Is it possible to apply ice to hemorrhoids? Risks you didn't know about!

The problem of hemorrhoids has been repeatedly touched upon in medical articles. For interested readers, the main and secondary causes and symptoms of this disease, as well as the treatment methods used, both conservative and surgical, were listed in detail.

At the same time, although general information is also important for understanding the nature of the disease under discussion and the approaches to its clinical therapy, patients often want answers from the proctologist to more specific questions regarding the recommended lifestyle, the advisability of following a diet, prognosis for cure, etc. In order not to Leaving aside nothing that may concern patients suffering from this delicate ailment, detailed answers to the eight most frequently asked questions about anal hemorrhoids will be given below.

Is it true that hemorrhoids are a lifelong diagnosis?

No it is not true. Hemorrhoids are indeed regarded by medicine as a recurrent disease, but this statement also has its own nuances.

In particular, sometimes the expansion of hemorrhoidal veins is caused not by external factors (weight lifting), but by internal problems with the venous system. Weakness and thinning of veins throughout the body can lead to a number of diseases, the list of which includes hemorrhoids. Completing a full course of vascular therapy will help solve this problem.

Therapeutic procedures using low temperatures

Superficial effects: compresses, lotions and baths

Treatment of hemorrhoids with ice involves the use of a variety of therapeutic methods. The easiest way to implement superficial effects is compresses and lotions. In addition, they are completely safe and have minimal side effects.

The compress is made according to the following scheme:

  1. Wrap the ice cube in gauze folded in two or three layers.
  2. Apply the resulting compress to the anus, as close as possible to the inflamed hemorrhoidal node.
  3. During the first procedures, the exposure time should not exceed 10–15 seconds. Over time, the duration can be increased to 60–90 seconds.
  4. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at least 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is up to one and a half months.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with ice at home involves a systematic approach: even after the unpleasant symptoms are eliminated and the hemorrhoids disappear, the procedures must be continued. This way we will ensure stable remission and prevent relapses - at least in the coming months.

The healing power of ice has been known for a very long time

Instead of compresses with ice cubes, you can use gauze soaked in ice water. This effect is less intense, so you need to keep the lotion for 1 to 3 minutes.

In principle, you can do without gauze. In this case, the affected area of ​​the body is treated with ice, which is obtained by freezing infusions of medicinal plants:

  1. Pour boiling water over oak bark, yarrow or chamomile herb and leave to steep for at least a day.
  2. Pour the cooled infusion into ice cube trays and freeze.
  3. At least twice a day after hygiene procedures, we wipe the perianal area with frozen medicinal infusion.

Advice! It is also advisable to repeat the procedure after bowel movements, after washing yourself.

Cold treatment for hemorrhoids does not necessarily involve the use of ice. If you do not tolerate low temperatures well, ice for hemorrhoids can be replaced with baths with cool (and then cold) water.

Baths also help fight external hemorrhoids. But it is best to use them if hemorrhoids have formed inside the rectum: in this case, cold water penetrating inside effectively relieves spasms and eliminates swelling.

When treating hemorrhoids with ice, it is possible to achieve rejection of the affected tissue without surgery and the complete disappearance of hemorrhoids

Preparing a bath is very simple:

  1. We take a shallow basin and install it so that we can sit in it without significant discomfort.
  2. Fill the basin with cold water. For the first procedures, the optimal temperature is about 35 °C, then it can be reduced by 1-2 degrees every day.
  3. We sit in the basin, spreading our buttocks with our hands so that water gets into the anus.
  4. For the first time, the bath should be taken no longer than 5 minutes, increasing the procedure time to 15 minutes over time.
  5. Once you get used to it, you can add ice little by little to the water, and hemorrhoids will go away faster.

As with compresses, instead of plain water, you can use infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants. The complex effect of medicinal raw materials and low temperature promotes a speedy recovery.

Deep effects: ice candles

Compared to using compresses and taking baths, treating hemorrhoids with ice suppositories is a rather radical procedure. On the other hand, for internal hemorrhoids, such suppositories are indispensable: low-temperature exposure inside the rectum is more effective, and therefore hemorrhoids disappear much faster than with external treatment.

Treatment with ice rectal suppositories has proven itself well.

Ice suppositories for hemorrhoids should be about 1 cm in diameter and 5–6 cm in length. It is difficult to find a suitable mold for making them (souvenir molds in the form of machine gun cartridges are more or less suitable), so candles are usually frozen using homemade devices.

You need to do this:

  1. We take purified water or a chilled infusion of burnet, oak bark, chamomile, etc.
  2. We roll cones of the size we need from wax paper or thick cardboard. We fix the cones with rubber bands.
  3. Fill the molds with water or infusion and place in the freezer for 6–8 hours.

Instead of ice cube trays or cardboard cones, you can use a surgical glove. We pour liquid into her fingers, and then tie each finger tightly at the base so that water or infusion does not leak out.

Exposure to cold in the treatment of the disease is indicated at the initial stage of internal nodes

Ice suppositories are used for hemorrhoids according to the following scheme:

  1. It is advisable to place a suppository after bowel movement - natural or with the help of an enema.
  2. Carefully remove the candle from the mold. It is easier to separate cardboard or paper by placing the mold in warm water for a few seconds, and using a rubber glove you simply cut it carefully.
  3. Before use, carefully inspect the ice candle - there should be no chips or protrusions on its surface that could damage the skin or mucous membranes.
  4. We lie on our side, bend one leg at the knee, bringing it to the chest. We insert the candle into the anus, controlling the depth.
  5. Unlike medical suppositories, you do not need to hold the suppository until it completely melts. The duration of the first procedures should not exceed 25–30 seconds. Then, as you adapt, the exposure time can be increased.

If you use ice suppositories correctly for hemorrhoids, reviews indicate fairly rapid relief of the condition. Low temperatures relieve the unpleasant symptoms of internal hemorrhoids and reduce tissue sensitivity. If candles made from herbal infusions are used, the effect is enhanced due to the influence of biologically active components of plant nature.

Instead of regular ice suppositories for hemorrhoids, you can use special devices. An example of such a device is “Krinus”:

  • the device is equipped with a conical applicator, which facilitates cold treatment of both internal and external hemorrhoids;
  • inside the applicator there is not water, but a special liquid suitable for repeated freezing and thawing;
  • “Crinus” for hemorrhoids is used simply: an applicator with frozen liquid is applied to the problem area for low-temperature effects.

Important! After each use, the surface of the plastic housing must be thoroughly washed.

What is the most effective method of surgical treatment of hemorrhoids?

This is the wrong way to pose the question because at different stages of the disease different methods of radical therapy are used.

In particular, sclerotherapy is most effective for primary hemorrhoids that are detected in the early stages. Laser vaporization is more applicable for chronic, unadvanced forms of the disease. And the removal of hemorrhoids through hemorrhoidectomy, including the radio wave method using the Surgitron apparatus, is indicated for external prolapse of the nodes in the later stages.

Urologist-andrologist, urologist of the highest category Nizamutdinov Vadim Munirovich

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General information

Hemorrhoids are a disease in which increased blood flow causes hemorrhoids to enlarge. As a result, hemorrhoids enlarge and cause discomfort to the person.

The first stages of the disease may go unnoticed, because symptoms during this period are smoothed out. A person does not attach importance to a slight itching sensation in the anus; burning and slight pain may also seem like a minor problem.

The nature of the course of hemorrhoids can be acute or chronic.

Consistency and gradualism are the main indicators of symptoms in chronic hemorrhoids. From minor ailments, the disease progresses to significant manifestations. Undulating behavior (alternating exacerbation and attenuation) is also characteristic of a chronic disease.

The best treatment for hemorrhoids depends on determining the stage, extent of the disease, number and size of the nodes.

Causes of exacerbation of hemorrhoids

The disease can worsen for a number of reasons:

  1. Failure to follow the doctor’s recommendations on nutrition (excluding fatty, spicy, smoked foods, etc.), due to which intestinal motility worsens, leading to constipation.
  2. Heavy physical activity. Lifting weights and excessive stress in sports lead to stagnation of blood in the pelvic area and poor circulation.
  3. Staying in one position for a long time (sitting or standing). In this case, the cavernous formations fill with blood and the hemorrhoids become inflamed.
  4. Periodic constipation. Solid feces, passing through the rectum to the anus, injure dilated venous vessels, causing bleeding.
  5. Pregnancy and childbirth. As a result of increased load on the pelvis (fetal pressure, increased blood pressure during labor), hemorrhoidal formations increase in size and come out.
  6. An unfavorable emotional environment (constant stress, anxiety, nervous breakdowns) changes a person’s hormonal levels, adversely affecting intestinal motility.

Knowing the real cause, it is easier for proctologists to carry out treatment for exacerbation of hemorrhoids. Come to our center and competent, highly qualified specialists will help you.


The characteristic signs of the disease in its acute form become simply unbearable for a person. The pain is especially severe, depriving the patient of the opportunity to lead a normal life. It is difficult for him to empty his bowels, he simply cannot stand or sit, cough or sneeze.

Unbearable pain syndrome forces a person to consult a doctor.

Other characteristic signs of exacerbation of hemorrhoids:

  • inflammation, swelling of hemorrhoids;
  • feeling of burning, tingling, discomfort in the anus;
  • bleeding during bowel movements;
  • sensation of a foreign formation in the rectum;
  • fever, increased sweating, general weakness.

Treatment measures

What treatment methods exist for exacerbation of hemorrhoids? First of all, it is necessary to relieve pronounced symptoms - eliminate pain, reduce swelling of cavernous formations.

Our center has the most modern techniques to help cope with the problem (infrared photocoagulation, laser vaporization, latex doping, etc.) Only a proctologist will prescribe an effective course for the best treatment of hemorrhoids.

After consulting a specialist, you can make special baths at home, use suppositories, ointments, etc.


Despite all the advantages, this method of treating hemorrhoidal cones, such as cold, has a number of contraindications.

The use of ice is prohibited when:

  • oncological diseases of any stage. The stress that the body experiences during sudden exposure to cold can provoke further accelerated development of a cancerous tumor;
  • lesions of the central nervous system and epilepsy. Sudden changes in temperature have a negative effect on a patient with such diseases;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart;
  • infectious diseases;
  • colds and various inflammations of the genitourinary system;
  • skin rashes.

This method should not be used by those who have increased sensitivity to cold. In addition, hemorrhoids and ice are absolutely incompatible for thrombosis of hemorrhoids.

Benefits of cryotherapy

Cryodestruction - elimination of hemorrhoids by cold exposure to nitrogen. During treatment, the rectal veins are compressed, which reduces the flow of plasma to the hemorrhoids. The technique is also used to treat patients who experience frequent blood loss from cones.

Cryotherapy is a safe treatment for hemorrhoids. Among the advantages of cryodestruction the following are noted:


  • painless session;
  • no blood loss during the operation;
  • with a small proportion of contraindications;
  • without the need for hospitalization;
  • the patient does not need specialized preparation for the treatment session.

With cold treatment, the cones die off on the third day after the minimally invasive method. After 7 days, proctologists note complete rejection of the nodes, and after 30 days the scar formations heal.

What is the effectiveness of the procedure

Hemorrhoids periodically worsen and manifest as complications, so timely treatment of this disease is necessary. The clinical picture of hemorrhoids is caused by venous expansion, leading to the formation of painful hemorrhoid lumps.


Cold treatment can prevent:

  • itching sensation with burning sensation;
  • painful bowel movements;
  • blood loss;
  • inflammatory processes.

Hemorrhoidal disease today occurs in more than half of the population, the reason for this is a predisposition to varicose veins and a sedentary lifestyle, which in most cases is an integral part of office workers. Timely therapy will prevent the formation of blood clots and prolapse of nodes, which are often eliminated only surgically.

Tips for getting rid of hemorrhoids are based on timely detection of the disease and adequate treatment at the initial stage of the disease. Ice can relieve disturbing symptoms and prevent further development of the inflammatory process; only a doctor can prescribe effective therapy to get rid of the disease. Before using cold therapy, it is important to consult with your treating proctologist.

When is ice indicated for hemorrhoidal disease?

Venous dilation of the rectal organ is recommended to be treated with cold at an early stage of the disease. Ice procedures are administered in combination with drug therapy prescribed by a proctologist. In this case, ice slows down the further development of hemorrhoidal disease and eliminates painful and unpleasant symptoms.

Of course, the third and fourth stages of hemorrhoids cannot be cured with ice. Cold in this case is used to alleviate the condition and eliminate symptoms. Ice for stage 2 hemorrhoids is used as a therapeutic and symptomatic remedy to prevent vascular spasm of the large intestine and prevent further development of pathology.

Ice for hemorrhoids inflamed during pregnancy is allowed to be used after medical approval. In general, pregnant women cannot be treated uncontrollably not only for hemorrhoids, but also for other diseases, even using safe folk methods.

Prevention measures

Applying ice to the inflamed area is not recommended. First you need to prepare the skin for contact with low temperatures, otherwise this may negatively affect the health of the vascular wall. Due to the fact that it is weakened by the inflammatory process, a rupture may occur, and, consequently, copious bleeding. Therefore, it is important to adapt the skin to the cold. To do this, you can moisten a tampon in cold water and insert it into the anus. Before using candles, it is best to use cold baths or compresses.

There is no need to force yourself and endure if unpleasant sensations arise from time to time during the cold procedure. In any case, you can replace ice suppositories with diagnosed hemorrhoids with baths and the like. If any procedures involving ice cause severe discomfort, you should consult your doctor. It must be remembered that cold intolerance is also a contraindication.

During cooling procedures, it is necessary to carefully monitor your health, because cold affects the human immune system, it slowly weakens. It is best to maintain immunity through moderate physical activity, eating vitamins and timely treatment of diseases.

Strong physical exercise not only helps support the immune system, but also prevents the development of hemorrhoids

Treatment with ice candles

How to make ice candles? Roll the thick paper into a cone shape. Pour clean water into it, you can use infusions of chamomile, mint, linden and other herbs, and carefully place it vertically in the freezer so that the liquid freezes.

You can cut circles in cardboard, place it on a box and insert paper with cold water into the holes. Soon it will harden and ice candles will form.

How to quickly get rid of paper after removing it from the freezer? Dip the ice cubes into boiling water for 3 seconds and the paper will come off easily. Insert the candle into the anus with the sharp tip forward (do not get hurt) and lie with it for 30 seconds. Or a little more.

The treatment course with ice suppositories lasts 21 days.

It's enough. The treatment course lasts 21 days. Be sure to use a candle every day, but you can use two: in the morning and in the evening.

Some people use cut off fingers from a rubber glove instead of paper. Fill them with cold water and freeze candles of this size. But they are not suitable for everyone.

Too large ones can strain the mucous membrane and scratch during insertion. Unfortunately, microbes can get into the wound and inflammation will begin, therefore, it is preferable to use paper cone candles.

Treatment with cooling procedures and ice

A wide variety of methods are used to treat a delicate disease: with the help of surgical instruments, traditional medicine. The latter includes the official language of cryotherapy - a way to cure hemorrhoids with ice, or more precisely, with cold. The method has been known for centuries, used by our ancestors.

You can use ice for hemorrhoids at home or in a hospital under the supervision of doctors. It is recommended to undergo prophylactic cryotherapy for representatives of “sedentary” professions or those exposed to low temperatures.

Cold treatment came from the Caucasus Mountains. Due to the cold weather and poor nutrition (solid, too spicy food), the highlanders often fell ill with an “unpleasant” disease. To relieve symptoms, they came up with a way to combat it with cold water.

Is it possible to use ice for hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

While expecting a baby, women avoid medications and resort to traditional medicine. Compresses and lotions made from herbs, potato suppositories and medicinal herbs will help alleviate the condition of the expectant mother and protect her from classical therapy and surgery.

Attention! Treatment of hemorrhoids with ice during pregnancy is strictly prohibited

Local freezing in a woman entails dangerous complications:

  1. Cystitis.
  2. Inflammation of the renal pelvis.
  3. Endometritis.

The above diseases require treatment with antibacterial drugs and can harm the health of the expectant mother and baby. A strong temperature change can lead to vascular spasm, causing oxygen starvation of the fetus or premature placental abruption. This increases the risk of early miscarriage, the development of intrauterine pathologies in the child and premature birth.

Medicines in the form of ointments will help reduce swelling and inflammation, reduce pain and itching. They have a local effect and are not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, and do not have a detrimental effect on either the expectant mother or the baby. All drugs have nuances of prescription, so only a proctologist can prescribe adequate treatment.

Rules for treating hemorrhoids with cold

To achieve the best therapeutic effect from cold therapy, it is recommended:

  • carry out daily walks in the fresh air, do yoga, therapeutic exercises;
  • observe drinking regime;
  • avoid excessive psycho-emotional stress;
  • direct efforts to prevent hemorrhoids and eliminate inflammatory reactions;
  • in case of high sensitivity, ice compresses are applied every other day;
  • cryoprocedures can be used along with diet therapy: exclude smoked foods, hot and spicy foods, simple carbohydrates, and alcohol.
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