injury to an unhealed wound in the rectum by hard feces;
  • rectal fistula;
  • reduction in the diameter of the anal canal (stricture);
  • recurrence of hemorrhoids (fortunately, this is quite rare);
  • the appearance of a hematoma, an accumulation of blood under the mucous membrane of the anal canal;
  • involuntary release of urine or feces (see anal sphincter incontinence) due to damage to the muscles and ligaments in the anal canal;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • intestinal infection.

Closed hemorrhoidectomy

Closed hemorrhoidectomy can be performed for stage 3 or 4 hemorrhoids in large hemorrhoids.

If during an open hemorrhoidectomy the node is cut off and the wound itself remains open, then during a closed operation all wounds are sutured.

Complications during closed hemorrhoidectomy;

  • feeling of pain after surgery;
  • bleeding;
  • urinary retention;
  • the appearance of an abscess;
  • seam divergence;
  • tissue swelling.

Recovery period after hemorrhoidectomy

It will take approximately 5-6 weeks for a patient to fully recover after an open hemorrhoidectomy, and a little more than 3 weeks after a closed hemorrhoidectomy.

The patient may experience pain for 2-3 days after surgery, so painkillers can be used. To avoid damaging unhealed wounds with hard feces during bowel movements, it is recommended to drink only liquids on the first day.

For the rest of the postoperative period, you should use gentle food: liquid or pureed food, drink more liquid, eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, exclude coarse, spicy, fatty, fried foods.

After reading reviews about hemorrhoidectomy surgery, do not rush to make a decision. The choice of treatment method should be made by your colonoproctologist based on examination and examination.

Ligation of hemorrhoids

Ligation of hemorrhoids is a gentle, minimally invasive technique for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Ligation of hemorrhoids is resorted to when the patient does not benefit from conservative therapy. This is an outpatient treatment for hemorrhoids. The procedure does not require hospitalization.

Latex ligation of hemorrhoids is used for internal hemorrhoids of 2 and 3 degrees. At this stage, the nodes are already clear and formed, they cause the patient a lot of trouble and are accompanied by pain in the anal area, bleeding, burning sensation, and anal itching.

With the help of ligation of hemorrhoids, you can not only get rid of these symptoms, but also eliminate the bleeding hemorrhoid.

The essence of the method

The procedure for ligating hemorrhoids involves inserting an anoscope into the rectal area, grasping the node with a ligator and pulling a latex ring onto the stem of the hemorrhoid. Latex rings are made of lightweight, durable and hypoallergenic material.

The latex ring tightens the leg of the knot, it is deprived of nutrition and dries out. A scar forms in place of the former node. The entire procedure for latex ligation of a hemorrhoid is virtually painless and takes only 5-10 minutes.

Immediately after surgery to remove hemorrhoids, the patient can return home and begin work the next day.

Desarterization of hemorrhoids

Desarterization is a unique method of treating hemorrhoids. With the help of disarterization, you can not only eliminate problem nodes, but also prevent the emergence of new ones.

Desarterization of hemorrhoids allows you to get rid of hemorrhoids once and for all. This most gentle operation is performed in 1 day, on an outpatient basis, during sleep (using sedation), without pain and hospitalization. The manipulation does not disrupt the patient’s usual rhythm of life and does not deprive him of his ability to work.

Colonoproctologist “MedicCity” Rustam Kazimovich Abdullaev talks about all the intricacies of treating hemorrhoids using the method of disarterization of hemorrhoids in the “Doctors” program (TV-Center channel).

The essence of the disarterization method

With the help of disarterization of hemorrhoids, the flow of arterial blood to the hemorrhoid is stopped. The procedure is performed under the control of Doppler ultrasound, with the help of which the surgeon finds the problem node and ties it.

Unlike other types of treatment for hemorrhoids, disarterization of hemorrhoids helps in the treatment of advanced cases, even stage 4 hemorrhoids. The technique of hemorrhoidal disarterization can combine different options:

  • Desarterization using HAL technology;
  • Desarterization using RAR technology.

The ultrasound-guided disarterization technique is one of the most reliable minimally invasive methods for treating hemorrhoids. At the MedikCity clinic, this treatment method is performed using a modern AMI HAL-Doppler II device.

Hemorrhoids of the 2nd degree can be treated only by ligation of the arteries, and hemorrhoids of the 3rd and 4th degrees are a combination of ligation of the arteries and tightening. Using the high-precision HAL Doppler device, rapid disarterization of hemorrhoidal arteries is carried out with minimal risk to the patient's health.

After disarterization, the patient may experience some discomfort in the operated area. This can be helped by taking painkillers. You can see reviews of disarterization and other proctological procedures here.

Sclerosation of hemorrhoids

Sclerotherapy is used to treat small grade 1 and 2 hemorrhoids.

Preparation for surgery to harden hemorrhoids involves careful bowel movements. Otherwise, bowel movement immediately after surgery may cause a decrease in the concentration of the solution and worsen the treatment.

The essence of the method of sclerotherapy of hemorrhoids

The method of sclerosing hemorrhoids is based on the introduction of a sclerosing substance into the lumen of the hemorrhoid, due to which the vascular wall is destroyed, and the vein or hemorrhoid is sclerosed (glued together).

The advantages of this operation for hemorrhoids include the simplicity and accessibility of the intervention, the almost complete absence of contraindications, the rapid effect and the duration of the result.

It is not advisable to do sclerotherapy for hemorrhoids with large nodes, if there is an anal fissure, or inflammation of the intestines (for example, proctitis).

Coagulation of hemorrhoids

This minimally invasive and fairly simple method of treating hemorrhoids represents an alternative to classic surgery to remove hemorrhoids.

When coagulating hemorrhoids, an energy flow impacts the problem area, causing the veins and hemorrhoids to burn, which leads to atrophy of the node. Depending on the type of energy used to process the hemorrhoidal node to be removed, a distinction is made between laser, infrared and electrocoagulation.

Benefits of coagulation of hemorrhoids

  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • short duration of the therapeutic effect (the procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes);
  • instant effect (the next day you can return to your usual routine and go to work);
  • no blood loss.


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Clinic for the treatment of hemorrhoids in Moscow

The multidisciplinary clinic "MedicCity" employs highly professional coloproctologists who can offer you various methods of treating hemorrhoids.

After reading reviews about the treatment of hemorrhoids and reviews about surgery to remove hemorrhoids, you can form your own opinion about the procedure. Our clinic performs various operations to treat hemorrhoids, including desarterization. Prices for proctological manipulations are average for the capital.

You can see prices for surgery to remove hemorrhoids here.


The main reason for the development of internal forms of hemorrhoids is a violation of the inflow and outflow of blood in the cavernous (cavernous) bodies. In a healthy person, these corpuscles fill with blood when the intestines are filled with feces, which causes them to increase and makes it easier to control the urge to defecate. After successful bowel movement, blood flows out and the cavernous bodies shrink.

If the regulation of outflow is disrupted and the cavernous bodies are constantly in an increased size, then over time this leads to varicose veins and thinning of the venous vessels. The main causes of blood outflow disorders traditionally include the following factors:

  • lifting weights;
  • low physical activity;
  • chronic constipation or acute diarrhea;
  • venous or oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • significant excess weight.
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